Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 838: Zhao Dong's War

The Master of the Tang Dynasty is preparing to conquer the monthly ticket list once again, and all the kings quickly bring the monthly ticket to participate in the war!


This time, millions of kings and divisions set off on the expedition. The road ahead is bumpy, and there are countless powerful enemies. Perhaps, countless soldiers and soldiers will fall on the road of the expedition.


However, the Great Tang Wangshi fought in the south of the city and died in the north of Guo, and never gave up!


This monthly ticket battle is a battle even if you die!


Finally, let's shout:


Long live the Tang Dynasty!


Long live the Tang Dynasty!


The age of the king of the Tang Dynasty!




After Zhao Dong shouted, the two gunners under his command hurriedly ran, and then began to rush to reload the shells.


There is nothing better than artillery shells to deal with the enemy's infantry attack, especially when hitting the opponent's dense phalanx, a solid artillery shell can plough down a **** canal.


When Zhao Dong was in a hurry to reload, the other Ming troops on the city head naturally discovered the changes of the pseudo-Tang bandit army outside the city. Those artillerymen, one by one, had already started to reload, and then no one fired indiscriminately, and After it is loaded, it is waiting for the infantry of the pseudo-Tang to rush to the range to fire.


At the same time, many Ming army generals commanding the city head shouted loudly one by one, so that a large number of soldiers behind the original city wall were ready to go to the city, and several heavy armored troops specially used to fight against the assault battalion of the pseudo-Tang thief army were also. Prepared properly, once the assault battalion of the pseudo-Tang thief army launched an attack on that section of the city wall, these heavily-armored infantrymen who had prepared in advance would be put into a certain section of the city wall accordingly, and the heavy-armored infantry would fight against the heavy-armored infantry, and compete against each other. !


This is also one of the most frequently used strategies for defending the city by the generals of the Ming army. Although most of the time they fail and cannot really stop the assault battalion of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, it does not mean that this response method is wrong. The above method is correct, and it fails every time, because it is difficult for the Ming army to concentrate enough heavy armored infantry on a certain section of the city wall.


The assault battalion of the pseudo-Tang thief army, even the ordinary low-level officers and even ordinary soldiers in the Ming army, all knew what type of unit it was. Yes, the kind that has superb martial arts skills and can be very flexible in battle while wearing heavy armor.


When defending the city, what the Ming army was most afraid of was not shelling, but the assault battalion of the pseudo-Tang bandit army!


Once the heavy armored infantry entered the city, they would basically kill the gods when they met the gods, and kill the Buddha when they met the Buddha. Apart from using the same heavy armored infantry to fight against them, the Ming army had almost no other effective means of restraint!


And this situation, after the large-scale and comprehensive change of plate armor of the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army, became even more prominent!


The Ming army also seized a small amount of the plate armor of the pseudo-Tang thief army, and tested it. After the test, it was found that this plate armor was actually made of stainless steel, and several large pieces were connected to each other, and the key parts were not at all. There are no gaps, and the ability to resist strikes is very powerful!


All kinds of cold weapons, especially spears and swords, unless they are inserted directly from a very small number of weak spots, otherwise it is basically impossible to break through the defense of plate armor, and only some heavy weapons, such as mace and hammer Only heavy cold weapons that rely solely on smashing people to kill have some effects.


At the same time, this kind of plate armor of the pseudo-Tang Thief Army can still effectively defend against bullets at medium and long distances. Although it is still unable to resist bullets at close range, at a distance of tens of meters, ordinary bullets cannot be used at all. Break through this plate armor.


But these are not shocking to them, but what really shocked them is that this kind of steel is made of steel, and you can see at a glance that the plate armor is of extraordinary cost. The spearmen are all one piece, although most of them are half body armor and breastplate, but this still makes them almost unbelievable.


They have also tried imitation, just like they had imitated muskets and artillery before, but they gave up after trying it out, because plate armor was made by craftsmen alone.


It is almost impossible to mass-produce and equip it, even if you have money, because there is simply no way to make so many.


They didn't even know that these plate armors were directly forged and formed by the arsenal of the Datang Ministry of Industry. The process was much simpler than they thought, and the price was lower than they thought.


Of course, to play large-scale mass production of plate armor, there are actually a lot of technical prerequisites, and it is impossible for the current Ming Dynasty to achieve.


To mass produce plate armor on a large scale, you must first have ready-made steel, so that you can play with forging and forming, and the steel plate, let alone in the Ming Dynasty, is an expensive thing even in Europe, and mass production is a It is more difficult, although the European army in this period has basically popularized the plate armor, but the cost is still slightly higher.


As for forging and forming, there is no technical problem for the major European countries at the same time. As for the cost, it is naturally not comparable to the Datang Ministry of Industry, which uses a lot of machinery.


In the current Datang army, plate armor has basically become the standard. Cold weapon troops, that is, spears, swords and shields and other arms, are basically equipped with full body and half body armor, and a few elites are equipped with full body armor. Full body armor is naturally related to the cost. Because full body armor has too many pieces of accessories, the purchase cost is far more than half body armor and breastplate. A set of full body armor, the purchase price is at least half body armor. More than three times, more than five times the breastplate!


Unless you are an elite soldier or an officer in a cold weapon unit, otherwise, they are generally not equipped with full-body armor.


Due to cost considerations, the chest armor is currently the most equipped in the Datang Army. Some cold weapon troops, that is, spearmen, are equipped with it, and archers, sword and shield players are also equipped with it, and then grenadiers and even some troops are equipped with it. The musketeers are also equipped with it.


