Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 850: flintlock test

The person responsible for the research and development of spring steel is a spring steel group at the Royal Institute of Technology, and this spring steel group is directly under the leadership of the Basic Materials Branch.

There are not many people in this spring steel group, only seven people. The most senior among them is a second-year student of the Royal Institute of Technology. The actual theoretical level is calculated according to the classification of the Royal Institute of Technology and the young military camp in the past. It is equivalent to the ninth grade, um, the level of the third grade.

And the remaining six are all first-year students of the Royal Institute of Technology!

Don't think that the first-year students of the Royal Institute of Technology are ordinary people. In fact, almost all the students who can enter the Royal Institute of Technology are geniuses.

The Royal Institute of Technology recruits students every year, but there are only dozens of people, and these dozens of people are recruited from young military camps, middle schools, and preparatory schools in various places.

These students who can be admitted to the Royal Institute of Technology basically have two characteristics: one is very strong self-learning ability, because the students in the Royal Institute of Technology are basically self-study, because so far, the Royal Institute of Technology has There is no pure teacher, and the teaching is represented by the senior students, and the senior students themselves are busy with self-study and various scientific researches, and there is not much time for teaching at all.

Therefore, at the Royal Institute of Technology, self-learning ability is very important, otherwise, it is impossible to adapt to the learning environment of the Royal Institute of Technology.

In addition, these students also have a very important characteristic, that is, the general high IQ!

How can you tell that they have high IQs?

Under the premise that most of the time is self-study, it only takes a few years to complete the current primary, secondary and preparatory courses, and then enter the Royal Institute of Technology in many competitions, which is basically enough to prove their high school. IQ.

So it is rude to say that the nearly 400 students in the Royal Institute of Technology are all geniuses!

And they have undoubtedly become the most valuable talents of the Tang Dynasty in Li Xuan's mind, and they are all trained as scientists.

In addition to self-studying more advanced courses and giving lectures to lower-grade students, these students also have an important task of conducting various research and development. According to their personal interests and the actual needs of the Tang Dynasty, they will form various groups. Research and development of various technologies.

Among them, the most famous are the steam engine group and the machine tool group. The former created the steam engine, while the latter designed the industrial machine tool specially used to produce machinery, that is, the industrial mother machine.

The Spring Steel Group is one of the many research groups at the Royal Institute of Technology.

They spent years of repeated research, and finally came up with a qualified spring steel. Then, the flintlock R&D team at the Royal Institute of Technology immediately used this new spring steel to make a new flintlock gun. The bolt was tested.

After testing, the firing rate of the new flintlock gun made with this kind of spring steel as the core has reached more than 80%, although this is almost 100% more successful than the matchlock gun. Big deficit.

However, this new technology has just been born, and it has such a high firing rate, which naturally proves the feasibility of the flintlock gun. If it continues to improve in the future, the firing rate will reach more than 95%, which is just around the corner. .

So, they just asked Jiangnan Arsenal to first come up with a hundred sample guns for various tests, trying to find out the hidden problems, and then use them to improve, mainly to increase the firing rate.

After all, the 80% firing rate is still a huge deficiency for large-scale equipment. No army general can endure it. In each round of shooting of a hundred soldiers under his command, only 80 muskets were successfully fired. The remaining twenty misfires.

After Li Xuan heard that the flintlock gun was going to undergo various live ammunition tests, he took the opportunity to prepare to watch the live ammunition test this time, because Li Xuan paid far more attention to the flintlock gun than others.

At present, the generals of the Tang Army are not very enthusiastic about the flintlock gun. They also know that there is such a thing, but the previous flintlock gun only had a firing rate of 50%, which really disgusted them. Now Although there is an 80% firing rate, there is still a certain distance from the official large-scale service.

Before there are follow-up improvements, the Army will not rashly change the flintlock guns on a large scale.

But Li Xuan is different. He knows better than anyone in the contemporary era that the flintlock gun is the future development direction. If the flintlock gun is produced and equipped on a large scale, the Tang Dynasty will be able to obtain it sooner. greater tactical advantage.

And you don't have to worry about the enemy's large-scale counterfeiting!

The arquebus is simple in technology. For the Ming Dynasty, if you want to copy it on a large scale, you can copy it on a large scale, but the flintlock gun has no spring steel. You can make one and show it to me!

At that time, as long as the Tang Dynasty kept the spring steel strictly confidential and prohibited its export from being leaked, outsiders would not be able to imitate them unless they researched them slowly.

Even Li Xuan, who has an important flintlock gun, will watch the live ammunition test specially. His intention is not because of curiosity. If he is just curious, he can take one at any time and watch it slowly.

What he wants to do is actually more politically symbolic!

He wants to convey a concept to those army generals: the flintlock gun is the future development direction of guns, and I attach great importance to it!

