Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 691: Li Chunjing's 'Little Adventure'

Li Chun, who was on the side, nodded: "Didn't Zhang Yue want to attack the main force of our army, just right, I will send the fourth mixed regiment to attack Nanchang!"

Wang Shanxu said: "Nanchang City used to have a large number of troops, but now the main force has come out to find the main force of our army. The Ming army left in the city is probably less than 10,000 people, and there should not be many main forces. If our army sends a partial division If you attack Nanchang, you have a great chance of succeeding!"

However, Wang Danxu also showed a trace of concern when he was still there: "But if there is only one fourth mixed regiment, is it a little weaker? Even if the Ming army in Nanchang City is out, there are probably more than 10,000 enemy troops left behind in the city. The fortifications of Nanchang are perfect, and it is even stronger than Luling City!"

"So this officer will send the first heavy artillery battalion to strengthen them as well!" Li Chunjing pointed at Nanchang on the map and said, "According to our information, the main force of the enemy army and the frontier troops have all left Nanchang to chase us. Now, although there may be more than 10,000 Ming troops in the city, they should all be ordinary recruits and guard soldiers, even if there are more than 10,000 soldiers, but this officer believes that the Fourth Mixed Regiment can take it down!"

"If there is a heavy artillery battalion to assist the battle, this battle can be fought!" Wang Danxu also nodded: "It's just that the enemy army still has 4,000 cavalry, we must lead them away, so that the fourth mixed regiment will have a chance to break into Nanchang City. Raid!"

At this moment, Li Chunjing smiled, then looked at Wang Danxu and said, "Yes, and this is up to us!"

Immediately, Li Chunjing drew a long straight line on the map again: "The main force of our army will rush all the way to attack Fuzhou, widening the distance between us and Zhang Yue's troops to more than five days, and make a countermeasure against Fuzhou. The attitude of being determined to win, what will you, Zhang Yue do when you find out?"

"They will definitely march more, and their infantry level can't be improved, then they will choose to send cavalry forward to try to intercept our army!" Wang Shanxu said in a very firm tone: "If they If we don't do this, then our army will be able to raid all the way to Fuzhou, and within five days, it will be enough for us to conquer Fuzhou!"

"Although Fuzhou is of little use to our army, it is very important to the enemy army, and this is our chance!" Li Chunjing said with strong confidence: "As long as the If the main force of the enemy army is attracted from Nanchang City, and the cavalry of the enemy army is also attracted to chase our army, then the fourth mixed regiment will have the opportunity to raid Nanchang!"

"Once Nanchang is captured, our army's strategic situation will be greatly improved. Relying on the Ganjiang River, a large amount of ordnance and ammunition will be able to arrive in Nanchang continuously, and then radiate to the entire Panyang Lake Basin!"

"Even if Zhang Yue's troops wanted to return to the division to counterattack Nanchang, it was too late at that time. The fourth mixed regiment stood in front, and the main force of our army attacked later. If Zhang Yue did not want to be wiped out under the city of Nanchang, he had nothing to do but retreat. Other way!"

Although Li Chunjing is extremely confident, he also knows that this is an adventure, not only the adventure of the fourth mixed regiment, but also the adventure of the main force of the second army!

Once the strength of the Ming army in Nanchang City is unexpected, if the Fourth Mixed Regiment cannot conquer it in time, then when Zhang Yue's main force returns to the defense, it is very likely that the Fourth Mixed Regiment will suffer heavy losses.

At the same time, if the main force of the Second Army is entangled by the cavalry of the Ming army, and finally the main force of the Ming army catches up, the more than 20,000 people of their own will have to face the enemy army of more than 80,000 or even 100,000 troops. At that time, it will be difficult to win or lose. material.

But this kind of concern only flashed in Li Chunjing's mind, and soon he strengthened his determination!

In a war, there is no risk at all, and this risk is controllable. This battle is nothing but a risk.

Li Chunjing thought that what he took was only a little risk, and the risk was controllable, but in fact, he took the entire Second Army to risk, and this kind of risk taking the main force of the entire army, if If it was Hao Bainian, he would never do this.

Hao Bainian's tactical style is far more mature and stable than Li Chunjing. Hao Bainian prefers to play steadily and gradually.

In July, when he attacked Changsha and faced the main force of the Ming army, he chose to take the initiative to retreat, but if it was replaced by Li Chunjing, he would not be able to find an opportunity to fight a decisive battle. negative.

Li Chunjing and Hao Bainian are the first generation of professional generals in the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty. Although they both have outstanding military exploits, their tactical styles are quite different. Li Chunjing's tactical style is mostly aggressive. And Hao Bainian is more stable.

However, it was the difference in the tactical styles of the two people that made Li Xuan choose to let Hao Bainian continue to sit in Huguang and transfer Li Chunjing to Jiangxi to preside over the autumn and winter offensive.

Because after the failure of last year's autumn and winter offensive, this year, after fighting against each other for more than half a year, Li Xuan already felt that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable for the Tang Dynasty.

