Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 554: powerful reader

Since Li Xuan changed the way he handled the infantry camp, the students in the infantry camp no longer completed basic cultural education and were sent directly to the Guozijian or the martial arts school, but continued to study in the infantry camp.

There are 12 grades of academic courses arranged by Li Xuan for the young army camp. Although the highest one is only the sixth grader, he actually even has the twelfth grade, which is equivalent to the textbooks for the third year of high school in later generations. written.

Of course, limited to his own richness, these textbooks are incomplete and even difficult to connect from top to bottom. Li Xuan only knows a lot of things.

But this is also no way, can only be used in the future.

At the same time, because besides Li Xuan himself, there is no second qualified teacher at all, so Li Xuan can only teach students in the fifth grade and above in person.

As for the students in the lower grades, the fifth and sixth grades were taught on their behalf. Otherwise, Li Xuan would not have so much time.

In the case of a serious shortage of teachers, the self-learning ability of the students in the infantry camp is also very demanding, and they cannot learn at all without a certain understanding.

And such a person, whether in ancient times or modern times, can be called the title of a genius, and the number is definitely not large.

Just relying on the orphans in the young army camp, it is impossible to tap more talents from it, even if the current young army camp has expanded several times in size compared to a few months ago.

Today, there are more than 800 infantry camps in Zhaoqing. In addition, there are branches in Liuzhou and Wuzhou, Guangxi. There are more than 200 people in Liuzhou and 200 in Wuzhou.

The students of these young military camps are all orphans.

But to be honest, the number of orphans is not infinite, and with the absence of wars in the control zone, the number of orphans will drop significantly.

So Li Xuan wondered if it was time to recruit students on a wider scale to the whole society. He didn't believe it. There were millions of people in the control area, so he couldn't select enough talents.

In the early years, Li Xuan set up the young army camp for a very simple purpose, just to set up an orphanage in the version of the Tang Dynasty, but later, Li Xuan wanted to train the young army camp as a corps of young officers, but now, Li Xuan's idea is different. is changed.

He believes that the current training mode of the young army camp is correct. Some of those who cannot keep up with their learning ability can be trained as officials and officers, while the very few who have strong learning ability continue to cultivate and strive to cultivate a group of scientists. We have to train a group of qualified teachers.

However, in the current situation where most students need to learn by themselves with textbooks, very few people can stand out, and Li Xuan can't say that he spends a lot of time to teach himself.

The only solution is to expand the source of students and find more geniuses with strong self-learning ability.

If there are not enough orphans, then recruit the children of ordinary people!

Li Xuan is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and he is the emperor Ma who led the army to create the current situation of the Tang Dynasty. Naturally, no one will make irresponsible remarks about what he wants to do.

Following a few simple instructions, the Junior Barracks was restructured. The Liuzhou Branch and Wuzhou Branch were only responsible for teaching courses below the third grade, and they were changed to the Junior Barracks Liuzhou Elementary Branch and Wuzhou Elementary Branch. More than a dozen fourth-grade students who have completed their third-grade studies will all be transferred to the Zhaoqing General Camp.

The Zhaoqing General Camp of the Young Army Camp has the same regulations. This restructuring is actually sending the senior students of the fourth grade and above from the two sub-battalions to Zhaoqing to study, so that they can have better teachers, otherwise, they will stay in They don't even have a teacher in the branch camp.

The internal restructuring of the young army camp is actually not big, and it has no relationship with the outside world at all.

The real big change is that Li Xuan is expected to set up a total of six juvenile academies in Liping, Liuzhou, Wuzhou, Zhaoqing and other major prefectures outside the juvenile barracks. Teenagers from ordinary people under the age of 12 are admitted to the hospital for study. The main courses follow the system in the infantry barracks, and the schooling system is from grade one to grade three.

And it is stipulated that if you are admitted to the academy, all tuition fees are free, room and board are included, and in the future, you can directly be promoted to Guozijian or Wuxuetang to study.

At the same time, a college of higher education was established in Zhaoqing Prefecture, and the educational system was from grade four to grade twelve.

In fact, this set of models is all imitated by the young army camp, and even the teachers scheduled in it are senior students in the young army camp.

And this, to a certain extent, can also be seen as another major test that Li Xuan made in the education system.

Of course, in order to avoid the backlash from traditional scholars, Li Xuan used the pretext that the emperor cares about the common people, suffering from the fact that the children of common people have no way to study, so he established the Juvenile Academy.

However, the scholars who are concerned about the Tang Dynasty are now staring at this year's autumn test. How can they have time to pay attention to the young army camp and the youth academy that they have never even heard of.

Since the first success of recruiting scholars, especially after these new scholars have become officials, scholars in Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong and other places can still sit there.

