Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 807: grand entrance ceremony

And this time, Li Xuan, like when he entered Liuzhou and Zhaoqing, once again rejected the ministers' suggestion and would not take the dragon sedan chair carried by Thirty-Six to enter the city!

He's going to ride into town!

And it's still in uniform!

Some people can guess why Li Xuan did this. He just wanted the world to declare that he was an emperor on horseback who conquered this city and the entire Jiangnan.

Although Li Xuan was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty, his throne was inherited, but almost no one would think that the Tang Dynasty was also inherited by Li Xuan.

Although this emperor was inherited from his dead ghost father, but this world was conquered by himself.

And now, Li Xuan is nothing more than to use such behavior to further promote himself.

Along with the ministers entering the city, the military generals will also all ride into the city on their own, while the civilian officials also ride horses, but some of them are not good at equestrianism. In order to avoid accidents, there will be grooms leading the horses forward.

However, there were not many important officials who could follow Li Xuan on horseback. There were only thirty or so of them. The civil officials were all at the level of Shangshu, and the military generals were all major generals and above. All of them were the core class of the Tang Dynasty.

In addition to these people, there is a very core group of people, that is, the five hundred elite cavalry of the Guards Cavalry Battalion, who will accompany Li Xuan into the city, not only serving as a guard of honor, but also as a escort.

Before entering the city, the entire Jinling City had already declared martial law, and the city near the road where the holy car passed was completely blocked. The soldiers were directly guarded by human walls at a distance of several meters. Searched one by one, then closed.

Only ordinary people who have undergone detailed scrutiny can enter a specific section of the main street to watch the ceremony. They are not allowed to carry any prohibited items, and metal products are not allowed to be carried, and the number of people is limited to 3,000.

In front of the audience, there were two Guards infantry battalions in a standard line to stand in line to prevent a terrorist from appearing in the audience.

Nearby urban areas were completely blocked, and all residents were driven away first, and those who did not leave after the deadline were all arrested and severely interrogated.

After the holy drive, these people are allowed to go home and shop.

This may seem a bit excessive, but you have to know that this time Li Xuan went straight on horseback in order to pretend, and the streets are relatively narrow these days, and there are a few archers in ambush on both sides of the street. Or the musketeer, that would turn Li Xuan into a hornet's nest.

Although he had to pretend, Li Xuan didn't want to die, so the security work at the city entry ceremony was naturally the top priority.

After all, this Jiangnan is the base camp of civil servants and gentry, and Jinling City is the base camp of the base camp. Even if Qian Mengjiu has been rectifying in Jinling City for several months, no one dares to say whether there will be hidden Ming Dynasty in the city. The spies of the army, the disgruntled remnants of the former Ming Dynasty, were about to commit an assassination or something at the city entrance ceremony.

Li Xuan didn't want to stage a scene of fighting with his own hands, subduing or killing assassins. That would not be called heroism, but an extremely stupid behavior.

Even he didn't want to see assassins appear and then fight or something.

In this city entry ceremony, there is no room for the slightest accident!

Because what Li Xuan wants is a perfect performance, the Tang Dynasty needs this performance, and Li Xuan also needs it!

Political propaganda became more and more important when the Tang Dynasty became larger and larger and it became more and more likely to unify China.

On the fifth day of the third lunar month, the holy car officially entered the city. The order of entering the city had already been established. The first to enter the city were several square formations of the Guards in black military uniforms, including several infantry squares and an artillery square. array.

Of the nearly 10,000 troops of the Guards, except for part of them to serve as security personnel, the rest will be part of the city entrance ceremony.

Countless soldiers dressed in black, carrying muskets, spears, and wearing full body, half body or breastplate, entered the city. This appearance alone is enough to blind everyone's eyes.

Then came the artillery phalanx of the Guards. This time, the Guards pulled out the artillery of the entire artillery regiment. There were fifty-four field guns, including eighteen nine-jin field guns. These When the heavy artillery passed through the street, it was enough to shock countless people.

Many people know that the guns and guns of the Great Tang King are sharp, but it is actually the first time for many people to see dozens of heavy guns at such a close distance.

Even if it is a lot of people inside the Tang Dynasty, although many people have seen these heavy artillery, they also know from the paper data that they have a lot of artillery, but they see the scene of dozens of field artillery passing slowly in line. was shocked.

This city entry ceremony was actually turned into a military parade by Li Xuan.

The troops that entered the city first were not only the Guards, but also representatives of the army and navy!

