Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 769: Strategic focus adjustment

(The commander of the 7th Infantry Division in the previous chapter was adjusted to Gu Shizhong, the previous article has been corrected)


Nanchang in midsummer is as hot as other places. Gu Shizhong has been to Nanchang before, but that was also last year. This time, he will inevitably take a few more glances. It turns out that this city is the same as Changsha. It is said to be a big city. Well, there are not many residents in the actual city, and more of them are the army.

The two cities, Changsha and Nanchang, are very similar. They both used to exist as strategic support points for the Ming army, and Nanchang has more ups and downs than Changsha.

Because after the Second Army of the Tang Dynasty conquered Nanchang last year, after the main force of the Second Army moved westward, Nanchang ushered in the siege of 60,000 to 70,000 Ming troops, and fought fiercely with the 6th Infantry Division defending the city.

For this reason, the various fortifications of Nanchang City are quite complete, and the traces of the war are very obvious. The outer walls of the city walls, the battlements and the city gate towers are still tattered and unrepaired.

The long-term war has also resulted in not many residents in this city. Now there are only 30,000 or 40,000 residents in the city, but there are almost 20,000 troops stationed in the city.

Nanchang is now home to the newly established 7th Infantry Division, as well as the newly established 7th Supplementary Brigade, as well as the 3rd Heavy Artillery Battalion that has just arrived in Jiangxi.

Although the above-mentioned troops are not the main force, most of them are recruits, but the number of soldiers is real.

Although people's livelihood has been adjusted somewhat, but now the war is finally over, the people in the city finally don't have to worry about being besieged, and they don't have to worry about shells falling into the city every day.

Some of the people who ran outside the city before also returned to the city one after another, and then looked at the large number of garrisoned troops in the city with all kinds of curious eyes.

Compared with these people who ran outside the city to avoid the war before the war, the Datang Army was actually very unfamiliar. Even though I had heard a lot of rumors about the Datang Army, it was far from the reality that I saw with my own eyes.

However, there is a rumor that is the same as the reality, that is, the Datang Army does not disturb the people!

Of course, there is no complete non-disturbing of the people. It can only be said that the phenomenon of disturbing the people is much less than that of the Ming army, and this is mainly concentrated in the collection of food and goods, and at the same time, the people are recruited to build various city defenses, um , The huge noise made by the army of the Great Tang Emperor's army training every day also made the people quite opinionated.

But compared with the burning, killing and looting of the Ming army, they are far stronger!

Although they were all levies, the Tang Wang Shi was more civilized than the Ming army. At least the Tang Wang Shi still left an IOU, and the Ming army stole it directly. Yellow flower girls are also very common.

And the Master of the Tang Dynasty, at least he won't spoil women!

This alone is to make the public feel good about the Great Tang Wang Shi!

However, this is only limited to ordinary people, and the gentry class has never welcomed the king of the Tang Dynasty, because every time the king of the Tang Dynasty went to a place, he would directly implement the local gentry to pay taxes and spread their money into the mu. , while collecting commercial tax.

These are the things that cost their lives!

However, even if you are dissatisfied, there is nothing you can do. After all, the Tang Dynasty did not only do this in Nanchang, but also did it in the Xingquan Fu era. In the past few years, Guizhou, Guangdong and Guangxi, Huguang, and Jiangxi areas are not without people. There were quite a few landlords and gentry who resisted and even resisted, but without exception, they all ended up being raided and annihilated.

And this kind of thing happened a lot. Without absolute certainty and extraordinary self-confidence, very few landlords and gentry dare to raise the banner of tax resistance!

Anyway, they also know that if they just pay taxes obediently, these pseudo-Tang thieves will not embarrass them, the gentry and landlords. Moreover, the current Datang Dynasty has become a dominant force, occupying the Datang Dynasty in the southern provinces. The dynasty is no longer the case that the imperial court can be wiped out overnight, and whether it can even be wiped out is a different matter.

Now that Nanchang has fallen into the hands of the pseudo-Tang thieves, all they can do is to save their lives, and wait for the useful ones to wait for the Emperor Daming to be able to kill Nanchang again one day!

Therefore, after Wang Shigang of the Tang Dynasty took control of the northern region of Jiangxi, most of the gentry paid various taxes very cooperatively, and there were even some people who took the initiative to file tax returns with the taxation department.

Chen Jingyun, governor of Jiangxi Province, was very pleased with this situation. These gentlemen are so knowledgeable, he should have a better life this year than last year.

These gentlemen have paid a lot of taxes, and although most of them will be turned over to the state treasury, there are still a lot of them left to the local yamen in Jiangxi. With this money, many of his governance plans can be carried out.

Especially because Jiangxi has been one of the main battlefields of the two sides in the past two years, people's livelihood has been greatly persecuted, and it is urgent to organize the people to restore agricultural production, so as to avoid famine.

At the beginning of this year, there was a small-scale famine in southern Jiangxi. Although only a few counties were affected, it caused nearly 100,000 people to be unable to eat.