What is reading for? Isn't it just to be an official?

Being an official in the Zhu family is also an official, and serving as an official in the Li family is also an official, and looking at the momentum of the Tang Dynasty now, it is estimated that it will not die for a while, and there is a great possibility that one party will be separated or even become an official. Kill the Ming Dynasty and unify the world, so many people think that the opportunity they have been waiting for for many years has finally come.

The time for Enke's ascension in the spring was too tight, they didn't catch up, but this time the autumn test was able to catch up.

This time, the autumn examination was conducted according to the official imperial examination process. Although the time was limited, it was also to leave some preparation time for those students, so the start of the examination was arranged in July, but the follow-up examinations The time is relatively tight. Basically, the first-level examination is held every month. The county examination starts in July, the prefectural examination in August, and then the hospital examination in September.

Then, in November, there will be a township examination.

Waiting for the spring of next year, the general examination and the palace examination will be held.

Just like when he first ascended to Enke, scholars at all levels in the former Ming Dynasty, such as Xiucai and Juren, can directly take the corresponding exams.

Although the situation is special, the first county examination was in July, but it is now April, and there is not much time left for the students.

The Tang Dynasty opened a department and recruited scholars. Although the eight-legged essays are still very important, policy theory, arithmetic, and miscellaneous studies are also very important. These students naturally have to study accordingly in order to strive for better grades.

Nowadays, the examination papers for the first time in the Tang Dynasty to open the examination papers have been made public, and even the examination papers and teaching materials of the Guozijian have been made public. Now there are smart businessmen on the market who have urgently carved and printed related books, such as The answer paper of the Enke Middle School Exam, and the relevant internal teaching materials of the Guozijian.

These can already be found in bookstores in big cities.

It has to be said that the adaptability of the people is very strong, and this is the same whether it is the poor commoners or the self-proclaimed elite landlords and gentry. They are all human beings, born of their parents, and no one is stronger than the other.

The difference is that they have different requirements for adaptation!

In this era, the concept of modern state and nation has not yet been formed, and the world is still domineering, so for ordinary people in this era, as long as they can live and work in peace and contentment, well, or to put it more bluntly, they can have food to eat , barely survive, then they don't care much about the changes in the outside world.

The Li family is the emperor, the Zhu family is the emperor, and changes in the world are none of their business!

As for the gentry, landlords and businessmen, although the requirements are a little higher, the essence is actually the same. If they are to become officials and make a fortune, do they have to make the Zhu family the emperor and not the Li family?

The key is whether the Datang Dynasty can bring them benefits, and another important point is whether the Datang Dynasty can hold on.

If the Tang Dynasty fell to the Ming Dynasty in a few moments, then everyone would naturally avoid him, but now it seems that the situation is very good.

Therefore, many scholars who think they have found a way out are all sharpening their fists, preparing to do a great job in the autumn test, to win a new dynasty, and then go to the conference next year.

This spring, many ignorant and incompetent people have earned a Jinshi, and these elite scholars will certainly be able to earn one!

From this point of view, these Confucian scholars are actually more adaptable than ordinary people, and they can find a lot of theories to prove that they are right. Ashamed.

The good response from the outside world also made Li Xuan quite satisfied. It was not until he won Zhaoqing and entered Guangdong that he really felt that the Tang Dynasty under his leadership had finally gradually transformed from a bandit and a thief to an official one. the regime.

Even if it is just a separatist regime with one side, it is still a dynasty, and he is also an emperor after all!

It's just that if you want to be the emperor of it is not enough to rely on previous victories, there must be more and bigger victories.

Especially in Xingquan Mansion, if there is a big defeat, it will probably cause a chain reaction, and the current big situation may be lost.

"How's the situation at Xingquan Mansion? Is there any news?" After finishing his daily affairs, Li Xuan called Zeng Ziwen over to inquire about the military situation.

Zeng Ziwen said, "Report to Your Majesty, Xingquan Mansion is safe and sound for the time being. General Fang came to report the day before yesterday, saying that he is actively resting and replenishing his troops, and is expected to re-launch the attack in mid-April!"

"The operation of the Fourth Army is also relatively smooth. At present, all the divisions have got rid of the entanglement of the Ming Army in Guilin, and are advancing towards Jingzhou, Huguang. It is expected to officially enter Jingzhou, Huguang in mid-April. The main force of the Fourth Army is heading north. After that, the task of encircling and suppressing the Ming Army in Guilin will be transferred to the 6th Infantry Regiment and other units!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly after listening, and at the same time secretly said in his heart: It seems that the siege of Xingquan Mansion will continue for a while, and I don't know if Wang Danxu can continue to hold on. If it is over before the reinforcements arrive, then But it's so bad!

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