Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 816: Datang's first battleship

In fact, the army's development of transport ships and even the use of artillery on transport ships is not to say that it is in a struggle for power with the navy. Well, although this is the case in the view of the navy, the contradiction between the army and the navy is not small in peacetime. Coordinating with each other, but in any case, it belongs to asking others, and sometimes the naval warships cannot be allocated, and the army can only wait bitterly.

In order to change this situation, the Army actually began to strengthen its own ship transportation and even combat capabilities very early.

The direct descendant belongs to the logistics department of the Privy Council, and it has a large number of transport ships, but most of these transport ships are civilian ships, usually escorted by naval warships.

However, the navy's funds are not much, and this warship is limited, and the **** force is often insufficient, so the army simply installed artillery on some of the larger transport ships for self-defense.

In a few small-scale island capture battles, the Army simply did not greet the Navy and requested cooperation, and directly dispatched transport ships to carry the Army to land operations.

In order to cross the sea, the army even ordered a few professional transport ships. Well, it is said to be a transport ship, but in fact it is a battleship that can carry a large number of soldiers, with fewer guns and more soldiers.

However, the army's development of maritime power is only limited to this, but the development of transport ships and the navy are very opinionated, and often go to Li Xuan to complain, and Li Xuan also warned the army several times, don't be fooled, you are on land What kind of warship are you playing, what nonsense?

It doesn't matter if you want to build a few ships, if you really want to build an army fleet on a large scale, the first person who disagrees is Li Xuan!

Professional things, or let professional people do it, this is one of the principles that Li Xuan pursues!

When fighting at sea, let the navy come, the army should not toss, but the navy is really weak now, so Li Xuan also needs to beat one or two.

There are more than 20 professional ocean-going warships, and the pirates are still tossing so miserably, which makes the governor of Zhejiang unbearable to file a lawsuit. It can be seen that the navy must be lazy recently.

However, for Li Xuan, it was only a slight beating or two. If the beating still did not improve, then Li Xuan had to let the navy heads move their positions. matter.

And Li Xuan's beating also made Bao Yifen feel helpless!

Are there many navy ships? There are quite a lot of them, but most of them are inland water ships. Are there more than 20 ocean-going warships? There are not many in such a wide coastal waters!

This will leave a part to ensure the safety of the Yangtze River estuary and the Pearl River estuary, and a part will be freed up for patrolling and escorting. The existing ships of the navy are simply not enough.

But Li Xuan's beating is not without reason. The Navy, which has spent so much money, has no way to take pirates. This is naturally unbearable. Looking back, I still have to find a solution with my colleagues in the Navy. Pirates have been so rampant.

Pressing the thoughts in his heart, Bao Yifen continued to report on the affairs of the navy.

There are no other major events. It is worth mentioning that the first battleship of the Navy has already started construction at the Hong Kong Dingsheng Shipyard. Although it is expected that the construction period will be very long, it is still a start.

After listening, Li Xuan was also interested, and immediately looked over the construction plan of this battleship carefully.

The design plan of this battleship was determined very early. The internal design of the hull will greatly refer to the design of existing cruisers and frigates, and the design concept is also different from cruisers and frigates. Navy battleships, then It was born specifically for the decisive battle at sea!

The Datang Navy divides various types of ships according to their purposes. For example, cruisers are used for ocean-going search, attacking enemy transport ships, and at the same time serving as secondary artillery firepower for the main fleet, leading warships and other multiple tasks.

The frigate is much simpler, and its concept is to **** and patrol daily.

There is only one battleship, and naturally there is only one goal, that is, for the decisive battle at sea!

Therefore, at the time of establishment, strengthening the protection level of the hull and increasing the firepower are the keys. As for the speed and flexibility, it is not so important.

The first battleship of the Tang Dynasty, after several revisions and designs, the final plan was a standard displacement of 1,350 tons, a double deck, a full 64 artillery pieces, and naval officers and soldiers on it. It is also greatly increased, and it is expected that there will be 500 people.

The guns carried are also of various calibers. The main gun with the largest caliber is the 48-jin gun. The Zhaoqing Arsenal of this kind of artillery has already overcome difficulties and started to build prototype guns purely by hand, and because of manufacturing difficulties, the length of the barrel is Also not too long.

Naturally, there are not many naval guns that weigh 48 pounds. There are only two of them for pretense. The main guns of the ship will be 24 pounds of artillery.

