Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 808: Luxurious high-profile connotation

After arriving at the Royal Courtyard, Li Xuan hadn't had time to carefully visit this extravagant Courtyard, but he went to the front hall to hold a small-scale royal meeting.

There were not many people attending the meeting, mainly the ministers on duty and walking in the imperial study. There were not many people, and they were familiar with each other and had worked together for many years. In addition, the topics discussed were not boring. The grand meeting held on the explanation day and the stable work in the next few days, plus the joy of moving the capital, the atmosphere of the meeting is relatively relaxed.

Of course, Wang Wenhua's words of praise were also indispensable, which greatly enlivened the atmosphere.

Li Xuan also didn't act as cold as he used to, and he was calm, I didn't hear anything, didn't say anything, you discussed it yourself, but you must discuss a result that I am satisfied with before passing.

Because most of the time, Li Xuan would not express his views easily. He didn't say a word, and he didn't show any expression at all. Those courtiers couldn't figure out what result Li Xuan wanted. It's a constant temptation, trying to figure out what's going on.

This kind of thing is with boyfriends and girlfriends. The man asks the woman what she wants to eat, and the woman answers casually. The man says let's go eat Chongqing hot pot, it's spicy, it's strong enough, and the woman shakes her head.

The man asks again, shall we go eat western food? The woman still shook her head, she didn't want to eat beef, she would gain weight!

The man asked again, what about Cantonese refreshments? The woman still shook her head, too light.

The man was annoyed, but he still had to accompany his smiling face: Then your dear, what do you want to eat?

Woman: Whatever...

And the girl will never say that she wants to eat a bowl of dumplings today, the kind with a lot of meat stuffing!

Of course, between monarchs and ministers, the courtiers would not be stupid and directly ask the emperor what he wants. Which of these courtiers is not a human being? The ability to reason and analyze is much stronger than that of ordinary boyfriends. After making a few mistakes, you can generally know what kind of result Li Xuan wants, and then he will naturally bring the discussion to this result.

After the discussion came out with a unified result, and when Li Xuan was satisfied with the result, Li Xuan nodded slightly, and then said two words: Right!

If the courtiers really can't figure out his intentions, then Li Xuan will sometimes say something like, "This is a big issue, let's put it down first, and then discuss it later."

Or very simply two words: Discuss again!

Of course, this situation generally does not occur, because it is unlikely that the courtiers will reach an agreement without Li Xuan's approval. As for how to see whether Li Xuan approves, that is the time to test many skills of observing words and expressions. .

Generally speaking, on controversial matters, before Li Xuan expresses his opinion, the opinions of the courtiers are also very different. If you let them negotiate and discuss on their own, it is impossible to reach any consensus. When it is revealed that they agree with a certain opinion, the courtiers will discuss and argue according to this direction.

However, at that time, it was no longer a dispute over direction, but a dispute in other aspects, such as how to implement it, the division of responsibilities and interests between departments, and so on.

And these, Li Xuan is even more careless!

Therefore, in many cases, Li Xuan sitting on the dragon chair is like a clay sculpture. When discussing many policies, he does not speak much.

Those who don't know the insider may think that Li Xuan is just a puppet emperor without real power.

But in fact, the lowly group of ministers are trying to figure out Li Xuan's mind, and almost every important matter, if there is no Li Xuan nod, it is absolutely impossible to take shape.

Without Li Xuan's nod, the courtiers couldn't even reach a consensus!

This way of controlling the court is actually a common method used by many emperors in the past dynasties. In short, it means that they will not go out in person in public, but not going out in person does not mean that they will not participate in it. Among the dozen or so people in front of them , Minister of the Imperial Study, Bai Yunqi, Minister of the Navy, is well-known as the emperor's microphone.

He would never open his mouth on weekdays, but when he did, he was often instructed by Li Xuan.

Bai Yunqi was also the earliest minister of the dragon, and he was also a well-known relative. In the early years when the Tang Dynasty was not very formal, he was still able to lead the army, but then gradually transitioned to serving in the Guards, and then ran to The Privy Council served as the minister of the Ordnance Department for a period of time, but when Datang conquered Guangdong and Guangxi, and settled Zhaoqing as the capital, he completely withdrew from the military circle.

First, his identity as a foreign relative was too sensitive, and his control of military power made a group of ministers nervous. Whether it was Liu Bagou of the cabinet or Zeng Ziwen of the military, they all thought Li Xuan had hinted that foreign relatives in charge of the army did not appropriate.

