Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 768: Qin Zhifu running department

Since the Huangzhushan period, when the Datang Ministry of Industry was established and governed ordnance production, the Datang Dynasty Ministry of Industry has never been able to meet the military's demand for various ordnance production.

This is not because the Datang Ministry of Industry does not want to make progress or improve its products. In fact, the Datang Ministry of Industry is the first hard-working department in the Datang Dynasty. Many officials from top to bottom are trying their best to continuously expand production.

From the production of dozens of muskets and a few cannons in the past month, to the production of nearly 2,000 muskets in a month, the Datang Ministry of Industry has made great efforts!

Moreover, as the construction project of the Foshan Iron and Steel Plant under preparation is slowly entering the final stage, after the completion of the iron and steel plant, the steel output of the Datang Dynasty can increase by at least one third in a short period of time, and the steel output of the state-owned factories is expected to increase directly. doubled.

Foshan Iron and Steel Works, this and Foshan Iron Works are two completely different factories. Although the latter is also owned by the Ministry of Industry, its target is civilian production, from iron making to making various agricultural tools and other iron products. Its steel output is relatively limited, but Foshan Iron and Steel Plant, although it is only a word difference, is a large-scale steel plant that uses a large number of modern machinery and new technologies to prepare large-scale ironmaking.

The substantial increase in the production of steel has the most direct impact on effectively alleviating the urgent need for steel in the Tang Dynasty, and at the same time effectively reducing costs.

These are also important factors that affect the output of guns and other ordnance products.

In order to match it, the Ministry of Industry has already expanded the scale of the Foshan Arsenal in the Foshan area, and is preparing to increase the production of firearms, iron artillery and other products that have a very large demand for steel.

By this time next year, Foshan will replace Zhaoqing as the first heavy industrial base of the Tang Dynasty!

However, even though the Ministry of Industry has worked so hard, the Datang military's demand for guns is almost endless.

At present, the output of more than 2,000 muskets a month is still unable to meet the huge demand of the Datang Army!

No way, who made the main force of the Datang Army reorganize, expand the number of musketeers, and at the same time expand the army on a large scale.

Whether it is the main force, those supplementary brigades or even recruit battalions, they all need a lot of muskets, not only the reorganization and expansion of troops need muskets, but the existing troops also need a steady stream of supplemental muskets, because muskets are in combat and training. , it will be damaged, and the proportion of damage is not low.

After a war, there are not a few muskets that need to be replaced and supplemented.

The First Army and Second Army in the autumn and winter offensive last year carried out frequent and high-intensity operations, and a large number of guns were damaged. In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops, the soldiers had enough guns to use. There are more than 6,000 muskets, and these more than 6,000 muskets are specially used for supplementary use.

As for the muskets required for the reorganization of the troops, it has not been counted!

This is because the front-line troops used a large number of muskets captured from the Ming army on the spot. Otherwise, the number of supplements needed to be even greater!

And the production of artillery is even more so, because the military's demand is too great, almost every arsenal in the Ministry of Industry will produce iron five-jin field guns and two-jin shotguns, which also leads to the above-mentioned The output of the two types of artillery actually accounted for more than two-thirds of all the artillery production in the Tang Dynasty.

However, the production is more, but the consumption is more. In the autumn and winter offensive last year, the First Army and the Second Army lost hundreds of artillery pieces of various sizes due to various reasons such as being destroyed and the barrels were scrapped. The loss of five jin field guns is more than twenty, which is enough to equip an artillery battalion.

And these lost guns need to be replenished!

The supplementary guns and guns are not required to be produced by the arsenal of the Datang Ministry of Industry!

The original production task of the Datang Ministry of Industry was extremely heavy. The equipment required for the reorganization plan of the existing main divisions had not yet been produced. Now that one division and two mixed regiments have arrived, the production task is even more severe. .

However, the officials of the Ministry of Industry are also suffering and happy, especially those in charge of the arsenal. As long as the production of the arsenal in charge can be increased, promotion is an easy task.

Moreover, in the Tang Dynasty, together with the Minister of Taxation, they were listed as the two most powerful ministers in the Tang Dynasty.

Because among the more than a dozen ministers in the cabinet, only these two ministers can enter the imperial study room and become the minister on duty in the imperial study room with the title of minister alone.

The other two ministers on duty in the imperial study, namely Liu Bagou and Qian Mengjiu, were the ministers on duty in the imperial study as university scholars and founding heroes. In fact, the title of Minister of the Ministry of the Army cannot enter the imperial study.

The minister on duty in the imperial study has been kept at the scale of seven people for more than a year, namely Zeng Ziwen, Minister of Operations of the Privy Council, Bao Yifen, Minister of Military Command of the Naval Command, two representatives of the Army and Navy, and then the President of the Inspectorate , The cabinet of four ministers.

