Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 845: Zhengde's personal expedition

Zhengde's actions were quite quick, and soon he sent someone to go straight to the grassland, but it was a long way to go, and he didn't know when he would be able to get a reply.

And it is naturally impossible for Emperor Zhengde to put all his hopes on Altan Khan's borrowing troops. Borrowing troops is just one of his countermeasures. At the same time, he also sent people to start drawing the remaining troops from border towns and northern provinces. .

In recent years, in the military reform started by the Ming Dynasty, the southern provinces trained new troops, while the northern provinces and frontier troops also trained new troops. Most of the new guns and guns made by the northern provinces such as the capital were equipped with Frontier troops and Jingying as well as new troops in the northern provinces.

And these newly trained troops have already dispatched no less than 100,000 people to the south. This has seriously affected the defense of the north, but Emperor Zhengde didn't care much at that time.

But now, the situation is more dangerous than last year. The current Emperor Zhengde is already preparing to deploy all the troops from the northern provinces and frontiers. Even if the northern defense line is empty, Altan Khan will take advantage of the emptiness to enter.

If we don't deploy troops to defend the front lines of Shandong and Henan, the Ming Dynasty will be doomed, how can we care about the safety of the northern defense line!

Even the deployment of troops would lead to a sharp increase in civil unrest in the provinces, even to the point of sieging cities and territories, but Emperor Zhengde did not care. Although the rebels in other places were also a headache, their threat level was compared with that of the pseudo-Tang in the south. is not worth mentioning.

As long as he can block the momentum of the pseudo-Tang bandit army going north and give him a certain buffer time, he can revive the army!

At this moment, it was the most dangerous time for the Ming Dynasty. The degree of danger was far greater than that of the Civil Fortress. After Zhengde made up his mind, he directly dispatched the troops from various places to the south by means of thunder.

And this time, he doesn't plan to send any ministers from the court to supervise the war, he wants to go personally!

When Emperor Zhengde said he wanted to go to the expedition in person, he scared the ministers of the Ming Dynasty half to death. All of them cried and called His Majesty to think again, but Emperor Zhengde was unmoved.

Nima, if Lao Tzu doesn't go and supervise the battle in person, the Ming Dynasty will be completely defeated for you.

Today's Emperor Zhengde can be considered to see through. Although there are still many loyal ministers and hard bones, most of them are soft and weak. Today, they may be ministers of the Ming Dynasty. Maybe tomorrow will be the pseudo-Tang Dynasty. servant.

Emperor Zhengde also understood the mentality of these scholars. Their allegiance was the emperor.

But they don't really care who the emperor is. As long as the emperor meets the standards in their hearts, they will offer their knees without hesitation!

And what standard?

Naturally, it depends on whether the knife is sharp or not, whether it can bring benefits to them or not!

Don't you see, when the puppet thieves of the Tang Dynasty captured a place, the local scholars and gentry scolded them before, but in the end they didn't pay taxes obediently, and they went to participate in the imperial examinations of the Tang Dynasty. to become an official of the Tang Dynasty.

Ma Dan, when Emperor Zhengde planned to set up business donations in Jiangnan according to Zhang Yue's proposal two years ago, a group of ministers were like Emperor Zhengde who wanted to kill their parents, crying and shouting opposition, and there were several who hit the pillars. .

But now!

Now Emperor Zhengde is a little envious of Li Xuan, a pseudo-Tang in the south. Look at how comfortable this emperor is. Anyone who opposes will be killed. If he wants to collect commercial tax, he will pay commercial tax. .

Emperor Zhengde is about to go on a personal expedition, and he intends to give it a go and bring all the troops in the north that can be dispatched directly, but the army needs money for the expedition. Where does the money come from?

Treasury? In the last two years of the Ming Dynasty, the treasury was empty enough to starve the rats.

In the royal treasury, Emperor Zhengde also accumulated some wealth in the early years, but in the war in recent years, Emperor Zhengde spent a lot every year. Now, there are only a mere million taels of silver left.

As for the money, it was the funds that Emperor Zhengde quietly asked his confidant eunuchs to take out of the palace and sell them on the market.

By selling rare toys to raise military expenses, Emperor Zhengde felt that he was unlucky enough!

Moreover, Emperor Zhengde knew that the amount of silver that he had taken out before was only half of the silver that was spent on the army, and the remaining half went into the pockets of many ministers in the court.

The army is about to go to war, but what if there is no money?

It is difficult to make it cold, this is not the style of Emperor Zhengde!

He is not a late emperor, he has a strong personality, and he has never played cards according to common sense, so he raised his butcher knife and started to play house hunting!

Li Xuan over there can play for money, why can't he play when he is Zhengde?

