Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 842: Lay the overall situation of Jiangbei

After the assault troops of the Third Army of the Datang Army paid a certain price to occupy the gap in the ruins of the city wall and covered the large-scale entry of the Fifth Infantry Division, the Battle of Yangzhou City basically determined the outcome of the two sides.

After the 5th Infantry Division entered the scale, it quickly swept the city walls on both sides.

Half an hour later, the 5th Infantry Division had already controlled a section of the city wall that was several hundred meters wide, and sent troops to start advancing deep into the city, continuing to attack the Ming army in other directions of the city wall by detouring and outflanking.

Two hours later, most of the city walls of Yangzhou City had been captured by various units of the Third Army, and the Ming army began to retreat on a large scale.

However, Hao Bainian did not send troops to intercept it.

Because siege warfare is originally a siege of three and one, you have to open an opening to let the enemy escape. Otherwise, the resistance of the more than 100,000 Ming troops in the city will definitely be stronger if they cannot retreat. big.

What Hao Bainian has to do now is to quickly capture Yangzhou City. As for the Ming army who escaped from the city, he naturally won't let it go easily.

Although we won't intercept it for the time being, it doesn't mean we won't pursue it!

The direction of the Ming army's escape is easy to determine, that is, to the north, to Gaoyou, and even to Huai'an. It is not so easy for them to escape the pursuit of the Third Army along the way.

Besides, what if they escaped to Gaoyou or even Huaian!

The city defense system of Gaoyou and Huai'an is not as strong as that of Yangzhou.

The Ming army stayed in Yangzhou for so long, and after the fall of Jinling City, they strengthened the city defense of Yangzhou City, and also deployed so many heavy artillery.

Huaian City, but there is no such condition, and Hao Bainian will not leave them enough time to prepare the city defense.

In addition, the role of artillery is irreplaceable whether it is defending or sieging the city these days. These Ming troops have retreated, but the artillery they deployed in Yangzhou City can't take much with them.

These artillery pieces, even if they are five jin field artillery pieces, are big guys. It is almost impossible to take away too many artillery pieces in a hurry.

So Hao Bainian was not in a hurry in the face of the retreat of the Ming army. He didn't even send a cavalry unit to block the gate to the north. Speaking of turning back to attack the artillery positions of the Third Army deployed outside the city.

At the same time, it also sent a small-scale cavalry unit to track, keep track of the Ming army outside the city, and provide intelligence support for the third army's next move.

As for the main infantry unit of the Third Army, it is to further increase the attack on the Ming army in the city, occupy the four walls and important buildings in the city as soon as possible, avoid the Ming army jumping over the wall, and set fire to the armory, food warehouse and even Burn the entire city down.

Hengyang was burned to the ground by a fire, and the Tang Army still remembers it freshly. Naturally, it does not want this kind of thing to happen again. You must know that Yangzhou City has now belonged to the city of the Tang Dynasty. Every tile and every brick is the precious wealth of the Tang Dynasty.

Yangzhou belongs to the Tang Dynasty and Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven!

Hao Bainian wanted to dedicate Yangzhou City to the emperor, so it was impossible for the Ming army to set fire to it.

The Tang army continued to advance towards the key points in the city, and continued to attack the northern city wall guarded by the Ming army, and the Ming army also resisted fiercely in order to maintain the final retreat channel.

However, the resistance of the Ming army was in vain!

Three hours after entering the city, the Datang Army announced that it had completely occupied the four walls, blocking the remaining Ming troops in the city, and at the same time, each army also controlled some important areas of the city.

In the afternoon, the Datang Army launched a new round of large-scale onslaught on the remaining Ming troops in the city. A large number of armored soldiers rushed through the streets in groups, killing any Ming troops who interfered and resisted.

By this time, the resistance of the remaining Ming army in the city had already lost its organization, with only small-scale troops, hundreds or even dozens of people resisting.

At this time, the Ming troops still in the city were basically abandoned sons, and many high-ranking generals had already led their direct line troops out of the city.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the Third Army initially took control of the main roads in the city, and also took control of important buildings such as the yamen and warehouses.

An hour later, Hao Bainian led the senior generals of the Third Army into the city and successfully fulfilled his wish to have dinner in Yangzhou City!

Of course, having dinner was just a joke. After Hao Bainian entered the city, it was naturally impossible for him to drink and eat. He still had a lot of things to do after he entered the city.

The most important thing is to hold a post-war meeting!

After the post-war meeting, Hao Bainian personally handwritten a good news and sent it to Jinling City.

Li Xuan received this good news in the evening of the second day. The content of the good news was very detailed. It not only briefly reported the beginning and end of the siege, but also listed the casualties and results of the battle, and even the next steps. Hao Bainian reported in the good news.

