Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Suppress the thieves and Anmin - the Northern Expedition!

After sending away the second-hand goods from the tax department who thought they didn't need to pay back the borrowed money, Li Xuan just figured out how to spend the five million taels borrowed and put it directly into military spending, which is not very good.


It doesn't mean that the military expenditure is enough, but the military expenditure is already a lot, and other departments are all tight, especially after the capital of Jinling City, the Tang Dynasty can be regarded as a formality, and every aspect costs money.


And these all cost money!


So, of the five million, part of it can be used as military expenses, but the other part has to be distributed to the various ministries of the cabinet.


The water conservancy construction needs to give a little, the transportation department needs to give a little, and the education department needs to keep a little. The officials' salaries should be repaid appropriately, and there are other messy expenses. In the final calculation, Li Xuan found that, Oops, these five million are really worthless!


Moreover, the money has been spent, and it seems that there has not been much improvement. Every department is still crying every day, and Li Xuan is upset!


Later, I just didn't care. I have survived the hard times for several years in the past, and I am afraid that I will not be able to survive now. Let's take it slow. There will be bread, and good days will always come.


This small disturbance caused by the national debt came and went quickly, and was soon left behind by Li Xuan, focusing on armaments.


On September 2, Li Xuan left the palace to the outskirts of the city to inspect the newly formed Eighth Infantry Division and other units of the Second Army.


After arriving at the training ground on the outskirts of the city, Li Xuan, accompanied by a group of civil and military officials, boarded the viewing platform and watched the drill of the Eighth Infantry Division with binoculars, while Zeng Ziwen introduced to Li Xuan:


"The Eighth Infantry Division began to prepare for construction at the beginning of the year. With reference to the preparation of the Seventh Infantry Division last year, part of the backbone was directly transferred from the Fifth Infantry Division and other units. An infantry battalion, the core of the artillery regiment is an artillery battalion of the 5th Infantry Division, and some troops are drawn from other units!"


"Subsequently, a large number of recruits were recruited, weapons were replenished, and intensive training was carried out. In the past two months after the formation in July, intensive adaptive training has been carried out. At present, the division has officially formed an army."


"The division, like the other main forces, consists of three infantry regiments, an artillery regiment, a baggage regiment, a cavalry battalion, an engineer battalion, and other auxiliary units, with a total strength of 15,000 men. It has 6,000 muskets under its jurisdiction. There are thirty-two five-jin field guns, eighteen nine-jin field guns, and forty-eight two-jin and three-jin shotguns.”


"In terms of strength and weaponry, this division is already the same as the 1st Infantry Division, 5th Infantry Division and other powerful armies!"


Li Xuan naturally knew that now the army has completely completed the reorganization, and the establishment of each infantry division is the same. Except for the difficulty of replenishing the fourth infantry division, the other infantry divisions basically have the same strength and the same equipment.


However, in terms of military strength and equipment, it is actually difficult to distinguish the combat effectiveness of these units. However, the combat effectiveness of a unit is important. Although the strength and equipment are also important, when the strength and equipment are the same, the quality of officers and soldiers It will also make the combat effectiveness of the troops vary greatly.


Among the many units of the Datang Army, at present, the two units with the strongest combat effectiveness are the 1st Infantry Division and the 5th Infantry Division, and the second is the 4th Mixed Regiment. Although this unit is only a mixed group, it has a tough style and can fight. A tough fight, and the fighting power is not weak.


And new units like the 7th Infantry Division and the 8th Infantry Division are just average in combat effectiveness.


Eight infantry divisions and ten mixed regiments are the main force of the core field troops of the Tang Dynasty.


In addition, the Army also has some independent heavy-duty howitzer battalions, mainly equipped with heavy-duty short-barreled howitzers weighing 48kg and 24kg. This kind of howitzer is mainly used to siege cities. On weekdays, due to the difficulty of maneuvering and the relatively short range, deployment is difficult. It is difficult to supply ammunition, so the use is generally average on weekdays, far less easy to use than the five-jin field gun.


Yes, in the Datang Army today, the best artillery is the core of the army's artillery firepower. It is not a powerful heavy howitzer, nor is it a long-range, powerful nine-jin field gun, but its performance is not very good. The five-jin field gun.


Why, because the five-jin field artillery is made of iron, the cost is low, and the production is easy. The Datang Army is equipped with a lot of such artillery.


When the number is large, it is difficult not to act as the core strength of the artillery!


The high-level generals of the Datang Army have a soft spot for the current five-pound field artillery. The low cost, simple production process and large output mean that the Army can purchase more of this artillery with limited military expenses. .


Without this cheap cast iron five-jin field gun, the Army's ambitious artillery regiment plan would have been impossible to take shape.


When watching the drill of the Eighth Infantry Division, Li Xuan also expressed his approval for the quality displayed by the Eighth Infantry Division, and turned to Zeng Ziwen and other senior army officers and said, "It can be seen that all the Aiqings put their minds into it. Yes, good!"


Although this is just an exercise, it does not mean that the Eighth Infantry Division can still perform in this way after it goes to the battlefield, but if this exercise is not done well, let alone expect to do it well on the battlefield.


From the drill point of view, the 8th Infantry Division performed quite well, the formation was tight, the formation was quick but not chaotic, and the artillery's live ammunition hit rate was also quite good.