At first, the Tang Army insisted that they would not equip the musketeers with armor, because it would affect their mobility. However, it was later discovered that the casualty rate of the grenadier troops equipped with cuirassiers had been greatly reduced. Let the high-level officials of the Datang Army begin to equip breastplates on a large scale.


Although the power of muskets these years is also great, they are actually limited, and there are still a large number of archers in the Ming army. Equipping the musketeers with lightweight breastplates can also effectively reduce casualties to a certain extent, so now the ordinary musket troops are I am also trying to start equipping breastplates on a large scale, but it is also optional equipment, not to say that all equipment is equipped.


Musketeers equipped with helmets and breastplates are also known as heavy musketeers in the Tang Army. They are dedicated to fighting in the front row. After tests, bows and arrows are basically ineffective against such heavy musketeers. Shoot them in the opposite direction to defeat them.


Even the opponent's ordinary cold weapon troops, such as spearmen, sword and shield players, etc., if the opponent is not armored, then they are basically not the opponents of these heavy musketeers!


This is also the reason why in the current Datang Army, the top army officers began to equip the musketeers with helmets and breastplates on a large scale.


Cheap, industrialized mass-produced plate armor, full-body armor, half-body armor, and breastplate are widely used in the Datang Army. Especially the breastplate has greatly improved the armoring rate of the Datang Army today. most of the soldiers.


This has also led to the fact that the armored rate of the current front-line combat units in the Datang Army (excluding baggage, artillery, engineers, etc.) exceeds 70%!


And this armoring rate is actually quite terrifying. At the same time, the main European troops, such as the Spanish army, had an armoring rate of about 50%.


As for the Ming army, the armor rate depends on the troops. If it is a guard soldier, there is nothing to say, less than one tenth, and the armor is still tattered. If it is an elite frontier army, it can be done. more than fifty percent.


The new army units such as Jiangbei New Army, Jiangnan New Army, Dubiao, and Broken Bandit Army have a lower armor rate, basically around 30%.


Their musketeers basically don't have armor, not because they don't want to, but because they don't have that much armor to equip them!


The puppet army of Tang thieves has sharp guns and thick armor, which is recognized by the Ming army, and the assault battalion in the pseudo Tang thief army is even more terrifying!


All of them are wearing armor, and at least half of the thieves inside are equipped with full-body armor, and the rest are full-body armor and breastplates. Once such a heavy-armored force makes them rush to the city, it will almost be a massacre!


And to deal with them, in addition to preparing the same heavy armored infantry confrontation **** for tat, it is more effective to destroy them on their way forward!


No matter how powerful the pirate army's armor is, it can't stop the cannonballs!


Not to mention solid shells, even the shrapnel shot by shotguns, these armors can't resist, and at close range, shooting with muskets can effectively penetrate these armors!


Zhao Dong brought people and equipment in order to intercept the raiding battalion of the bandit army!


As long as one cannonball hits, at least many people or even dozens of people can be killed and wounded.


After reloading, he was personally operating the artillery to prepare to fire. As long as the opposing pirate army entered his effective range, he would fire without hesitation.


But what surprised him was that the assault battalion of these thieves slowly entered a distance of about 500 meters, and then disappeared.


It's not correct to say that he disappeared, because Zhao Dong was condescending, and he could still see the bandit army, but these bandit troops entered the trenches and continued to advance in the trenches.


And this also means that it is almost impossible for his shells to cause any damage to these people.


It seems that they can only shoot with grenades and muskets after they are close.


Zhao Dong didn't fire, but some other Ming artillerymen couldn't help but open fire, and it turned out that the trenches had an excellent defensive effect on solid shells. Those live shells basically flew over the trenches, but they did There is no way to do any damage to the assault battalion soldiers in the trenches!


Zhao Dong waited, he waited for the bandit army in the trench to emerge, but he knew that the bandit army's trench was only dug to a distance of about 50 meters from the city wall, and they always had to come out of the trench!


However, while Zhao Dong was waiting, he suddenly felt a strong vibration, followed by two consecutive huge dull explosions in his ears!


The violent vibration caused by the explosion almost made Zhao Dong unable to stand. He finally managed to stand firm, but he found a huge smoke and dust in the position of the city wall not far away. Through the smoke and dust, he could vaguely find that there The city walls almost completely collapsed!


Seeing this scene, as an experienced old artilleryman, he still doesn't know what happened there, this is a blast!


The pseudo-Tang thief army must have dug a tunnel under the city and then buried a large amount of gunpowder for blasting!


When it's over, the city wall has collapsed. Needless to say, the soldiers in the original section of the city wall are definitely finished. Even the soldiers and soldiers in the nearby city wall are estimated to be shaken and even heavy casualties. That section of the city wall is at least tens of meters away. , there is a vacancy!


Zhao Dong was extremely shocked. Hundreds of Tang Army artillery guns outside the city also fired rapidly. Most of them were aimed at the city walls on both sides of the collapsed city wall.


At this time, he looked at the assault battalions of the closest pseudo-Tang thieves outside the city, and saw them moving quickly in the ditch. Soon they reached the end of the ditch, and then jumped out towards the collapsed The gap in the city wall rushed up!


In the rear, tens of thousands of Tang soldiers also launched a charge at the same time!


Seeing the pseudo-Tang thieves rushing over the mountains and fields outside the city, Zhao Dong opened his mouth slightly, and the whole person was stunned. It was not that he had not seen the thieves attack the city, but it was the first time he saw the charge of tens of thousands of people. .


After finally waiting for the shouts of the people around him, he finally reacted, and then said loudly: "Open the cannon, hurry, open the cannon!" Ps: Book friends, I am raining in the rain. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, Listening to books, zero advertisements, multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book lovers, please pay attention!

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