Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Zhengde Borrowing Soldiers

Although the officials of the Ministry of Rites were lazy and copied the army's military expansion model, one by one changed two, but this is also the best way for the Tang Dynasty to plan a new university.

For today's Tang Dynasty, the biggest problem in promoting new-style education is not the opposition of scholars. In fact, although the scholars opposed it in the early stage, but now they have already died, because the content of the examinations in the imperial examinations and the content of the new-style disciplines More and more, it is extremely difficult for scholars to learn by themselves.

In the past two years, the graduates of Guozijian have almost occupied the list, which naturally makes many people dissatisfied. Some have started their own academies to teach these new disciplines.

Nowadays, the Tang Dynasty promotes government-run schools, which is a good thing for scholars who are studying only to be officials.

In addition, although the problem of funding is also huge, it is not insurmountable, because many government-run schools are directly reformed from the county schools and prefectural schools of the Ming Dynasty. Tuition fees will not be too large, and local counties, prefectures and other yamen will also give certain financial subsidies.

And these years, the gentry are still more active in running schools and donate more funds.

The biggest problem is the teachers!

Sinology and arithmetic are both good, but since middle school began to teach physics, chemistry and other subjects, there are obviously not enough teachers.

If it is possible to find some teachers in the subjects of middle school and even preparatory school, it is very difficult to find teachers at the university level.

Nowadays, in the entire Tang Dynasty, almost all the science and engineering talents who can teach more advanced content are from the Royal Institute of Technology, and more importantly, the people in it are still self-taught.

The academic system of the Royal Institute of Technology is very special. They adopt self-study and self-teaching, and at the same time shoulder the task of scientific research. What they use is senior students to teach junior students, while senior students basically can only rely on self-study. .

In terms of the modern education level of later generations, even a few senior students in the Royal Institute of Technology who are regarded as treasures by Li Xuan, their level is equivalent to the level of high school students, and most of the students are at most junior high school students. s level.

Of course, even the level of high school students and junior high school students, in this era, is enough to crush the world.

But for these people, their own study and research and development tasks are very heavy. Although there are occasional seventh-grade students who go to the Guozijian to take classes, it is still far from enough for the huge demand.

The Ministry of Rites divided Guozijian into two parts, and planned to build a new university next to the Royal Institute of Technology, with the idea of ​​continuing to let the students of the Royal Institute of Technology give lectures part-time.

Therefore, Li Xuan also did not have too many embarrassing officials of the Ministry of Rites, and directly approved their plan. After Guozijian was divided into two parts, Guozijian was renamed Guozijian University, and the divided part was established as Jinlingcheng University.

But this is also an inspiration to Li Xuan. It is too difficult to organize a comprehensive university, and there is an urgent shortage of teachers. Not only universities but teachers, but preparatory colleges and middle schools are even short of teachers, so Li Xuan plans to organize a group of specialized teachers. Teachers College.

Specializing in cultivating teachers of new subjects!

Li Xuan's idea is that these normal schools do not train generalists, only specialists!

It is enough to learn only one of the subjects, and to be proficient in it, and be able to teach students according to the script.

In this way, the learning burden of the students can be greatly reduced, and at the same time, the schooling system can be shortened. It normally takes three years to train an ordinary preparatory student, but Li Xuan only intends to spend one year to train a normal student!

Two days after the conquest of Yangzhou, Li Xuan officially issued an imperial decree, requiring all provinces to open normal schools to train teachers.

Jinling City, as the foot of the emperor, is also the city with the most favorable conditions for running a school, so it is naturally the first to respond!

In almost three days, Jinling Teachers College was officially established and began to recruit students widely, and the first batch of recruits was 300 people!

However, in order to ensure that the trained normal graduates will eventually become teachers instead of participating in the imperial examinations, there are also clear requirements for admissions this time, that is, before entering the school, an agreement must be signed. Various middle schools and preparatory schools formulated by the Ministry of Rites Education Department have served as teachers for more than a few years.

A minimum of three consecutive years as a teacher is required, and tuition fees are free during the normal school period. After three years as a teacher, you can apply for Guozijian University or Jinling University or directly participate in the examination.

You must know that not everyone can be admitted to the current Guozijian, and not everyone can take the exam. Today's Guozijian of the Tang Dynasty has clear requirements for students who want to apply for the school: to have the fame of the Tang Dynasty. , or graduated from preparatory schools in various places.

Needless to say, if you can try, you need to be famous.

Of course, for Jinling Normal School to recruit students, it is not for everyone. They must have the talent of the Tang Dynasty or have graduated from middle school.

The continuous reform of education and the imperial examination system is what Li Xuan has been doing all the time, and in the foreseeable future, Li Xuan will continue to reform in the next few years.

Using a method of boiling frogs in warm water, completely changed the traditional education and imperial examination system in China.

And the biggest capital to promote this kind of reform is the official position of the Tang Dynasty.

