Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 811: Chen Lifu was promoted to office

At the beginning of April, in Chizhou Mansion, Chen Lifu dragged his exhausted body back to his residence, but the screams and scoldings of the dozen or so gentry continued to replay in his mind.

In the public complaint filed by the inspector of the Chizhou Prefecture Inspectorate, it was stated that these dozen people not only evaded taxes by themselves, but also united and incited a large number of gentry landlords and businessmen to evade taxes. Chinese armed resistance resulted in the death of a member of the tax inspection team.

Such a heinous crime, if not severely punished, is not enough to deter latecomers.

The Chizhou Grand Court finally made a verdict: 15 masterminds were sentenced to be executed, more than 30 accomplices were sentenced to life imprisonment, exiled for 3,000 miles, and all family assets were searched.

Just in the daytime, among the dozens of tax evasion and anti-tax elements arrested a few days ago, the fifteen with the most serious circumstances were sentenced to be executed by the Chizhou Court!

Chen Lifu, on the other hand, watched the entire execution process with other tax officials. During the whole process, Chen Lifu's face was expressionless, and he could not see joy or sorrow.

But his heart was broken at that moment.

Because everyone knew that although the executioner was not him, he personally signed the arrest documents. To a certain extent, he sent these people to the butcher's knife.

However, because of this verdict, the killing of more than ten principal offenders on the spot also caused a great shock. Almost on the same day, many people began to take the initiative to report their taxes to the tax department. The excuse used was nothing more than forgetting or It's an excuse for ignorance.

And the officials of the tax department are too lazy to take care of their various excuses. As long as they obediently hand over the tax, they will be able to take care of other things.

In order to further stimulate them, the Chizhou Prefecture Taxation Bureau once again issued a notice, saying that as long as the back taxes are paid before April 30, the past will be forgiven.

If you intentionally default or conceal the report, the fine will be doubled.

Therefore, in the next few days, the tax collection work of Chizhou Prefecture showed an explosive growth, and many concealed fields were cleaned up one by one.

In just a few days, the Chizhou Taxation Bureau found out that the amount of farmland in Chizhou was even more than they had originally estimated, because the agricultural tax levied also exceeded the pre-set amount.

In mid-April, Chen Lifu received an official document from the Inspection Office of the Grain Requisition Division. It was still sent by his immediate boss. The official document praised Chen Lifu's thunderous tactics in Chizhou Mansion and believed that this move was effective. The situation of tax evasion and evasion has been curbed, and credit has been made for the great financial health.

He also said that he was already repaying the credit for him. If nothing else happened, his rank would rise by a rank. At the same time, he was asked to return to the capital first, and then prepare to go to Dezhou to inspect the taxation, saying that there were also some problems in the taxation work in Dezhou.

Seeing this official document, Chen Lifu sighed, and then instructed his entourage to start packing and preparing to go to Texas.

In this sad place of Chizhou, he is unwilling to stay any longer!

Not only is Chen Lifu unwilling to stay in Chizhou, in fact, the gentry and landlords in Chizhou are also eager for Chen Lifu to get out as soon as possible!

This Chen Lifu has only been here for a few months, but already dozens of gentry families in Chizhou Prefecture have been destroyed.

Many people scolded Chen Lifu in private and even in public as a traitor, a traitor, not to mention the notoriety of bloodthirsty.

In this regard, Chen Lifu naturally knows it!

But he didn't refute, thinking that he couldn't refute at all. Now, he can only continue to drive on with gritted teeth. When one day he has enough power, he is bound to set things right.

At that time, the world will surely give itself a just reputation!

Before that, he could only endure the humiliation while doing what he could do, such as rectifying the tax inspection team.

In fact, after Chen Lifu's rectification, the Chizhou tax inspection team has lost the smog that they used to do. Although their behavior is still violent and brutal, at least their actions are more legal and reasonable. A hat on tax evasion.

The original rogues and the like were also cleaned up by Chen Lifu, and followed the example of the patrol police yamen to recruit members of the tax inspection team from Liangjiazi.

Chen Lifu's move to rectify the tax inspection team in Chizhou Prefecture is also highly valued by the top officials of the tax department. He believes that this move will help improve the reputation of the tax inspection team. Of course, it is more important to prevent corruption within the tax inspection team. At the same time, the efficiency of law enforcement is higher, and the money collected is more.

This time, he was asked to go to Texas. In fact, he had the intention of letting him go to Texas to rectify the chaos of the tax inspection team. If he did a good job, it would not be long before the more important burden would fall on him.