In the first battle of Yangzhou, the Third Army of the Datang Army and the Canal Fleet of the Datang Navy cooperated with each other. A total of more than 230 artillery pieces with a weight of more than five pounds were used, and more than 50,000 rounds of solid bullets and grenades of more than five pounds were used. Recorded the ammo consumption record of the Tang Dynasty Wang Shi in a single battle.

More than 3,000 troops were killed, more than 2,000 were wounded, and a batch of artillery, muskets and other armaments were lost. However, the loss of materials was not a big problem, and the loss of 5,000 personnel was also within Li Xuan's estimate.

To conquer Yangzhou City, Li Xuan's psychological bottom line was that 10,000 casualties were lost. Today, 5,000 casualties are completely acceptable.

After all, what they are going to attack is Yangzhou, and Yangzhou is still defended by 100,000 Ming troops. These 100,000 Ming troops are already the last main force of the Ming army in the Jiangbei area, and they are still equipped with a large number of guns. military.

During the siege operation, the Third Army estimated that a total of more than 30,000 Ming troops were killed and seriously injured, with countless minor injuries, and about 50,000 people were captured, of which at least 20,000 were uprisings.

And the Ming army who successfully escaped from the city is estimated to be around 20,000!

In addition, about 300 shotguns of various types such as Wankou Cannon and Folang Machine Cannon were seized, more than 40 5-jin field guns, more than 10 7-jin field guns, and six 9-jin field guns.

About 30,000 arquebuses of various calibers were seized. Why do they say they are of various calibers? Because the calibers of the arquebuses used by the Ming army today are different, with 14 mm as the center, the small ones are 12 mm and 13 mm, and the bigger ones are 10 mm. Five millimeters or even sixteen millimeters, the calibers of the muskets made by different craftsmen vary from place to place.

Of course, the Ming army is not stupid. They will also make selections, and then use muskets of roughly the same caliber in one unit to facilitate unified training and combat.

After the Tang army seized these muskets, they would also classify them, classify muskets of different calibers, and then equip different troops according to different calibers.

Then the other things seized, all kinds of cold weapons are not worth mentioning, the Datang Dynasty itself has no shortage of swords, spears, etc. In the Datang Dynasty, bows and arrows are no longer equipped on a large scale, and those traditional iron armors are also replaced by plate armors .

The only thing of great value is the large amount of military rations that the Ming army hoarded in Yangzhou City. This is a batch of food enough for a hundred thousand troops to eat for three months, even if these three months are based on the standards of the Ming army and placed on the Datang Army side. Come on, eat for a month at most.

But with such a batch of food, the Third Army will not have to worry about food for the next two months, which can greatly reduce the logistical pressure.

After winning Yangzhou, Li Xuan was in a very good mood. That night, it was rare to accompany Empress Dowager Bai, Empress Dong and the others to a family banquet, and everyone around the banquet could see Li Xuan's joy.

Can Li Xuan be unhappy about this? Winning Yangzhou means that the door to the north has been opened. Even if 20,000 people escaped from Yangzhou, even in Gaoyou and Huai’an, there are tens of thousands of Ming troops, but it is also Unable to stop the pace of the Datang Army going north!

In the good news, Hao Bainian has already explained the follow-up battle plan to him!

The follow-up operations are not too fancy, that is, continue to go north along the canal, capture Gaoyou, capture Baoying, capture Huai'an, and enter the Yellow River and Hongze Lake basins.

Immediately after that, they continued to go north, and at the same time, they went west and entered Fengyang Mansion along the Huai River, completely establishing the overall situation of Jiangbei.

As for this follow-up battle plan, Hao Bainian didn't have to take the initiative to propose He could also guess it, because as long as you look at the direction of the Canal, the Yellow River and the Huai River on the map, it is basically not difficult to determine the big Tang Army's offensive direction.

The large-scale strategic offensive of the Datang Army was basically carried out along the rivers, even the Ming Army already knew about it, otherwise they would not have tried to hold on to Yangzhou at the beginning.

During the family banquet, the Empress Dowager Bai was just like an ordinary old lady, nagging, but she was talking about some household things. For the military affairs, the Empress Dowager Bai has been less involved in the past two years.

And Empress Dong doesn't care about that.

Of course, in fact, even if they wanted to intervene in military affairs, it was impossible, because Li Xuan would not allow it!

After dinner, Li Xuan did not go to the other concubines, but accompanied Empress Dong. Empress Dong was naturally sensible, so she called Pearl directly, and the three of them tossed in the middle of the night.

After the tossing was over, Li Xuan lay on the head of the bed, letting Pearl lie on his body to clean up, then turned his head to talk to Empress Dong, and while talking, Li Xuan suddenly said, "How's it going with the old man? "

Li Xuan's father-in-law is naturally Dong Yunyun's father. The reason why he suddenly mentioned him tonight is because Li Xuan heard that his father-in-law was dishonest and was moving up and down, trying to resume his career!



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