Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 746: The first steamship in the world

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Sousa Guedes, a serious Portuguese, is 46 years old this year and is an experienced captain , As a sailor from the bottom, he naturally couldn't be a nobleman, just an ordinary commoner.

When he was a child, he did everything by stealing and kidnapping. At the age of fourteen, he became an honorable pirate and served as the most common sailor on a ship.

In his more than 30 years of maritime career, he plundered ordinary merchant ships in the Mediterranean Sea, robbed Spain's large Galen ships laden with gold and silver in the Atlantic Ocean and the Americas and the Caribbean, and even fought with the British and Spanish navies. shelf!

Eight years ago, he followed others to the Indian Ocean, and then came to Southeast Asia. A few years ago, the first mate finally succeeded in killing the captain who taught him to sail, control ships, and loot other merchant ships, and then he became a Captain of the Mary.

After becoming the captain of the Mary, he changed the old captain's style of only looting, but not doing business. Instead, he used the high speed of his Mary to start a spice business in Southeast Asia. , while looting other maritime merchants, thereby changing from a pirate to a maritime merchant, and by the way, a part-time pirate.

And with captains/sea merchants like him, who have been in the Southeast Asian waters a lot, there are not many pure pirates. These days, when doing business can earn more lovely gold coins, who the **** is willing to fight and kill killed.

But when he encounters other merchant ships with little protection and weak strength, he will also revisit his old business. After all, although doing business can also make money, he can make more money by hand, so why not do it.

Over time, he has become a well-known maritime businessman in the Southeast Asian waters. He even bought a mansion in Malacca, and has a good relationship with the Portuguese colonial officials in Malacca.

This time he was only here to trade in Guangzhou, but before leaving, the Portuguese colonial officials in Malacca hoped that he would **** a special envoy and bring a so-called credentials, and then establish formal diplomatic relations with the Tang Dynasty.

He didn't take it seriously at first, he just took it as an incidental, but what he didn't expect was that after arriving in Guangzhou, the stupid special envoy would say something bad about the Portuguese emperor's special envoy. Being polite to him, he was placed under house arrest directly, and Gerdes was also affected by Chiyu and detained together.

After all, Gerdes and that stupid envoy looked the same to the people of the Tang Dynasty, and they couldn't tell them apart at all. They directly regarded Gerdes as a member of the mission.

A few days ago, this mission finally received a notice that it could go to Zhaoqing to meet the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. For this reason, even if he had been across the sea for decades and had seen the wind and waves for decades, Gerdes could not help but be a little excited. .

This kind of opportunity to meet Hua Tianzi is not something ordinary people can meet!

In the eyes of the Europeans of this era, the ancient Chinese country is full of arrogance, and everything is lofty!

Especially when he first came to Guangzhou, which just opened the port two years ago, Gerdes was stunned by the scale of Guangzhou City, and then blinded by the various goods piled up at the wharf!

Silk and porcelain, which are cheaper than gold in Europe, can be seen everywhere here, and even piled up in a large warehouse. As long as there is money, they can be shipped back to Europe immediately. Once they are successfully shipped back to Europe, then Profits are not doubled, but dozens of times!

Of course, it is not easy to transport it back to Europe smoothly. If you are not careful, the ship will sink and people will die. Otherwise, the silk, porcelain, spices and other Southeast Asian specialties that have been successfully transported back to Europe will also be lost. It won't be so expensive.

Without such a terrifying profit, people would not have to go all out to cross such a long distance and risk their lives to carry out maritime trade.

Everything he saw in Guangzhou made him feel very novel. Later, he learned that the Tang Dynasty allowed them to buy real estate and live in a specific port trade area. Although the price was not cheap, he also bought it. a small house.

Guangzhou Port Trade Zone and Lianzhou Port Trade Zone are areas specially used for maritime trade. Whether it is Chinese or foreign merchants, if they want to engage in maritime trade, they can only do it in the port trade zone.

At the same time, this place also allows foreigners to buy real estate to live and live, as well as to open businesses and so on.

Of course, Li Xuan would not be stupid enough to make this kind of trade area a leasehold. This trade area is a place where all foreigners, including the indigenous people of Nanyang, live together uniformly, and there are also a large number of Chinese businessmen. country of residence.

At the same time, a strict household registration management system is implemented. Foreign businessmen who want to enter the port trade need to obtain a customs entry permit before disembarking the ship, and then they can enter the trade area through the customs, and this is only a temporary customs entry permit That's it, the period is only half a year, and after half a year, you must get out!

