Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 815: army fleet

Of these seven million, it is naturally impossible for the cabinet to take all of them. In fact, at least one million was directly transferred to the royal treasury as royal funds.

Well, this million is naturally not spent by the royal family themselves, but as the funds for the military expenses of the Guards, the Survey and Statistics Section of the Imperial Academy, the Young Barracks, the Royal Institute of Technology, the Royal Academy of Sciences and other institutions directly under the royal family.

As for the living expenses of the royal family, it does not actually cost much, and the royal family also has additional income. In recent years, it has not spent royal family funds.

Otherwise, why do you think Li Xuan goes to great lengths to let the Royal Family Industry Section do business, not to subsidize the finances!

After all, the funds that the cabinet and other departments can finally get will not exceed 6 million. However, this 6 million and the previous years, it is also a serf who has turned into a master!

You must know that last year, which was the fourth year of Xuanping, the government's budget support was only a measly 2 million taels, and it was almost impossible to use 2 million taels to maintain the rule of the huge Tang Dynasty. task.

This is also an important reason why many departments in the Cabinet are striving to increase the income of their respective departments.

Fortunately, the salaries of local officials do not need to be borne by the central government, otherwise, the Tang Dynasty would not be able to sustain.

With money, the lavish ministries of the cabinet have begun to pay full wages to a small range this year, especially for grass-roots officials.

After all, although there are corrupt officials, for many low-level officials, they still rely on their salary to live, especially the most low-level staff of the nine-rank and nine-rank officials, whose salary arrears has a great impact on their lives.

However, the salaries of middle and high-level officials, as always, are given out part of the cash, and then part of the national debt bills.

After all, if you have a little money, you can't use it all to pay wages. If you really want to make up for the wages that have been arrears over the years, it's tens of millions of taels of silver. It's really not enough!

Most of the funds will still be used for various government affairs. For example, the college promotion plan promoted by the Ministry of Rites, the government-run youth colleges and higher education colleges in various places will cost money, and the money spent is not too small.

Then there is the water conservancy construction that the Ministry of Agriculture has always wanted to do.

Then there are the official roads and rivers that the Department of Transportation of the Ministry of Housing wants to do. These are all gold swallowing beasts, and no matter how much money is thrown, it is not enough.

Although the money is still not much, it is still reluctant to carry out some work. It will not be the same as before. It can only rely on the donations of the local gentry to carry out construction.

Therefore, although life is still very hard, the cabinet officials have seen hope, because Li Xuan has already told them personally that by next year, the internal affairs expenditure will most likely reach 15 million taels of silver. above.

Naturally, Li Xuan didn't just let it out, but after thinking about it. After all, he can't keep pressing the internal affairs funds all the time, otherwise, sooner or later, there will be troubles. At the same time, he also knows that the financial situation next year will be greatly improved!

Because Li Xuan has received a formal report from the tax department, it is expected that the tax revenue will increase significantly next year!

This year's tax revenue is still relatively low, especially in the Jiangnan area. The huge area has only charged 10 million yuan, which makes the tax department very dissatisfied. After next year, the tax department will give the potential of the Jiangnan area. When it is dug out, I don’t dare to say too much. Just in Zhejiang and Nanzhili (south of the Yangtze River), the tax department is sure to collect more than 20 million taels of tax.

The ministers and servants of the tax department have already patted their chests and assured Li Xuan that the tax revenue in the Jiangnan area will reach at least 20 million taels of silver next year, and the overall tax revenue will likely exceed 40 million taels of silver.

If the tax department dares to say so, it is also emboldened!

Due to the impact of the war at the end of last year, Jiangnan was also somewhat turbulent. In addition, tax evasion and tax evasion were serious in the early days of the rule, so the tax collection was not complete. However, by next year, if the taxation of the Jiangnan area cannot be fully implemented, then it will basically be possible. The tax department was found to be negligent.

Moreover, there is another very important reason for the tax department to say so, that is, many new-type enterprises under Datang’s governance will start to pay taxes on a large scale from next year, even if many enterprises are still half-taxed, but then the enterprise business tax will be very impressive.

In order to encourage industry and commerce, the Datang Dynasty adopted a policy of two exemptions and three reductions for some new industries, especially industrial factories, and most of the factories under the Datang Dynasty were also intensively built in the previous year and last year.

In other words, in the past few years, the Datang Dynasty did not receive much business tax from various new industries such as textile enterprises and machinery, but only collected a part of the tax indirectly, such as customs duties, business tax of retail stores, etc.

Until next year, there will be a large number of new tax-free companies that will end the two-year tax-free preferential period one after another, and enter the half-tax preferential period for the next three years. Even if it is half tax, they will be able to contribute a lot to the Tang Dynasty tax.

The industry and commerce of the Tang Dynasty can be said to be developing quite well now, and the Pearl River Delta area has gathered a large number of businessmen with strong examples. All kinds of factories and workshops have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and there are even a few big businessmen. Raising funds to build a machinery company in Guangzhou, to enter various machinery manufacturing industries, and to compete with the government-run Zhaoqing Machinery Factory.

