Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 834: Guards go to the front

Yangzhou is one of the most prosperous cities in contemporary times. The reason why it can be so prosperous is inseparable from its location. Relying on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, it can collect a lot of money for Yangzhou.


Not to mention, the Lianghuai salt industry was quite developed in the Ming Dynasty, and Yangzhou was the distribution center of the Lianghuai salt industry. Just the capital gathered here, there are at least tens of millions of taels of silver.


And this is just that Yangzhou is brilliant in business, and in the military, Yangzhou also has an important strategic role, why is it because of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.


Yangzhou guards the entrance of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal into and out of the Yangtze River. Whoever occupies Yangzhou can guard the entrance of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, um, or the exit.


For the current war between the Tang army and the Ming army, the role of Yangzhou is even more important. If the Tang army wants to go north, it must pass the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and to pass the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, it must capture Yangzhou.


For the Ming army, if you want to defend Jiangbei, even Shandong and Beizhili, you must defend Yangzhou!


Because Yangzhou is so important, whether it is the Tang army or the Ming army, they all put heavy troops here, and their attention is of the highest level.


The main force of the Ming army in Yangzhou will exceed 130,000, and the total force will reach more than 150,000!


The Tang Army, the third army prepared for Yangzhou, had a total force of 55,000 people. In addition to the naval artillery dispatched by the navy, the total number of artillery pieces over 5 jin of the third army of the army alone exceeded 200!


And now, after the successful landing of the Third Army in Tongzhou, the main force is going out towards Yangzhou!


The Third Army was coming, and the Ming army in Yangzhou City naturally noticed it long ago, and began to shrink its forces and voluntarily abandoned the Ming army in Tongzhou. Although they were punished on the surface, they were given the opportunity to commit crimes and meritorious deeds in a blink of an eye. To put it bluntly, Even the adults above agreed that the defenders on the Tongzhou side would take the initiative to retreat in order to preserve their living strength.


Afterwards, even the main force of the defenders in Taizhou retreated voluntarily, leaving only more than 2,000 people for symbolic resistance, and then more than 2,000 people retreated directly.


In the face of the menacing puppet army of Tang thieves, the Ming army rationally chose to shrink its forces, intending to stick to Yangzhou City, and at the same time redeploy its defense line at Gaoyou in the rear.


In the face of the Ming army's practice of not resisting, but taking the initiative to shrink its forces, preparing to be a tortoise in Yangzhou, Hao Bainian was not impatient.


Hao Bainian is naturally confident. This time, he just brought more than 200 artillery pieces, including three battalions of heavy-duty howitzers. Although Yangzhou City is a big city, its defense is not as good as Jinling City. It is a big city, and it is not as easy to defend and difficult to attack as Anqing.


Therefore, he still played steadily, advancing slowly, and did not make any risky strategies such as division of troops.


On September 15th, the soldiers of the Third Army arrived outside Yangzhou City, but Hao Bainian did not take siege to Yangzhou, but ignored it, and directly led the troops to the Yangzhou Fort.


Yangzhou Fort, this is a series of fort groups set up by the Ming army in order to block the Yangjiang River of the Tang Dynasty and enter the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. There are a lot of artillery attached to the gun, and a lot of troops are stationed to defend it.


However, the Yangtze River defense line built by the Ming army at the beginning was actually dominated by the Ming army navy, and the fort, to be honest, just cooperated with the battle.


Today's artillery has a limited range. It is almost impossible to rely solely on artillery to block the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which is several kilometers wide. This is not only the case in Yangzhou Fortress, but also in the previous Jiangyin Fortress.


And the Humen Fort at the Pearl River Estuary also has this situation!


Today's artillery forts are mostly used to cooperate in combat, or to guard important ports. In the wide reaches of the river, their role is actually limited.


Other people's warships can't handle your fort, don't you know how to hide?


Now that the Yangzhou Navy of the Ming army has been completely destroyed, and the navy has gathered a large number of main fleets to move up the river gradually, this time, they are not so worried that the ships are too large, which will lead to great risks, and they are ready to use the main ships directly. Enter the middle section of the Yangtze River, and then use the powerful naval artillery firepower to cooperate with the army to destroy and capture the Yangzhou Fortress Group.


On September 16, the Third Army successively launched offensive operations against the Yangzhou fort group along the Yangtze River. The navy also dispatched main ships to carry out artillery bombardment and cooperated with the operation. Although there were many Ming troops guarding the fort, there was the Datang Sea. The army's opponent, the largest of which had more than 30 artillery pieces deployed, declared a fall without even holding it for a day.


During the period, the Ming army in Yangzhou city also tried to take the initiative to attack, but Hao Bainian turned back quickly with the main force of the third army, and the third cavalry detachment of the cavalry battalion and cavalry team of various troops took the opportunity to attack the Ming army in a city. Not long after the Ming army left the city, it lost thousands of troops and finally fled back to Yangzhou City in a hurry.


The Ming army in the city did not dare to come out, so the third army calmly cleaned up these forts one by one.


On September 20, the Third Army announced that it had occupied the last fort of the Ming Army, which not only cleared the Yangtze River waterway leading to the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, but also opened the entrance to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.


