Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 827: Datang who borrowed money to survive

A long time ago, Li Xuan thought about a large-scale public issuance of government bonds, but it has always been impossible due to various restrictions. On the one hand, it was the objection from the courtiers, saying that it was a dignified court, how could he borrow money, even if If there is not enough money to spend, it is enough to let the business people in the world donate directly. The big deal is to copy a few more.


To put it bluntly, the ministers of these years have no concept of borrowing money from the people of the world, because in their opinion, there is no king in the world, the whole world belongs to Your Majesty, and the money owned by the people in this world is naturally His Majesty. of.


Your Majesty wants money, do you still need to borrow it? Just take it!


Another very important reason is that the credibility of the Tang Dynasty is not enough. To put it bluntly, people in the world simply do not trust the Tang Dynasty to pay back the money they borrowed.


There are many factors here. In addition to the traditional fear of the official court and unwillingness to deal more with it, there is also the fact that the Tang Dynasty was only a sidekick before. Whoever is not sure will be exterminated by the Ming Dynasty and wait until the Tang Dynasty. The dynasties are over, and the money they lent to the Tang Dynasty will naturally go to waste. Could it be that you still expect the Ming Dynasty to admit these debts and help them pay them back?


Just kidding!


The combination of many willingnesses led Li Xuan to want to issue government bonds for a long time, but he never made it. In the end, he tried to issue government bonds with the salary of officials as a breakthrough.


However, the issuance of government bonds for official salaries is compulsive. If officials can choose, it is estimated that few people are willing to ask for it.


It's still real gold and silver!


But these are all in the past. Li Xuan feels that the Tang Dynasty has already won Jiangnan, and from the reaction of the people in the world, many people are very optimistic about the Tang Dynasty, which has changed the negative views in the past. Actively moving closer to the Tang Dynasty is a very important premise, which shows that people already have confidence in the Tang Dynasty.


In addition to the issue of credibility, the Tang Dynasty has stopped borrowing grain and looting in recent years, and the official has always refused to admit it, or even cover up these stains in the early years. All will beautify the history of the Tang Dynasty.


Now, whoever dares to speak of some dark history in the early years of the Tang Dynasty should be severely punished.


After so many years of hard work, the credibility of the Tang Dynasty has gradually improved, especially when the military directly purchases materials from the private sector, it basically doesn't make memoirs, and they all use real money and silver to buy, and do everything as much as possible. To not disturb the people, and this makes the people's goodwill towards the Tang Dynasty rapidly increase.


In addition, the issue of distribution channels was resolved with the establishment of Royal Bank and the opening of numerous outlets in many provinces.


Today, Royal Bank is a veritable No. 1 enterprise in the Tang Dynasty. It has established branches in almost every county, and its tentacles have spread all over the Tang Dynasty.


His various assets have exceeded 5 million!


This is only talking about the Royal Bank's own assets, and the various deposits managed by the Royal Bank exceed 70 million taels and are still increasing rapidly.


These gold and silver reserves mainly come from central state treasury silver and local government deposits. Basically, the treasury and local treasury money are deposited in the Royal Bank, and all kinds of expenditures are paid through the Royal Bank.


Then there is a large part of it, which is the deposit of merchants. For the convenience of doing business, these merchants often choose to deposit a large amount of silver and then use checks in daily transactions.


After merchants receive checks, they often do not withdraw cash, but directly transfer them into their own accounts.


As long as there is such a need, the merchants will eventually deposit a sum of money in the Royal Bank, because they have no choice but the Royal Bank.


Coupled with the silver deposits of some ordinary people, the gold and silver reserves in the Royal Bank are quite large.


In the actual circulation basin, the bank notes, cheques, promissory notes and other bills issued by the Royal Bank are widely used in industrial, commercial and large-scale transactions. What does this mean:


This means that after the merchants deposit gold and silver in, they will not withdraw it without too much accident, but trade with bills, checks and other bills.


In other words, the real money has always been in the hands of Royal Bank!


Using these gold and silver reserves, the currency issuing agency within the Royal Bank has long wanted to over-issue silver bills, but this kind of thing is suppressed by Li Xuanyi. tens of millions of taels of silver, but the currency will also depreciate rapidly, resulting in a decline in the purchasing power of silver bills.


At the same time, the tax department has already noticed this phenomenon, and has begun to supervise the issuance of the Royal Bank's bank notes. The simplest of these is that the Royal Bank's bank notes, although they still bear the name of the Royal Bank, are considered to be A bank's internal bill, but actually printed and issued by the Mint of the Ministry of Taxation.


At the same time, the Ministry of Taxation is already preparing to establish a Bank of the Ministry of Taxation, doing nothing else, just for financial supervision and currency issuance, to prevent the Royal Bank from managing itself and then crashing.


