Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 829: The powerful 3rd Army

The Jiangyin Port of Changzhou Prefecture on the other side of Tongzhou is the main base of the Yangtze River Fleet. At the same time, it is also the docking port of a large number of marine supply ships and a transfer station for material supply. Although the scale of the port here is not large, it has always been very busy. And the defense here is also very strict.


Today, however, this place is busier than usual, even to the point of being crowded.


On the shore, many ships are waiting to dock, and on the pier on the shore, ships are moored on the pier, and many soldiers are boarding one after another. ferry.


On the Jiangyin Fortress, the artillerymen were also on guard, and their muzzles were aimed upstream. The armed merchant ships of the Yangtze River Fleet and even the cruisers and frigates of the First Fleet risked appearing here, strictly guarding against the possible appearance of the Ming army navy. Interfere with crossing the river.


Such a large-scale action naturally attracted the attention of the Ming army on the other side. From time to time, ships of the Ming army tried to break in to explore the truth, but they were all blocked by the coastal defense guns and naval guns, but the Ming army was obviously there. Is not willing.


According to the report of the surveillance cavalry upstream, the Ming army navy in Yangzhou had already begun to assemble, but they did not know whether to come to attack Jiangyin port, or to prevent the Tang Navy from directly attacking Yangzhou.


But just in case, the officers and men of the Datang Navy and Army involuntarily quickened the pace of boarding!


In a two-story masonry building in the port, the new commander of the Third Army, the former commander of the First Army, Lieutenant General Hao Bonian stood by the window, watching the countless ships and busy soldiers outside.


"How is the situation now?" Hao Bainian asked.


The adjutant on the side said: "Now all the infantry regiments of the 5th Infantry Division have boarded the ship, and an artillery battalion has also been loaded, and the remaining troops of the 5th Infantry Division are nervously boarding the ship."


After listening to Hao Bainian, he frowned slightly and said, "The speed of boarding is too slow now. I ordered to go down and speed up the speed of boarding. Today, the 5th Infantry Division will all set off to officially cross the river and launch a landing operation!"


The adjutant on the side said: "The wharf is basically occupied now, and it is difficult to load the materials, I am afraid it can't be accelerated any more!"


Hao Bainian said: "The dock is not enough, so it is used to load materials. As for the boarding of people, it is not necessary to board the boat at the dock. It is also possible to take a small boat directly from the shore."


At this time, Hao Bainian showed a hint of worry: "The Ming army navy on the opposite side must have noticed it for a long time after we made such a big move in the past two days. It was reported that the Ming army navy in Yangzhou might meet up. To attack Jiangyin Port, although the navy guarantees the safety of Jiangyin, it cannot fully rely on the navy, and their large ships in the Yangtze River can play no role other than as fortresses.”


Hao Bainian has reason to worry. Although the navy has repeatedly guaranteed the safety of the army crossing the river, Hao Bainian can see that the navy is not confident enough to say this.


Although the navy has gathered a large number of ships here, there are always more than ten armed merchant ships, four patrol ships, six frigates, and two cruisers, but it is not very easy to use many ships and artillery when fighting in this place.


Because the Ming army navy does not compete with you for artillery, they have prepared countless small boats upstream. When the time comes, hundreds of fire boats will be put down along the river, and the cruiser will have to kneel no matter how awesome it is!


Otherwise, why did the navy never dare to swagger in and out of the Yangtze River, because they were afraid of being targeted by the fireboats of the Ming navy!


Therefore, Hao Bainian did not expect the navy to ensure the safety of the army crossing the river, so he needed to get his troops on board to cross the river as soon as possible. go.


At that time, the Ming army's Yangzhou fort, which made the navy helpless, could be taken down by the army in minutes.


The number of troops that do not cross the river is indispensable. The Ming army has deployed heavy troops in Jiangbei. These thousands of people used to deliver food, and they must send tens of thousands of people across the river at one time, so that the situation can be quickly opened up, and then more Troops cross the river.


Hao Bainian knew very well that Li Xuan had transferred himself to the Third Army to serve as the commander. He wanted to open up the situation in Yangzhou and lay the foundation for the entire Northern Expedition plan.


Hao Bainian was originally the commander of the First Army, but Li Xuan transferred him to the Third Army to serve as the commander. Li Chunjing, commander of the Second Army, was transferred to the command of the First Army.


To put it simply, Li Xuan just swapped the three commanders!


On the one hand, Li Xuan hopes that Hao Bainian will open up the situation in Yangzhou, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent these generals from serving as chief officers in the same army for a long time, which will cause the situation to be too big.


Not only were the three commanders swapped, in fact, many generals at the division commander and regiment level had been swapped and promoted.


In the first half of this year, there were no large-scale wars, which also created a favorable opportunity for Li Xuan to rotate the middle and senior generals in the army. If there were frequent wars, Li Xuan would not be able to rotate on such a large scale.


At present, on the army side, there are basically no generals above the regiment level who have served in the same position for more than a year.


Although such a large-scale exchange will affect the combat effectiveness of the troops to a certain extent, after the run-in for the past six months, it has basically made up for the losses in this area, and Li Xuan's control over the troops is also more powerful. .


