Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 846: Alta Khan's decision

Emperor Zhengde took the army south to Shandong, and was even preparing to go south to the Jiangbei front line. He had just left on the front foot, and the capital was surging on the back foot. Many people, um, mainly said that they were civil servants. They felt that they were waiting. The opportunity for many years has finally come. As long as the crown prince is made emperor at this time, then the Ming Dynasty will usher in a new benevolent king!

Well, a gentleman who listens to them!

As for Emperor Zhengde, that **** was not a good emperor at all, and he never listened to the words of their ministers. It's alright now, the pseudo-Tang Dynasty has occupied half of the Ming Dynasty.

Now, the Ming Dynasty needs them to help a benevolent ruler to save the world!

Many people secretly went to persuade the prince, saying that the opportunity must not be missed, and that it would never come again, but the prince Rende firmly rejected their proposal, which made them regret.

On the other side, on the Mongolian steppe, Alta Khan also heard that Emperor Zhengde had almost exhausted all the troops in the north, and then went south to fight in person.

And now, he can't help it.

The current situation is clear. In the future, it will be the best chance for the Tatars to break through the Ming army's defense line and go south to the Central Plains. To be honest, he is very moved.

Two days ago, the envoys sent by the Ming Dynasty struggled to say that they wanted to borrow troops, but Altan Khan didn’t say anything at all, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

Simply borrowing troops would only gain the benefits of titles and mutual markets. Naturally, he was unwilling. Moreover, the Mongolian army under the command of Altan Khan had fought with the frontier army of the Ming Dynasty for many years. Zhengde was having a hard time, and he was quite comfortable.

It is absolutely impossible for him to borrow troops to help Emperor Zhengde resist the Tang army in the south!

But at the same time, he is also very clear that once the Ming Dynasty fails miserably, and when the Tang army unites China, then he will face a great crisis in the next step, but this crisis is at most difficult to go south.

But if those Tang troops dare to go deep into the grassland, Alta Khan will show them. Although your guns are powerful, they are still useless on the grassland.

On the grasslands, cavalry is king!

Guns and guns play a huge role in attacking and defending, but how useful can they be when there are not many cities in the entire Mongolian steppe?

In addition, he also felt that the opportunity to go south this time was rare in a thousand years. After going south, the best outcome would be to watch the Ming army and the Tang army lose both, and then he took advantage of the cavalry to swept the Ming and Tang armies on the North China Plain. In this way, in the process of going south, the major border towns occupied by it, is it possible that the Ming army can still go back?

Going south is a dream that has been entangled in their hearts for thousands of years for the strong in the Mongolian grasslands, and they will not give up whenever they have this opportunity.

If the Tang army is really too strong, then he can take advantage of the cavalry to escape!

As long as he is more careful, Altan Khan feels that he should be able to get a lot of benefits from going south this time, and even if it is bad, he can loot some population, food, and property back.

Altan Khan is also a fierce man. If he wants to go south, he doesn't think too much about it. He just prepares to go south. Of course, before going south, he has to prepare well. First of all, he brings some tribes who don't agree with him.

On the one hand, it is to prevent these tribes from rebelling in the rear after they go south. On the other hand, when they are preparing to fight, let them be cannon fodder first, and when they are about to escape, let them break up, and try their best to preserve the strength of their direct tribes.

Altan Khan went south, although on the surface he agreed to borrow troops from the Ming Dynasty, but in fact Altan Khan and the heads of the Tatars all knew that this time they went south, borrowing troops or anything was false. , the important thing is to take the opportunity to go south, control several border towns, and then take the opportunity to go south to fish in troubled waters. If there is a chance, the Ming army and the Tang army will be killed together, and if there is no chance, they will come back with a vote.

In short, in the current situation in the world, sitting and doing nothing is the worst loss!

Alta Khan's thoughts, to be honest, Emperor Zhengde can guess more or less, but he doesn't care!

In order to go south personally, he almost emptied the frontier troops. Except for a few fortified cities, the other places were already allowed to come and go freely by the Tartars, and the Tartars went south, whether they wanted to or not, in the end You have to reduce the pressure on your side.

With a large number of Tartar cavalry heading south, no matter how strong the Pseudo-Tang bandit army is, they should allocate their troops to deal with it. In this way, their pressure will be much less.

As for the fact that some property was looted by the Tatars along the way, Emperor Zhengde didn't care!

Now that the big summer is about to fall, who cares about a few bricks and tiles!

The news of the change in the north was also quickly spread to the south through the spies of the Ministry of Military Intelligence!