Although on the surface it seems that the Tang Dynasty is still winning continuously, annihilating a large number of enemies and gaining a large number of territories, but in fact it is gradually consuming the war potential of the Tang Dynasty.

When the Tang Dynasty was in the first year of Xuanping, it only took a mere year to get out of the mountains, and then swept through most of Guizhou and Guangdong and Guangxi, and the action was extremely fast.

However, from the second year of Xuanping to the present, for a full year and a half, although the Datang Dynasty seems to be stronger, it has captured several prefectures and counties in Huguang and Jiangxi, but compared with the sharp offensive in the first year of Xuanping , that's totally not worth mentioning.

In this process, the Ming army went from being crushed at the first touch, losing thousands of miles, to the present defending the city. In Huguang, the Ming army used the two strong cities of Hengyang and Changsha to block the northward offensive of the First Army. In Jiangxi, Ji'an, Fuzhou, and Nanchang were used to block the northward passage of the Second Army.

Dare to have achieved the turning point of the war, but it is a fact that the Ming army has gradually responded and stabilized its position.

What worries Li Xuan even more is that the Ming army also began to build firearms and train new troops on a large scale. The throat made the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty extremely uncomfortable.

If the front line continues to fail to achieve large-scale strategic breakthroughs, Li Xuan can almost foresee the future.

The 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty was trapped in the land of three provinces, unable to have enough population and finance to sustain the high-intensity war, and became weaker and weaker. However, the Ming Dynasty, relying on the wealth and population of its huge ruling area , Continue to build guns and train new troops, maybe the Tang Dynasty will not be in any danger in three or five years, but what about three or five years later?

When the Ming Dynasty has trained hundreds of thousands of new troops, the situation will be worrying!

Therefore, Li Xuan hopes to keep the situation deadlocked, even if he pays a certain price, but he must break the current confrontation. The master of the Tang Dynasty must drink the horses of the Yangtze River, and then burn the war to the south of the Yangtze River, shaking the rule of the Ming Dynasty. foundation!

Based on these considerations, Li Xuancai chose Li Chunjing as the commander of the Second Army, responsible for this year's autumn and winter offensive.

Even if Li Chunjing had crippled the entire Second Army, as long as he entered Jiangnan, Li Xuan would still be able to accept it!

Isn't it just tens of thousands of troops, as long as the Tang Dynasty increases its recruitment efforts, it will take less than three months to pull out a second army again!

Although the loss of ordnance is a pity, it is not insurmountable. Today, the six medium and large arsenals under the Ministry of Industry of the Tang Dynasty are producing a large amount of ordnance and ammunition every month.

As for the issue of military spending, Li Xuan is now ready to rely on the Royal Bank's "silver bill" to solve it.

Therefore, Li Xuan is mentally prepared for the Second Army may suffer certain losses in Jiangxi, or even be severely injured!

Now that Li Chunjing is used, he naturally needs to be prepared for Li Chunjing to ruin the entire Second Army!

Even Li Xuan had already made preparations in advance, instructing the 6th Army Department to increase its recruitment efforts, recruit new recruits in advance, and provide recruits for the subsequent Second Army At the same time, after the Battle of Ji'an, Because the Second Army suffered more than 2,000 casualties, plus the hundreds of casualties lost in other battles, the total strength is already 3,000 casualties, and the Fourth Supplementary Brigade has already sent almost an entire supplementary regiment. On the front line, it is used to supplement the various departments of the Second Army.

However, Li Xuan felt that with Li Chunjing's combat style, the number of casualties would be further increased, so he just gave priority to the supply of recruits from the 4th Supplementary Brigade, while the 5th Supplementary Brigade left behind in Guangdong also sent a supplementary regiment Go to Ganzhou, ready to provide reservists to the Second Army at any time.

Even in order to prevent the annihilation of the Second Army and lead to major changes in the strategic situation, Li Xuan has instructed the 6th Infantry Division to be deployed in Guangdong to prevent the central and northern parts of Guangdong. Nanxiong, an infantry regiment stationed in Dingnan.

The deployment of the entire 6th Infantry Division has changed from the previous Pearl River Delta to the central and northern regions of Guangdong.

The defense of other areas in Guangdong has also changed. First, the second mixed regiment was stationed in Lianzhou, Qiongzhou and other western Guangdong prefectures and counties. Its defense area has been expanded to the entire western region of Guangdong.

Although the defense area of ​​the First Mixed Regiment is still dominated by Chaozhou Prefecture, the defense of some Huizhou Prefecture areas is also included. Almost the entire defense of eastern Guangdong is handed over to the First Mixed Regiment.

The defense of the Pearl River Delta region has been handed over to the Guards and the Fifth Supplementary Brigade.

When Li Xuan went to get it, they went there. When Li Xuan didn't move, they stayed in Zhaoqing's immobile Guards, and now they are starting to send troops out to alleviate the shortage of troops in the 6th Army.



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