This incident made Chen Jingyun, who just took office as governor of Jiangxi, devastated. While providing relief to the victims, he also needed to cooperate with the military to suppress and prevent large-scale refugee violence from appearing. After a disaster relief, the whole person lost several kilograms, and I still made two excuses and made two trips to Zhaoqing, in order to meet the Holy Spirit in person, and then ask for money and food relief.

He lost face again, and asked for help from the governors' yamen in Hunan and Guangxi provinces. With the help of various parties, this was the only way to end the famine without large-scale riots.

Relief for this famine also allowed him to get Li Xuan's comment of "diligence".

However, although the famine was over, at that time, the central and northern Jiangxi believed that the long-term confrontation between the two armies had greatly damaged people's livelihood, and it was not easy to restore production. number.

Now the landlords and gentry are more cooperative. After the tax is levied, there will be money and grain in the local area to restore people's livelihood, and then they will take down a few papers on their old faces to complain and try to get some money and grain support from the central government. This year, it will be easier to wait until next year.

When Jiangxi Governor Chen Jingyun was busy with civil affairs, the military generals such as Li Chunjing were also busy rectifying the army!

This summer, many generals of the Datang Army are still very busy, and they will not be more leisurely than during the autumn and winter offensive. The second army in Jiangxi will expand a seventh infantry division, and at the same time, it will also make the sixth infantry division more leisurely. The reorganization has enabled this meritorious troop, which has been in Nanchang for several months, to become a standard-sized troop like the 5th Infantry Division and the 1st Infantry Division.

After the 6th Infantry Division is reorganized and the 7th Infantry Division is also formed, the Second Army will have the huge strength of three infantry divisions, two mixed regiments, and three heavy artillery battalions.

Although the sixth infantry division will enter Fujian and will not be able to participate in the battles in Jiangxi and Nanzhili in the future, but there will also be two infantry divisions and two mixed regiments participating in the battle, which is barely enough.

Compared with the situation of the Second Army, the situation of the First Army is slightly worse, because after the autumn and winter offensive ended the Changsha Battle, the First Army directly transferred a large amount of equipment and some soldiers to supplement it. The Second Army allowed the Second Army to recover a certain amount of combat effectiveness ahead of time to continue fighting, so the Second Army's troops and equipment were seriously lacking.

To put it bluntly, after the end of the Changsha Battle, the Second Army has actually lost its main combat effectiveness.

In the next few months, because the strategic focus of the Army was on the Second Army in the north of Jiangxi, the First Army had less supplements. Up to now, even the First Infantry Division still lacked equipment. Woolen cloth.

This situation also made Hao Bainian deeply uneasy. The current Second Army can be said to be the weakest since last year. It is not necessary to cross the river to attack Hanyang.

But Hao Bainian couldn't do anything about it either. As a lieutenant general of the army, he knew better than others where the strategic focus of the Datang Army was now. There was no doubt that it was South Zhili and even the entire Jiangnan region.

On the Huguang side, after winning Changsha and Wuchang, the Datang Dynasty basically gave up launching a large-scale offensive in this direction, and the overall strategy will shift from offense to defense.

Now for the Tang Dynasty, nothing is more important than winning Jiangnan!

This will not only improve the strength of the Tang Dynasty itself, but also get the soldiers and taxes brought by a large population and fertile land, and it will also be able to cut off the foundation of the Ming Dynasty.

Although Hao Bainian was not in the center, he also guessed the plan of the Privy Council!

In Li Xuan decreed the establishment of the Third Army, under the jurisdiction of the First Mixed Regiment, the Ninth Mixed Regiment, and the Sixth Infantry Division, and the commander was Lieutenant General Wang Chaohong. He made outstanding achievements in the second autumn and winter offensive. As the chief of staff of the First Army, he also served as the commander-in-chief of the vanguard unit, leading the vanguard unit to make great contributions to the complete annihilation of the Ming Army in Hengyang, and then he commanded the unit to fight in the northwest of Hunan, which suffered heavy losses. With more than 20,000 supervising and training troops, Zhang Yue's troops were completely driven out of the area south of the Yangtze River.

After the autumn and winter offensive, this person was promoted to lieutenant general of the army because of his outstanding military exploits and his seniority, and was then transferred back to Zhaoqing. Although he did not hold an actual position for two months, this person was After three days and two attacks, he was received by His Majesty.

Therefore, no one thinks that he is in power, or that he is the master of high power, but everyone knows that this person will be reused.

Sure enough, after Li Xuan decreed the establishment of the Third Army, Lieutenant General Wang Chaohong served as the first commander of the army with an absolute advantage.

With the establishment of the Third Army, the troops of various ministries near Fujian have frequently changed their defenses. From this, it can be seen that the Tang Dynasty's offensive against Fujian is about to be launched.

In this situation, Yu Dayou, who is in Fuzhou, feels even more profound!

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