Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Chaos in Yangzhou City

In order to conquer Yangzhou, Hao Bainian spent a long time preparing, not only after arriving in Yangzhou. In fact, Hao Bainian had already begun to prepare for the capture of Yangzhou after he took over as the commander of the Third Army a few months ago. .

He not only collected information on the deployment of the Ming army in Yangzhou City and the surrounding areas, but also the situation of the city defense facilities, the nearby topographic map, and even the urban layout map of Yangzhou City, all of which were collected in detail by the spies of the Military Intelligence Department.

Then he led the staff of the Third Army to plan for several months before finally formulating a specific combat plan to conquer Yangzhou!

Every detail in it has been carefully calculated and planned!

For example, the selection of the blasting point was also carefully planned, fully considering the geological conditions, the deployment of the nearby Ming army, and so on.

Every order he issued at this time was the result of careful consideration in the past few months, and this was the biggest difference between him and Li Chunjing.

If Li Chunjing is to attack Yangzhou, there is no need to be so complicated and troublesome. According to Li Chunjing's character, he will definitely not go to Yangzhou City head-on, but may directly feint a shot, and then directly attack Gaoyou Prefecture, or even attack Gaoyou Prefecture directly. It is to directly attack Huai'an House.

The Ming army was mobilized through large-scale mobile warfare, so that the Ming army came out of the city of Yangzhou by itself!

Of course, Li Chunjing's risk of doing this is naturally greater. If he is not careful, the logistics supply line will be cut off by the Ming army.

After all, tens of thousands of troops are heading north to attack, and Yangzhou is still under the control of the Ming army. The 100,000 Ming army in Yangzhou city is a huge threat. It is even possible that after the main force of the Third Army goes north to Huaian, they will cross the river in turn. Raid Jinling City.

At that time, Li Chunjing may annihilate the Yangzhou defenders at a very small price, but it may also lead to the annihilation of the third army or Jinling City to be recaptured by the Ming army.

And no matter what kind it is, Li Xuan can't stand it!

Even the Ming army's counterattack across the river was unacceptable to Li Xuan.

The current Datang Dynasty is not the same as the previous Datang Dynasty. The current Datang Dynasty already has an advantage in the overall strategy, and it is still a big advantage, so there is no need to take such a huge risk. , As long as it is steady and steady, the Tang Dynasty can also conquer Yangzhou, can also occupy Jiangbei, and can also overthrow the pseudo-Ming Dynasty.

So at this time, what the Tang Dynasty needs is not to take risks, but to play steadily!

Therefore, the commander Li Xuan chose to lead the army into Jiangbei was not Li Chunjing, but Hao Bainian!

And today, Hao Bainian will prove that His Majesty's choice is correct!

Today, he will present a great gift to His Majesty with a glorious victory!

At the same time, it is also to defend the honor of being the number one general of the Tang Dynasty!

In the past two years, in the Tang Army, Li Chunjing's limelight has surpassed that of Hao Bainian. Many people believe that Hao Bainian is the most capable of fighting in the Tang Dynasty, but Li Chunjing.

Not only did the Tang Dynasty have this statement, but even the Ming Dynasty had this statement. The biggest proof of this was when the Ming Dynasty learned that Li Chunjing had been transferred from Jiangnan to Huguang.

Many senior generals and officials of the Ming Army in Jiangbei were quite happy. After the scheming Li Chunjing was transferred, their confidence in defending Jiangbei increased by several percent.

On the other hand, Zhang Yue on the Huguang side felt the pressure greatly increased. After Li Chunjing went to Wuchang, the alertness of the Ming army in the Hanyang area also increased by several levels.

This is the shadow of the famous tree of people. Li Chunjing's series of dazzling large-scale maneuver tactics in Jiangxi, Huguang, and Jiangnan made the opposite Ming army generals very uncomfortable, resulting in a series of fiasco.

On the contrary, Hao Bainian didn't show too much attention when he fought in Huguang before.

Today, he, Hao Bainian, wanted to tell the world that fighting a war is not about conspiracy and trickery, but a thoughtful and upright duel!

In the observation station on the top of the mountain, Hao Bainian continued to use binoculars to watch the battle from time to time, and occasionally discussed and analyzed with the staff behind him. Although the assault force had already opened a gap, the 5th Infantry Division also successfully controlled a part of the city wall.

But the battle is still not over!

The resistance of the Ming army is still tenacious, because their army is too large, more than 100,000 troops, and a small section of the city wall guarded by a few thousand people loses, although it will have a negative impact, it will not let more than 100,000 Ming troops. It just completely collapsed.

In fact, at this time, the Ming army fighting in other places didn't even know that the gap in the ruins had been breached, and they were still focusing on fighting the enemy in front of them!

There are tens of thousands of troops in the attacking force of the Third Army, and only a part of the troops attacked the gap in the ruins!

However, although the battle was still going on, many people in the staff team behind Hao Bainian could not hide their joy, because they could already tell that victory was in sight.