Hao Bainian also knew why Li Xuan let him be the commander of the Third Army. His ability was not the reason, but defense was the reason. So Hao Bainian has been relatively low-key recently, not like when he was in the First Army. Subordinates are too close.


In his opinion, if those generals who win over their subordinates and try to form their own faction, if they can get a good death, Hao Bainian will not believe it anyway. This world belongs to His Majesty, and the army belongs to His Majesty. You want to treat the army as yourself. Yes, that is courting death!


Hao Bainian still wanted to be the hero of the founding of the country and win a duke. It was best to be hereditary, so battles had to be fought, but loyalty should never be forgotten, and a low profile was even more necessary.


Compared with Hao Bainian's low-key, the commander of the fifth division, Chen Keqiao, was not at all low-key. His troops were the first batch of troops to cross the river, so from the very beginning, he went to the wharf to sit in person and command the troops to board the ship.


There is not much time left for him, because there are tens of thousands of people waiting to board the ship!


The Third Army prepared for the Battle of Yangzhou is unprecedentedly powerful. It has three infantry divisions: the Fifth Infantry Division, the Sixth Infantry Division, and the Eighth Infantry Division, as well as the First Mixed Regiment, the Ninth Mixed Regiment, and more. There are also three heavy artillery battalions.


All the troops were fully loaded, with a total strength of 55,000.


Originally, there was a new mixed regiment with poor combat effectiveness, that is, the 11th mixed regiment, but considering that even if it was an attack from the north, there would not be any troops left in the rear, so the 11th mixed regiment was Instead of being incorporated into the Third Army, they will stay behind and suppress Jiangnan.


Also staying in Jiangnan, there are two new supplementary brigades, 5,000 people in the Guards, and the Ninth Infantry Division, which has not yet formed an army, the Army is preparing to expand after the Eighth Infantry Division.


Why is there only 5,000 people in the Guards? Because this time across the river, the Guards will also send half of its troops, about 5,000 people, to participate in the battle. Charge into battle.


Dispatching the Guards to fight is a practice taken by Li Xuan in order to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the Guards. The previous Nan'ao Island Campaign, the Battle of Fujian, and the Guards all participated, and a rotation system was adopted to ensure that each Guard was All infantry battalions can gain combat experience.


Otherwise, the Guards will sooner or later become a flamboyant force. After all, Li Xuan is unlikely to be recruited in person now.


On the side of the Second Army, the commander is Wang Chaohong, and the troops currently under its jurisdiction are the 7th Infantry Division, the 4th Mixed Regiment, and the Fifth Mixed Regiment. In addition, the 3rd Infantry Division garrisoned in Jiujiang is also assigned to the Second Army. , with two heavy artillery battalions.


The First Army, commanded by Li Chunjing, has the 1st Infantry Division, the 2nd Infantry Division, the 3rd Mixed Regiment, the 10th Mixed Regiment, and a heavy artillery battalion.


Then there are troops on other fronts and in the rear. For example, there is the Fourth Infantry Division in Yunnan, the Seventh Mixed Regiment in western Hunan, the Eighth Mixed Regiment in Guangxi, the Sixth Mixed Regiment in Guizhou, the Second Mixed Regiment in Guangdong, and the Fujian Mixed Regiment. It is the newly compiled 12th mixed regiment, and Zhejiang is also the newly compiled 13th mixed regiment.


The above-mentioned troops constitute the main force of the current Datang Dynasty. Of course, many of them are newly formed troops, and they do not include supplementary brigades. Currently, there are as many as eight supplementary brigades in Datang.


However, the positioning of the supplementary brigade in the Tang Dynasty was the training of new recruits. Although it was organized, it was often emptied. For example, in the first half of the year, when the units were reorganized, the Eighth Infantry Division and the Eleventh Mixed Regiment were newly reorganized. The several supplementary brigades in Jiangxi and Guangdong were emptied, leaving only one empty So although there are establishments, the personnel of the supplementary brigades are floating. If the troops do not need a large-scale expansion, the loss is not large. If the number is relatively stable, the number of troops can be kept relatively stable, but once the troops are to be expanded and the losses of the front-line troops are relatively large, these supplementary brigades can be vacated in minutes.


After the strengthening of the Third Army, there are many troops. It is unrealistic to cross the river all at once. The Datang Navy could not find so many ships at all. This is not only to transport people across the river, but also to Transporting the equipment of these troops across the river together, those artillery pieces and a lot of ammunition are not so easy to transport.


As for the envisaged pontoon bridge plan, it has long been thrown away by the Navy and the Army, because their intended landing site is Tongzhou, and the Yangtze River in that place can not be called a river, but should be said to be the sea. It's better to ship it directly by ship.


With the efforts of many soldiers, the personnel and equipment of the 5th Infantry Division finally boarded the ship, and then began to go down the river under the cover of naval warships, and then went straight to Tongzhou.


At the same time, the Ming army navy in Yangzhou has also assembled and is ready to attack. At this time, needless to say, both sides already know that the war has broken out, and it is time to go all out!

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