Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 826: The emperor who can't repair the palace

At this meeting of the Ministry of Works, Li Xuan also anticipated various difficulties that the Ministry of Labor would raise, which naturally included funding issues.


After all, the various factories built by the Ministry of Industry are almost all heavy-asset factories with huge investment, and because the various products produced are basically ordnance products, in order to ensure that the limited military expenditure can purchase enough ordnance products, so The price can't be too high either.


Although the purchase price of the military will leave a certain profit for the arsenal, and this profit is not strictly speaking low, but this profit satisfies the operation of the arsenal itself, and proper expansion is naturally possible.


But if you want to spend money to directly build another large-scale arsenal on a large scale, you will be unable to do so!


Therefore, Li Xuan expected that the Ministry of Industry would carry out a series of construction projects in the Jiangnan area. Funds must be very tight, and it was reasonable to seek support from himself, but he did not expect that the gap on the Ministry of Industry's side was so large!


Two million taels!


This is the figure proposed by the Ministry of Industry. The two million taels of silver are not only used to build a series of defense-related enterprises starting in the south of the Yangtze River, but also used for large-scale expansion of related defense-related enterprises in Guangdong and Guangxi, Huguang, Jiangxi and Fujian regions. enterprise.


Because the Ministry of Industry has already planned a series of huge defense industry construction plans, and plans to build a large-scale arsenal and related supporting enterprises in every important area.


At the same time, in the Jiangnan area, it is to build a super large-scale arsenal and supporting enterprises.


In this national defense construction plan prepared by the Ministry of Industry, several arsenals and related supporting factories in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions are directly integrated to prepare for the establishment of the South China Arms Company. The original Zhaoqing Arsenal, Guangzhou Arsenal, etc. are all included in the unified management. .


At the same time, various supporting enterprises are also integrated, and separate machinery companies, chemical companies, etc. are established.


After the integration of the South China Arms Company, the output of various types of guns, artillery and ammunition will reach more than 80% of the current total output of various types of ordnance in the Tang Dynasty.


This will be a huge military-industrial complex, involved in almost all ordnance products, and it can even be said to be involved in all the heavy industries that can be carried out at present.


At the same time, in Huguang, the Ministry of Industry intends to continue to expand the scale and build a large-scale arsenal and supporting factories here.


Guizhou, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and other provinces have no big plans, but only have some ordnance repair factories and small ammunition factories.


In Jiangnan and the future Jiangbei area, the Ministry of Industry has ambitiously proposed a series of companies starting from Jiangnan, and these are all going to be listed under the name of Jiangnan Weapons Company.


To put it simply, the Ministry of Industry is preparing to integrate existing resources, prepare to build two huge weapons companies in South China and Jiangnan, and at the same time build a medium-sized weapons company in Huguang.


Two big one middle school, this is the plan of the Ministry of Industry!


To realize the defense industry layout of the Ministry of Industry, money is naturally indispensable.


Two million, this is the starting price of the Ministry of Industry!


To be honest, this number stumped Li Xuan.


You must know that the tax revenue of the Tang Dynasty this year is only more than 20 million. Although there are other messy incomes, even if it is counted, it is only more than 30 million.


And one of the expansion plans of the Ministry of Industry is to open their mouths for 2 million, and Li Xuan has no way to make room for them.


The tax revenue of 25 million was already divided up by the fiscal expenditure budget at the beginning of the year. Although Li Xuan still had several millions of miscellaneous income in his hands, part of this money would still be used as 'temporary war expenses'. Part of what is put into the army in name is used to improve people's livelihood, relieve disasters, etc., and then have to save a little for emergency.


The Ministry of Industry's mouth is two million yuan, but Li Xuan can't give it to them!


But he also knew that the Ministry of Industry was indeed short of money. Without this money, their huge national defense construction plan would not be possible. In the end, Li Xuan proposed a compromise plan for them, asking them to ask the military for money!


Speaking of the richest people in the Tang Dynasty, of course they belonged to the military, especially the army, who were not bad money.


Of course, if you want the Army to directly pay the Ministry of Industry, it is impossible, but if you slightly increase the price of the weapons, and let the military not default on the payment, it is too much to say. One hundred thousand can still be squeezed out.


Then Li Xuan also agreed. Even if it is financially difficult, he will still support the Ministry of Industry One or Two. There is not much money in the treasury, but two or three hundred thousand can still be used.


Li Xuan reckoned that with the two-pronged approach, he would be able to solve seven or eight hundred thousand!


With this amount of money, it is enough for the Ministry of Work to launch this plan. As for the two million, Li Xuan didn't take it seriously. If the Ministry of Work really wanted two million, they might not say it was two million. It's three million or even four million.


