Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 837: Ming army gunner Zhao Dong

In the artillery battle of the past few days, in fact, each other's artillery was killed and injured a lot, because the artillery of the two sides were basically separated by more than 400 meters.


However, the casualties of the Ming army's gunners far exceeded the casualties of the Tang army's gunners. The most important factor was the large-scale equipment of howitzers in the Tang army!


Because the front of the artillery on both sides are protected by sandbags constructed of sand and gravel. The Ming army did not play this way before, but after fighting with the Tang army for so many years, I have learned a lot and also know how to build sandbags in front of the artillery. to defend.


Therefore, the damage of solid bullets to artillery positions has dropped a lot. Even if it is a direct hit, it is also hit on the sandbag, and the damage to personnel is limited. The ricochet, or directly landed in the artillery position, will cause a certain amount of damage.


But the grenade is different. This thing will explode!


Moreover, the arquebuses of artillery shells these days are not very good, and it often happens that they explode in advance before landing or explode after a period of time after landing.


This kind of embarrassment caused unexpected results in actual combat, that is, those grenades that exploded in advance, when they exploded directly over the city head, had a much stronger lethality than they exploded after landing. It exploded over the crowd, and its shrapnel could kill and injure more than a dozen people. If there were a lot of people, it would be possible to directly reimburse dozens of enemies.


After all, the heavy howitzer of the Tang Dynasty was a 48-pound grenade with a large amount of charge, and the explosion would not only produce a large number of shell fragments, but also filled with solid lead bullets flying around.


If a 48-pound grenade is just right to explode over an enemy infantry phalanx, the killing range is enough to cover a radius of tens of meters, and it is possible to directly reimburse the infantry phalanx.


Of course, this kind of artillery shell still cannot be called an air-explosive shrapnel, because even the most experienced artilleryman can't control its explosion time, so whether an air-explosion can occur or not can only depend on luck.


And most of the grenades explode after landing. Of course, it is a common occurrence that they explode before they reach the enemy's air.


How should I put it, now the grenade equipped by the Master of the Tang Dynasty, whether it exploded in advance, exploded when it landed, or waited for a while and then exploded after landing, or even flew to the enemy's position, it was purely a matter of seeing. character.


However, even such an unreliable grenade has become a big killer of the Datang Army, especially in tough battles!


Using its special curved projectile trajectory, it can land on the top of the city, or behind the city wall, and then explode. If you are lucky, the killing effect is very impressive.


And after such a continuous battle, the gunners of the Ming army suffered heavy casualties!


The Ming army didn't have as many gunners as the Datang Army, and when the Datang Army was playing artillery battles, there were back gun crews on standby at all times. Speaking of these pre-prepared artillery groups, even in those few supplementary brigades, there are still a large number of artillerymen that can be supplemented to the front line at any time.


In this way, the artillery of the Ming army will naturally become weaker and weaker. In the first few days, the two sides can still carry out hard-hitting artillery battles, but by now, the artillery of the Ming army has been almost completely suppressed. .


On a hill on the outskirts of the city, Hao Bainian watched the Ming army on the top of the city retreat, and his artillery was suppressed, and immediately ordered: "It's almost there, order all the ministries to prepare to attack the city according to the predetermined plan!"


Similar tough battles, the Tang Army has fought many times, and basically they already have a set of routines. Although the Ming army tried every means to strengthen its defense, as long as they did not have revolutionary weapons and tactics, then the basic It is very difficult to resist the strong attack tactics of the Datang Army relying on artillery to open the way.


At the same time, on the top of Yangzhou City, Xiaoqi Zhao Dong was hiding behind the battlements, bending over and half-squatting, looking at the pseudo-Tang thieves outside the city.


Behind him, two gunners were loading a five-jin field gun, and there were two other gunners doing the same job as him.


A few days ago, there were a full seven people in his five-jin field artillery battery, but in the artillery battle that lasted for several days, more than half of his comrades were killed or injured, two dead and injured. Two, only the three of them are left.


At the beginning, he also heard that the adults above were planning to replenish his artillery crew, but soon no one said that, because of the continuous artillery battle, the gunners suffered too many casualties. No extra gunners were added to his side.


Although this little flag went to a thousand households above to make it clear, it was still nothing!


In the end, there was no other way, only three people could operate this heavy five-jin field gun.


Looking out from the gate of the battlement, you can see that the artillery of the pseudo-Tang thief army outside the city is continuing to fire, and many artillery shells are continuously flying to the head of the city.


At this time, the two artillery guns behind him were also loaded, and then they also came to his side, and then one of them said, "Sir, the cannons of this bandit army are too fierce!"


Zhao Dong glanced back slightly, then said, "If you don't want to die, just squat down. Cannonballs don't have eyes!"


