Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 836: new tax

In Li Xuan's view, the new taxation system created by the Tang Dynasty is already relatively complete. To what extent is it perfected? Ordinary people absolutely do not understand the twists and turns in taxation.


Li Xuan estimates that after the full version of this tax set is released, the number of people engaged in accounting and taxation in the Tang Dynasty will increase rapidly, and as a result, many new jobs will be created.


Of course, these incidental impacts are only trivial matters, but what is really important is that, according to the forecast of the Ministry of Taxation, after the full implementation of this new tax system, the existing industrial and commercial tax revenue will increase on the existing basis. Thirty percent or more.


And this number is quite frightening, because in the current Tang Dynasty, the tax revenue from industry and commerce has already accounted for more than 30% of the total tax revenue, and this proportion is still increasing rapidly.


In this way, the direct taxation of industry and commerce will increase by more than four or five million taels of silver!


And these millions of taels are the real reason for Li Xuan and the ministries of the cabinet to actively promote tax reform!


As for supporting the development of certain industries, that is actually only secondary, because the Tang Dynasty generally directly adopted preferential tax policies for the industries to be supported.


For example, if you invest in manufacturing, you can generally get a tax holiday of one to three years, and there will be a half tax period ranging from one to five years after the tax holiday.


In particular, the machinery industry, which is currently strongly supported by the Tang Dynasty, has directly set up a tax holiday of up to five years. After the tax holiday ends, there will be a half tax period of five years, a total of ten years of tax incentives.


The purpose is to allow the machinery industry in the Tang Dynasty to grow rapidly, otherwise, relying on Zhaoqing Machinery Company alone to support, sooner or later problems will arise.


And some industries that are obviously huge profits, and at the same time have no obvious promotion effect on people's livelihood, such as silk, this thing is actually a luxury ornament, expensive, and huge profits, so the Datang Dynasty will impose heavy taxes on the raw silk industry in the future.


Although some people say that it will affect the livelihood of silkworm farmers, in fact, the impact will not be too great, because in the end, this part of the tax cost will be added to the price of silk. Simply put, the price of live silk will increase.


And after the price increase, will it affect the sales of silk?


Actually not, because the people who buy silk are rich people, and the price increases by 10% or even 20%.


This kind of price increase that is not a necessities of life has little impact on ordinary people's livelihood.


But if the price of food goes up or down, it will have a big impact.


As prices go up, the common citizens will be wiped out, and if prices fall, farmers will go bankrupt. Therefore, for things that are related to people's livelihood, it is necessary to be very cautious about the slightest price changes.


At present, the attitude of the Tang Dynasty towards food prices is to maintain stability. When prices rise, they will crack down on speculation and take advantage of the opportunity to drive up food prices. They will definitely raid their families and exterminate their families. At the same time, they will release official grain reserves to stabilize food prices; prices are low , the official large-scale acquisition, forcibly raise the price.


When it comes to taxation, it shows that the agricultural tax rate of the Tang Dynasty has not changed, but has remained stable!


Li Xuan has been busy for several days, personally reviewed the new tax system, and proposed several clauses that need to be revised. After the revision, it will be officially announced to the whole world.


Datang Chaobao published a report on the new tax system in the latest issue of Chaobao, and will continue to pay attention to it after the follow-up report, mainly to popularize and guide correct public opinion.


In the Tang Dynasty newspaper, the report on the new tax system is naturally positive. It is a great good governance to talk about the benefits of the new tax system to the people. benevolence.


In addition, some favorable aspects will be amplified and publicized. For example, the tax reduction of certain industries will be discussed. As for the increase of taxes on certain industries, it is natural to avoid the important ones. Even if it is said occasionally, then It is also discussed from multiple perspectives, even if it is a tax increase, that is a good thing!


Of course, if it is expected that next year's industrial and commercial tax revenue will increase by more than 30% on the whole, it is naturally not revealed at all. When it is really said in the future, it will also be attributed to the credit. Given the overall development of industry and commerce, it is absolutely impossible to say that when people spend the same amount of money to buy things, the amount contributed to the Datang Tax Department has increased by more than ten percent.


Datang Chaobao always publishes long-winded articles in a timely manner when it comes to various new policies or any new large-scale actions of the Tang Dynasty to guide public opinion in the world. The principle is to say good things as great things and bad things into good things. .


Always insist that the Tang Dynasty is correct, and Li Xuan, the sage of all ages, is great!


As for the effect, it is a matter of opinion!


And what is even more interesting is that the Tang Dynasty banned the establishment of any type of newspapers by the people, even the local government did not have this power. After the Tang Dynasty newspapers were published all over the world, many people in the past few years have seen the implications of it. The huge potential of public opinion, whether it is public opinion guidance or commercial value, is very huge.


But the Tang Dynasty banned any type of unofficial newspapers, and even if someone did it secretly, he didn't have a distribution channel.


