Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 817: The navy also wants to expand its territory

After Bao Yifen returned to the Naval Command, he immediately gathered the heads of the Navy and prepared to discuss a strategic plan to combat pirates.

At the internal meeting of the Navy, Vice Admiral Bao Yifen relayed that Li Xuan, the sage of all ages, paid close attention to coastal people and merchant ships, and attached great importance to coastal safety.

When Bao Yifen solemnly stated that His Majesty the Emperor attached great importance to maritime safety, many admirals were already frowning.

Although Bao Yifen didn't say anything about His Majesty's anger, a very important message was revealed between the lines, that is, Li Xuan was very dissatisfied with the navy's inaction.

All those present here now know that under the circumstances of His Majesty's attention, the navy may not be able to passively arrange warships to **** the merchant fleet and conduct daily patrols in the future.

Because that's not enough!

Fleet **** means that the navy cannot protect those loner merchant ships, and daily patrols mean that they will not take the initiative to attack.

In order to change this situation, the navy must take the initiative to attack, annihilate the main pirates along the coasts of the two provinces, and then completely control the security of this sea area.

But it's not that easy to take the initiative.

Today, the main task of the Datang Navy is to control the safety of the Yangtze and Pearl River estuaries, and to be ready to intercept the Ming army navy sailing southward from the northern waters such as the coast of Shandong at any time.

It should be known that although the Ming army navy in the south has been destroyed, the Ming army still retains a large amount of maritime power in the northern waters, and after the fall of Jiangnan, it has accelerated the enhancement of the northern maritime power.

In the future, the navy still needs to cooperate with the army's northward plan, gradually move north along the coastline, and provide sea supply channels for the army going north.

And these strategic tasks have contained a large amount of the Datang Navy's strength.

However, the task assigned by His Majesty himself cannot be ignored, and it must be done with great effort, and it needs to be done beautifully. Otherwise, if His Majesty is angry, no one present can afford it.

After briefly introducing the purpose of today's meeting, Vice Admiral Bao Yifen said: "Comrade Song, you are usually in charge of **** affairs and are familiar with pirates. Let me briefly talk about the situation of coastal pirates."

At this time, a young major general stood up and said, "Sirs and colleagues, in the past six months, we have been harassed in the waters of Zhejiang and Fujian, especially the Zhoushan waters where the situation is complicated and there are many islands. The Taiwan Strait (Taiwan Strait) is a region where pirates are frequent. Therefore, in the past six months, our navy has sunk 13 pirate ships, captured 23 prisoners, and arrested more than 500 pirates in the above waters. Piracy in the two waters is still rampant.

According to our judgment, these pirates must have one or more pirate gathering points in the Zhoushan waters on Dayuan Island (Taiwan~wan Island). Scattered into multiple activities in Fujian and Zhoushan waters.

According to some of the information we have now, the big pirates include Wang Zhi, Chen Sipan, Lu Qi, Shen Jiu and others. However, these pirates are also different. For example, Wang Zhi is the same as Xu Dong before. Our policy of opening the sea is relatively supportive, and most of the time it is a rule to participate in our foreign trade, but the other pirates are mainly looting! "

"In the looting activities in the past half year, more than 80% of the looting activities were carried out by pirates such as Chen Sipan, Lu Qi, Shen Jiu, etc. However, although Wang Zhi and I in Datang have maritime trade activities, their People can't restrain their subordinates, and their subordinates have robbed coastal merchant ships and even coastal villages and towns many times!"

"The above-mentioned pirates, according to incomplete statistics, have at least a hundred ships. Among them, Wang Zhi's fleet alone has no less than twenty ships!"

Listening to Staff Officer Song's introduction, a low group of people said, "Then have we found their nest?"

Counselor Song said: "The details are still unknown, but we judge that it must be in the Zhoushan waters, and there must be their bases on Dayuan Island. It's not difficult to find out!"

At this time, Bao Yifen checked: "His Majesty has already said that he will set up a residence on Dayuan Island, and recapture and completely control the island is also a task that our navy must complete!"

Li Xuan cast this tone on Bao Yifen in today's report. In fact, Li Xuan had previously thought of setting up Dayuan Island as a separate administrative area, but the Tang Dynasty did not directly control the island, so an administrative area was established. It's just empty words, but now, he doesn't want to wait any longer. If he waits any longer, it is estimated that Dayuan Island will completely become a pirate's home.