As long as you want to be an official of the Tang Dynasty, then you have to study obediently according to the rules set by Li Xuan and participate in the imperial examinations.

And the scholars also deeply felt that the educational reform of the Tang Dynasty was gradually deepening. Some people naturally opposed it, but their objections were not heard by others.

The Datang Chaobao will not publish articles against voices. The articles on the education reform in the Datang Chaobao are basically praised, and those old pedants say some complaints in private, and outsiders can't hear them anyway. Naturally, let them speak.

But all in all, these old pedants are still very supportive of their young children going to the new school!

It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, but if you go to school, you can become an official. That's the most important thing.

Li Xuan has been busy with educational affairs in the rear for the past few days, and the army in Jiangbei is not idle either. After Hao Bainian led the third army to capture Yangzhou, he did not stay in Yangzhou for too long.

Instead, they continued to go north, along the canal all the way north to Gaoyou. The 10,000-odd Ming army in Gaoyou fled in the wind, but there was no resistance at all, and they just fled north to Huaian Prefecture.

The Third Army captured Gaoyou without a single shot, and then continued to advance towards Huaian.

At this time, the navy has also finished resting, and the main fleet has begun to head north. They are preparing to seize the Yellow River estuary to cover a large number of transport fleets that can directly enter the Yellow River from the Yellow River estuary.

In order to ensure control over the canal, the Yellow River, and the Huaihe River basin to cooperate with the army in combat, the navy has once again increased the size of the canal fleet.

The battle to the north went smoothly, but Anqing and Huguang were still the same.

Although the Datang Dynasty was powerful, it was unable to launch large-scale battles in two directions at the same time. The war in Jiangbei cost the Datang Dynasty a lot of military expenses and various ammunition supplies.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Li Xuan suspended Anqing's offensive and prepared to wait until the Third Army captured the Huaihe and Yellow River basins.

The Master of the Tang Dynasty did not take the initiative to attack, so the Ming army generals such as Yu Dayou and Zhang Yue were naturally relieved. With the ability of the Tang army to attack the fortresses in Yangzhou, they were really not sure whether Anqing and Hanyang could hold it.

Now that the pseudo-Tang bandit army is not coming to attack, they are naturally relieved.

Therefore, the armies of the two sides in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River continued to stare wide-eyed across the Yangtze River. They only had small-scale reconnaissance operations, and they had the demeanor of no war on the Western Front.

However, on the eastern front, the Ming army continued to suffer disastrous defeats!

After many days, Emperor Zhengde in the capital finally received a battle report from the south!

When he saw Yangzhou fell, and only 20,000 of the 100,000 army escaped, Emperor Zhengde's aged body couldn't help trembling, and he couldn't even hold the memorial.

Then he drove all the eunuchs and court ladies out of the palace and sat alone on the huge dragon chair!

After a long time, he called people in, and then made several orders in a row. The first was to give care to Chen Linmao who committed suicide. Although Zhengde wanted to whip Chen Linmao 10,000 times in his heart, but now is a time of trouble. He needs to stabilize the court, and he can't be mean to such a minister who has defended his reputation despite losing the battle.

If you lose a battle, you will be punished. I am afraid that Emperor Zhengde will kill all the front-line generals.

In addition, he plans to send important officials to the Mongolian grasslands to meet Altan Khan and discuss the matter of borrowing troops. As long as they can borrow troops, tea, iron, titles, etc. are not a problem.

Of course, things like kissing and breaking the soil are still impossible. Compared with some emperors who have no bottom line, Emperor Zhengde still has some integrity!

Don't split the If you don't have a relationship with your relatives, you want to borrow troops. This sounds like a long-term talk, but he believes that Altan Khan is a smart person, and he naturally knows the truth that lips are dead and teeth are cold!

If the pseudo-Tang bandit army wiped out the Ming Dynasty, what the next step would be, a fool can guess what the pseudo-Tang bandit army would do: it would definitely go north to the grasslands to fight Altan Khan.

Because since ancient times, almost all the central dynasties that unified China could not bear the threat of the northern grasslands. When they were strong, they would always try to attack and weaken the power of the grasslands.

This was the case in the period of Zhu Yuanzhang, when the Ming Dynasty was founded, and the same was true in the period of Zhu Di, and further back to the Song Dynasty, after a little recovery of strength, he still did not forget the northern expedition, not to mention the Tang and Han dynasties.

Whenever China's unified dynasty is strong, it will always set off foreign expeditions!

The Tang Dynasty is no exception!

Tartar and Pseudo-Tang, they are natural antagonists, he believes that Altan Khan will not fail to see this!

As long as Altan Khan doesn't want to encounter the guns and guns of the pseudo-Tang bandit army in the grassland in the future, and finally be driven out to the extreme west like the other ancestors of the grassland, then he must send troops!

Of course, Alta Khan can also choose to be his vassals and kneel down and pray to the Puppet Tang to give them a way to live, but Zhengde thought that Alta Khan would not choose to give in as a person!


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