The only thing that needs to be considered now is how long it will take to completely control Yangzhou City, how many enemies can be annihilated, and how to reduce their own casualties in subsequent operations.

In today's battle, the casualties of the Third Army are not too small, even if there is no accurate figure to send, but so far, conservative estimates have been more than 3,000 casualties.

And now, the general attack has only erupted for about half an hour!

Hao Bainian and his staff can already see that victory is in sight, and the Ming army generals in the city are naturally not stupid. Many people can see that this battle is probably impossible to win!

But although there are many people who know about it, few people dare to give up easily!

This time, the one who led the Ming army in Jiangbei was nominally Chen Linmao, the minister of military affairs of the Ming Dynasty, but this person was not the traditional general. He was different from Zhang Yue and others. He was in Jiangbei and could only be regarded as a town.

The actual military affairs are handled by several generals below, including the Jiangbei generals, Datong town generals, Xuanfu generals and others. Don't be curious why the generals from the northern border towns come to Jiangbei, thinking that borders The main force of the army has gone south, and the main force in this Yangzhou city is the 50,000 frontier army!

These generals are also veteran generals who have fought for many years. No matter what their abilities are, they still have eyesight. They all know that from the moment the waste gap is breached, this Yangzhou city is over!

The best way to do it now is to retreat, one can escape one by one. If tens of thousands of people can escape, then they can continue to hold on in Huaian and other places in the future.

But do they dare to say it?

Dare not!

Because Emperor Zhengde has already given a death order to Chen Linmao, the Minister of War in Jiangbei, he must defend Yangzhou!

In fact, not only Chen Linmao, the Minister of War, but also several other senior generals, each received a personal interview from Emperor Zhengde, and then received an oral order from Emperor Zhengde: No matter what, you must defend Yangzhou!

Can't hold Yangzhou? Emperor Zhengde didn't say it clearly, but everyone knew that it would definitely not end well there.

In order to prevent the front-line generals from leading the army to escape or simply surrendering, Emperor Zhengde gave them promotions and rank and various rewards, and on the other hand, he directly took all their families to the capital.

No one said it, but everyone knew that once Yangzhou fell, it would be light for them to lose their jobs. If they dared to escape or surrender, their family members would definitely be killed!

Moreover, many of the people here had already run several times when they were in Jiangxi and Jiangnan. If they still ran in Jiangbei this time, if Emperor Zhengde could bear it, then he would not be Emperor Zhengde.

Therefore, although many people know that they are retreating at this time, no one will say it!

Of course, it doesn't mean that they have no other ideas. Many people have already begun to quietly gather the direct line troops under their command, especially the generals of the frontier army, who have gathered their personal soldiers and family members early , did not send them to the city to fight at all.

Today, the people fighting on the top of the city are ordinary soldiers and some rogue troops who are not welcomed by their bosses.

It's ridiculous to say that, when the Tang Army used the most elite assault troops and grenadiers to conquer Yangzhou, and even the core main force of the 5th Infantry Division, they all went into battle from the very beginning.

As for the Ming army, most of its most elite troops, that is, the family members and personal soldiers of the generals at all levels, have never fought in the city from the beginning to the end.

Even some of the elites of the Ming army who fought in the gaps of the ruins before were only the servants and personal soldiers of the generals of the Ming army who were excluded and unwelcome.

Among the hundreds of thousands of troops, the real elites are actually only five or six thousand people, and among these five or six thousand people, there are only so many thousand people on the battlefield, and they were all lost in the first time!

Seeing this scene, those generals of the Ming army, who would dare to rank the elites of the direct line to their death? Whether they are running for their lives or throwing in thieves, the direct line troops in their hands are the biggest support.

If you run for your life, you can rely on them to escape.

When throwing a thief, these elites are also the best bargaining chips, and they can exchange for a good condition for surrendering themselves.

The performance of many generals also made Chen Linmao see But he didn't say anything, even if he was only the commander in name and didn't know much about the military, but he also knew that this The battle is already unstoppable.

And he himself can't escape, he can't escape, but he also doesn't want Jiangbei's army to be wiped out in Yangzhou!

Although Yangzhou couldn't hold it, and he certainly couldn't survive, he still hoped to save more of these soldiers, and then retreated to Huai'an to continue to defend.

But he has no way to give this order, all he can do is turn a blind eye to some of the actions of his generals, or even acquiesce!

As for himself, he started to prepare for his funeral!

As the Minister of War of the Ming Dynasty, the Prince Taibao, and the commander-in-chief of hundreds of thousands of troops, even in name only, at the moment when Yangzhou City was destroyed, he could not escape, could not be captured, and could not surrender!

Otherwise, none of his dozens of family members in the capital would survive!

He is already in his sixties, but his sons and grandchildren are still young!

He had only one choice left: suicide!

When Chen Linmao took the poison that had been prepared in advance, he thought, he wondered how the history books would evaluate him, a loyal minister who died for his country? Or a thief who committed suicide in fear of defeat?


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