Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 848: The promising Chen Lifu

In Songjiang Mansion, in an elegant teahouse, a few gentlemen were talking loudly, and the things and people they were talking about were the tax inspector Chen Lifu who had just arrived in Shanghai and some recent changes in the tax agency.

"I heard that when Chen Lifu inspected the Ningguo Mansion, he killed no less than twenty people. Even the Ningguo Song family was persecuted. Now that he has come to our Songjiang, I don't know how much blood and blood he will cause!"

"Yes, our family and Ningguo Song family had a lot of business dealings before. I don't know about the rest of the Song family, but I know the young master of the Song family. He was persecuted once, and I heard that he was sentenced to be executed, and he didn't even give outsiders a chance to rescue him, and he was sentenced to death on the same day, which is really appalling!"

"Oh, it's an eventful time now, and it's getting harder and harder for me to wait for the gentry!"

"Isn't it true, the imperial court began to use troops against Jiangbei this autumn. It used no less than 100,000 troops and more than 100,000 civilians. I heard that the war cost in the first month alone reached millions of taels. This is all the money of the people. Ah, the court has spent a lot of money on wars, and in the end it's not us people who suffer!"

"Yes, prosperity, the people suffer, the people suffer, the world is difficult!"

"If it weren't for the fact that the imperial court had to spend so much money on wars, how could the tax eagles keep an eye on us every day? Last month, one of the stewards under me was just a little negligent and missed a mere hundreds of taels of business tax. The tax eagle dog just came to the door, saying that we were tax evasion and tax evasion, and let us make up for the missed tax, but they also issued a fine of 10,000 taels to our business, which is really deceiving! "

"That is, when the autumn tax was levied, our family obviously only had less than 100 mu of land, but they counted the land donated by the same clan and villagers, and finally collected our family's agricultural tax of 3,000 mu. , so angry that our old man can't eat for three days!"

"Now the tax policy is too harsh!"

When these gentlemen were discussing loudly, at the table separated by a screen, a young man was using a charcoal pen to write down the remarks of these people on paper, especially some of the industries they discussed, the number of acres of land, etc. Yes, and these are all evidence that the tax bureau is collecting taxes on them.

While remembering, the young man sneered at their words: "Hundreds of taels of business tax was leaked? It was obviously undercounted by 2,000 taels, and it was deliberately false. When the tax officer came to the door, They also denied it in every possible way. Finally, the tax inspection team came to the door, and they obediently admitted it. However, when the tax inspection team came to the door, it was not just as simple as making up for tax evasion.

The tax inspection team has never had the habit of returning empty-handed. It is only the most basic thing to make up the tax, and a fine can't escape it. Today, the tax department imposes heavy penalties on those who evade tax.

If the tax officer comes to the door to urge the payment and pays it, then there is nothing, but if the matter is serious enough that a tax inspection team needs to be dispatched, then this is basically the process. Those with a good attitude are only fines. Of course, the fines are quite large. Five Double or ten times the fine is very common. If you have a bad attitude or even refuse to admit it, violent resistance to the tax, arrest, sentence, home search, exile, etc. are all possible.

Depending on the severity of the situation, there will be different verdicts.

But even so, the problem of tax evasion and evasion in various places is still quite serious. Many people are holding on to luck. If they can evade tax, they will evade tax. If they are found, they will make up for it.

Because they will make up for the tax after the fact, the tax department is not too pushy, and they directly raid the family and exterminate the family or something, and even people are generally not arrested, otherwise the impact will be too great, but it is unfeasible to let this situation go. .

As for the Ministry of Taxation, it has already begun to prepare relevant measures on this issue. At the same time, it is also preparing to curb tax evasion and evasion together with cabinet agencies such as the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Commerce.

Merchants who have committed tax evasion and evasion are directly listed on the list of dishonest, and they are directly published in the Datang Chaobao. These days, merchants do business based on their reputation. Once they are dishonest, it will have a great impact on their business. .

At the same time, other restrictions will be imposed on such merchants. For example, Royal Bank will terminate their loan business and collect the money that has been released in advance.

In the end, the Ministry of Taxation is still discussing with the Ministry of Law, and plans to formulate a more detailed punishment regulation specifically for tax evasion, tax resistance and other criminal acts, to refine it, and then strengthen control. For example, tax evasion and tax evasion, not only to Paying back is not only a fine, but also jail time. In short, the cost of crime cannot be made too low.

Of course, if it's just ordinary tax evasion and tax evasion, don't directly loot the family and exterminate the family as before.

In the past, the Tang Dynasty scrambled and exterminated families at every turn. That was because the tax system needed to be forcibly promoted in the rising stage. There were too many people who opposed it.

