Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 806: The holy car arrives at Jinling City

The holy drive of the Eternal Sage has arrived in Jiangnan, and when it will be able to reach Jinling in a short time, the entire Jiangnan is a sensation.

Although it has long been known that the Datang Dynasty will officially move the capital after the year, Li Xuan will lead the core officials of the Datang Dynasty to Jinling City, but when this day is about to come, it still caused a sensation.

The Datang Chaobao published an article in the latest issue of the Chaobao, titled 'His Majesty the Emperor is about to arrive at Jinling City that belongs to him! ’, and made an official report on Li Xuan’s imminent arrival in Jinling City.

Of course, the Tang Dynasty has never been a pure news media, but an official propaganda tool. Guiding public opinion is always its most important job, so behind this piece of news, there is a lot of talk about the Tang Dynasty moving its capital to Jinling. Afterwards, the positive meaning for the entire Tang Dynasty will play an irresistible role in promoting the stability and prosperity of the Jiangnan region.

And Jiang's move to Jinling is said to be an incomparably great, even greater than the sun, the eternal sage Li Xuan made another incomparably correct, and is of great significance, enough for the future thousands of years or even 10,000 years. A feat of significant positive impact!

Of course, the official report of this article has more compliments and discussions of various influences, but it will never reveal half of Li Xuan's specific itinerary and details of the team.

This is the most important secret!

After all, although Jiangnan is now under the control of Datang, the puppet army is staying in Jiangbei, and the Datang Navy has not completely controlled the middle section of the Yangtze River.

Strictly speaking, in the middle section of the Yangtze River from Hukou to Yangzhou, most of the waters and time are still under the control of the Ming army navy.

The Ming army really wanted to make up their minds, and with the determination to send the army to wipe out the entire army, it was not impossible to send troops to cross the river and then attack the holy car.

Although Li Xuan was accompanied by the Guards, after entering Jiangxi, he was also escorted by the troops dispatched by the First Army and the Second Army. Unless the Ming army sent 50,000 to 60,000 elite troops, otherwise, Li Xuan could not be hurt. Xuan cents.

But one more thing is always better than one less thing, so Li Xuan's itinerary and the way forward are absolutely confidential.

After entering the Chizhou area in the south of the Yangtze River, along the Yangtze River, the Fifth Infantry Division of the Second Army will **** the eastward march, ready to intercept any Ming army who dares to cross the river.

Li Xuan himself, as well as a large number of important officials and members of the royal family, were guarded by the Guards and moved eastward in an area dozens of kilometers away from the Yangtze River in order to widen the distance. Although the overall route is still east, there are more Still advancing in the hinterland of Jiangnan.

This is of course to avoid any surprises!

After entering Jiangnan, the terrain was flat, and the military's logistics department had already prepared various supplies along the way in advance, so the advance of the guards was relatively fast.

Even if it is for security reasons, there are reservations when marching, but it is expected that they will reach Jinling City within 20 days.

The holy car is about to arrive in Jinling City, and the atmosphere inside and outside Jinling City is a little different.

Qian Mengjiu personally sat in Jinling City and launched a second round of in-depth clean-up operations in the city and nearby suburban areas.

Part of this clean-up operation was an in-depth clean-up of the city appearance. Qian Mengjiu had to let Li Xuan see Jinling City clean and tidy when he entered the city.

However, this clean-up operation is more aimed at people.

In December, that is, the month of the previous year, in fact, the cooperation between the military and the government of the Tang Dynasty had already cleaned up the city, and the main target was to crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities, especially those with gangs, Gangs of underworld nature are the key targets.

This part of the work has been very effective. Accumulated, Datang has arrested more than 3,000 criminals of all kinds, most of whom are members of violent gangs.

The second clean-up operation after the year is about the hidden potential threat. The main crowd is all kinds of people who are dissatisfied with the Tang Dynasty and the Holy Monarch Li Xuan.

Of course, many of them were just dissatisfied, and they only made a few complaints, but did not take extreme actions. The law enforcement departments of the Datang Dynasty were not good at directly killing people to arrest people.

However, as Jinling City is the capital of Datang, these unstable factors are not allowed to exist, so Qian Mengjiu also dealt with this group of people separately. First of all, the circumstances are more serious, for example, they do not cooperate with the official actions of Datang. , those of the Tang Dynasty and His Majesty the Holy Monarch who were scolded in public, the first offenders of these people were directly arrested.

For some minor cases, in the name of immigrants, they were forcibly relocated to Guangdong, Guangxi, Yungui and other regions, which was considered a semi-forcible exile.