The ministers in the court, if one kills the other, they will not be wronged, so Zhengde just found out many impeachment papers that were not released in the past, and then analyzed with a group of eunuchs, which courtier has more money.

This time, Emperor Zhengde was playing a house raider. He was extremely sinful and whether he was the center or not was not the criterion for judging. There was only one criterion for judging, and that was who had the money!

As a result, three days after the news of Yangzhou's disastrous defeat reached the capital, Emperor Zhengde arrested more than a dozen officials in the court and arrested more than a dozen officials, including Yan Song and his son. .

To be honest, he still admires Yan Song. If it weren't for his wealth, Emperor Zhengde would be reluctant to kill him.

With such a commotion, people in the capital were panicked for a while, but now, the red-eyed Emperor Zhengde couldn't take much care of it. To make a list based on whoever had the most money, he would arrest and confiscated his home.

As for the objections of those courtiers, Zhengde did not care. He did not raid his house in a mess. He was targeting the civil service system, but the nobles and relatives did not move. Of course, what is more important is that two people in the capital today Thousands of Jingying camps are all under the control of Xungui.

And these nobles welcome Emperor Zhengde's suppression of the civil servants. It has nothing to do with personal preference, because it means that their nobles will rise again and suppress the civil servants once again.

Once the house is raided like this, the money will come!

And this money, more than Emperor Zhengde expected!

When Emperor Zhengde learned from Jinyiwei that this time he had stolen all kinds of gold, silver and other assets as much as three million taels of silver, he couldn't help shouting: "These treacherous officials, Daming let them corrupt! "

These words made the Jinyiwei and honorable generals at the bottom a little embarrassed. It wasn't just those civil officials who ruined the Ming Dynasty. They also put in a lot of effort.

And they didn't tell Emperor Zhengde that this time around twenty ministers were confiscated. Among them, Yan Song's family alone confiscated nearly two million taels of silver, and the total amount exceeded six million.

You have to ask for the remaining three million taels of silver!

Well, everyone is so tired of raiding their homes, and the next group of people from Dongchang and Jinyiwei, the soldiers in the Beijing camp have to share the profits. It's normal to deduct half of the money. Just a million taels.

It's only two million, so there's no need to talk about such a trivial matter!

Of course, Emperor Zhengde didn't know these details. Even if he did, he wouldn't care about them. Now he has one million taels in the internal treasury and three million from the house raid, which adds up to four million, which is enough for him to fight for himself. military spending.

Therefore, Emperor Zhengde immediately led 20,000 troops from the capital and 30,000 frontier troops from all over the country. A total of 50,000 troops went south to Shandong. At the same time, he also passed the imperial decree to Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Liaodong, asking them to speed up their troops. King of Qin, join the front line in Shandong.

Afterwards, he sent people to Huguang and named Zhang Yue as a 'young teacher', which was one of the three orphans. In the huge Ming Dynasty, few of them could obtain the title of three orphans, and then Zhang Yue dispatched him. A branch of the division moved eastward to Henan and joined his army. At the same time, it also asked Zhang Yue to guard the front lines of Huguang and Sichuan, and not to collapse the situation in the southwest.

This time, Emperor Zhengde will personally lead the army to fight to the death against the Puppet Tang bandit army!

I have to say that among the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, only Emperor Zhengde dared to play like this!

Now, he doesn't even care about whether there will be a rebellion in the capital. For example, those civil servants who are frightened have a high probability of coercing the prince to rebel.

But he doesn't care anymore!

However, at this time, Emperor Zhengde also left behind a backer, and he had officially sent his other two sons to the vassal.

The place of the vassal is quite The third prince, King Jing, was placed in Sichuan by him, while the other sixth prince, King Hui, was sent to Liaodong by him, and he authorized the two princes to form their own The 50,000 palace guards were also assigned to supervise local military and political affairs.

This arrangement can be seen at a glance. Emperor Zhengde is leaving behind the Ming Dynasty. If he is defeated in person, his two sons who are valued by him may still hope to continue to resist. go down.

As for the prince, he has no hope!

Let him supervise the country in the capital!

If he wins the decisive battle against the pseudo-Tang thieves in Shandong, the prince will not be a problem. If he fails, then the prince will definitely follow in his own footsteps.

Emperor Zhengde used the means of thunder to collect military expenses, and then led his army to the south. This caused a great shock in the north, and even the news quickly spread to the south.

After Zhang Yue received the imperial decree from Zhengde, he sent someone to urgently send a secret letter to Emperor Zhengde with five hundred miles. The Ming royal family will fight to the end, and soon, a 30,000-strong Huguang training army will march eastward to Henan and join the pro-conquering army.

In addition, he also stated implicitly that if the situation changes, he will continue to fight under the command of the third prince, King Jing!



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