But now, under the rule of the Tang Dynasty, even the gentry, despite their scolding, still honestly accepted the tax policy of the Tang Dynasty, but they just liked tax evasion. Yes, but there are more tax evasion due to petty mischief.

At this time, a more comprehensive, but also slightly milder, and at the same time deterrent punishment method is needed to replace the previous family raiding and genocide.

Of course, this situation only applies to ordinary tax evasion and tax evasion. If the circumstances are particularly bad, such as a huge amount of money, violent tax resistance, etc., it is still indispensable to loot the family and destroy the family.

Most of the people that Chen Lifu killed in Ningguo Mansion, Dezhou Mansion, and Chizhou Mansion were these two.

After Chen Lifu arrived in Songjiang Prefecture, he found out that Songjiang Prefecture is a tax-heavy place. There are also many problems. Although the overall rate of tax evasion and evasion is not too high, because Songjiang Prefecture has opened a port, the amount of tax revenue is huge, even if it is tax evasion and tax evasion. The proportion is small, but the total amount is extremely large.

The Ministry of Taxation estimates that in the five years of Xuanping, the Songjiang Prefecture will have at least one million taels of tax evasion. Especially in the newly established business zone, the problem of tax evasion and tax evasion is particularly serious.

The main body of Songjiang Prefecture's business district is naturally many gentry from the original Jiangnan area. After all, only gentry have the funds to engage in industry and commerce, and the local gentry has a convenient location.

However, the gentry in the Jiangnan region paid no tax or paid very little tax during the Ming Dynasty. Now they have changed to the Tang Dynasty, and the high amount of tax is naturally unacceptable to them.

The gentry in the Jiangnan area are different from other areas. At the beginning of other areas, there will often be a period of frequent armed resistance to taxation. There have been countless incidents of officials, and there have even been instances where hundreds or even thousands of rebels were assembled.

Then the local tax inspection team often cooperates with the local military and militia organizations to carry out forcible suppression.

And after one kill, they are often honest!

However, in the Jiangnan area, there are few armed anti-tax rebellions, and the scale is generally small. So far, the local garrison has never suppressed a large-scale armed anti-tax rebellion, because this kind of thing has never happened. The scale is often settled by the local tax inspection team on its own.

But, here comes the problem!

They dare not resist armed resistance, but they always try to evade taxes!

Tax evasion and tax evasion, these four words seem to be deeply embedded in their bones!

This kind of method makes the tax department extremely unaccustomed!

The officials of the tax department are already accustomed to the rhythm of violent resistance to taxation, strong suppression, and honest tax payment. The gentry in Jiangnan suddenly broke their rhythm.

The sneaky way of the Jiangnan gentry made the officials of the tax department very helpless!

Otherwise, the Ministry of Taxation would not have dispatched tax inspectors to almost every state capital, and promoted Chen Lifu, who was a competent tax inspector, successively, and then sent them to many places. To put it bluntly, it was the tax situation in Jiangnan. It is beyond the expectations of the officials of the tax department, and it is somewhat helpless.

However, the appearance of Chen Lifu made the senior officials of the tax department see a hope of rectifying the taxation in Jiangnan. Now that he was sent to Songjiang, his expectations were even greater.

If Chen Lifu can do a good job in the taxation work in Songjiang Prefecture, then the future is definitely bright, and it will not take long to be promoted to the deputy director of the inspection department. UU reading www.

And this is the position of the fifth grade, and when sent to a local area, it is often the core official who inspects the taxation of a province.

Among the many high-ranking positions in the Tang Dynasty, there are not many that can be compared with the Deputy Director of the Inspection Office of the Grain Collection Department of the Ministry of Taxation, which inspects the taxation of various provinces.

Its authority is so heavy that even the governor of a province is not willing to offend him easily.

Because such officials from the central government are almost always synonymous with inferiority and power. Generally speaking, the rank of such officials is not too high, but their real power is enormous.

But having said that, the officials of the tax department have great power. Chen Lifu's immediate boss, the director of the inspection department, is only a fourth-grade position. In the local area, it is the prefect of a low-level government. In the central government, he is inspecting the taxation of the whole country.

In the grain collection department above, although this organization is only a department-level organization, its chief officer is only a third-rank subordinate, but the core organization of the Tang Dynasty is in charge of the national tax inspection team and tax inspection work.

Its power is larger than that of the Department of Agriculture and Taxation, the Department of Customs, the Department of Special Commodities Taxation, and the Department of Industry and Commerce in the Ministry of Taxation.

Chen Lifu, who works in the inspection office of the Grain Collection Division, is also valued by his superiors because of his outstanding work. Even the servants above and Lord Shang Shu have heard of his name. If so, he must have a bright future!


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