The Army directly dispatched the Fifth Infantry Division, the most outstanding unit in the Second Army, and sent an infantry regiment to form a phalanx to participate.

Even the navy, which can only swim in water, was ingenious this time. A navy phalanx of hundreds of people was formed. A navy blue uniform of the same color as the army uniform was almost invisible to outsiders. It was the navy, but The navy made a large-scale model of a cruiser directly, carried it forward directly, and then brought a naval artillery phalanx behind the phalanx!

Yes, the navy transported those 14-jin naval guns and several 24-jin heavy artillery to Jinling City with great pains, just to show their faces at the city entrance ceremony.

Sure enough, when outsiders saw the naval artillery phalanx of the Navy, many people exclaimed, "Oh my god, this cannon is so big!"

The field artillery phalanx of the previous army made them amazed, but now the naval heavy artillery appeared on the scene, and it immediately stole the limelight of the army artillery.

Although it is said that the scale of the army is larger than that of the navy, in fact, the number of artillery pieces in the Datang Navy is already more than that of the army.

In the naval battle of Nan'ao Island, the naval fleet used more than 300 anti-ship artillery at one time!

As for the Army, all the field artillery and howitzers of the Second Army and the Third Army can be compared with the number of artillery of the mobile fleet at that time.

Now, the Navy has more and more warships, and the number of these artillery pieces is also increasing. Although there is still some distance from the thousand-gun artillery plan planned by the Navy itself, it is estimated that it will be achieved within a few years.

The Navy's artillery is not only large in number, but also many are large-caliber artillery. In the Navy, five-jin artillery is only small-caliber artillery, and nine-jin artillery can only be regarded as medium-caliber, not even the main naval artillery.

Today, the main naval gun of the navy is the 14-jin artillery, and in the future larger-caliber naval guns, such as 18-jin, 24-jin, and 48-jin artillery, will be the main naval guns.

So no matter the number or the caliber, the navy is not weak!

After the phalanx of the army and navy has passed, it is the military official formation. The number is not large, only more than 100 people, and these people are also formed by the academies of the martial arts school, but more than 100 officers are listed. Arrays, and their qualities are stronger than soldiers in all aspects, so their power is even greater.

After the military official formation, it is the holy car to appear!

Today's Li Xuan is dressed in a military uniform. The military uniform is specially made, with a dragon pattern embroidered on it. He wears a sword of the emperor that is also specially made at his waist, black leather gloves, and long leather boots.

Today, his mount is a pure white Alabama. The origin of this horse is not simple. It was originally a tribute horse from a small country in the Western Regions to Emperor Zhengde, and then it was rewarded to King Jingjiang. Captured by Tang Wangshi, he was finally given to Li Xuan.

This pure white Arabian horse with a shoulder height of 1.53 meters has been Li Xuan's mount for the past two years. This time Li Xuan entered the city and naturally rode this horse.

And behind Li Xuan, 400 Guards cavalry followed!

When Li Xuan rode into the city in a military uniform, he finally let people see what it means to be a horse in the world!

Many people were murmured psychologically at the time. No wonder the Li Tang Dynasty could develop from a ravine to today, led by such a wise and holy emperor in front of him.

And they have also heard that this horse emperor is not only riding a horse during the city entry ceremony, but really leads the army to fight, especially in the Guizhou period, Li Xuan personally led the army to fight almost every important battle .

Not to mention too early, but to say that at the time of Xingquan Mansion, he personally led the army to fight against the Guizhou official army.

In the Battle of Wuzhou and the Battle of Guangzhou, Li Xuan personally commanded the troops to fight.

Although the specific operations at that time Li Xuan's command relied on the assistance of other generals and staff to a large extent, but it has to be denied that every important order on the battlefield is It was by him himself.

It is very difficult for you to treat such an emperor like an ordinary emperor on the spot.

Even the Zhengde Emperor in the Zhu Ming Dynasty in the north had personally led the army to fight in the early years, but it was only a co-ordinator role, and he had never really commanded the army's operations. After all, he was not the founding emperor.

And leading the army to fight, this kind of thing is generally done by the founding emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang, people like Zhu Di would do this!

Amid the shock of everyone, Li Xuan rode his army into the city, and after receiving a shocking look and shouting long live, he ended today's performance and officially moved into the imperial courtyard renovated by the former Duke of Wei's mansion.

Following Li Xuan, the Queen Mother Bai, Dong Yunyun and others also arrived one after another.

But at this time, Li Xuan still can't sit still, the force of the city entry ceremony has been finished, but the business has not yet been done!

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