As for the real test of the combat effectiveness of this unit, or how high its ability to withstand casualties, it cannot be tested. The Infantry Division is an old and powerful army.


But after a few more battles, many of the recruits will quickly become veterans, and the combat effectiveness of the veterans who have gone through the baptism of war will be greatly improved!


With this Eighth Infantry Division, the Northern Expedition plan has another guarantee!


The next day after returning from the training ground on the outskirts of the city, the War Department of the Privy Council formally submitted to Li Xuan the battle plan for the Northern Expedition across the Yangtze River!


When Li Xuan got the plan, he didn't read it carefully, because the plan was divided into more than a dozen books, each of which ranged from dozens of pages to hundreds of pages, many of which were details. Of course, Li Xuan doesn't need to look at sexual things, what he wants is the overall plan.


So he was looking at the general outline in front!


After watching, Li Xuan did not go to see Zeng Ziwen, Hao Bainian, Li Chunjing and other high-level executives, but carefully considered the pros and cons of the plan.


Although the plan proposed by the army has a lot of details, it can be roughly divided into three stages. On the basis of completely controlling the Yangtze River, opening up the Yangtze River waterway, and obtaining the entrance to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the war was advanced to the Huaihe River Basin.


The second stage is to advance the front to Shandong and Henan.


The third stage is to completely capture Shandong and Henan, enter Northern Zhili, and capture the pseudo-Ming capital.


To put it simply, this is a strategic plan with the ultimate goal of capturing the pseudo-ming capital. The reason why it is divided into three stages is because the distance is long and the time-consuming will definitely be very long. Even if the whole plan goes well, I am afraid It also takes more than a year!


Not to mention, it would take several months for the troops to travel from Jinling City to the pseudo-Ming capital.


Moreover, the Ming army is not a fool. If you are a fool, you will not resist when you kill him. If you resist a little in the middle, the time will be extended by one month. This is why the Privy Council divided the whole plan into three stages to implement.


And the above three stages are only rough plans, and the detailed plan is that the first army is the west route, responsible for attacking Hubei, including Hanyang. The Second Army was in charge of the middle route and attacked the western and central parts of Jiangbei, that is, Anqing, Luzhou, Fengyang and other vast areas.


The Third Army was responsible for the eastern part of Jiangbei, mainly Yangzhou and Huaian.


Basically, each army is responsible for solving a tough problem: Hanyang of the First Army, Anqing of the Second Army, and Yangzhou of the Third Army.


Of course, although the troops are divided into three routes, they are also divided into primary and secondary, and therefore, the deployment of the above-mentioned three armies and even the supply of logistical supplies will be re-adjusted.


The biggest adjustment is that in a series of operations, capturing Yangzhou is definitely the top priority, so we are ready to increase the deployment of the Third Army, not only the newly formed Eighth Infantry Division will be incorporated into the Third Army At the same time, the 5th Infantry Division, which is tough and good at fighting tough battles, will be recruited from the 2nd Army to strengthen the 3rd Army.


The heavy howitzer battalion will also be assigned to the third army first, in order to strive for a good start, first to capture Yangzhou, and to completely open up the Yangtze River waterway for the Tang Dynasty.


As long as Yangzhou is captured, many logistics transport ships of the subsequent Datang Dynasty can directly enter the Yangtze River to transport materials to Jinling and even the suburbs of Anqing, and can also enter the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to provide logistics supplies for troops going deep into the Huaihe River.


Therefore, Yangzhou is the first strategic target that needs to be overcome!


As for Anqing, it can be delayed for a while, as for Hanyang, it can also be postponed.


Li Xuan spent a whole day discussing with the army's high-level generals. The next day, he held another army expansion meeting and recruited almost all the generals above the major general in Jinling City to discuss the army. discussion.


On the third day, he held a strategic meeting in front of the imperial army, which was attended by all senior officials of the navy and army. At the meeting, he officially approved the first phase of the battle plan for the Northern Expedition across the Yangtze River, and took this phase of operations as this year's autumn and winter offensive.


After the imperial strategy meeting ended, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Li Xuan sent more than a dozen officials from the Imperial Academy as angels to inspect and condolence to the various troops fighting abroad on his behalf.


The senior generals also left Jinling City and went to the war zone individually!


On the fourth day, Li Xuan convened a cabinet meeting, asking all cabinet ministries to cooperate with the upcoming autumn and winter offensive, do a good job in comforting the families of soldiers and soldiers, do a good job in recruiting new soldiers, and do a good job in replenishing various materials, etc.


At this point of view, these civilians naturally did not dare to drag the military and Li Xuan back. They all patted their chests and said that they must settle the rear and provide the most powerful support for the army on the front line.


Liu Bagou, on behalf of all the cabinet officials, solemnly said to Zeng Ziwen and Bao Yifen, the two representatives of the navy and army, that the soldiers on the front line can fight bravely with peace of mind, and the cabinet will provide all support to solve their worries!


On the fifth day, in the latest issue of the Tang Dynasty newspaper, there was a report on the slaying of the thieves, Anmin, and vowed to destroy the false army of Ming thieves, so as to pacify the hundreds of millions of people in the world!


When the Datang Dynasty published this letter to suppress the thief Anmin, the Third Army of the Datang Army officially launched a landing operation on Tongzhou, Jiangbei under the cover of the navy!

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