Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 690: The enemy must be rescued

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Zhang Yue doesn't want to stick to Nanchang, it's not that he is arrogant, but he is forced to helpless, why?

Because if you only defend the city, Nanchang will have no problem. If an army of 80,000 people is placed here, the pseudo-Tang bandit army wants to bite down, and at least 70,000 or 80,000 troops will have to be transferred.

But Nanchang was saved, and Fuzhou was definitely going to end. There were only less than 30,000 troops there, and only 2,000 were frontier troops. The rest were local recruits and guards, young and strong. Even Ji'an, which has gathered a lot of troops, can be conquered in a short time, and it is even more impossible to defend Fuzhou.

And once Fuzhou is conquered, it is possible for the pseudo-Tang thieves to bypass Nanchang and enter Panyang Lake directly, or enter the southern Zhili boundary from the east of Panyang Lake.

Who can guarantee that the pseudo-Tang bandit army will foolishly come to Nanchang City to fight a tough battle. If they have feet, they will walk. They will bypass Nanchang and enter Nanzhili directly.

Once the pseudo-Tang bandit army entered Nanzhili, he could hardly imagine the scene!

He doesn't know if the world is shaken or not, but Emperor Zhengde and the cabinet bosses must hate him to death, and then it is possible to resign from office, raid the family, annihilate the family, um, provided that Zhang Yue is stupid and doesn't resist!

If he resists, in fact, the court can't take him now!

But if it is not a last resort, he is still willing to let the pseudo-Tang thief army conquer Fuzhou and then enter Nanzhili, so he must find out where the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army is, and then directly lead the army to intercept it!

There were 4,000 cavalry, superintendents, and frontier troops, with a total strength of more than 80,000. This field battle was barely able to fight. Even if it was impossible to win a big victory, but only a tie, then Zhang Yue thought it was enough.

But this premise is that he must know where the main force of the pseudo-Tang bandit army is, and also need to know how much the total force of the pseudo-Tang bandit army is.

If the pirate army of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty exceeds 50,000 people, then don't expect to take the initiative to attack, how long it can be defended, and at the same time prepare to defend in Jiujiang and Anqing!

In order to find the location and exact number of the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army, Zhang Yue also made a lot of money and directly used a large number of cavalry to go out to investigate!

And these elite cavalry from the frontier army did not live up to his trust. Three days later, the scout reported that a large number of fake Tang thieves were found in the Xiaojiangkou area to the east of Fengcheng. The preliminary judgment is not less than 20,000 soldiers and horses, and there was a fierce battle with the peripheral cavalry of the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

It didn't take long for the cavalry to report again. It was already the headquarters of the pseudo-Tang bandit army that had identified the direction of Xiaojiangkou. The accurate force was between 25,000 people, including a large number of artillery and baggage.

In other directions, although some pseudo-Tang thieves were also found, the scale of one thousand or two or three thousand people!

At this point, Zhang Yue was already certain that this fake Tang bandit army was their main force!

Because based on the current investigation report, the total strength of the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army found is around 25,000. Of course, there may also be Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army that has not been discovered, but the number should not be too many.

The total strength of the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army should be between 35,000 and 40,000 people. This figure is comparable to his estimated figure.

Zhang Yue judged the total strength of the pseudo-Tang thieves army north, not by how many people were found, but estimated from the total strength of the pseudo-Tang dynasty. But he could guess that the total force of the pseudo-Tang bandit army would not exceed 150,000, and the force that could be used in the Jiangxi direction would be about 50,000.

Because on other fronts, the pseudo-Tang thief army also needs to leave a large number of troops to defend!

This is the same as the total force under his command is several hundred thousand, but he can only concentrate 80,000 troops in Nanchang and 30,000 troops in Fuzhou, because in Huguang and other places, he has to leave a large number of troops.

If all the troops were concentrated in Jiangxi, Huguang would still need it, Fujian would still need it, and Sichuan would still need it!

What is the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army stationed east of Fengcheng?

Are you going to continue east into Fuzhou? Or are you ready to turn to Nanchang?

This question guessed by Zhang Yue is also the question that Li Chunjing is currently thinking about!

Zhang Yue's judgment was not much wrong. Li Chunjing indeed brought the main force of the Second Army to the east of Fengcheng!

His plan at first was very simple, first cut off the land traffic of Fuzhou and Nanchang, and then choose the opportunity to eat the reinforcements of these two cities, and then attack Nanchang!

In fact, Zhang Yue did not guess Li Chunjing's strategy right!

The strategic goal of the Second Army led by Li Chunjing was not to go to Nanzhili. In fact, the strategic goal was to capture Nanchang. Even if Nanchang was a tough one, the Second Army had to gnaw it down.

Because only by winning Nanchang, can the Ganjiang River be connected to Panyang Lake, and then the waterway of the Yangtze River!

