Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 833: Advance to Yangzhou

On a large transport ship, Rear Admiral Chen Keqiao was listening to the adjutant's report on the previous battle between the Navy and the Ming Navy.


Although he was able to see the smoke of gunpowder in the upstream direction, and the sound of gunfire was even more intense, but the detailed battle situation was invisible. He could judge that the navy had won this battle, but the specific battle situation was Still don't know.


However, since it has been confirmed that the navy has won a great victory, he is completely at ease. In the next landing battle, he will no longer be disturbed by the Ming army navy, and he can launch the landing operation calmly.


"Sir, the first batch of transport ships is already ready to dock, and the Ming army on the other side has not set up an interception line on the beach!"


Hearing this, Chen Keqiao nodded slightly: "The Ming army does not resist on the beachhead, that's a wise move, if it were me, I wouldn't risk the enemy's naval guns to resist on the beachhead, but make sure to let the thirteenth step The corps should be careful, after landing on the beachhead, quickly advance to the predetermined location, open up a safe landing site, and cover the landing of the follow-up troops and artillery troops, but they must not rush in pursuit to prevent the enemy from setting up an ambush on the beachhead!"


The landing operation of the Datang Wangshi is so huge that as long as the blind people are not blind, they can see the transport ships and battleships of the Datang Wangshi almost facing the river, and even the Ming army navy in Yangzhou can come to intercept, and Tongzhou is here. The Ming army on the side must have discovered it long ago and made full preparations.


Chen Keqiao didn't intend to let the troops advance, he just wanted the first batch of the 13th Infantry Regiment to land honestly under the cover of naval guns, and then establish and stabilize the landing site, as long as his 5th Infantry was allowed to land. If all the divisions go ashore, then the enemy troops in Tongzhou will definitely not be able to drive themselves down the river again.


According to the information from the previous reconnaissance, the Ming army deployed about 20,000 troops in the direction of Tongzhou, at least half of which were Jiangbei New Army.


The Jiangbei New Army, its predecessor was actually the Jiangnan New Army, and after the main force of the Jiangnan New Army was annihilated in Jiangnan, the remaining Jiangnan New Army, and some of the reinforcements from the frontier army, fled across the Jiangbei and were reorganized.


Part of it escaped to Anqing, and then the original Jiangnan New Army and other messy local new forces were strongly integrated by Yu Dayou and reorganized into the Broken Bandit Army. This part of the army has about 50,000 troops, and the original garrison Anqing's approximately 20,000 Jiangnan New Army and Broken Bandit Army are the core.


The other part, fled to Yangzhou, including the more than 10,000 Jiangnan New Army originally stationed in Jinling City and other cities in the south of the Yangtze River, and then more than 10,000 Jiangnan New Army scattered from the battlefield.


At the same time, there were also some local new troops reinforced from Huaian, Shandong and other regions.


After the integration, the Jiangbei New Army has about 40,000 troops!


But it is worth noting that the Jiangbei area with Yangzhou as the core is not only the Jiangbei New Army, but also has about 20,000 people in the Beijing camp and more than 50,000 people in the border army.


In the entire Yangzhou region, there are about 120,000 new-style troops equipped with guns and guns, and there are more than 30,000 young men who are temporarily recruited.


The Jiangbei new army stationed in Tongzhou is mainly Jiangbei new army, not only Tongzhou, other Ming troops stationed in the eastern outskirts of Yangzhou, including Taizhou and other places, are mostly Jiangbei new army, as for Yangzhou city itself, it is composed of 50,000 The elite frontier troops are stationed.


And the Liuhe area in the west of Yangzhou is garrisoned by 20,000 Beijing battalions!


From this deployment, it can be seen that the Ming army no longer trusts the combat effectiveness of the new army in the Jiangnan area. They put their hopes in the 50,000 elite frontier troops.


There are about 20,000 enemies in Tongzhou, and even if they all come, as long as his 5th Infantry Division can land smoothly, he will be sure to stop them.


Under the order of Chen Keqiao, the 13th Infantry Regiment, which landed first, landed quickly after landing. There was no resistance during the landing, but it could be found that the reconnaissance and cavalry of the Ming army were frequently issued. Guess to know, there must be the main force of the Ming army behind this.


The 13th Infantry Regiment also ignored them, but dug trenches on its own to protect the troops of the 5th Infantry Division and continued to land.


Because the Ming army did not carry out beachhead resistance, and the 13th Infantry Regiment did not advance rashly, the expected fierce battle did not occur, but the navy's cover battleship did not relax, but continued to anchor on the shore and put numerous artillery on the When the land is ready, as long as the Ming army appears, then they will launch artillery bombardment.


Under the cover of the 13th Infantry Regiment, the other two infantry regiments of the 5th Infantry Division and the artillery regiment also began to land quickly.


Because there is no dock, landing is very troublesome. At first, only a large number of infantrymen landed. The infantrymen approached the shore through small boats, then jumped directly off the boat, stepped on the river and mud, and struggled to gather in the open space on the beach.


As for the landing of the artillery unit, it is more troublesome. The engineer unit needs to urgently build a temporary dock, and then let the transport ships loaded with artillery and a large amount of ammunition dock on the dock, and then these heavy artillery can be unloaded.