He didn't want his last two gunners to lose their lives in confusion. One of his loader stood up unluckily, and was hit by a solid shell!


The model was so miserable that people couldn't bear to look at it, and the whole person was smashed.


After all, he just saw a small black spot in the sky flying towards him quickly, and before he could say anything to get down, the small black spot just landed on the city head more than ten meters away, and then sent out A dull explosion!


The air waves caused by the explosion also carried many sand and gravel fragments and flew towards them. Fortunately, in their artillery position, there were sandbags to protect the left and right sides, so although the three of them were shaken a little dizzy, they were not injured. .


Shaking his head, he shook off the sand and soil on top of his head, then looked back to the side, and saw that the gun crew next to him was already in a mess, and several gunners were swaying, either dead or injured.


This is the flower bomb of the thief army!


If Zhao Dong was to say something that annoyed him the most, it would definitely be the pirate army's bomb!


This thing is difficult to defend, even if it has battlements and sandbags, but once this thing falls on the artillery position, it will definitely set off a **** storm. The four dead and wounded gunners under his command, except for one unlucky one who was hit by solid bullets, the rest The next three were all killed by a bomb that landed nearby, killing one and wounding three on the spot.


What was even more unfortunate at the time was that the first artillery unit next door to him, including the small flag that commanded the artillery, was all reimbursed.


So these days, for the sake of his own life, he is trying his best to thicken and heighten the sandbags!


He sighed, but Zhao Dong didn't look at the situation, because he didn't need to know all about it, he was either dead or disabled, and looking at the situation in the past didn't help, he still has his own tasks.


I saw him leaning on his waist, walked to the back of the gun, and asked the two remaining gunners to help push the gun to the muzzle position, and then he started aiming!


Like most of the small flag artillery commanders of the Ming army, his aiming is entirely based on experience and instinct.


Because the past few years have passed, although the Ming army is equipped with a lot of artillery, the training of artillery commanders and artillery commanders has not learned much. artillery.


But the artillery thing is technically difficult. A qualified gunner needs to master mathematics and geometry, and know how to calculate the ballistics on the spot, control the amount of gunpowder, and make accurate hits.


This kind of skill, even in the Datang Army, is difficult for artillery commanders who have undergone systematic training to master, and artillery commanders who can calculate and shoot Zhu Yuan require long-term training.


As for the Ming army, the situation was even worse. In the end, they had no choice but to let the most experienced gunners act as artillerymen, relying solely on their experience and instinct.


Zhao Dong is also an old gunner in the Ming army. He was born in the frontier army and played with the Folang machine gun in the north in his early years. Later, when he arrived there, he started to play this five-jin field gun.


I can't say how good it is, but after a few more rounds, you can find the feeling and improve your hit rate.


Zhao Dong took a careful aim, and then lit the match in person. After the match was burned low, the five-jin bronze field gun built in Huaibei in the early years was shocked, and the entire gun body was retreated a few feet. At the same time, there was a loud noise, and a cloud of white smoke rose.


Zhao Dong, on the other hand, was in charge of the artillery, but opened his eyes wide to observe the sky ahead, relying on experience, he quickly found the cannonball that he shot.


The cannonball drew a slightly curved curve in the air, and then landed on the artillery position of the pseudo-Tang pirate army 400 meters away, but when it landed, it just landed on the two pseudo-Tang pirate army artillery groups. In the middle, although it bounced several times, it did not cause any damage.


However, Zhao Dong didn't feel sorry, because the shot just now, in his opinion, was a good shot, only a few meters of deviation, it was nothing at all, as long as he kept the current angle and charge, Come several times, you can always hit.


So he said, "Come again!"


However, just as he was talking, the gunner on the side hurriedly said, "Look, sir, the bandit army seems to be coming!!"


At this time, Zhao Dong looked to the other side, and sure enough, the formation of the pseudo-Tang thieves who were originally staying six or seven hundred meters separated out a phalanx of about 1,000 people. , is already slowly advancing, and this pseudo-Tang thief army of thousands of people is all wearing the kind of bright and dazzling armor unique to Tang thieves. Zhao Dong knows that this kind of armor is called plate armor, but he still I saw that in this thousand-person square, almost half of the people were wearing full-body armor, and most of the rest were also half-body armor.


As soon as he saw these people, Zhao Dong immediately had a bad feeling, and then he shouted: "Quick, reload the shells!"


"That is the assault battalion of the Tang thieves, they are going to attack the city!"


The assault battalion of the pseudo-Tang thief army is almost as famous as their guns. In almost every siege of the city, the pseudo-Tang thief army will dispatch this kind of assault battalion. Once they are allowed to board the city, it is almost a battle. massacre!


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