Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 812: Strong ships and sharp guns arrive in Jinling

After resting at home for three days, Chen Lifu set off for Texas, ready to start a new round of inspection career.

At the same time, the five-year meeting of Xuanping in the Tang Dynasty was also held. This time, the meeting was postponed by a full two months compared with previous years, but it did not arouse the opposition of the scholars, but won a large number of scholars. 's favor.

Because the time is relatively loose, many scholars from remote places can also arrive and participate in the imperial examination. In addition, there is also a rumor in the Tang Dynasty newspaper that the scale of recruiting scholars this time will exceed previous years.

Although the exact amount is still unknown, it must be more than in previous years, but it has become a foregone conclusion.

It was Li Xuan's decision to increase the number of people admitted. In fact, the number of people admitted to the conference examinations of the Tang Dynasty has been increasing over the past few years, from more than 100 people in the past to more than 200, and then to more than 500.

And this year's enrollment, Li Xuan is planning to directly increase to more than 1,000 people, 500 people each for the Jinshi department and the doctoral department!

Don't worry that so many officials cannot be arranged. Now the Datang Dynasty has newly occupied large areas such as Jiangnan and Zhejiang, and various directly affiliated institutions are gradually improving, so the demand for officials is very large.

There is no need to worry that there are not enough scholars to participate in the imperial examination. Last year, the Tang Dynasty did not occupy the south of the Yangtze River. There were two or three thousand scholars who participated in the imperial examination. This time, the Imperial Examination Division of the Ministry of Rites estimated that the taxis would participate in the imperial examination. Sons, will be up to 5,000 people or more.

A small part of the extra are scholars from Hunan and Jiangxi regions. Although there were scholars from these two regions to participate in the imperial examinations last year, there were not many people who came to participate. If this year, there will be a large number of taxis. The son came to participate in the test.

However, more than half of the newly added scholars were scholars from the Jiangnan area. The Jiangnan area was originally a place with strong literary style, and there were many scholars. Even if there were only a few people who came to participate in the imperial examinations, the total amount was still very large.

The wide opening of imperial examinations has always been a weapon used by the Tang Dynasty to appease and attract the gentry.

On April 20th, the general examination officially started, and there were more than 5,300 applicants who had registered in advance. Interestingly, there were more than 3,000 applicants for the doctoral degree.

For the first time, the number of students applying for doctoral programs has surpassed that of students in the Jinshi program.

This is because after the pilot test, the officials of the new divisions of the Jinshi and Ph.D. subjects have the same grade, but the Ph.D. subjects have more advantages in selecting officials, and can enter the taxation department, the Ministry of Industry and other real power departments, and hold positions of real power. In the follow-up promotion, the Tang Dynasty also prefers to promote the students of the doctoral degree.

It has been so many years since the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, and such unspoken rules have only gradually emerged in the officialdom, and are well known to outsiders.

In the Ming Dynasty, the most popular Jin Shike, in the Tang Dynasty, has gradually become second-rate.

After the scholars entered the examination room one after another, they started the examination for three consecutive days. The examination questions were more and more comprehensive than before. Although there were still eight-legged essays, and they still occupy a major position, policy theory and science also occupy a leading position. important position.

At present, the admission rules of the imperial examinations of the Tang Dynasty are generally that the eight-gu essay is just a stepping stone. If you write it poorly, you will definitely not be successful. However, the eight-gu essay is basically not difficult for these candidates. The selection criteria for articles are also relatively low.

Taking Jinshi as an example, 2,000 scholars who applied for Jinshi are afraid to say 100%, but 80% can pass the most basic eight-legged essay, but how to choose in the future, the focus is naturally It falls on policy theory and science.

Then, in the science stage and the preliminary selection stage of policy theory, half of the science subjects are directly brushed off. The science subjects of the jinshi subject are relatively basic subjects. Even if they are not dedicated to research, as long as they memorize the science books published by the Datang Royal Publishing House, Basically, they can pass the exam, but those candidates who do not do well in the science exam are basically students who don't pay attention, or say they are excluded from the imperial examination policy of the Tang Dynasty. What is the use of such a person!

The same is true of strategy theory. Whether the strategy theory is well written, it is not only a test of the candidate's writing skills, but also a test of what the candidate has seen and heard and the ability to deal with affairs. The topics are all close to reality. It is absolutely impossible to write a brilliant policy theory.

And how did the remaining seven or eight hundred people choose the final five hundred jinshi? The answer is very simple. Naturally, it is mainly based on comprehensive scoring. Each candidate has three exam papers, eight essay papers, science papers, and policy papers. The examiners will score individually, and then add the three together to determine the overall score.

However, Jinshi subjects have a relatively large proportion of policy theory scores, accounting for half of the total score, science subjects 30%, and liberal arts 20%.

The admission process for doctoral programs is generally the same, but their core subject is science. Although the eight-legged essay is also tested, the subject is very simple. As long as it is not really impossible to enter the eight-legged essay, then basically everyone can be selected.