Nowadays, the Tang Dynasty can be regarded as a waste of time. For officials who can do things and do things beautifully, the speed of promotion is naturally incomparable.

And Chen Lifu himself didn't know that he was already included in the list of key training by senior officials of the Ministry of Taxation.

After leaving Chizhou with mixed feelings, Chen Lifu first returned to the capital, on the one hand, to report his work, and on the other hand, he was away from home for a few months, and he was ready to go back and have a look.

After Chen Lifu quickly returned to the capital, he had just arrived, and before he had time to report on his job, he was already promoted, and he was rewarded for his success.

The inspectors in the Inspection Office of the Grain Collection Division are of different grades, from the seventh grade up to the fifth grade. However, the corresponding powers of the inspectors of different grades are also the same. The three-level inspections are basically inspecting areas at the level of the state capital, while the inspections from the fifth-rank are often inspecting the taxation work of a province, and will be assigned the title of deputy director of the inspection office.

After being promoted, Chen Lifu's depressed mood was relieved a lot when he looked at the rank six badges that were replaced.

After completing the job report and receiving the task of inspecting Dezhou, Chen Lifu calculated the time, and he would be able to catch up with Dezhou after three days, so he planned to stay in Jinling for three days.

The past inspection of Chizhou can be said to have made him haggard, busy all day is nothing, the most important thing is that he is tired.

After coming out of the government office, Chen Lifu passed several streets and saw that there were obviously many more people dressed as scholars on the streets. When he saw this scene, he didn't react at first, but after thinking about it for a while, he knew it. , These must be gathered from the provinces to the capital to prepare for the April meeting.

Due to the relocation of the capital at the beginning of the year, Xuanping's five-year meeting was postponed from February to late April in order to give scholars from all over time sufficient preparation time. Otherwise, many scholars in remote areas would not be able to timely Arrived for the imperial examinations.

"Delaying the time, this is good governance, so that the scholars cannot catch up, but the imperial examinations are held every year, but it is too frequent!" Chen Lifu sat on the carriage and looked at the scholars outside. This is what I thought in my heart: "This trip is for a few months. If you don't make it for a few years, if you run every year, I'm afraid it will cost a lot!"

However, Chen Lifu at this time naturally did not know that although the Datang Dynasty held an imperial examination every year, the number of people recruited by the Datang Dynasty for each imperial examination was very large, and the proportion was also quite large.

In Xuanping's four-year general examination, there were about 2,000 candidates, and a total of more than 500 students were admitted to the Jinshi and Ph.D. courses. Later, because the shortage of officials was too large, they were not selected, but the results were still relatively high. The more than 100 good scholars are also directly appointed officials.

Basically, as long as you can pass the jury test and have a little grasp of the new subject, then you will have a good chance of being able to take the test.

And this, you can see from the lower and lower official positions granted by the Tang Dynasty to the new jinshi and doctors. In the early years, even the top three jinshi were recently the seventh grade, but last year, the top three jinshi were only the same. Was awarded from the seventh grade.

And this year, I heard that the official positions granted will still start from the seventh grade.

Not only that, in fact, the Tang Dynasty has begun to strictly control the grades of the new scholars, not to mention the jinshi and doctors.

As for the jurors and scholars, if they want to enter the official position directly, they will often only be awarded the eighth rank after the election. As for the scholar, it is now awarded the lowest rank nine.

Of course, the above are only their starting and there are no restrictions on promotion after work. Li Xuan has already ordered the world, and his fame does not affect subsequent promotions. , there is no requirement for fame.

The reason for lowering the grade is also because the current Datang Dynasty recruits a large number of officials each year, and at the same time, the shortage of grass-roots officials is huge. The Datang Dynasty has been established for many years. Jobs, although lacking, but the gap is not so big.

However, there is a huge gap for grass-roots officials below the seventh grade. Otherwise, the Datang Dynasty would not have always encouraged scholars and recruited people to enter the officialdom, and it was expressly stipulated that scholars who have not yet obtained the title of Jinshi or Ph.D. should enter officialdom. You can still participate in the test.

However, the situation of those new scholars is not something that Chen Lifu can worry about. He has been away from home for a few months, and now he will go home to rest for a few days, and then prepare to go to Texas for inspection.

According to the information just obtained in the yamen, the situation in Texas is also not optimistic. The tax situation is actually one-third less than the rated amount. Needless to say, there must be a lot of tax evasion and tax evasion.

At the same time, there seem to be a lot of problems within the local tax agency. This time, Chen Lifu's mission to Texas is not light.

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