If you want to live for a long time, you need to spend a lot of money to buy real estate. After paying a living fee, you can get a temporary residence permit for a period of five years. If you still want to live after five years, you have to pay another living fee.

And after entering this place, they need to abide by all the laws of Datang. If they violate the laws, they will be dealt with in accordance with the laws of Datang. At the same time, they are not allowed to leave the scope of the business zone and enter other parts of Datang.

So this time, Gerdes actually went deep into the land of China for the first time. He was not curious about the scenery along the way, but after arriving in Zhaoqing, the prosperity of Zhaoqing shocked him.

There are many ships, and there are a large number of buildings on the shore, and some of these buildings are still billowing thick smoke, and I don’t know if they are on fire or what, but Guedes guessed that it should not be on fire.

If he can still accept the previous ones, then the strange looking ship he sees now is directly beyond his understanding.

As an old pirate who has been across the sea for decades, I dare not say everything, but he has seen most of the ship types, but he has never seen or even heard of it. There are ships that can not rely on sails. , can walk without relying on oars.

This is not going down the river, but going up against the river!

Weird, not normal!

This is his first feeling!

Not only was he curious, but other people in the mission were also very surprised by this. Some people even kept stroking the scholars on their chests, saying that this is some kind of devil or something!

"Devil, it's impossible, is this the magic of the Orientals?"

"Look, those two wheels are moving. It should be these two wheels that drive the boat forward, but how did the wheels turn?"

"There must be a lot of people on this boat pushing those two wheels!"

"Someone pushed? There is a possibility!"

"Yes, I guess so too!"

"But what's up with that weird noise and smoke?"

"Maybe they're cooking, who knows!"

After feeling weird, they quickly used their brains and thought they had come up with the truth.

But it is absolutely impossible for them to know that although there are many people on the small steamship that is far away from them, no one is pushing the two paddle wheels to rotate.

The truth of the facts is very simple, that is, this ship belongs to the Tang Dynasty, and it is also the first ship in the world powered by a steam engine and driven by a paddle wheel: the C-16.

Since Lin Hui in the young army camp came up with a steam engine a few months ago, Li Xuan has personally formulated a research and development plan for paddle boats on the spot.

The steam engine is existing, and the paddle wheel is not a technical problem. The only problem is the linkage device and the speed change device. After several months, a group of students in the young army camp finally designed a complete set of plans. Then, the machinery subordinated to Zhaoqing Arsenal was delivered to build real objects, and a Navy inland warship C-16 was refitted, and the steam engine was moved to C-16!

Today, this is the third sailing test of this ship, and it is also the last sailing test. Guedes and the others were able to see it, and it was a blessing for three lives.

After being surprised, Geddes and the others began to and were taken by the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs into an independent courtyard, surrounded by soldiers of the Guards, waiting for someone Come over to teach them the etiquette of the audience. Only after they have learned and mastered the etiquette during the audience can they truly meet Li Xuan.

Just when Gerdes and the others began to learn Chinese etiquette, Li Xuan also met several major engineers in the Ministry of Industry and the young army camp, and these engineers were all responsible for the design, construction, and testing of Datang's first ship. The core technical staff of the work.

Among them, Lin Hui, as the person in charge of the steam engine, is also the most important technician among the crowd. At this time, he is saying to Li Xuan: "Your Majesty, the steam engine on the C-16 uses an improved model, size and weight of the last test model. All of them have been reduced a lot, and the power still maintains five horsepower. At the same time, the manufacturing process is more mature and simple, and it can be fully produced on a large scale.

At present, this steam engine has begun to undergo extensive application tests. The tests in factories and mining areas have been successful. This time we hit it on the C-16 and successfully drove the ship to sail! "

At this time, Tang Jincai, a seventh-grade student in the infantry barracks when the ship was designed, also said, "Your Majesty, although there were a lot of small troubles in the experiment of No. 16 this time, it was overall a success. During the voyage, a total of 20 kilometers were sailed, during which the steam engine, transmission, and paddle wheel continued to run stably.

The longest trouble-free time reached one and a half hours, and the maximum speed reached five kilometers per hour!

Although there are still many failures during the sailing process and the speed is slower, as long as continuous improvement, the students believe that these steam ships can truly sail on the sea! "

Hearing these words, Li Xuan smiled: "I have never doubted this!"

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