Asking prices all over the sky and paying back the money on the ground is naturally applicable in the fight for funds.


And judging from the smiles on the faces of the last people from the Ministry of Industry when they left, they are probably satisfied with the answer given by Li Xuan!


In fact, Li Xuan still underestimated the faces of those in the Ministry of Industry!


The entire huge national defense construction plan, of course, requires two million yuan, but this two million yuan is not a one-time investment, but will be divided into at least two years.


Moreover, although the profits of defense-related enterprises of the Ministry of Industry are relatively low, several textile companies under the Ministry of Industry, Zhaoqing Machinery Company, Foshan Iron Works and other factories for civilian products, are all huge profits, and these profits can be used to support national defense.


Therefore, the bottom line of the people in the Ministry of Industry was that it would be enough to ask Li Xuan to help solve about 500,000 taels of silver.


However, they did not expect that Li Xuan directly solved the shortfall of at least 800,000 taels of silver for them, although most of them had to be taken out from the military.


But since there was Li Xuan's verbal order, they just raised the price. The military refused to agree, so they moved out of Li Xuan.


No, people from the army and navy soon came to complain to Li Xuan, saying that the military expenditure was not very sufficient. Now the Ministry of Industry has raised the price, and the cost of purchasing ordnance immediately increased by hundreds of thousands. This will affect the current military plan of the Northern Expedition.


In this regard, Li Xuan pretended not to know.


Besides, this year's military expenditure is so much, and the military has not fought any large-scale battles this year, and has not spent too much war expenditure at all. Most of these military expenditures have been turned into guns, ammunition, equipment and hoarding. stand up.


So the shortfall of several hundred thousand taels of silver is nothing to the military, and it can always be solved by overcoming one or two.


Of course, people in the military are not so easy to dismiss. In order to dismiss them, Li Xuan said that he would make certain compensation for the military in the military budget for next year.


With next year's compensation, Li Xuan finally fooled the matter, and the people in the military are fine, what a joke, the price of the ordnance set by His Majesty himself, and even the specific proportion of the price increase is stipulated. Down, they are impossible to object.


But the crying child has milk to drink. If you don't ask Li Xuan to complain, maybe His Majesty will think that their military has so much money that they have nowhere to spend.


Nowadays, the military, whether it is the army or the navy, is spending a lot of money!


The Navy has a series of plans for the construction of warships, as well as many plans for the construction of naval ports, which are very expensive.


Not to mention the army side, just to reorganize the existing many main forces into a standard organization, it cost the army a lot of military expenses, and the army also expanded a main division and a mixed regiment, all of which require money .


At the same time, the army is still hoarding a lot of ammunition to prepare for the Northern Expedition.


Whether it is the army or the navy, no matter how much money there is now, it is not enough.


As the head of the family, Li Xuan naturally has to control military spending and the funding of various cabinet ministries from the perspective of overall planning. Otherwise, no amount of money will be enough.


Datang's financial income is not small, but it spends more money. Anyway, Li Xuan is now out of money to repair the palace. After the Ming Palace built by Zhu Yuanzhang was taken over by Datang, the Tang Dynasty has always been here. They all wanted to repair, and there were plans at the end of last year, and then I tried to start construction, but it started, and then there was no more.


For Mao, I have no money!


The limited repair funds are all used for the royal family courtyard. As for the grand palace, it is still in tatters. Sometimes Li Xuan even thinks about building a new palace next to it. It is estimated that The cost of new construction will not be much more expensive than repair.


The cost of repairing the palace is huge, and Li Xuan is not the old woman of In order to live better, he dares to directly embezzle military expenses. Anyway, the current royal family lives in other courtyards. The matter of the palace will come slowly , anyway, don't expect it to be repaired within three to five years.


In order to solve the problem of financial shortage, on the one hand, Li Xuan asked the Ministry of Taxation to do a good job of taxation, and on the other hand, he was preparing to find a solution from the Royal Bank.


When Li Xuan established the Royal Bank, he was going to use the Royal Bank to raise funds, but he has never done this, because the risk of doing so is still relatively high. If one fails, it will seriously damage the Royal Bank and even the Royal Bank. The credit of the Tang Dynasty.


Therefore, Li Xuan has always been more cautious about this.


But now, when various departments have successively put forward various large-scale plans and funds are tight, Li Xuan is also ready to use the Royal Bank to solve the financial gap.


The first is the issuance of government bonds. The Tang Dynasty has actually done this. When paying wages to middle and senior officials, it adopted a model of issuing part of cash and part of government bonds.


But now, Li Xuan is preparing to publicly issue government bonds to raise more funds!

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