Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 840: This official wants to have dinner in Yangzhou!

The Ming army and the Tang army have been fighting for many years, and they are naturally quite familiar with the grenades that the Tang army has equipped in large quantities. They even copy and equip them themselves, but the number of equipment is not large.


Because the grenades currently equipped by the Datang Army and the imitation grenades of the Ming Army are, to put it bluntly, a shell with an arquebus fuse. The technical difficulty is very low, and any blacksmith can produce it.


It is not the technical factor that restricts the Ming army's large-scale equipment of grenades, but the cost issue!


Gunpowder is very expensive these days. The sulfur and saltpeter required for the production of gunpowder are relatively expensive. At the same time, the processing technology is not so simple. The processing of gunpowder is more complicated, which always leads to the higher price of gunpowder .


It is naturally no problem to use it as a propellant for guns and artillery shells, and it can be sustained if it is more expensive, but if it is to become the loading gunpowder for artillery shells and grenades on a large scale, then the required quantity will increase significantly. This resulted in a substantial increase in military spending.


The military expenditure of the Ming army was only a little bit, and the large amount of gunpowder needed for gunpowder and guns was not enough. How could it be possible to waste a lot of gunpowder for grenades and mines.


But the Datang Army is different. Although the cost of purchasing gunpowder for the Datang Army is also not cheap, it adopts large-scale imports, reduces the cost of raw materials, and adopts large-scale mechanical processing. The output is large, and the unit price will naturally decrease. down.


And more importantly, the military expenditure of the Datang Army is far more than that of the Ming Army, and it is much more!


When the Ming army in Yangzhou city wanted to motivate the soldiers, but in the end they couldn't even get 100,000 taels of silver, the third army outside the city was worth more than 100,000 shells alone.


Tang Jun's military expenditure is enough to support the large-scale equipment of various types of firearms by the King of the Tang Dynasty, and large-scale use!


Grenade, just one of them!


In the same way, those heavy howitzers are also big money hogs. Every howitzer is money, and it is a lot of money!


Although the Ming army was limited by military expenditure and did not equip grenades on a large scale, in a well-paid elite army, there were also a small number of grenades.


Hand grenades are more familiar, so these Ming troops naturally know how to defend against grenades!


If there is a bunker, it is natural to hide in the bunker!


But when you encounter a grenade temporarily and there is no bunker to rely on, then the best way is to lie down. Although it is still possible to get injured, it is better than standing stupidly.


In particular, the heavy armored infantry is usually equipped with heavy armor. If the distance is longer and the luck is better, this armor can also block the killing of the shrapnel. Of course, whether it can block it depends on luck.


Of course, if the unfortunate thing is that the bomb falls next to the soldier, then it will be finished in nine out of ten.


So the commander of the Ming army, when he saw the grenade, his first reaction was to yell for people to lie down, but it was still too late!


As soon as his voice fell, he heard a loud noise in his ear, and at the same time, the guard behind him was pushed hard, and then it was dark in front of him, and he completely lost consciousness.


Because at this time, a howitzer exploded just two meters behind him!


The shock wave of the grenade pushed him, but it was not the shock wave that made him fall or even lose consciousness, but the shrapnel!


Among the many shrapnel left after the grenade exploded, one just hit his back. The shrapnel easily shredded his armor and got into his body, thus taking his life.


The grenades continued to explode, and when dozens of grenades exploded, most of the dozens of heavy-armored infantrymen of the Ming Army who had rushed to the top of the ruins had already fallen.


At the same time, on the half **** outside the ruins, a major officer in the Datang assault battalion once again held up a steel knife and shouted: "The first team, rush up, hurry up!"


"The second team quickly catch up!"


"Grenadiers prepare for the second round of bombing!"


"Come on!"


"Long live the Tang Dynasty!"


As the smoke from the previous round of grenade explosions was blown away by the wind, the assault battalion that had been repelled half a minute ago climbed to the top of the ruins again. Corpse of the soldier!


The two sides fought each other in this ruins for only a few minutes, but the number of soldiers on both sides who fell in this ruins is already more than 200, and they are still rising!


The densely packed corpses almost covered the entire top of the ruins!


On the outside of the ruins, that is, on the way the Datang Army was charging, there were even more corpses and wounded lying there!


They charged directly in the face of the artillery, muskets, grenades, and bows and arrows of the Ming army!


Of course, the Ming army was even more uncomfortable, because when the soldiers of the Ming army used guns, artillery and other weapons to attack the Datang Army infantry charging outside the city, the more than 200 artillery pieces of the Datang Army and more than 10,000 muskets were also aimed at Fire up the town!


A Ming army musket team of a hundred households is often just loaded, and then leans out from the battlements, they will be met with a dense barrage outside the city, can they pull the trigger alive, and can they retreat alive after pulling the trigger? Come back, it's purely a matter of character.


