Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 847: The famous Chen Lifu

Now the second army in charge of the Anqing war is somewhat insufficient, only 40,000 people, and these 40,000 people can't be used to conquer Anqing, and they have to leave a part of the troops in Jiangxi and the western regions of Jiangnan. It is also necessary to allocate a part of the troops to fight in Fengyang Mansion, and the troops used to besiege Anqing are only about 20,000 people.

It is not only the Anqing front line that has insufficient troops, but also the Huguang and Sichuan sides. After the first army has been weakened many times, it can only maintain a balance of power in the Hunan front line. The total strength is only more than 40,000 people. On the opposite side of Zhang Yue's department, at least one hundred thousand went up.

Moreover, Zhang Yue's superintendent, Huguang training army and other armies are almost all new-style armies, all of which are directly copied from the Datang Army, and they have fought with the Datang Army for many years. Yes, that is also the experience.

This Ming army has always been the confidant of the Tang Dynasty, and if it wants to attack Huguang in the future, its strength must be strengthened.

In addition, with the expansion of the Tang Dynasty's ruled area, especially the occupation of Jiangnan, and now a part of Jiangbei, if nothing else happens in the later period, the entire Jiangbei and even Huguang will be under the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

And to maintain the rule, the troops are indispensable, without the troops to suppress, those careerists will rebel in minutes to show you!

But there are only so many troops in the Datang Army now. What if you can't squeeze out the extra troops?

What else can we do, expand the army!

It is now the fifth month of Xuanping, and it will not be long before it will be the sixth year of Xuanping. According to the estimates of the Ministry of Taxation, the fiscal revenue of Xuanping six years will be doubled.

The Ministry of Taxation estimates that next year's fiscal revenue will reach 40 million taels of silver!

Among them, agricultural tax and commercial tax will still occupy the absolute majority, reaching nearly 30 million, and the remaining 5 million will be special taxes such as customs, salt tax, and tea tax.

As for the invisible income, that is, the income from seized loot and home raiding, this part of the income cannot be determined, so it has not been included in the financial budget. Basically, it is flexibly spent after getting it.

According to the budget of 40 million taels of silver, Li Xuan intends to target the military budget of the Ming army at 30 million!

And for these 30 million li, the army will occupy the absolute majority. The navy will get at most two or three million, and the guards will be even less. The army will at least monopolize the military expenses of 25 million taels!

With so much military spending planned, it is naturally used to expand the army and fight!

As for the army's military expenditure, the largest expenditure is the combat expenditure, and the maintenance cost of the troops is quite small.

The same infantry division can spend one million or even two million taels for a month of fighting on the front line, and there is no upper limit. It depends on whether the war is frequent and how much ammunition and ordnance is consumed.

However, if it is only stationed in the rear, the cost is fixed and relatively small, mainly the cost of personnel salaries, food costs, training, ordnance supplements, etc. Basically, an infantry division costs about 100,000 taels a month. .

In one year, including common expenses such as usual exercises, small-scale counter-insurgency, and relocation of defense, it is about 1.5 million taels a year!

If the regiment is mixed, the cost is about one-third of the infantry division, and it costs about 500,000 taels per year.

Of course, the above-mentioned expenses do not include the soldiers' settlement expenses and ordnance purchase expenses during the founding of the army, and this part of the expenses is relatively large, basically equivalent to the maintenance expenses for one year.

In theory, even if the Army has a budget of 25 million next year, it can only maintain about 16 infantry divisions without fighting, and now the Datang Army has nine infantry divisions. , Twelve mixed regiments, if converted, it is roughly equivalent to thirteen infantry divisions. In addition to the maintenance cost, plus the combat cost, the annual military cost is almost the same.

However, the military expenditures of the King Division of the Tang Dynasty have never been more than the military expenditure budget set at the beginning of the year, and often additional temporary military expenditures will be added. Ten thousand taels of silver for the war.

And next year, it is estimated that it will be about the same rhythm!

And even if the money is really not enough, the army can't be expanded. What a joke!

If he has money, he wants to expand the army, but if he has no money, he wants to expand the army. If he doesn't want to expand the army, what will Li Xuan use to attack the city and expand the territory?

So, after the Ninth Infantry Division, Li Xuan gave the latest order, ordering the Army to prepare four new Infantry Divisions, the 10th Infantry Division, the 11th Infantry Division, the 13th Mixed Regiment, and the 134th Mixed Regiment. force.

At the same time, the scale of the Guards was expanded, and three Guards infantry battalions were newly expanded, so that the number of infantry battalions of the Guards was expanded to nine. The Guards Infantry Regiment will have three infantry battalions, in addition to a battalion of artillery, a reconnaissance cavalry, and a baggage battalion, with a total strength of 4,000 people.

A total of 1st Guards Infantry, 2nd Guards Infantry, 3rd Guards Infantry, and Guards Artillery Regiment, Guards Baggage Regiment, Guards Engineer Battalion, Guards Cavalry Battalion Together to form the Guards, the total strength will increase to 15,000, which is equivalent to an infantry division of the army.