The above seven people constitute the seven ministers on duty in the imperial study, and there are more than a dozen walking ministers on duty, from the ministers, deputy ministers of the military, ministers, servants, inspectors and other agencies of the cabinet. People are selected, and the rotating ministers on duty are much less powerful and cannot be compared with the ministers on duty, and these people are often exchanged.

Of course, the difficulties of the Ministry of Industry and the power struggle in the imperial study had nothing to do with Qin Zhifu, an anti-Ming fighter. He was awarded a viscount, a brigadier general, and served as the deputy commander of the 7th Infantry Division.

Soon, he was integrated into the life of the big family of the Tang Dynasty. First, he brought his family from Nan'ao Island to Zhaoqing. He didn't need to buy the house himself. Li Xuan directly gave him a mansion, which was not large in scale. But it is located in the residences of many aristocratic officials in the Tang Dynasty.

This made Qin Zhifu extremely satisfied with his vanity. After settling down his family, he also wanted to take office as soon as possible and start his military career in the Datang Army.

However, the first division commander of the 7th Infantry Division, the former chief of staff of the 1st Army, Wang Junjun, gave him an order to temporarily stay in Zhaoqing, and gave Qin Zhifu an incomparably important task, that is, "running" Ministry', for better and faster recruits and guns for the 7th Infantry Division.

Major General Wang Chaohong left Zhaoqing and went to Jiangxi, but he patted Qin Zhifu on the shoulder and said, "Old Qin, this is an important task assigned to you by the division. You must do it well. Our Seventh Infantry Division has more than ten thousand brothers. Whether you can eat and drink spicy food depends on you to deal with it in the back!"

Qin Zhifu was deeply moved by what he heard, and was glad that he had met an enlightened boss.

You don't have to go to Jiangxi, you don't have to fight. To be honest, he had a certain sense of crisis when he was on the front line during his several years as a general soldier on Nan'ao Island. Even though the Datang Army was extremely powerful, the guns and guns on the battlefield were not good. Long-eyed does not specifically avoid high-level generals. In fact, there is no distinction between land and sea in the King Division of the Tang Dynasty. The casualty ratio of middle and senior officers is not low. This is mainly because of the low means of communication these days. They all need to go to the front line and command the troops to fight.

Officers at the level of regiment commanders and battalion commanders were killed or injured, and that happened from time to time.

And stay in Zhaoqing to be prosperous and rich, how wonderful it is!

As for the relationship between the running department, he is good at this, so Qin Zhifu accepted it with a smile.

And for his happy acceptance, Wang Chaohong is also relieved!

What a joke, he fought to the death on the front line, and only then got a position as a division commander. Naturally, he valued the 7th Infantry Division very highly. How could he endure a general like Qin Zhifu anyway, and he didn't even have the ability. , The person who doesn't understand even the line battle will serve as his deputy commander.

Therefore, he specifically asked Li Xuan to complain, and finally got Li Xuan's tacit approval to keep Qin Zhifu in Zhaoqing and Qin Zhifu in Zhaoqing, although a considerable part of the affairs of the 7th Infantry Division will fall. On his shoulders, he made himself work a lot, but Wang Chaohong didn't care about it.

No matter how tired you are, it can be compared to having a pig by your side. If you are injured on the front line or unable to command due to other accidents, this pig will directly take over the command of the entire 7th Infantry Division!

So Qin Zhifu, how far must go!

In this way, it is the joy of both parties, Qin Zhifu can stay in Zhaoqing and enjoy the flowery world, and Wang Chaohong finally kicked aside the deputy division commander who was forced to him.

After receiving the important task of staying in Zhaoqing, he started to visit the ministers and deputy ministers of the Privy Council one after another the next day. In fact, many people didn't like him, but Qin Zhifu couldn't hold back Qin Zhifu's shameless begging to meet again and again~www And after meeting people, Qin Zhifu would not foolishly play bribes and other means, but he now has such a thing as the Han Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty, and the military is regarded as the basic game by Li Xuan, Hantong Eagle Dog is very strictly monitored, and the current generals are basically all rushing to be heroes of the founding of the country, wanting to win a higher title, or even a hereditary title, there will be a little teenage. Lee, he's playing whatever he likes.

It has to be said that Qin Zhifu's means to win over the relationship is really powerful. Under the deliberate flattery, he actually became Zeng Ziwen's guest. It is said that Zeng Ziwen spoke highly of him.

After winning the relationship, it is much easier to grab the ordnance recruits for the 7th Infantry Division. Thanks to his hard lobbying, Wang Chaohong has not arrived in Nanchang to take over his 7th Infantry Division. Qin Zhifu is already Johnson & Johnson Sheng grabbed the quota of 2,000 muskets from other units, and then shipped them to Jiangxi to be assigned to the 7th Infantry Division.

After Wang Chaohong in Jiangxi got the news, he was overjoyed. This Qin Zhifu doesn't seem to have any skills. He was able to win two thousand for his 7th Infantry Division under the mouths of many troops. Quota of muskets.

It seems that I did the right thing by keeping him in Zhaoqing!

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