The issuance of the Tang Dynasty was based on the post system and the official document delivery system, which the people could not get involved in.


After the tax matters were settled, Li Xuan turned to look at the war in Jiangbei. After Hao Bainian arrived outside Yangzhou City, he seemed to have nothing to do. Night bombing!


According to the report submitted by the logistics department, in the past seven or eight days of shelling by the Third Army, more than thirty artillery pieces have been scrapped!


Because of the continuous shelling, there were too many shells. Some artillery pieces that had little barrel life before had reached their barrel life and were scrapped, especially the cast iron five-jin field guns. The lifespan is too low, less than 500 rounds, and basically it is almost scrapped after a few large-scale artillery battles.


However, although there are many scrapped artillery pieces, the logistics department has already prepared and transported more artillery pieces!


Some of the originally reserved artillery pieces were shipped directly to ships, and then the newly produced artillery pieces in Guangdong continued to leave the factory. Once they left the factory, they were shipped directly to the Yangtze River.


So the artillery on the Third Army's side, instead of firing less and less, is firing more and more!


Looking at the latest battle report from Yangzhou, Li Xuan estimated that Hao Bainian was about to launch a general attack!


According to the previous plan made by the Privy Council to conquer Yangzhou, to conquer Yangzhou, although a simple onslaught will be effective, the casualties will be very large, so the plan of the attack is divided into three steps. The first is to use intensive artillery to completely suppress it. The artillery of the Ming army in the city, through artillery battles, killed a large number of Ming army gunners, destroyed part of the city wall, and suppressed the artillery counterattack of the Ming army.


Then the earth work began, including filling the moat, digging trenches, digging tunnels and burying explosives to blast the city wall.


At the same time, a semi-concealed fort was built forward, so that the howitzer with curved ballistic trajectory could be fired at close range, which would more effectively suppress and kill the Ming army's city head and the protective force behind the city wall.


Yangzhou City is not too big or too small, but hundreds of thousands of troops are crowded in the city, and they must always be prepared to attack the city directly by the Datang Army. They must arrange a large number of troops at the head of the city and near the back of the city wall. , otherwise, they would not be able to defend in time when the Datang Army suddenly launched a fierce attack.


You must know that in the past seven or eight days, although the Third Army has not launched a general attack, small and medium-scale tentative attacks have been carried out every day. The purpose of these tentative attacks is not to conquer Yangzhou, but to test and find out the Ming army. Weaknesses in defense, and at the same time use this opportunity to kill a large number of the defensive forces of the Ming army and attack the morale of the Ming army in the city.


Li Xuan saw the reality in the battle report. In the past eight days, the Third Army estimated that it had killed and wounded at least 8,000 Ming troops, while its own casualties were less than 500!


Most of the results were in this kind of tentative attack, attracting a large number of Ming troops to mount the city to prepare for defense, and then use a large number of artillery rapid fire to kill.


As for the specific number of people killed and wounded, the Third Army can only have a pre-judgment. It is estimated that only the Ming army in the city knows how many.


After testing for so long, the preparations for the Third Army are almost complete. The battle of Yangzhou should also enter the general offensive stage.


Li Xuan's expectations were not bad. On the tenth day of the third army's arrival in Yangzhou, the third army was mobilized early in the morning, and then began to form an array. This kind of battle can be seen at a ~ This is the total attack.


Therefore, the Ming army behind the city wall immediately ran in a hurry, and a large number of Ming soldiers from the opposite side began to run up the city. However, at this time, there were nearly a hundred field guns, dozens of heavy short-barreled howitzers, and naval support outside the city. The dozens of naval guns and howitzers fired at the same time, and they fired rapidly.


At that moment, hundreds of artillery shells flew towards the city head at the same time, and dozens of grenades exploded on the spot. Although many of them were directly built into the city wall, some of them flew over the city head and fell behind, but There were still a lot of artillery shells falling on the city, and caused great casualties to the Ming army.


After being beaten by such a series of shelling, the Ming army at the head of the city was also a little stunned, so they descended the city wall in a swarm. They were worried that the bluffing of the pseudo-Tang thieves on the opposite side would attract them to the head of the city and kill them through artillery. , This happened every day in the past, and the Ming army was used to it.


However, even so, the Ming army had to go to the top of the city to defend, because it was false and real, what if the fake Tang bandit army was really attacking?


Therefore, although many Ming soldiers went down to the city, there were still many Ming soldiers who took risks and stayed behind, and the artillerymen were already using artillery to fight back.


In the city of Yangzhou, there are actually quite a lot of artillery pieces of the Ming army. In the hundreds of thousands of Ming army, even if the proportion of artillery equipment is lower, there are at least 70 or 80 field artillery pieces in total. The shotgun represented by the Flang cannon. ) Book friends, please pay attention!

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