Jiangbei, outside Huai'an City, Hao Bainian was preparing to attack Huai'an City. He heard that Emperor Zhengde of the North personally led his army to the south, and then heard that the Tartars were also starting to go south, and he couldn't help but sigh:

"This pseudo-ming emperor is ruthless!" Hao Bainian couldn't help admiring after hearing what the spies said about the situation in the north. At this time, the Zhengde emperor still had the guts to play with the broken pot and sink the boat. For more than 40 years, a fierce man who played a group of courtiers to death during his reign.

But even so, the rise of the Tang Dynasty is unstoppable. If nothing else, just relying on his own Third Army, let alone the Zhengde Emperor personally expedition, even if it were ten Zhengde Emperors personally expedition, he Hao Bainian is sure to win the battle.

He knew very well that even if Emperor Zhengde had personally recruited, he would not have many troops that he could mobilize, and he would definitely not be able to compare with the previous Yangzhou defenders in terms of elite level.

The 100,000 Ming army in the first battle of Yangzhou can be said to be the last army in the Ming army that can fight.

The northern provinces, the frontier army, and the Ming army in the Beijing camp are now short of guns and artillery, and the quality of the soldiers is definitely not comparable to that of the previous Yangzhou Ming army.

The only thing that worried him was the Tartar cavalry!

Regardless of whether these Tartar cavalry were borrowed from Zhengde, or the Tartars had other plans to take the opportunity to attack the city and conquer the land, they were all enemies to the Tang Dynasty.

And if their cavalry came less, it would not be a big threat, but if they came too much, I am afraid it would not be easy to handle.

The number of cavalry in the Datang Army is not large. In his Third Army, there are only 4,000 cavalry. If the Tartars come with 30,000 to 50,000 or more cavalry, if they encounter them in the wild, I am afraid they will not. good fight!

However, Hao Bainian was only slightly worried. Now, these things are still a long way off. Now, Hao Bainian's top priority is to win Huaian, then take a good rest, replenish troops and supplies, and then go west to the north.

He has already received the latest order from Li Xuan, asking him to take Huaian as soon as possible, and then capture Fengyang Mansion and Xuzhou. Suspend large-scale military operations.

At that time, the strategic focus of the Tang Dynasty will be transferred to Anqing. In other words, the Third Army will not be supplemented by limited troops and materials.

This counts the time, and the time left for him is only a month at most.

Knowing that the time is tight, Hao Bainian was not affected by the changes in the north at all, but quickly launched the Huai'an Campaign!

At this time, there were actually quite a few Ming troops guarding the city, but most of them were Ming troops who had fled all the way to this place, and their morale was very low. In addition, the local Ming army was also seriously lacking in guns and artillery.

The Ming army in the Jiangbei area had a lot of guns in the beginning, but most of them were left in Yangzhou. Many of the 20,000 people who escaped escaped empty-handed.

And part of the Ming army that was originally garrisoned, except for Jingying, the rest are second-line troops, and there is a shortage of guns.

This also led to the fact that the morale of the Ming army in Huai'an City was low, and there was also a lack of guns and artillery. At the same time, the city defense here was not fortified for a long time as in Yangzhou, so they simply could not stop the onslaught of the Third Army. .

After more than 200 artillery pieces were smashed down, and they didn't even need to dig tunnels and blast them, they successfully conquered Huai'an City. It took the Tang army three days from the attack to the capture of the city.

One day for preparation, one day for shelling, one day for siege!

The whole process was almost a textbook-style battle, and there was not the slightest accident in the middle.

After conquering Huai' the soldiers of the Third Army directly advanced to the Yellow River, Huaihe and Chaohu basins.

At this time, the Datang Navy also cooperated and dispatched many ships for inland river operations to enter the Yellow River Basin, merged with the original Canal Fleet, and reorganized into a new Yellow River Fleet.

This is also the fourth inland river fleet in the current Tang Dynasty. The scale is not large, with only more than 40 combat ships, but they are all specially built inland river battleships. The combat effectiveness has already surpassed the Pearl River Fleet, and its strength is second only to Yangtze Fleet.

The war in the north went well, so even Li Xuan was not very moved when he heard that Emperor Zhengde personally marched and the Tartars went south.

Even if Emperor Zhengde had gone into expedition himself, the Ming army was just like that, it was impossible to pose any threat to the Third Army, and the cavalry of the Tartars, as long as Hao Bainian was smarter, don't play mobile combat with others foolishly, and find opportunities There is a head-to-head battle, and it is possible to win. No matter how bad it is, it can stabilize the front.

The important thing now is to prepare for the Anqing War!

Now Anqing, like a sharp blade, is inserted into the artery of the Yangtze River, making it impossible for the Tang Dynasty to use the Yangtze River to connect the forces and supplies of materials in Huguang, Jiangxi, Jiangnan and other places.

And to be assured of going north to fight, to win Huguang, and finally to enter Sichuan or Henan, Anqing must be won first.



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