Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 555: Welcome to Da Ming Wang Shi

In Xingquan Mansion, Wang Danxu looked at the report in his hand with a sad face and did not speak for a long time.

Although he said that he didn't know big characters before, he has been reading and recognizing characters hard for more than a year. Naturally, he couldn't write this article, and he didn't even recognize many words, but he could still understand simple text reports. .

The content of this report is very simple. It is a report on the reserves of materials in the city.

The above said that the food was not enough for the entire city's population for ten days, and other armaments were still sufficient, especially the consumable materials such as ammunition and bows and arrows, because when the large evacuation was carried out, in order to ensure the protection of the defenders in the eastern part of Guizhou. For the supply of ammunition, there are still small-scale ammunition and bow and arrow workshops in the city. Although the source of raw materials has been cut off after the siege, they can only rely on the original raw materials for production, but this is enough for the defenders in the city.

After all, the guns and weapons in the city are no longer full. There are no more than 500 muskets, and only one 800-pound heavy artillery, more than ten 150-pound battalion cannons, and Bailai captured from the Ming army. Jin's bowl mouth gun.

Although the workshops in the city have been shut down, they still have enough ammunition and arrows.

As for the cold weapons, with the transportation team leader of the Ming Army there, the Tang Dynasty never lacked cold weapons. It was nothing more than that the armor in the cold weapons was less, and the quality of the swords was just a little worse, but it was okay to use it reluctantly.

The key now is not the shortage of weapons and ammunition, but the shortage of food.

As early as a few days ago, Wang Danxu had ordered the concentration of food in the whole city and distributed by the military, but the food collected was not much.

This is not because the big households refused to hand over the grain. Under the pressure of the military, those big households did not have the courage to hide a large amount of grain, of course, and a large amount of grain could not be hidden. The city is so big, but people There must be some rations hidden for private use in private.

It is not easy for the military to force it too much. These big households keep their rations, but the excess must be sold to the military.

However, even so, there is not much food collected. The city has been besieged for two months, and the food in the city is also fixed. The big households will not hoard a large amount of food for no reason, and many people are selling it privately at high prices in the early stage. A batch of food was taken, but now there is not much food left.

Putting away the report in his hand, Wang Danxu looked up at the group of officers below, and said, "Now that the food and grass can be used for less than ten days, what strategies do you guys have!"

At this moment, a captain next to him said: "Captain, why don't we just break out of the siege. Now we still have 4,000 soldiers who can fight, and the ammunition is sufficient, enough for us to break out of the siege!"

But just after these words fell, a major next to him retorted: "Breaking through the encirclement is not in the hands of the puppet thieves. They have ambushed heavy troops outside the city, and now less than half of our 4,000 people are regular troops. The combat strength is acceptable, but the combat effectiveness of the garrison army is a little worse. If it is a breakout operation, it has to rely heavily on the combat strength of the 4th Infantry Regiment. It takes 2,000 people to fight 40,000 or 50,000 people. This is not a breakthrough, it is suicide. !"

"Yes, breaking through the siege is not feasible, let's not mention whether we can successfully kill it, but our military can break through the siege, but as for the more than 10,000 people in the city, most of them are loyal people who think like me in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, how could the Fake Ming Bandit Army let them go?"

Xingquan Mansion City used to be the temporary capital of the Tang Dynasty, but major changes have taken place. Most of the diehard elements in the city have been cleaned up or restrained from relocating, and the rest are people who cooperated. People close to the Tang Dynasty stayed here. In the eyes of the Ming Dynasty, these people were all rebellious.

At the beginning of the Ming army's siege of the city, it was said that if the defenders surrendered, it would be easy to say, but if they refused to surrender, they would not stay until the city was broken.

Don't think that the Ming army dare not do this, they really dare, and they have done it in Zhengtai County!

Zhengtai County is the land of Longxing of the Datang Dynasty, and most of the high-level officials of the Datang Dynasty are Zhengtai people. After the Ming Dynasty was defeated, it was natural to kill them. The more than 1,000 defenders and more than 3,000 people who were entrenched in the Houhou City were slaughtered and no one survived.

Fortunately, before the Ming army came to attack, the defenders had already carried out a large-scale evacuation from Zhengtai County. A large number of people who were close to Tang were arranged to evacuate to Liping House through various mountain roads. They even retreated to Liuzhou Mansion.

Originally, Xingquan Mansion also carried out a large-scale retreat, but the population of Xingquan Mansion was larger, and the early retreat was craftsmen, officials and family members, but half of the retreat, the Ming army was killed.

Fortunately, most of the craftsmen have been evacuated before, otherwise, several arsenals such as Liuzhou Arsenal may not be able to start production!

However, even these people who stayed in the city could not give up easily unless they had to!

Of course, the main reason for this group of officers to say that they cannot retreat is naturally not because the ordinary people in the city cannot give up unless they have to. The army successfully broke through.