Then, finally rectify and clean up all the potential unstable factors, to ensure that after the holy car arrives in Jinling City, the people in Jinling City are only those who loyally support Datang, and even if they do not support it, they do not oppose Datang.

How far are those people who oppose Datang!

If it weren't for the fear of causing too much trouble, the Tang Dynasty would have followed the example of when they were in Xingquan Mansion and Zhaoqing City, and killed them directly.

It's a pity that the current Datang Dynasty is already a big business, and many times it is necessary to be scruples and influences. Large-scale raiding and extermination of families is not good, so in the past year, the Datang Dynasty has actually been playing less like this. , gradually normalized.

Not just for dissidents, but also for some tax crimes and so on.

Too severe punishment is necessary for a certain period of time, but it may have the opposite effect in certain periods.

When the Jinling City was making the final preparations, Li Xuan continued to walk slowly with the guards, and sometimes even took Dong Yunyun and a few children to see the scenery along the way.

After all, their identities are too special, and their identities are also special. This time, I can look everywhere on the road, but after I arrive at Jinling City, I am afraid that I will not be able to leave the palace for a long time, let alone play outside. .

So taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Xuan also played the role of a good husband, taking Dong Yunyun and other concubines to play around, and at the same time playing the role of a good father, playing with the older Princess Weier every day.

As for the two sons, they can't walk yet, and they don't know what to see when they are too young.

And the second daughter, who was born at the end of last year, now sleeps and breastfeeds every day, so naturally she will take it out to see the scenery.

Therefore, the eldest Princess Wei Er is lying on her father's back every day, or is held by Li Xuan, or simply sits on Li Xuan's shoulder, and then looks around, often exclaiming.

Occasionally, I don't forget to grab Li Xuan's hair!

Although the little girl was small, her voice could only be blurred and milky, but when she pulled her hair with her small hands, she was still very strong. Whenever this time, Li Xuan would show a grinning bitter smile.

And whenever this time, Dong Yunyun will smile when she sees it!

Anyone can see that Li Xuan loves this eldest daughter, or in other words, Li Xuan loves her four children, and Dong Yunyun, a mother, sees Li Xuan's love for Princess Wei'er so much. Follow with joy.

Although Li Xuan said that he doesn't have much affection for the concubines in the harem, so many concubines that he can't even name them, but he loves his children very much.

The two sons and two daughters enjoy treatment that others absolutely do not have. This treatment is not material treatment, but Li Xuan's feelings!

Because in Li Xuan's view, his children are his relatives, the ones who give him a sense of belonging to this era.

Others, even Dong Yunyun, among the daughters of the harem, could not make Li Xuan treat her as a relative.

Even Empress Dowager Bai is the same. Although Empress Dowager Bai is selfless to Li Xuan, Li Xuan often regards Empress Dowager Bai as a collaborator. Of course, Empress Dowager Bai herself does not know this. of.

In the final analysis, it is because Li Xuan is not a person of this era, so he is unlikely to have any actual strong feelings for other people except his daughter.

He didn't jump out of a rock, he also has a father and a mother!

Too bad they are not in this era!

After you let him come to this era, he immediately forgot his parents, turned around and regarded a strange woman as his mother. To be honest, his heart has not been strong enough, or he has not been shameless to such a degree. !

And people always need some emotional sustenance, and now, Li Xuan's emotional sustenance can only be brought to him by his four children.

Therefore, outsiders will see that Li Xuan's love for a few little guys is almost In this world, people who can ride on Li Xuan's neck to **** and pee, also Only Princess Wei Er and her younger siblings.

Slowly heading eastward, after passing through Chizhou Mansion, they entered Ningguo Mansion, and then officially entered Chengtian Mansion (formerly Yingtian Mansion). The scale is even larger.

Two days later, the holy car finally arrived outside Jinling City. Qian Mengjiu led a large number of officials and gentry in the city to greet him!

After seeing Qian Mengjiu, Li Xuan said, "Qian Aiqing has worked hard these days!"

Qian Mengjiu naturally did not dare to entrust him, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, this minister is not hardworking, and being able to stand in front of Your Majesty is a blessing for the minister!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly, but didn't say much. Now the holy car has arrived outside the city, and the follow-up will be a huge incomparable city entrance ceremony.

After all, he is here, naturally he will not walk into Jinling City casually, but will hold a huge and incomparable city entry ceremony to announce to the world that Jinling City has welcomed a new owner! (https://)

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