Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 839: Get down, get down

To conquer a heavy garrison like Yangzhou City, and it took a year to strengthen the construction of various fortifications, and at the same time there are many artillery fortified cities, it is naturally impossible to rush up and down. 【】


If there is no preparation work, and if they rush forward directly, then the charging troops may be beaten into a hornet's nest by the dozens of field guns and hundreds of shotguns of the Ming army on the top of the city.


Therefore, Hao Bainian had already made adequate preparations before launching the general attack. After nearly ten days of shelling, more than 5,000 grenades were fired, and tens of thousands of solid shells weighing more than 5 pounds.


Shelling is only one aspect of it. Shelling is mainly to suppress the artillery of the Ming army, kill and injure part of the Ming army, and reduce the morale of the Ming army. At the same time, the Third Army has also carried out large-scale civil engineering operations. There are also tunnels, and even for some heavy howitzers to shoot at close range, they also dug a large trench, and then specially built a howitzer firing position less than 300 meters away from the city wall.


In the previous preparation time, they constructed a lot of civil work, filled the moat, and dug tunnels and buried a lot of explosives.


The use of explosives to blast the city wall is already a common method used by the Datang Army to conquer the city. Because it is faced with a large-scale fortified city, when the artillery cannot directly destroy the city wall, the Datang Army will choose to blast it.


But now, the blasting of Yangzhou City was a success. The violent explosion directly collapsed this section of the city wall. Although the city wall is very thick and high, even if it collapses, it is like a hill, but even if it is Rugged masonry is always easier to climb than a straight city wall!


The soldiers of the assault battalion who had been prepared in advance continued to advance immediately after the successful blasting. They had to quickly climb above the ruins, resist the counterattack of the Ming army, and open a passage for the subsequent army!


At the same time, tens of thousands of soldiers from the rear who participated in the charge also followed. With so many people, it was naturally impossible to squeeze all of them into the blasting point. Instead, they attacked almost all of the three city walls. The main point of pressure.


Of course, if you are lucky enough, these troops attacking the flank will also be able to climb to the top of the city to open the gap.


But right now, what the two sides are most concerned about is not the ordinary soldiers who are rushing over with long ladders, but the Tang Army assault battalion that rushed over beforehand and was less than 30 meters away from the blasting point!


After the soldiers of the assault battalion jumped out of the ditch one after another, they quickly ran to the ruins of the city wall that were still filled with smoke and dust. Although they were all wearing heavy armor, more than half of them even wore heavy full-body armor, but they could The soldiers selected for the assault battalion are almost all the most elite sword and shield players in the army.


Quite a few of them are still soldiers!


With the gradual expansion of the size of the Datang Army, the Liuzhou Independence Regiment, which consisted of the standing soldiers of various chieftains, was also revoked, and the most elite soldiers of nearly 1,000 were reassigned. , After adding the elite sword and shield soldiers selected from the military, they were compiled into four independent assault battalions!


Its organization is different from other units of the Datang Army. It adopts a system that focuses on melee combat, with heavy armored sword and shield soldiers as the core, supplemented by a small number of archers, grenadiers, and spearmen.


The number of people is also relatively large. Each assault battalion has about 600 people. More than half of the soldiers are equipped with full body armor, and the rest are half body armor.


The assault battalion that participated in the battle this time was actually the first assault battalion and the second assault battalion, a total of two assault battalions.


The combat missions of these assault battalions, as before, are still centered on storming the city!


When the two assault battalions rushed up, although the Ming army hurriedly shot and fired, not many were able to prepare in such a short time. At the same time, in the city walls on both sides of the ruins, the soldiers of the Ming army The number is also limited.


It is impossible for them to deploy tens of thousands of people in a section of the city wall. Even if they want to do this, they can't put them on the city wall!


What's more, the Ming army on the top of the city is suffering the most violent firepower attack to the Datang Army!


In the Datang Army, more than half of the artillery guns were aimed at the nearby area, and the musketeers in an infantry regiment of the Fifth Infantry Division followed the rear of the assault battalion, and then at about a distance from the city wall. Sixty meters away, they lined up to fire at the head of the city!


Even though they did so, they would inevitably be killed by the Ming army, but in order to cover the assault battalion, these sacrifices had to be paid.


It is absolutely impossible to conquer Yangzhou City and defeat the 100,000 Ming army in the city without paying a certain price.


Whether it is Hao Bainian, the commander of this battle, or Li Xuan in Jinling City at the rear, they already have a certain estimate of the casualties. Thousands or even tens of thousands of people, it is worth it.


