Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 810: play for the tiger

After the tax department discovered the tax problem in Chizhou, it did not hesitate to send Chen Lifu and another sixth-grade inspector to Chizhou!

But when they just arrived in Chizhou, another sixth-grade inspector received an emergency order and was dispatched to Huizhou Prefecture.

Therefore, this tax inspection task in Chizhou Prefecture can only be done by Chen Lifu alone.

Chen Lifu's tax inspection is not very clear. Simply put, it is to urge and assist the local tax agency to solve problems and ensure the smooth progress of local taxation work.

To put it more bluntly, Chen Lifu's task is to ensure that the tax revenue of Chizhou Prefecture this year meets expectations, and Chen Lifu understands that to meet the expectations set by the peak, I am afraid that many people in Chizhou will be raided and exterminated.

Chen Lifu has always been this official with the mentality of feeding a tiger, but what he has to do now makes him feel a sense of guilt!

During this time, he urged the local tax agency to collect taxes, and in accordance with the tradition of tax inspections, he used the local tax inspection team to investigate suspected tax evaders in Chizhou Prefecture. It seems that it is not possible, and rectifying the tax agency is the most critical.

Because in Chen Lifu's view, the entire Chizhou government's tax system, especially the personnel of the tax inspection team, is extremely bad.

Of course, the tax system itself also has many problems. For example, the Chizhou tax inspection team, except for a few high-quality members who are transferred from other places, in fact, many members of the inspection team are local people, and they are based on identity background. People who are not very clean are the main ones, such as the original gangsters and the like.

The entire tax inspection team was smoky, so Chen Lifu didn't care. During this time, he also used his power to deal with many scum of the local tax inspection team.

This made him find some sense of accomplishment, and he was finally able to rectify the notorious and sinful tax inspection team. Although this was just a tax inspection team in Chizhou Prefecture, he believed that after this start, he would still be able to do so in the future. There will be such an opportunity.

Sooner or later, he will always have to clean up the tax inspection team, and give the gentry a bright future.

After he arrived in Chizhou, he visited the rectification of the tax inspection team and tax officials, but he was not very concerned about tax collection. The lower tax inspection team had already made several reports, saying that the cases of tax evasion and evasion were more serious. The landlords raided their homes, but they were all suppressed by Chen Lifu's excuses.

But these few days, his mood is not very good, because three days ago, he received a letter from the head of the inspection department of the taxation department's grain collection department, well, that is his immediate boss!

Not a personal letter, but a formal official document!

The letter said that Chen Lifu has been in Chizhou for nearly three months. Why has the tax situation in Chizhou still not improved? The tax collected in the first quarter is still half of the expected amount!

Although this situation is much stronger than the one-third of the collection at the end of last year, it is still far from enough for the tax department.

Therefore, in the official letter, his immediate boss sternly reprimanded him for not doing things well, and directly told him that if the tax situation still did not improve in the second quarter, then he would send another person to Chizhou to inspect the tax.

The letter did not say what would happen to Chen Lifu, but there is no need to say such a thing at all, because the tax inspection that cannot complete the task has no value at all.

Chen Lifu had already heard of several tax inspectors who failed to complete their tasks. Basically, they were dispatched to remote areas for use due to devaluation. If the circumstances were more serious, they would be dismissed.

As for the tax inspector who bends the law for personal gain during the inspection process, and has not yet completed the inspection task, needless to say, he has no chance of going to jail, and was immediately cut off.

But some people are also making money to get soft hands, but the task has been completed, and they can still be promoted and rich.

Otherwise, how can you say that this tax position is a fat shortage, it can really make a lot of money, as long as the impact is not too bad, or don’t be stabbed by others, then the boss will also think that he didn’t see it.

The evaluation of tax inspection compliance does not mean that he is not making money privately, but whether he is making money for taxation!

Naturally, Chen Lifu does not accept money, and he himself is not short of money. The Chen family, a traditional big landlord, is not short of money. What he lacks is power.

But he didn't make money for himself, and at the same time he didn't make money for the tax department, so he was in breach of duty, and it was a serious breach of duty.

He has no doubts that if Chizhou's tax revenue in the second quarter still does not improve, it is good to be demoted, and it may even be directly demoted.

This night, he hadn't slept all night, watching the Chizhou government tax inspection team sent him a list in the evening for a long time. This is a list of suspects. The list is full of more than ten gentlemen who are considered by the tax inspection team to be the most serious tax evasion and tax evasion. , and he has known these gentlemen for some time in the past, and even had a good conversation with a few of them.

Those are all upright gentlemen, high-spirited people, among them the extraordinary and prestigious!