It is easy to let a commercial bank take charge of commercial business, currency issuance, and financial supervision.


In particular, the bank notes and cheques issued by the Royal Bank have become the main means of payment in many fields, especially in the commercial field. It's a very important position, and it has to be guarded!


Not to mention anything else, even now the salaries of officials and soldiers at all levels are paid by the system of issuing bank notes, and after the officials have taken the bank notes, if they need real money, they need to go to the Royal Bank to withdraw the real money. Gold and silver, but this kind of advance is basically superfluous, because you can spend it directly with a silver ticket!


The issuance of bank notes has made Royal Bank too influential. Even Li Xuan wants to control and supervise Royal Bank to a certain extent. In addition, he also asks the Ministry of Taxation to issue certain policies to correctly guide others. The development of private banks.


In the Datang Dynasty, although other private banks were not eliminated, because of the high deposit margin system, perfect various systems, and greatly improved access thresholds, there are not many private banks in the Datang Dynasty at present. There are only more than 20 people who got the business and manufacturing, and the old-fashioned financial institutions such as many various banks have basically disappeared in the long river of history, either by changing careers, or being acquired or merged.


However, these banks are generally small in scale and are mainly regional banks. Such banks have limited business capabilities and poor credibility, so they cannot compete with Royal Bank at all.


Using deposits to lend, collect transfers, cash withdrawals and other handling fees, Royal Bank's profitability is very strong, but although the profit is large, it can't stand Royal Bank's blooming everywhere, and the investment in opening new outlets is also huge.


Li Xuan also thought about using the Royal Bank's deposits directly, but he also knew that this was a last resort and must not be used lightly, otherwise, it would easily collapse the financial system of the Tang Dynasty.


But seeing that so much money can't be used, to be honest, he is also itching, and this national debt is an attempt by Li Xuan.


The issuance of treasury bonds, although public issuance, this time the issuance of treasury bonds is not for individuals, but for various institutions, mainly Royal Bank and more than 20 other private banks, as well as some enterprises.


Banks invest in treasury bonds with the huge deposits they collect, earn interest and make money!


Finance gets money and pays interest, it's that simple.


Although it seems that there is still a feeling of directly taking the deposit in the bank and using it, it is actually different.


Li Xuan wants to issue treasury bonds, and the tax department is naturally the happiest, because this means that the pressure on the tax department will be much less. Now the Datang Dynasty uses so many places for money, and the Datang Dynasty uses the money, who to look for take? Find the tax department!


After a private discussion between the Tax Department and the Royal Bank, they felt that the amount should not be too much at first, and the amount should not be too large to avoid turmoil. At the same time, it was necessary to attract another 20 banks to participate, and the interest rate should be slightly higher.


Therefore, after the negotiation, the tax department decided that the first tranche of treasury bonds will be of three-year term and five-year term. After maturity, the principal and interest will be paid in one lump sum, of which the interest is set relatively high. The three-year term is 7%, and the five-year term is The deadline is 7.5%.


Because it is the first issue, the scale will not be too large. The first issue is aimed at five million taels. The Royal Bank people said that their family can make a round, but the tax department will definitely not do this!


In the end, only four million taels of silver were given to the Royal Bank, and the remaining one million was given to the other twenty or so banks.


However, the sales situation is not very ideal. Royal Bank is originally a royal family industry. As a policy bank, it is duty-bound to support the finances. However, those ordinary private banks cannot ignore risks, so although there are some twists and turns, but after all There are more than 20 banks, and one of them can buy tens of thousands of taels of government bonds at random, and they can also cover the one million quota.


After receiving the five million taels of silver, the people in the tax department still couldn't believe it, the money came so easily!


Immediately, I found Li How about we issue another tens of millions of taels of national debt, but it was Li Xuan who said, who will you sell it to?


Even if all of them are sold, how will the tax department plan to pay them back?


Now Datang is struggling to make ends meet every year, and to put it badly, some already rely on borrowing money to make ends meet.


Now I owe officials' salaries of more than 13 million taels that have been converted into national debt, and I owe the Royal Bank a loan of 3 million taels, and now I add 5 million in national debt. Come down, the debt has exceeded 20 million, and the interest is nearly 2 million every year!


If you continue to borrow, do you plan to use all the financial income to pay interest in the future?


So after the issuance of the first tranche of government bonds, Li Xuan simply cut off the tax department's idea of ​​continuing to issue government bonds. Let's just collect taxes honestly, and issue tens of millions of government bonds. It's really like the bank's money that doesn't need to be repaid!


Even if the money in the bank does not need to be returned, the money in the bank is not from the wind. It is the deposit of the people. The people can't get their hard-earned money back. !

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