Well, at the same time, let the admirals know about this future trend, because the navy also has marines who also use muskets.

With Li Xuan's current status, he is going to personally inspect a musket, and he affirms this musket, so the influence will be huge.

After Li Xuan arrived at the Jiangnan Arsenal on the outskirts of the city with a group of important officials, especially the army and navy generals, the first thing he saw was the huge factory building of the Jiangnan Arsenal!

This Jiangnan Arsenal is bigger than the factory building of Zhaoqing Arsenal, with three times the area. Of course, the area of ​​the factory building does not mean anything. More importantly, he has seen several production lines with a high degree of mechanization, including the cannonball production line. , Musket production line, five-jin field gun production line, two-jin, three-jin shotgun production line.

In addition, the Jiangnan Arsenal also tried to imitate the Folang robot rear-mounted artillery. Well, this artillery, like the shotgun, is positioned as an auxiliary artillery. It is mainly equipped on ships to kill people.

The army said that it is not interested in the rear-mounted artillery of the Folang machine artillery. Although the loading is simple, the air tightness is too poor, the range is too close, and the gunpowder is wasted.

With this Folang machine gun, they might as well use a two- or three-pound shotgun, which is simpler, cheaper, and not too powerful.

What the Army wants more is a howitzer, or more precisely a grenade that can be fired in a long-barreled artillery!

The army has always wanted to put grenades into nine- and five-pound field guns. Unfortunately, the fuze technology is not up to standard, and the current grenades have always been unable to be loaded into long-barreled artillery and fired.

Li Xuan took a close look at these production lines. Although these production lines are still very backward in the eyes of a modern man, they are full of a strong retro atmosphere, but I have to say that these ordnance production lines in Jiangnan Arsenal are almost It has reached the peak level of this era, and it has surpassed those workshops in Western countries of the same era.

Not to mention, the dozens of huge steam engines in the Jiangnan Arsenal alone are enough to prove its technological advancement.

"In order to solve the defect of insufficient power of the original steam engine, we have made continuous improvements to the steam engine, and now it is possible to achieve a single engine power of ten horsepower."

"At the same time, in order to use these steam engines in production, our Zhaoqing Machinery Company has specially designed a complete set of power solutions for Jiangnan Arsenal, using a large number of advanced equipment to successfully apply these steam engines to these production lines!"

"At present, the main power of the factory still relies on water power, but steam engines can already replace water power in some fields!"

Li Xuan naturally knows that the steam power in the Jiangnan Arsenal is actually just an auxiliary power. It is almost unrealistic to completely replace the water power with a steam engine.

This is not even a problem of operating costs, but a technical problem. The current single-engine power of the steam engine is too low, and the single-engine power is only ten horsepower. This is too little for a large arsenal.

But this is a very good start, so Li Xuan still expressed great appreciation and encouraged them to increase and deepen the research and development and application of new technologies.

After a brief inspection of the factory building of Jiangnan Arsenal, Li Xuan and the others went to the shooting range to watch the live ammunition test of flintlock guns and other new weapons.

The first test was not the flintlock gun, but several other weapons, um, including cold weapons!

The first new weapon is a bayonet. This is a bayonet made of a new type of steel. The strength of the blade is much higher than the previous bayonet. After seeing it, the army executives said on the spot that they would purchase and equip them in large quantities.

Then there is an improved cavalry saber, which has been slightly adjusted on the original cavalry saber. The whole remains unchanged, but some details have changed, so it did not attract much attention.

Then there is the new type of plate but it is said to be a new type, but in fact it is a thicker plate armor, a full body armor tested this time, its chest part, well, this is also all plate armor One of the most core parts of the style, its thickest position has reached eight millimeters, and the average thickness has reached six millimeters.

This made Li Xuan quite speechless, because during the test, although the standard 14mm matchlock gun in the Datang Army did not penetrate well.

But later, when a few sturdy men who looked tall and big at first glance wore this kind of full-body armor and started to do maneuver tests, it was unacceptable. They wore this thick full-body armor, and then took shields and spears. After imitating heavy armored spearmen's maneuvering, charging, walking, forming arrays, and running for a distance, they all collapsed on the spot.

The next test was an 18mm heavy matchlock gun. The test object happened to be this plate armor with a thickness of 8mm and an average of 6mm. It was shot at a distance of 30 meters, a large hole, 50 When I was 80 meters away, I fired a shot and it was another big hole. When I was 80 meters away, I shot it and it was a **** big hole!

The army generals on the side were stunned when they saw it. Several people said extreme remarks on the spot that plate armor is useless. The army must quickly and massively equip such heavy muskets!

After many new weapons have been tested one by one, this is the highlight of today, the live ammunition test of the flintlock gun!



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