Because once the Ming army in Yangzhou city is eliminated, and further north, it is almost impossible for the Ming Dynasty to gather a new army of such a huge scale.


The battle continues!


On the top of the city, Zhao Donggang fired the artillery himself and shot the cannonball directly into a square formation of the pseudo-Tang thief army outside the city. He watched the cannonball roll over the square array of the pseudo-Tang thief army, and then killed more than ten people. Talent is to stop.


But now, he didn't have any joy in killing the enemy, because he found that the counterfeit Tang thieves were getting closer and closer, and the guns and artillery of the pseudo-Tang thieves were getting stronger and stronger.


Also, when a large number of musketeers from the Puppet Tang Bandit Army arrived under the city wall, the volley of guns fired was enough to kill anyone who dared to stand upright at the front of the city.


However, these are not what he is most concerned about, what attracts him the most attention, and what worries him the most is that the assault battalion of the pseudo-Tang bandit army has already broken through its own firepower interception and climbed to the ruins of the city!


Although those adults have already dispatched many soldiers to resist, they are still unable to resist the advance of the assault battalion of the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army!


Moreover, Zhao Dong is pessimistic that his allies may really have no way to drive these thieves' assault battalions down the city, and once the pseudo-Tang thieves have a firm foothold in the city, they will quickly attack the two. The city wall on the side is advanced, and then it is enough to occupy the city head with a width of dozens or even hundreds of meters.


At that time, a large number of infantry soldiers of the pseudo-Tang thief army in the rear will be able to continuously rush in through this gap.


By then, Yangzhou will be finished!


Zhao Dong is only a low-level officer in the Ming army, but he still sees the risks. Other middle and senior generals of the Ming army can naturally see it, even more clearly than Zhao Dong.


"Quick, go up to block it, absolutely don't let them rush up!"


A Ming army commander shouted to let his soldiers quickly rush to the ruins to resist the pseudo-Tang bandit army. Although his soldiers were not many, only more than 300 people, they were all men in armor.


This heavy armored unit under the commander of the Ming army is also one of the many heavy armored units temporarily compiled in the Ming army to deal with the assault battalion of the pseudo-Tang thieves. These heavy armored units are usually deployed in After each section of the city wall, to avoid the artillery fire, and when the battle broke out, especially when the assault battalion of the pseudo-Tang thief army rushed up, they would immediately board the city to resist, um, even if the city wall has become ruins


The commander of the Ming army also climbed the ruins at this time, and the collapsed city wall almost turned into a hill formed of sand and stone, which was rugged and difficult to climb, let alone lined up on it, so what he saw was, The soldiers on both sides are on the top of the ruins, almost all fighting independently, at most there will be some small cooperation between three or two soldiers!


Those soldiers were all soldiers who had been in the nearby city wall before and arrived immediately, but they fought extremely hard, no, it couldn't even be called hard, it should be said that they were powerless to resist.


In the face of the pseudo-Tang assault thieves who were wearing heavy armor and only exposed two eyes from top to bottom, these ordinary Ming troops could not resist at all, even if they were border soldiers with good quality in all aspects.


This is the crushing of equipment and physical fitness, and it has nothing to do with the strength of personal martial arts.


And looking out from the top of the ruins, I saw that the soldiers of the pseudo-Tang thief army were climbing up, the number of which was no less than a thousand!


And in the further back, there are still many pseudo-Tang thieves running and rushing over!


A small gap, at this time, has attracted thousands of puppet thieves from the former Tang Dynasty, and the number of the first group of troops supported by oneself is no more than three hundred.


Although there are many friendly troops coming from behind, I have to support myself until they arrive!


When the Ming army commander rushed forward with a group of Ming army heavy armored infantry, the melee combat between the two sides broke out violently again!


Both sides are wearing heavy armor, which is barely evenly matched. Of course, the armor's protective performance is still there, but in such a short-term fierce battle, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is almost negligible.


After a fierce and hard battle, they finally killed and wounded half of the dozens of soldiers of the pseudo-Tang assault battalion who had climbed to the top of the ruins before, and expelled the rest.


But soon, they saw the inside of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, and they threw a small black spot in unison!


Seeing this little black spot, he secretly said no!


As a veteran general who has fought many battles with the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army, he recognized it at a glance. This is the blooming bullet of the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army!


Facing this kind of blooming bullet at close range, even if you are wearing heavy armor, it is of no use at all. There is only one way to not want to die!


Then, I heard him urgently shout: "Get down, get down, this is a blooming bullet!" [This chapter starts. , Please remember the URL ()] Ps: Book friends, I am raining in the rain. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book lovers, please pay attention!

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