After listening to the brief introduction, everyone started to discuss how to deal with the huge number of pirates scattered everywhere. Some suggested to appease, saying that pirates like Wang Zhi can still be appeased, while others It was suggested that the suppression must be carried out with the strictest attitude, and shouted, 'Those who dare to violate the Tang Dynasty's borders will be killed without mercy! ' radical slogan.

Some people think that the current navy is insufficient, and it should be done gradually, first to organize the main force to patrol the dangerous sea area, and then to find an opportunity to annihilate it.

There are all kinds of opinions, but after discussion, Bao Yifen found that no matter what method he used, it was necessary to transfer some battleships. The main strategy affecting the Navy: Cooperate with the Army's Northern Expedition!

Finally, he said: "If the main force of our navy comes out, and the First Fleet and Second Fleet cooperate with each other, can the pirates in the above-mentioned waters be wiped out in a short period of time?"

"The main force?" Hearing Bao Yifen's words, the other navies all looked puzzled.

The navy's current task is so heavy, how can it be possible to deploy capital ships to eliminate pirates in the area. Although pirates are rampant, they are only a small matter, and the Ming army on the opposite side is the real confidant.

Looking back and waiting for the navy to free up their hands, the pirates will kill them in minutes. In the East Asian waters, there is no sea force that can resist the attack of the more than 20 warships of the Datang Navy!

There are more than 450 naval guns on these 20 warships alone!

Moreover, the Datang Navy's possessions are not limited to these twenty or so warships, there are also several armed merchant ships converted from Galen, and many armed merchant ships converted from traditional Chinese merchant ships.

The main force is used, even if it is not counting the ships in the Yangtze River Fleet, but the Datang Navy estimates that it can pull out at least 60 ships that can be used for sea battles.

But if the main force is exerted now, will the mouth of the Pearl River and the mouth of the Yangtze River still be needed?

Especially on the estuary of the Yangtze River, if the Ming army navy took the opportunity to loot and go south, wouldn't it be doomed.

However, although they were surprised by Bao Yifen's decision, everyone still gave their own answer: "If the main force is deployed to sweep up pirates, depending on the situation, if it goes well, it will be enough to eliminate the pirates in the Zhoushan waters and Dayuan Island within a month. Even if it doesn't go well, two months should be enough. However, with the strength of our navy, there is no problem if we only fight at sea, but if we want to go ashore to fight, we may not have enough marines. , needs the cooperation of the army!"

"Two months? Well then, I'll give you two months!" Bao Yifen stood up: "Two months, the Zhoushan Islands will be completely taken down, and Dayuan Island will also be taken down completely. Not only to guard the sea and territory for His Majesty, but also to open up territory for His Majesty, this Dayuan Island is the first step!"

As the head of the military command, Bao Yifen is the first person in the navy's internal power sequence. After he issued the order, he no longer cares about the follow-up meetings, and the follow-up meetings are the affairs of the staff.

At the beginning of July, the Datang Navy suddenly issued an internal emergency mobilization order, demanding that the pirates in Zhoushan and Dayuan Island be eliminated within two months.

It didn't take long for the naval battleships anchored in Wusong Port, Ningbo Port, Nan'ao Island, Quanzhou, Guangzhou and other places to set sail. In addition to leaving a cruiser and three frigates at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the navy was just in case. The rest of the main warships attacked as much as possible, and at the same time, the inland and coastal fleets also sent a large number of broad and sand ships to cooperate with them.

The mission of these armed merchant ships is not to fight, but to search for the main force of pirates!

At the same time, the army also dispatched a lot of troops and boarded the navy's transport ship, ready to cooperate with the ashore operations to clear the pirate base.

The main force of the navy almost came out, and the action was extremely fast, and there was no news at all After the main force of the first fleet went to sea, it went straight to several ports that were suspected to be pirate bases, and also It really allowed them to discover a few small bases. Needless to say, the ports they discovered were naturally the bases of pirates. Without further ado, they directly blocked the main fleet for shelling!

Nearly ten capital ships, plus more than ten armed merchant ships cooperating with the battle, are enough to smash any pirate ship that dares to resist!

When the naval artillery bombarded, the transport ships that followed also landed with infantrymen, and there was nothing to say about it. The infantrymen charged, and these pirates were basically finished.

At sea, these pirates may still be able to play a little bit of combat effectiveness when they are jumping gangs, but on land, it is almost impossible to be the opponent of the Datang Marine Corps.

Several times even the marine battalion hadn't fully come ashore, but the pirates on the island just collapsed!

When the Datang Navy took it seriously and began to really destroy pirates on a large scale, these usual arrogant pirates were almost completely powerless to fight back!

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