In the overall admission stage, the scores of the science subjects directly accounted for half of the total scores, policy theory accounted for 30%, and liberal arts only accounted for 20%.

When it comes to the palace examination stage, whether it is Jinshi or Ph.D., only one subject will be tested.

After all, these people all want to be officials. Science and liberal arts are just the embodiment of their basic knowledge. The assessment of whether they can become officials is actually based on policy theory.

After this screening, the Datang Dynasty directly admitted 1,000 candidates in Xuanping's five-year imperial examinations, 500 candidates each for the Jinshi and Ph.D.

After admission, in addition to the first grade and the top three of the second grade, a total of 12 people will be directly awarded the official status of the seventh grade, and then enter the Hanlin Academy.

For others, the second and fourth place and the third place are awarded to the seventh-rank officials, and these people also need to go through a three-month internship in various cabinet ministries and other institutions, and then participate in the election of officials, and finally they will be elected. was granted official office.

The selection of officials is often the time when the future of most of the second- and third-class scholars is decided. The selection of officials is presided over by the Department of Literature Selection of the Ministry of Personnel. The performance of these new officials during their internships is comprehensively considered, and they will also be based on the candidates' performance. Independent will, and then distributed, a very small number of the best will be assigned to the Hanlin Academy, the best will stay in the capital to work in various departments, and the general ones will be sent to the provincial, prefectural, and state-level subordinate institutions serve.

It is worth noting that from the very beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there was no practice of throwing new officials directly to a certain local government.

And this is also the difference between the Tang Dynasty and the previous dynasties and generations in the election system. The Datang Dynasty clearly stipulated that new officials should not be in charge of one party.

Naturally, this is to prevent these new officials from becoming jinshi or postdoctoral fellows, throwing away their books and becoming a county magistrate. That is a county's parental official, and a novice in the officialdom can be a novice. Isn't this tricking the people!

However, if they are excellent, these new officials will soon be able to rule one side. Now their rank is from the seventh rank. If they do well, they will be promoted to the seventh rank, which is the rank of the county magistrate. , will be sent to a county to serve as county magistrate for experience.

But there are fewer such people.

After all, in the official system of the Tang Dynasty, the three-level positions of county magistrate, state magistrate, and prefect are all powerful, and can directly affect the livelihood of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people under their control, so they can serve as a Landlord officials, even if they were county magistrates, were the most outstanding officials among the seventh-rank officials.

At the same time, these officials in charge of the local government are also promoted very quickly. If you do a good job, the county magistrate will be able to become a prefect in a short time, and then become a prefect again with a bang.

Rapid promotion across levels is a huge advantage for local officials. Of course, the premise is to do well, and if you don't do it well, get out in minutes!

As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility!

After Hao Hao Tang Tang's April imperial examinations ended, the time entered May!

In early May, the wharf outside Jinling City also welcomed a huge fleet!

And this huge fleet is directly under the Yangtze River Fleet. It has a total of twelve armed merchant ships, and they are all sand ships suitable for inland river navigation. The tonnage ranges from 200 tons to more than 300 tons. These ships It was not the Yangtze River Fleet before, but the First Fleet.

In the first half of this year, the Datang Navy carried out reforms and divisions, and officially determined that the First Fleet and the Second Fleet were the ocean-going fleets, and they did not retain traditional Chinese-style armed merchant ships with weak combat capabilities and insufficient ability to sail in the open sea, and only retained brand new ones. Professional warships, but also retained a number of armed merchant ships converted from Western-style soft sailing ships, but these armed merchant ships have actually been refitted on a large scale, and their firepower is much stronger than traditional armed merchant ships.

In this way, the First Fleet and the Second Fleet have undergone a major downsizing. The redundant squadrons have been withdrawn, and only three squadrons have been retained. Currently, the First Fleet has only four cruisers and eight frigates, which belong to each other. First Squadron, Second Squadron.

The Second Fleet has only one cruiser and four frigates, and consists of the Third Squadron and the Fourth Squadron.

And many armed merchant ships converted from traditional Chinese merchant Some of the lucky ships have begun to be handed over to the naval logistics department. It was handed over to the Pearl River Fleet and the Yangtze River Fleet as well as the newly established Minjiang Fleet for use as inland and offshore combat vessels.

The Yangtze River Fleet, on the other hand, accepted a total of twenty-six armed merchant ships and compiled them into the direct fleet of the Yangtze River Fleet, second only to the Pearl River Fleet in number.

In the past few days, this part of the fleet directly under the Yangtze River Fleet took advantage of the heavy rain and night to venture across Yangzhou, and on the way, they fought a battle with the Ming army navy and were destroyed. The scars rushed to Jinling City.

Although the losses were not small, this move gave the Datang Dynasty a considerable combat force in the Yangtze River basin west of Yangzhou and east of Hukou.

And this is very beneficial to the subsequent operations of the Tang Dynasty!

At least with this direct fleet, the Ming army navy will not be able to carry out unscrupulous activities in this section of the Yangtze River!

At the same time, if the Tang Army wants to launch a river crossing operation in the future, this fleet can also play a huge role! (https://)

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