In the early hours of the morning, after Chen Lifu sighed deeply, he finally picked up the pen and wrote his opinion tremblingly: "arrest immediately and transfer to judicial disposal"

The tax inspection team, as the fourth largest armed force of the Tang Dynasty, has the right to enforce the law. Of course, the right to prosecute and adjudicate is still the power of the Inspectorate and the Grand Court.

At the same time, the tax inspection team also has the power of armed action to fight against armed resistance to taxation.

If the tax inspection team encounters hard bones, then it will call the big brother the army to help, but this is generally a large-scale armed tax resistance, it is not just tax evasion or tax resistance, but a rebellion, the army will be thunderous. means of repression.

After Chen Lifu wrote his opinion, he closed his eyes. He could already expect the fate of more than a dozen gentry above. Being in the tax system, he has been deeply aware of the tax department's opinions in the past few months. What is the attitude of tax evasion and tax evasion? The fines are light, and it is common to resist arresting people. In serious cases, they will raid their homes.

Now all he can pray is that the gentlemen don't resist, and if they are arrested in a good manner, make up the taxes owed, and pay a hefty fine, then the matter will be over.

But if you refuse to pay, or simply resist the tax directly, then the end is not so simple, and it is possible to raid your home.

The next day, Chen Lifu put on an official robe and accompanied the Chizhou tax inspection team to law enforcement. To be honest, he was worried, worried that the inspection team would mess up.

He came with good intentions, but just after he arrived outside the first gentry's manor, when the members of the inspection team arrested the owner of the family, the gentry who had been chatting with him a few days ago threw at him. Disdainful eyes: "Qingben beauty, how can you be a thief!"

At this time, Chen Lifu was not angry, but his heart was full of sadness!

However, at the time of the third house, the owner of the house was stubborn and refused to pay the tax. The people of the inspection team immediately smashed the gate of the landlord with a two-pound shotgun, and rushed to the ground. They went in, arrested all the people inside, and even killed a few people when there was a conflict.

When those people were being escorted out, the owner of the family, a well-known gentry nearby, saw Chen Lifu, his face was full of grief and anger, and then he spit at Chen Lifu: "Traitor!"

Chen Lifu didn't speak, just checked the spittle on his body, and then said softly, "Take it away!"

This day can be said to be the darkest day in Chen Lifu's nearly 30-year life, and it made him feel more depressed than when he was dismissed from office in the Ming Dynasty!

He was reluctant, but he had to arrest them with his own hands!

After arresting nearly 100 people in one day, Chen Lifu didn't go to the tax bureau's celebration banquet, but returned to his residence alone. He stayed awake all night.

What happened in Chizhou can be regarded as a microcosm of all parts of Jiangnan. Compared with other places, Jiangnan has more serious land mergers, and there are many landlords and gentry. These people never pay taxes, and now Datang makes them pay taxes. , most of them will be handed in, but even if they are handed in, they will definitely not turn in all honestly, but conceal the number of acres as much as possible.

For these people, the tax department has never been soft-hearted.

The task of the tax department this year is very heavy, because in Xuanping's five-year fiscal revenue budget, the tax budget has reached 25 million taels.

Taxes in other places have basically stabilized, and in general, about 15 million yuan can be collected, and this means that in the Jiangnan region, at least 10 million taels of silver must be collected.

This is no easy task.

Judging from the number of fields and the prosperous industry and commerce in the Jiangnan area, it is entirely possible to levy 10 million taels of It is even low, but if you want to collect these taxes smoothly, But it's not that easy.

Because in Jiangnan, the situation of tax evasion and evasion is far more serious than in other places. They were raised by the Ming Dynasty and each of them was willing to pay taxes. They dared not resist large-scale resistance, but they always liked to play hide and seek with the tax department. , the tax department is very big.

Nowadays, in every state capital in the Jiangnan region, the tax department has successively dispatched tax inspections. This situation has never happened in other provinces. This shows how stubborn the landlords and gentry in the Jiangnan region are.

But even if the work is difficult, the tax department still gave Li Xuan a package. This year's positive tax revenue in the Jiangnan area will definitely exceed 10 million taels, and it is also guaranteed that Jiangnan will not be turbulent!

Because there is a very interesting phenomenon here: in other places, although there are relatively few cases of tax evasion and tax evasion, large-scale armed tax resistance is very common. , However, the large-scale armed resistance to taxes and even the rebellion has never happened like a miracle!

The landowners in the prosperous places in the south of the Yangtze River are used to enjoying it, cheating and cheating, but their bones are not so hard!

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