The expansion of the Guards is reasonable, because in the future, the Guards will not only control Jinling City, but also be the main force in guarding Jiangnan.

Among the other new units, the 10th Infantry Division and the 11th Infantry Division will join the 9th Infantry Division to form the Fourth Army of the Datang Army, which will become the new mobile force of the Datang Army and also serve as a reserve force.

And the 13th mixed regiment, like most of the mixed regiments, will become a garrison force, scheduled to be stationed in Yangzhou and Tongzhou.

The 14th Mixed Regiment is to be used to strengthen the Second Army, but it is estimated that it will be stationed in Jiangxi in the future.

After this expansion, the Tang Dynasty will have tens of thousands more troops, although it will cause great pressure on the finances, but without pressure, there will be no motivation.

Li Xuan is expanding his army in the rear and training troops. The war in the north has not stopped, and he is still preparing for the battles of Anqing and Huguang. This situation seems to be very good, but the money is also spent like flowing water. The financial pressure of the entire Tang Dynasty is extremely high. Big!

As a tax inspector, Chen Lifu felt the financial pressure more deeply than outsiders, because the connection urged him to end the affairs of Ningguo Mansion as soon as possible, and then prepare to go to Songjiang Mansion, which is heavily taxed.

Chen Lifu has been in Ningguo for a few months. The situation here is the same as other prefectures and counties in the south of the Yangtze River. The situation is not optimistic, and tax evasion is serious. Of course, what makes Chen Lifu even more difficult is that the local tax system. It was terrible, filled with all kinds of scum, and this kind of thing was something Chen Lifu couldn't bear.

After arriving at Ningguo Mansion, he did not immediately start a strict investigation of tax evasion and evasion, but rectified the local tax system immediately. After killing more than a dozen tax officials, he was fired again. In the early chaotic period, he joined the tax revolution team. Some green-skinned hooligans and other scumbags.

After the initial rectification of the tax system, he began to strictly investigate tax evasion and evasion.

And the result is not many surprises. Under his leadership, more than a dozen gentry with the most serious tax evasion and tax evasion have been raided and exterminated!

And this also caused Chen Lifu's fame to rise sharply, not to mention the three places he brought to Chizhou, Dezhou, and Ningguo, even in other places in Jiangnan, his name Chen Lifu has already begun to spread.

Of course, most of them are not good words. Some say that he is an executioner, and some say that he is a tiger. Among the gentry and scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, he has basically been equated with a traitor.

Now, many of the gentry's children in Jiangnan have also entered the Tang Dynasty as officials, so there are also many reasons to impeach him, but this kind of impeachment is useless. Inside the tax department, the adults above Chen Lifu's work performance is I am quite satisfied. It is said that even the ministers and ministers of the tax department are already satisfied with Chen Lifu, a young tax officer. room to play!

This is almost like saying that Chen Lifu is going to be promoted!

Chen Lifu is well aware of all this!

Shilin's insults, he didn't hear it, and didn't refute it, because he really had no way to refute it, because even himself, he despised his own behavior in his heart, and sometimes he would stay up all night, as soon as he closed his eyes. Will see those gentlemen who died tragically under their hands!

At this time, he could only keep telling himself that he was enduring humiliation and bearing the burden, and one day, the world will know his good intentions!

Although he strictly investigates tax evasion and evasion, it is to gain the appreciation of his superiors, so that he can climb to a higher position, and then he can better display his ambitions and bring the Tang Dynasty, which has seriously deviated from the direction, back to the right path. Come up!

And in this process, he also tried his best to do what he could, such as rectifying the tax system!

If it is just to strictly investigate tax evasion and tax he can't rectify the local tax system, those scumbags collect taxes more efficiently, but why he still does this, it is not for the local people.

The official documents urged by the boss kept coming, and Chen Lifu also cut the mess quickly. After dealing with the affairs of Ningguofu, he returned to Jinling City to report his duties. When he left Ningguofu, the local gentry rejoiced. This Shilin scum, Jiangnan The shame of the gentry, finally get out of Ningguo Mansion!

And when he left Jinling City to go to Songjiang Mansion again, although Chen Lifu was still a tax inspector, his rank was upgraded to the sixth grade!

In less than a year, he has been promoted to two levels in a row. Among the many former Ming Zhishi and demoted officials who had just entered the Datang officialdom at the beginning of the year, it is also an anomaly!

Chen Lifu took the official boat from Jinling City to Songjiang Prefecture down the river. On the boat, he had already started to study the tax situation in Songjiang Prefecture. The situation is more serious than he expected, and this time, I don't know how many gentry's heads will be cut off to complete the task given by the boss!

Chen Lifu's boat has not yet docked at the Shanghai Wharf, and the people in Songjiang Mansion are already panicking. The shadow of the famous tree, Chen Lifu makes the local gentry roll in every place he goes, setting a record in two prefectures and one state. His great prestige has long been spread among the gentry class of Songjiang Prefecture!


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