Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 745: Guedes' Interview

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! In mid-April of the fourth year of Xuanping, the latest moment of the Datang Dynasty will come to an end. 320 people, 120 doctoral students, a total of 440 people.

From the comparison of the numbers of the two, it can be seen that the Datang Dynasty is gradually increasing the number of doctoral students admitted, from ten at the beginning, to eighty, and then to one hundred and twenty now.

Over time, it is very likely that the number of admissions for the doctoral program will reach the level of the Jinshi program.

At the same time, the level of the elites in this time is far higher than the previous two imperial examinations!

This is because during the first two imperial examinations, the Tang Dynasty was not so powerful, and scholars still had great doubts about whether the Tang Dynasty could survive. Scholars of low-end character, many students who used to be only scholars who came to participate in the imperial examination, can easily obtain a title of Juren, and then participate in the examination.

At the same time, it was also because the disciplines such as arithmetic, physics, and chemistry were just promoted, and the students were new to it at the time, so the level was naturally not as high as that.

Talents selected from such students are naturally not high enough.

But today, two years later, the Datang Dynasty has already proved its own strength by conquering Hengyang, Changsha, Jiujiang and Wuchang. In addition, although the Datang Dynasty has also done a lot of things that violated the interests of the landlords and gentry, for example The gentry, who were deeply resented by the landlord class, paid taxes as a whole, and the system of sharing a piece of money into an mu.

However, although the Datang Dynasty fought against the landlords in these matters, on the other hand, it still welcomed and even appeased the group of scholars, and also set up imperial examinations, which gave scholars hope in the Datang Dynasty.

A hope of continuing to be prosperous and prosperous!

Coupled with the consecutive victories of the Tang Dynasty, many people are skeptical that the Ming Dynasty may not be able to hold out. People come to apply for the examination and participate in the imperial examinations of the Tang Dynasty.

In addition, after more than two years of continuous promotion, science subjects such as physics, chemistry, and arithmetic have become relatively popular. Although the overall level is not high, it is at least much better than the previous two years.

In this case, the level of scholars admitted by Xuanping in four years was much higher than that of the previous two years.

There is also a very interesting phenomenon, that is, a considerable part of the scholars admitted to the Jinshi department or the doctoral department are students in the Imperial College.

A total of more than 200 students from Guozijian participated in the general examination for undergraduates, and more than 180 people were admitted. This ratio is quite high!

After all, the exam questions in the current exam are actually set according to the curriculum of the Guozijian, and the difficulty of the general exam in this subject is actually equivalent to the graduation examination of the Guozijian this year. Basically, as long as you can pass the graduation exam of the Guozijian, then the basic You can also pass the exam.

This also led to the fact that Guozijian has become the cradle of new scholars. Many scholars who have failed the examination want to apply for the Guozijian, and then go to the general examination after one or two years of study.

After the success of the imperial examination this time, more than 400 potential middle and senior officials were added to the Tang Dynasty, but Li Xuan was still dissatisfied with this!

The huge Tang Dynasty needed more officials, and in the Tang Dynasty, not only officials above the county magistrate were officials, but even ordinary staff members had from the ninth rank. The official title also belongs to the officials.

And a large number of officials below the seventh rank, this is the talent gap that the Tang Dynasty officials urgently need to solve.

In the first two years, the shortage of low-level officials was solved by recruiting talents directly, appointing people to officials, and retaining officials from the former Ming Dynasty.

Let’s not talk about the fact that the former Ming officials will stay in office, but it is not ideal to recruit scholars and officials directly, because if they are a little ideal, but also want to join the Tang Dynasty, they will go straight to the test. I don’t want to be named an official directly by virtue of being a scholar or a leader. I think this way of becoming an official is not the right path at all, it will be difficult to get promotion in the future, and after becoming an official, if you have a formal official status, you will no longer be able to do so. Go to the meeting.

In addition, there is also an impact that these people usually start from a very low starting point if they go directly to officials, and the official status obtained in this way cannot even match their original social status.

You must know that in ancient times, a juren had a very high social status and a proper local gentry class. If you asked them to be a junior section member or a junior section chief in a prefecture, they would not be willing to do it.

In the end, Li Xuan, in order to relieve their worries, issued an imperial decree that the scholar who directly entered the office as a scholar or a juror, still retains the right to participate in the imperial examination. As long as he wants, he can participate in the imperial examination at any time.

As for the issue of social status, this is more difficult to deal with. Naturally, it is impossible for these recruits to give too high official positions when they enter. Otherwise, you will let those who have participated in the general examination to be admitted to the Jinshi and Ph.D.

However, Li Xuan ordered it to be announced to the world, whether it is a scholar, a scholar, a jinshi or a doctor, you can hold any official position, as long as you have the ability.

Li Xuan also knows that this is a temporary solution, not the root cause. There is only one way to really solve this kind of trouble, and that is to make the titles of Jinshi and Ph.D. become a kind of academic title, and then set up a large-scale national examination. Class exams, everyone starts from scratch, so that there will be no trouble.