Under the powerful firepower of the Datang Army, the Ming army on the city head fell from the city wall almost like the rain, densely packed and continuous, and more Ming army soldiers fell directly to the city after being killed and injured. on the head.


Soon, the blood on the top of the city is a cross-flow, if you step on it, you will even slip on it if you are not careful!


At this moment, although both sides are suffering great casualties, the senior generals on both sides know that the final outcome may be decided in the next few minutes, just in the ruins!


Therefore, even if the first assault battalion, the first group of the first assault battalion, had already lost more than half of the casualties in the fierce battle, and had lost the ability to continue the offensive, the commander of the assault troop commanding the operations on the front line did not hesitate to continue to order the second battalion. The assault battalion is also involved in direct charge operations!


To climb up the ruins, it is only a short straight line distance of more than ten meters, but here, every centimeter of progress is the price of blood!


And on the top of the ruins that the two sides have repeatedly competed for, the corpses of the soldiers from both sides are even more spread all over the floor!


When the battle was at its most intense, Datang's assault battalion was driven down again. After hundreds of new reinforcements from the Ming army secured their defense on the top of the ruins, the Datang army was even more ruthless and called directly. Heavy howitzers, regardless of possible accidental injuries, carried out intensive artillery fire on this section of the ruins.


In a salvo, more than 20 howitzers landed here, directly reimbursing at least 200 Ming troops, and Tang troops themselves were accidentally injured, with dozens of casualties.


Such a tragic battle made a Ming army unit that came to reinforce it to mutiny on the spot, turn around and run away!


Because of this kind of battle, it has become a veritable meat grinder. The gap in this section is not large. Even if you add some incomplete city walls on both sides, it is only tens of meters. Just a few hundred people.


But the casualties of hundreds of people are naturally not taken into account by the senior generals of both sides. The casualties of the attacking people in front are almost the same, and the Datang Army will not hesitate to send another battalion!


And the Ming army is similar, those senior generals are constantly dispatching troops to plug this gap!


However, soldiers are also human, and they are also afraid. If you let them fight ordinary battles, that's fine, but if you let them fight such battles that win or lose in the end, they will also back down. even mutiny.


At a time like this, the test is the determination of the generals on both sides!


The test is the courage of the soldiers on both sides!


It will test the usual discipline training of both armies!


The senior generals on both sides are determined, but there is a huge gap in the courage and discipline training of the soldiers on both sides!


The Tang army that attacked the ruins was the assault troop and some grenadiers. The main body of the assault troop was the scorpion soldiers and the most elite sword and shield soldiers. They never retreated in battle.


Not only did the soldiers fight like this when they served in the Tang Army, they also fought like this when they served in the Ming Army!


Among their many tactical moves, there is no option to retreat at all!


As for the grenadiers, they are the elite among the elites of the Tang Army. Only the best soldiers in terms of quality and courage can be selected for the grenadiers!


When these two are combined, the combat power and toughness they burst out are definitely surpassing that of the Ming army on the opposite side!


When the second assault battalion in the assault battalion and a newly reinforced grenadier team stepped on the corpse to the top of the ruins again, this time, they directly brought two shotguns with them. Come up, set it up on the spot, aim at the inside of the ruins, and fire the artillery of the hundreds of Ming troops who are ready to counterattack.


At the same time, the grenadiers also dropped the last batch of grenades they were carrying!


After thinking about the sound of the cannon and hearing the sound of the explosion, more than half of the three hundred Ming soldiers who were preparing to counterattack were killed or injured on the spot, and the rest were finally unable to withstand such a brutal battle. After fleeing, some people even shouted and started running around.


"Don't stop, rush down, smash them, scatter them!" shouted a major of the assault battalion who led the team, and continued to charge forward with the troops who had finally landed on the ruins.


But he just took the troops to take two steps, that is, his figure paused for a while, and then he fell forward involuntarily. If you look closely, you can find that the plate armor on his chest is already A small hole appeared, and blood spread out through the small hole, and together with the blood of others, soaked the ruins.


He fell, but his troops did not stop. Hundreds of soldiers of the assault force stepped on the bodies of their comrades and soldiers of the Ming army and moved forward quickly.


Behind them, more soldiers of the Tang Army are passing through the ruins far and wide!


It was an infantry regiment in the 5th Infantry Division of the Datang Army. There were heavily armored musketeers, and there were heavily armored spearmen who gave up their spears and directly picked up their waist knives.


They densely passed through the gaps in the ruins, and then quickly spread to the city walls on both sides like the rear of the city wall!


At the same time, on the high ground outside the city, Hao Bainian also put down his binoculars, and then said, "The artillery unit can transfer its firepower to the city walls on both sides, and then let the second mixed regiment go into battle to support the fifth infantry division!"


After speaking, Hao Bainian looked up at Yangzhou City again, and said, "Tell Chen Keqiao, tonight, this official is going to have dinner in Yangzhou City!") Book friends, please pay attention!

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