But wanting to break through and being able to break through are two different things!

"If you don't break through, will it be possible to stay in the city and wait to die?" At this time, someone said: "The reinforcements are late, and our army's food is almost exhausted. If we wait like this, we don't know how many people will starve to death. Woolen cloth!"

"Why didn't the reinforcements come? The commander-in-chief has already led his troops to play. Although the first rescue operation failed, as long as the friendly forces of the Second Army are given some rest and replenishment, they will definitely be able to open up the rescue channel!"

"Besides, wasn't there news a while ago that the Fourth Army in Guilin has already started heading north, and when the Fourth Army arrives, are you still afraid of these fake thieves in front of you?"

"If the Fourth Army goes north, the puppet thieves in the city can still besiege the city so comfortably, and they have already withdrawn their troops. From this, it can be seen that it is still too early for the Fourth Army to go north!"

Listening to the group of people under him arguing and arguing, Wang Danxu was also upset!

He wanted to break out of the siege, and he had already done so. As early as a month ago, he tried to command the troops to break through the siege, but the vanguard troops had just left the city when they were intercepted by the absolute superiority of the Ming army. Back with success.

Originally, I wanted to wait for a few days to rest before trying to find a way to break through, but there will be more and more Ming troops there!

When the headquarters of the Second Army came to rescue, because the communication channel was cut off, the defenders in the city did not know that the Second Army was launching an attack. Also rushed out.

But the problem is that he doesn't know, because Xingquan Mansion City was surrounded by the Ming army, and the Ming army didn't even play the strategy of encircling it, but directly surrounded it on all sides.

In this case, even dispatching fast horses to break through the siege requires careful planning and careful planning. Even so, there is a great possibility of being intercepted by the troops of the Ming army.

Wang Danxu didn't know that when the last time to clear the siege, Fang Xitong sent an envoy to Xingquanfu City to try to get the defenders to cooperate in the battle, but the envoy was intercepted by the Ming army before entering the city, and it was not successful at all. After sending the news, Wang Danxu did not get the information that the Second Army Headquarters had come to rescue and failed until a few days later, and this was also learned from the letter of persuasion sent by the Ming Army to shoot arrows.

The first breakout operation failed, and when the Second Army Headquarters came to rescue, they failed to cooperate with the counterattack.

As for continuing to break out of the encirclement, Wang Danxu is very clear that this possibility is not very big. It is rare that such a group of remnant soldiers under his hand wants to break through the encirclement and leave alone. It is not an ordinary big thing. With these 4,000 remnants, there are only two of them. The regular army of less than a thousand wants to rush out. You are an idiot when you are 40,000 or 50,000 Ming troops outside the city!

Therefore, after thinking hard, I can only continue to passively wait. On the one hand, I ordered to save food as much as possible, and I can't supply enough food to the whole city as before. The food supply must ensure the front-line combat troops as much as possible. Food rations, and this guarantee is also very different from the past. In the past, the regular army was fed three meals a day, but now, even the soldiers of the regular army can only eat two meals a day, and one of them is porridge.

In addition, the young and strong people who can help defend the city can also eat a little dry food. As for the others, sorry, they can only eat a little porridge every day, barely maintaining a state of starvation.

There is no way, there is only so much food, if everyone eats with an open belly, they will not be able to insist on the arrival of reinforcements.

The ghosts know when the reinforcements will arrive, maybe three or five days, maybe ten days and a half a month, or maybe a month later. As for if they don't come after a month, then don't come, because no matter how much food is saved , it is impossible for these grains to last a month later.

At that time, the soldiers and civilians in the city will definitely starve to death, and even if they do not starve to death, I am afraid they will surrender.

Don't overestimate the loyalty of the kings and soldiers of the Tang For the middle and senior officers and civilians, it is impossible to surrender, because the Ming Dynasty cannot let them go The rebels, not to mention these middle and senior officers, actually many of them were descended from the Ming army.

At the beginning, the Datang Wangshi captured so many Ming troops, and there were many middle and low-level officers of the Ming army who surrendered to the Tang Dynasty.

But the refusal of middle and senior generals and civilian officials to surrender does not mean that ordinary soldiers refuse to surrender!

Now the situation can barely be maintained. Although there is not enough food, there is still food to eat. When the food is completely exhausted, it is estimated that the whole army will collapse. At that time, the soldiers will dare to kill Wang Danxu in order to survive and then open it. The city gate welcomes Da Ming Wang Shi!

So now Wang Danxu is praying, whether it is the reinforcements of the Second Army Headquarters or the Fourth Army, it is best to arrive within half a month, at the latest within 20 days at the latest, otherwise, the situation will deteriorate. To the point where he was completely out of control.

And where are the reinforcements that Wang Shanxu has been waiting for, especially the Fourth Army of the Fresh Army?

They are in Jingzhou, to be precise, they have just entered Jingzhou!

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