However, the reform of the imperial examination was more troublesome than the reform of education. Now that the Tang Dynasty was at a critical moment in the struggle for hegemony with the Ming Dynasty, Li Xuan was also unwilling to change it casually, which would lead to instability within the Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, there is a premise to establish a system of academic qualifications and a national examination system, that is, to establish a complete set of modernized education systems, at least a few universities should be established!

However, the modern education system of the Tang Dynasty is still in its infancy. Juvenile colleges in various places have just started, and several higher colleges are only illusory. In the case of the juvenile military camp, this institution is too special, and it is not an ordinary school at all. mechanism.

This kind of thing can only come slowly!

After the imperial examinations, Zhaoqing returned to peace. Not only did Zhaoqing return to peace, but in fact most areas, even the front lines, have returned to peace.

After the Tang Dynasty occupied Wuchang and Jiujiang, Zhang Yue's Huguang Ming Army stationed troops on the north bank of the Yangtze River, rebuilt the defense line with Hanyang as the center, and used the powerful navy to directly break into Yuezhou, blocking Dongting Lake and entering the Yangtze River. alleyway.

On Wang Yiqi's side, they gave up Fuzhou and deployed a large number of troops from Hukou to Anqing. At the same time, they dispatched navy to block the entrance of Poyang Lake into and out of the Yangtze River, and built a navy camp on the north bank of the Yangtze River and even on Jiangzhou Island. , and also built a fort, which completely blocked the passage of Poyang Lake into the Yangtze River.

Now, whether it is Zhang Yue or Wang Yiqi, they are directly blocking the Yangtze River with a large number of navy and artillery batteries, trying to restrain the advance of the Datang Army by blocking the Yangtze River!

To this end, Wang Yiqi even dispatched a large number of ships, such as Fuchuan and Guangchuan, which originally belonged to the coastal navy, and directly entered the blocked waterway of the Yangtze River.

In response to this situation, on the one hand, the King Division of the Tang Dynasty bypassed the Yangtze River and directly used the land route as the logistics supply line. At the same time, it also made every effort to build inland naval fleets in Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake, and established the Yangtze River Fleet on the basis of the Xiangjiang Fleet. The Second Squadron of the Yangtze River Fleet was established based on the First Squadron and the Ganjiang Fleet.

When the two squadrons of the Yangtze River Fleet form an army, it will be the day when the Tang Dynasty entered the south of the Yangtze River!

However, when the Ming army navy dispatched a large number of ships to defend the Yangtze River, it also gave the First Fleet of the Datang Navy a chance to conquer Nan'ao Island.

The Datang Navy has long planned to conquer Nan'ao Island, but it is limited to the large number of Ming Army navy on Nan'ao Island, and the Datang Navy's own strength is weak, so the previous few times were feint attacks, mainly to contain Nan'ao Island. of the Ming Army.

But now, after acquiring a number of warships, the Datang Navy is ready to start a new round of naval warfare, completely seize Nan'ao Island, and advance the sea front to Fujian and even the mouth of the Yangtze Although Xuan maintained a supportive attitude towards the naval plan, he did not devote too much attention and resources.

Now his mind is not on the navy, but on the construction of internal affairs and the Jiangnan battle plan.

If you want to capture Jiangnan, you have to go east along the river in one go. To this end, the strength of the Second Army and the First Army must be restored and supplemented, and the troops that have not yet been reorganized must be reorganized during the rainy season.

At the same time, it is also necessary to vigorously support the construction of the Yangtze River Fleet. If the control of the Yangtze River cannot be seized, then it will become very troublesome to enter the south of the Yangtze River.

Naturally, a large number of generals will be in charge of the military's supplementary reorganization plan. All Li Xuan has to do is provide military expenses and equipment, and he basically doesn't need to worry about the rest.

On the contrary, in terms of internal affairs, there are many things that he needs to worry about!

In late April, the messenger of the Fulang machine who had been cold for many months finally gave in and re-written a letter of credentials requesting an audience. This time they did not insist on using the title of emperor, but honestly used the king. this title.

Now that the Folang machine people have given up, Li Xuan also took advantage of the situation to go down the steps, and then ordered them to enter Zhaoqing for an interview. After receiving the news, a group of Folang machine people who had been waiting in Guangzhou for a long time finally got on their own with excitement. At the same time, under the **** of the Datang Navy, the ship began to arrive at Zhaoqing along the Xijiang River.

When they first arrived at the pier outside Zhaoqing City, these blond people seemed to have discovered something extremely frightening, staring at a boat billowing thick smoke on the river, with no sails and no large numbers of oars. , an odd boat with only two big wheels on both sides is heading up the river!

Seeing this scene, Gerdes in the Flange Mission made an unbelievable voice: "My God, what is this, a monster?"

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