And these, the officials of the tax department are all staring at it, waiting for the tax holiday to end, and then start to collect business tax on a large scale.

The officials of the Ministry of Taxation were full of confidence, and even Li Xuan relaxed a lot, so in order to appease the cabinet, he revealed that the internal affairs expenditure next year would reach more than 15 million taels of silver.

And these are all hope for the officials of the cabinet!

Therefore, the military expenditure has been rising year by year, and they have endured it. Without funds, they can only find a way to maintain it themselves, and they have endured it.

Everyone is waiting for a good day.

And this year is clearly off to a good start!

Next year, that will be a good time to live. Not to mention other things, the salaries of the officials will be paid on time. Even the salaries of middle and senior officials will not need to be offset by national debt. .

If this lasts for so many years, will the Tang Dynasty still be short of money?

No shortage!

Well, this is the idea of ​​those officials, and Li Xuan's idea is: lack!

And the shortage will be big money, not a shortage of tens of millions, but a shortage of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of taels of silver!

Because Li Xuan still has many huge plans 1

For example, popularizing primary education, building nationwide water conservancy, roads and many other infrastructures, building a huge navy to colonize the world, and building a railway network set off a wave of industrialization.

These, no matter which one they are, are gold swallowing beasts!

Fortunately, Li Xuan is only thinking about these plans at the moment. He will not do it for a while. Otherwise, if the cabinet officials know about these huge plans of Li Xuan, I am afraid they will be scared to death!

After Zeng Ziwen reported the army's recent work and went out, the Navy's Bao Yifen also came. Bao Yifen said something similar to Zeng Ziwen's, and also said the Navy's recent work plan.

After passing the first few simple and innocuous nonsense, Bao Yifen, who knew that Li Xuan's time was precious, did not have any extra nonsense, and soon presented a thick report, and also said: "Report to Your Majesty. , The sixth cruiser of the Navy has been successfully launched recently, and it is expected to enter the Second Fleet service in half a year!"

Li Xuan was listening and looking at it!

"With this cruiser, there will be two cruisers on the Second Fleet's side. Together with the cooperation of the four frigates, it is possible to initially form an ocean-going combat capability!"

At this time, Li Xuan opened his mouth and said: "A few days ago, I received a document submitted by the governor of Zhejiang, saying that there have been frequent pirate attacks in the waters of Zhejiang recently, and coastal fishermen and maritime merchants are suffering. What does the navy have to do with this? view?"

When Bao Yifen heard this, he immediately knew that the local government had stabbed the pirates. He scolded the governor of Zhejiang for a lot of **** and didn't give them any respect for the navy, but he also carefully organized his language: "Go back to your majesty, although the navy is not good enough. At present, the **** of the merchant ships has been carried out, and the daily patrol has been strengthened, which has curbed the rampant activities of pirates to a certain extent. However, due to the small number of navy ships and heavy tasks, some pirates have escaped our navy. The patrols thus attacked the merchant ships!"

"So, your navy doesn't have enough ships?" Li Xuan's tone was still calm when he spoke, but Bao Yifen, who had been by Li Xuan's side for several years, could see that His Majesty seemed to be interested in the navy recently. dissatisfied.

That's right, Li Xuan is really dissatisfied with the performance of the Navy!

Earlier, Bao Yifen himself said that their navy even has five cruisers, and there are more than a dozen frigates in total, which adds up to more than 20 warships.

And these warships are professional warships, not armed merchant ships with half a bucket of water. The construction of these warships alone costs almost two million silver.

And although those pirates have more people and more ships, can the ships of these pirates be compared with the professional warships of the navy? Impossible!

Although there are many, the Datang Navy today is not the same as the Datang Navy a few years ago. If it can't beat the pirates, it will be a shame and a shame. The Ming Dynasty navy has nothing to do with it. , it is not the same as many pirates who fight and even the Flang machine who are not temperamental.

The current situation on the navy side gives Li Xuan the feeling that the level is high and the equipment is high, but it's useless.

Even if the control of the Yangtze River cannot be taken down, after all, the Yangtze River is not suitable for warship activities, so Li Xuan endured it.

However, it was impossible to deal with pirates at sea, which made Li Xuan unhappy. The Datang Navy, which had invested several million taels in the past few years, could not even destroy the pirates.

Is it possible to kill the pirates? It’s really impossible to spend tens of millions of taels for the navy. If this is the case, the army will definitely say: don’t need tens of millions, just give 10 million, and our army will immediately send a fleet to destroy it. them!

Yes, you read that right, the Datang Army also has a fleet!

In the logistics department of the Privy Council, there are many transport ships, not only inland transport ships, but also offshore transport ships, and many of these ships are equipped with artillery, and they can be pulled out to fight!

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