The direction of the Datang Army's advance, because of the huge consumption of ammunition and other supplies, it is now difficult to leave the waterway for a large-scale advance. Zhang Yue did not know this. He saw this situation, but he Never thought that the Datang Army's reliance on water transportation was so great!

Because Zhang Yue has already built guns and new troops, but in fact the Ming army is still unimaginable: in a battle, tens of thousands of artillery shells are fired!

It is even more difficult to understand how difficult it is to get the supplies of the Datang Army!

Because the Ming army has been in defensive operations for the past two years, although supply lines also exist, they can basically be ignored!

At present, most of the ordnance manufacturing of the Ming Army in the south is made on site. The Ming Army in Huguang is mainly produced on a large scale in Wuchang Mansion, and the supply is quite smooth.

Therefore, Nanzhili can not go, but Nanchang must be won!

But when Li Chunjing found out that the Ming army in Nanchang had rapidly increased to 80,000 to 90,000 people in a short period of time, and even claimed to be a 100,000-strong army. Back off!

Although he fought aggressively, it didn't mean he was stupid!

If you take the Second Army to nibble on the present Nanchang, it is very likely that you will meet with a bloodbath!

But Nanchang doesn't work if you don't fight!

So after two full days of consideration, Li Chunjing decided to see if he could lead the snake out of the hole, go to Fuzhou first, and see if he could attract part of the Ming army from Nanchang, and then round up some reinforcements to weaken the forces in Nanchang. garrison.

But he never thought that he had just brought the army east to Fuzhou. After Zhang Yue in Nanchang heard the news, he immediately frowned. out!

Fuzhou cannot be lost. If Fuzhou is lost, even if he defends Nanchang, Nanzhili will also face the front of the pseudo-Tang thief army.

Since the pseudo-Tang thief army went to Fuzhou, then he would lead his army out of the city and prepare to attack the defenders in Fuzhou. The main force of the Tang thief army, but also forced to retreat than the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army, so as to protect the safety of Fuzhou.

At this time, a large number of reconnaissance cavalry from both sides were dispatched together, and the movements of the two sides could not even be kept secret. The Ming army in Nanchang City had just left the city, and Li Chunjing learned the news.

"All the 100,000 thieves of the pseudo-ming Dynasty have left the city?" After Li Chunjing heard the news, he couldn't help frowning, this Zhang Yue is doing this again!

He knew that when Hao Bainian led the first army to attack Changsha in July, Zhang Yue had sent out all the defenders in Hengyang, and finally forced Hao Bainian to return without success, so as to avoid falling into a siege.

Now, is he doing this again?

"What do we do now? Are we still going to Fuzhou?" Wang Danxu also saw that the situation was not very good, and he looked worried when he spoke.

Li Chunjing did not answer his words, but said: "Bring the map!"

After the map was brought, Li Chunjing marked the map with the signs of the two armies.

At the same time, he was still asking the staff around him: "When the Ming army of Nanchang left the city, how many routes did it divide into?"

The staff officer replied: "The enemy army is not divided, there are only a few forward and rear troops, and both the forward and the rear are all cavalry troops, and the infantry of the brigade is marching together!"

"These Ming troops have learned to be smart. They know that dividing troops is a big taboo!" When Li Chunjing said this, he remembered when Hao Bainian fought in Huguang before. At that time, those Ming armies attacked from different places and were finally killed by Hao Bainian. A separate defeat.

Now, Zhang Yue is no longer divided, and 80,000 people are here in a group!

After watching the battle map for a long time, Li Chunjing said, "The fourth mixed regiment is ordered to return to Fangfeng City!"

"What about us?" Wang Danxu continued to ask.

"Let's continue to Fuzhou!"

"Still going to Fuzhou? Even if Fuzhou is conquered, it will not have much positive impact on our army's strategy!"

Li Chunjing said: "Although taking Fuzhou is of little use to our army, as soon as we entered Fuzhou, Zhang Yue's army was exhausted. He has already told this officer that Fuzhou is very important to them, and the art of war is clear: If you attack it, you will save it!"

"What if our army is caught in a situation of being attacked from the front and back? Zhang Yue's army is 80,000 people. If we kill them from the back when we attack the city, I'm afraid..."

Li Chunjing said again: "Who said that this official is going to fight Fuzhou!"

At this time, Wang Danxu also pondered, went to Fuzhou instead of hitting Fuzhou, and then looked at the map on the table, after a long time he seemed to think of something, and then murmured: "Is it possible to return to the teacher halfway, and then destroy Zhang Yue's office department?"

But after thinking about it, Wang Shanxu shook his head on his own: "Zhang Yue's troops have 100,000 troops, and they come in a group, and there are 4,000 cavalry to assist in the battle. Although our army is strong in field combat, we can fight against the enemy with 25,000 troops. 100,000, the outcome is still unpredictable, even if we win, the casualties will be huge!"

At this time, he turned his eyes to Fengcheng, and then showed a sudden realization: "Is it possible that your goal is Nanchang?"

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