Second, he was really not suitable for joining the army, so Li Xuan simply let him change careers into the cabinet, and turned into a civil servant.

Although Li Xuan has all the control over Bai Yunqi, he still uses it again. After all, this is the uncle of the country, and it is the benchmark of the serious royal faction.

In addition, there is Wang Wenhua, a flatterer. Don't think that flattery is useless. In fact, it is very useful. This Wang Wenhua's ability to figure out Li Xuan's mind is definitely the first among many important officials in the court. Many times, Li Xuan He can guess all his thoughts, and with Wang Wenhua's character, it is definitely flattering to Li Xuan. Even if Li Xuan wants to visit Qin Huaihe in private tonight, he will raise his hands in favor, and then he will be stubborn. Get ready to drive.

Otherwise, what do you think Li Xuan has been doing by keeping him in the imperial study, really to listen to his flattering words, well, although that is also very important, but more importantly, this person will always Say what Li Xuan wants to say at the right time.

Everyone can use it, the key is how to use it!

If you ask Wang Wenhua to do practical things like everyone else, that's not going to work. He is not good at handling government affairs.

You can't even let Bai Yunqi lead the army. He is not born with the talent to lead the army.

In the same way, if you ask generals like Hao Bainian and Li Chunjing to flatter and act as a sounding board, they will not be able to do it.

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and as the emperor Li Xuan, what he has to do is actually very simple, that is, put each of them in the right position.

As a superior, knowing how to employ people is a very important ability.

After a royal meeting, Li Xuan had time to take a look at this royal courtyard, and after reading it, he felt two words: luxury!

And this kind of luxury does not only refer to the luxury of the original Wei Guogong's mansion, but also because the Tang Dynasty repaired and decorated this kind of courtyard, and all kinds of treasures were put up at a glance at almost no money.

But having said that, these treasures really cost nothing, because all of them were confiscated from the Tang Dynasty, some came from the palaces of the various Ming Dynasty vassals, and some came from the homes of officials and gentry.

Because it is difficult to judge the value of these treasures and there are a large number of them, it has always been a very troublesome thing to deal with, although the tax department has tried to sell these things to the outside world to collect funds.

But if it's okay in peacetime, it's easier to sell these things, and the price is okay, but in today's war-torn period, people won't spend huge amounts of real money to buy these treasures in large quantities, even if they are When someone buys it, the price is often much lower than in peacetime, and this makes those in the tax department feel at a loss. After negotiation, it is simply transferred to the Royal Assets Section.

Although the Royal Assets Division has always sold these treasures to the outside world, the number of sales is not large, and the funds returned are relatively limited.

In addition, although the Royal Assets Department is also short of money, to be honest, it is not so short that it is necessary to sell all kinds of treasures to survive. Therefore, the people of the Royal Assets Department simply stopped taking the initiative to reduce prices and sell them on a large scale. In the treasury, some were directly moved to the royal court as a decoration, or as a gift from the royal family to the ministers.

Li Xuan also agrees with this. These things cannot be seen and cannot be used. They are worthless during the war and turmoil, but in the peaceful and prosperous times, they are more valuable. After the royal family is short of money, they will sell a batch of returned funds, which is better than Now it's a good deal at a cheap price.

The already splendid royal courtyard, and then put all kinds of rare playthings, it looks more luxurious.

For Li Xuan is very satisfied, this royal courtyard is much stronger than the previous palace in Zhaoqing, which is worthy of his status as the son of heaven!

The palace is to be luxurious and high-profile with connotation!

After a brief stroll, Li Xuan was in a good mood, and then returned to the backyard to visit the Empress Dowager Bai, Dong Yunyun and others. Because of the long journey, although someone took care of them all the way, they were still physically and mentally exhausted after the day. , fortunately there is no sickness or the like.

After greeting the Queen Mother Bai, Li Xuan had lunch at Dong Yunyun's side, and then went to the room to look at Princess Wei'er. This little brat may have been tired from playing all the way. It's enough to take a nap.

Princess Wei Er made a big slap and kicked off the quilt. She was not sleeping well.

After coming out from Dong Yunyun's side, Li Xuan did not stop, but went to see the first emperor, the second prince and the second daughter, and also went to see their respective mothers: Concubine Shu, Concubine De, and Concubine Hui.

Among them, the Concubine De was the former concubine of the Wang family. After giving birth to the second prince, she was awarded the title of Concubine De, becoming the only two concubines in the Tang Dynasty, and the only two biological mothers of the princes. Unusual status!

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