At the same time, fourteen catties of artillery, nine catties of artillery, and five catties of artillery will also be equipped in large quantities.

Basically, according to the bearing capacity of the hull, it is necessary to attach artillery as much as possible. If the large-caliber can not be deployed much, the medium-caliber will be deployed. If the medium-caliber cannot be put down, the small-caliber will be deployed.

In the end, there were a total of 64 long-barreled naval guns of each caliber of more than five pounds, which was twice the firepower of the two cruisers.

And the defensive ability of the hull is also unmatched by cruisers!

Of course, the construction capacity of the ship is also great. Apart from the naval guns, the hull alone is enough to make the shipyard struggle for several years, and the construction cost, the navy has not guaranteed how much money it will be able to build. When I came out, I gave a budget very cautiously. Well, it means to plan so much first, and then add more if it is not enough!

And what is the shipbuilding budget established within the Navy? Two hundred thousand taels of silver.

But some people expressed pessimistically that before the Datang Navy wanted to get the first battleship, it would have to invest at least 300,000 taels of silver.

Because the construction of the hull and the artillery itself actually cost less than 200,000 taels of silver, but the price of this ship cannot be calculated in this way. You have to factor in various research and development costs and up-front costs!

Of course, these R&D costs are a one-time investment in the early stage, and the battleships will be built later, or the new technology developed by the company will be used to build battleships. Naturally, it will not cost so much money. The cost will be apportioned less.

However, even though the battleships are expensive, the Navy has unswervingly promoted the battleship shipbuilding plan, even after Li Xuan made it clear that he would not allocate special funds for the Navy's battleship plan, the Navy still insisted on doing so. .

Because in the view of the Navy, the construction of battleships takes a long time. Even if construction starts now, it will take at least three years to obtain them. That is to say, the construction cost of this battleship can be divided into three years. Give the Navy a huge buffer time.

In addition, the navy also believes that although the domestic unification war will continue, the current Tang Dynasty has a relatively large advantage, and they also know that the army is preparing for the Northern Expedition plan. Once the Northern Expedition is successful, then the army will not be convenient. There is such a large-scale military operation.

What does this mean? It means that the army's military expenditure will be greatly reduced!

At present, a large part of the huge military expenditure of the Tang Dynasty is war funds. If it is simply to maintain the existing scale of the troops, it will not be able to spend so much money. The expensive ones are all kinds of war materials, such as those field artillery. One hundred taels of silver, but after a few large-scale artillery battles, it will be scrapped, and the same is true of muskets.

Not to mention, bullets, shells and other ammunition are also thrown out without money.

If there is no large-scale war, the consumption of guns, artillery and ammunition is very low. It is not a problem to use a dozen guns for one gun. For example, the guards have not participated in large-scale wars in the past two years. , their equipment attrition rate is very low, the earliest equipped artillery is still in good condition.

However, the 1st Infantry Division and the 5th Infantry Division, which are frequently fighting troops, the earliest equipped artillery pieces were scrapped and replaced with new ones.

Although raising an army also costs money, it costs even more to fight a war!

Once the large-scale war is over, the army's military expenditure will be greatly reduced, and the life of the navy will be better accordingly.

Unlike the army, the navy is usually very expensive to maintain the army, and if it is really fighting, it will not be much more than the usual expenditure.

The Datang Navy has now become a troop training for thousands of days. The maintenance costs of training and battleships are relatively high on weekdays, and the price of the battleship itself is relatively expensive, not to mention the fact that this is the Regarding the planning, in the past few years, naturally don't expect to get much military spending, but after the Ming Dynasty is killed, the good days of the navy will come, even if it doesn't need much, even if there is a few more a year. One hundred thousand taels of silver is enough for the navy to expand a new squadron.

After reading the design plan of the battleship, and looking at the construction plan, Li Xuan also simply chose a name for the battleship, still in accordance with the consistent naming rules of battleships of the Datang Navy, using the place name as the ship, the first ship of the Datang Dynasty. The battleship was personally named Xingquan by Li Xuan.

Xingquan is the land of Longxing of the Tang Dynasty, and its political significance is of great significance. It is not disgraceful to name the first battleship.

Although he was named by Li Xuan himself, when Zeng Ziwen said goodbye to Li Xuan and went back, his face was not very good-looking. At this time, he still remembered the beating of Li Xuan just now!

The pirates can't be delayed any longer.

Otherwise, if Long Yan is furious, I am afraid that many people in the navy will be unlucky, including myself!

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