Immediately afterwards, the navy directly established the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal Fleet. From each fleet, more than 30 inland river gunboats with small tonnage and shallow draft were drawn into it, and then they went directly to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and went straight to the capital of Yangzhou. !


For the navy, these inland gunboats are probably just auxiliary warships, the kind that don't feel bad about the sinking of the main ship's guns, but they are actually equipped with genuine artillery.


Take the second-class inland river gunboat that is currently the most equipped in the Datang Navy as an example. Its displacement is about 80 tons to 100 tons, and it is equipped with two five-jin cannons and three three-jin shotguns.


In addition, the 50-ton Class C inland gunboats were also generally equipped with a 5-jin cannon.


More than 30 inland gunboats, whose firepower is comparable to an artillery regiment of the army, will be a powerful artillery supplement for the army.


Although these inland gunboats don't even have official ship names, they only have simple numerical designations, such as A-1 gunboat, B-2 gunboat, C-3 gunboat!


Although the army and navy joined forces to clear Yangzhou fort, and the navy also dispatched the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal Fleet to support the third army of the army, Hao Bainian was not in a hurry to attack Jiangdu.


Today, the Ming army in Jiangdu City is conservatively estimated to have 100,000 people. If they attack without thinking, they may suffer great casualties. The strategic initiative now lies with the Tang Army, so Hao Bainian is not in a hurry.


First, they built artillery positions, and then carried out shelling day and night, especially heavy-duty howitzers, whose shells even cost no money to hit the city of Yangzhou, and now the Third Army has ample ammunition supplies.


After opening the Yangtze River waterway, those transport supply ships can directly arrive outside Jiangdu City, and then unload ammunition on the spot!


The smooth supply of its supplies is rare for the Datang Army to fight for so many years.


Of course, the Third Army had a great time fighting, and the logistics department behind them who supported them was also exhausted.


In order to supply the terrifying ammunition consumption flow of the Third Army, the logistics department has prepared hundreds of large and small transport ships to travel on various routes.


Although most of the ammunition used now is the ammunition that was previously hoarded in Wusong Port and Jiangyin Port, the subsequent replenishment of ammunition needs to be transported from the distant Guangdong and Guangxi regions.


From the Pearl River waterway, to the coastal route, and then to the Yangtze River route, these ammunitions need to be transported far away before they can reach the hands of the Third Army.


However, although the sea is also quite far away, it is still much simpler than using manpower to travel all the way over the mountains and overland.


Therefore, although it is difficult, the logistics department can barely support the third army's ammunition-wasting combat method.


The Third Army bombarded Jiangdu, but when the general infantry attack was delayed, Li Xuan in Jinling City knew Hao Bainian's strategy beforehand, but he was still a little anxious.


In order to pry open the tortoise shell of Yangzhou, he temporarily detained the 5,000 Guards who had planned to strengthen the Second Army, and then sent it to Yangzhou to prepare for reinforcements of the Third Army.


The 5,000 Guards consisted of three Guards infantry battalions, an artillery battalion, a baggage battalion, and a cavalry corps. The troop consisted of one of the three chiefs of staff of the Guards, the commander-in-chief, Major General Bai Linyi. personally lead.


The command system of the Guards was different from that of the Army. There was no regiment level, but only a battalion level, which consisted of six infantry battalions, three artillery battalions, three baggage battalions, and one cavalry battalion.


In this way, naturally there will be no commanders above the regiment level. The daily operations and training of the Guards are all under the responsibility of the Chief of Staff of the Guards Command and two Deputy Chiefs of Staff.


However, theoretically speaking, these three people do not have the power to directly mobilize any of the Guard troops. They only have the power to mobilize these Guard troops after obtaining temporary authorization from Li Xuan.


Major General Bai Linyi is naturally one of them, and his identity is somewhat special. He is from the Empress Dowager Bai's family. Although his relationship is a little far away, he can only be regarded as a collateral child, but his surname is Bai anyway.


And this person's ability is not Before serving in the army, Li Xuan simply transferred him to the guards, and then he worked in the guards for many years, plus this People are also smart. Although he is from a relative of the Bai family, he is different from Bai Yunqi who never forgets to obtain benefits for his clan every day and joins forces with the Queen Mother Bai when he has something to do.


Since this person entered the Guards, he has basically cut off the contact with the Bai family, and he has directly refused the summons of the Empress Dowager Bai.


Naturally, he did it on purpose to show Li Xuan!


Everyone knows what kind of troops the Guards are. If you hold an important position in the Guards, if you dare to get involved with other people, even the Queen Mother, it is basically an act of courting death.


Bai Linyi, who was from a foreign relative, turned himself into a loner after entering the guards. No one could hope to persuade him except Li Xuan's words.


After Major General Bai Linyi arrived in Jiangdu with 5,000 Guards, Hao Bainian was still very happy, although he knew that the Guards were here to experience and gain combat experience, and it was unlikely that they would actually go into battle.


In any case, this is a reinforcement of 5,000 troops. With these 5,000 guards, he will be able to free up the 5,000 troops of the Third Army for other fronts. Ps: Book friends, I am raining when it rains. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book lovers, please pay attention!

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