For this landing operation, many elite engineers were recruited from the navy and army to form a bridge battalion of about 500 people, and even hundreds of craftsmen were temporarily seconded from the factories of the Ministry of Industry. The Royal Academy of Sciences It also dispatched a technical consultant team of more than ten people.


And all of this is to quickly build a temporary pier by the river!


After all, before officially capturing Tongzhou and occupying the port there, the 5th Infantry Division that landed early would rely on such a temporary pier for the unloading of artillery, ammunition, and the replenishment of logistical supplies.


The construction of the Zhouqiao Battalion was underway, and the infantrymen of the Fifth Infantry Division also landed one after another, and then enriched the defense of the landing site to avoid the attack of the Ming army.


In fact, the Ming army's counter-offensive had already begun. Naturally, their infantry did not have the guts to rush up to counter-attack, because at the riverside, many main ships of the Datang Navy and armed merchant ships could directly drop anchor and act as the anchor. Fixed battery, providing direct fire support to the 5th Infantry Division.


And the support of naval guns is much stronger than the firepower of the army's own artillery!


The Ming army's counterattack was to use artillery, but there were not many, only a few. The 5th Infantry Division took a risk and sent a few elite infantry squads to directly disperse their artillery positions and expelled them.


Later, the Ming army used cavalry, but even their cavalry did not have the courage to attack the landing site of the 5th Infantry Division.


So on the first day, there was basically no large-scale war between the two sides!


When it was almost evening, the boat bridge camp finally lived up to expectations and built a temporary pier. Although the pier was very simple, it was strong enough to unload artillery, carriages loaded with ammunition, and horses of the cavalry battalion. .


The artillery regiment, cavalry battalion, baggage regiment and other troops that had been waiting by the river for a long time also landed one after another!


And those transport ships that have been unloaded are returning to the south bank again, ready to load the second batch of landing troops to cross the river!


At midnight in the evening, all the artillery and ammunition of the artillery regiment went ashore, and a temporary artillery position was built, which extended the artillery cover of the Datang King Division several hundred meters forward.


By the early morning of the next day, all the troops of the 5th Infantry Division had successfully landed, especially the artillery and ammunition and other baggage.


At six o'clock in the morning, the 5th Infantry Division finally launched a formal attack after the landing, and began to move forward. They wanted to capture Tongzhou in a short time. The purpose of capturing Tongzhou was not to annihilate the Ming army inside, but to capture Tongzhou. The pier along the river outside the city.


Although the Fifth Infantry Division has landed, there are still a large number of troops of the Third Army waiting to land, and the subsequent landing troops have a large number of heavy artillery troops, cavalry troops, and baggage troops. At the same time, after these troops crossed the river, every The materials consumed in one day are very huge, and it is simply impossible to maintain the Third Army's operations in Jiangbei by relying on a temporary pier.


The Third Army had to seize a ready-made port that could berth large ships and carry out loading and unloading operations, and the riverside wharf outside Tongzhou City was the best choice.


Although this wharf is not very good and its scale is very small, the Navy's intelligence department has already surveyed and mapped this small wharf in advance. Although it is small in scale, several of them are deep-water ports, which are enough to park those large-scale 300-ton piers. Transport ships, and more than 100 tons to more than 300 tons, this range is also the main tonnage of a large number of transport ships that are currently free and requisitioned by the Datang Navy and Army.


This kind of ready-made wharf is much easier to use than the temporary wharf. Through the non-stop loading and unloading operations day and night, it can barely support the supplies needed by the Third Army.


So, the 5th Infantry Division attacked!


The 5th Infantry Division has moved, and it is attacking eastward along the river, and the warships on the navy side are also advancing to ensure that the 5th Infantry Division can be given the most powerful fire support at any time.


When the 5th Infantry Division the inside of Tongzhou city was in chaos. The more than 10,000 Ming troops in the city were arguing endlessly. , that is, the group of Ming troops who were ambushed in the depths of the landing city yesterday, but at this time they have quietly retreated to Taizhou.


When the 5th Infantry Division approached Tongzhou, the defenders of Tongzhou resolutely abandoned the city and fled after an argument.


Tongzhou, they couldn't hold it. It didn't mean they were too timid to fight, but it was a fact. If they continued to defend, it was estimated that the whole army would be wiped out, so they retreated decisively. Of course, they didn't forget to let go before they left. A fire broke out, burning down the warehouses and other buildings in the city.


However, the fire in Tongzhou City had little impact on the Tang Army, because the strategic purpose of attacking Tongzhou was not to seize the city, but only for a small wharf!


So after seeing the Ming army retreat, the 5th Infantry Division did not pursue it, but took over Tongzhou City, and then prepared to take over the main force of the 3rd Army!


That night, the second batch of landing troops of the Third Army arrived in Tongzhou, and then used the capture to arrive at the dock for quick unloading!


The next day, the third and fourth batches of landing troops arrived one after another!


The Third Army used a large number of ships to directly transport all the main troops of the Third Army, including artillery, ammunition and other cargo across the river, and the amount of ammunition carried was enough for the Third Army to experience five days of high-intensity operations.


After the landing was completed, the Third Army officially moved westward to Yangzhou!

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