Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 851: This thing is my big Tang weapon

Li Xuan held the flintlock gun in his hand. The appearance of this flintlock gun was no different from the first flintlock gun he saw a few years ago.

In the early years, Li Xuan asked the students of the Royal Institute of Technology to develop the flintlock gun, and he took out a sample gun in a short period of time, but because the quality of the spring steel was not good enough, the firing rate was too low, so he didn't even have test equipment. The equipment was immediately shelved.

Today, a few years later, the flintlock gun that Li Xuan saw has almost the same overall structure as the prototype gun, and the overall structure of the barrel is basically a replica of the first year-style arquebus.

The caliber is also 14 mm, and it also has a front sight, a ruler, a bayonet mount, and a new type of steel bayonet.

The only difference is the firing mechanism.

Li Xuan knows that the basic structure of the gun barrel, which is almost the same as that of the first year, is for better mass production. In this case, the existing gun production line hardly needs to be changed much, especially for a musket. In other words, the most important core component is the 'barrel'.

This also means that an existing matchlock gun can be turned into a flintlock gun with a simple bolt modification.

After all, it is impossible for the Tang Dynasty to be so extravagant as to throw away all the existing arquebuses that have more than 100,000 arquebuses, and then change the flintlock guns on a large scale. This is not even a simple cost issue, but the lack of time. .

At present, the production of guns in the Tang Dynasty is limited, with hundreds of thousands of guns, but it will take several years to produce.

After Li Xuan glanced at the flintlock pistol in his hand, he also nodded slightly to the officials beside him. Immediately, the soldiers who were already ready started live-fire drills one after another.

The first thing to start is the loading drill!

Its loading mode is somewhat different from the arquebus currently used by the Datang Army. First of all, it is necessary to push open the buckle spring to expose the firing slot, and pull the bolt to a safe position, then take out the custom-packed ammunition, and then tear it up with your mouth. At the tail of the paper-packed ammunition, put a small amount of gunpowder into the firing slot, then pull the spring back to cover the firing slot, then pour most of the remaining gunpowder into the barrel, and then put the wrapping paper and lead shot into the gun Tube, then compacted with a clear strip, take out the clear strip.

Then put the gun upright, wait for the command to open, and after the command to prepare to fire, lay the gun flat and aim.

After the order to fire was issued, the trigger was pulled, wow, the bullet was fired!

However, although there are differences in these details, the biggest difference between a flintlock gun and an arquebus is that one uses a lit arquebus to ignite, while the flintlock gun directly pulls the trigger to ignite!

It looks like this, maybe people will think that there doesn't seem to be much difference between this flintlock gun and an arquebus. Why use a flintlock gun instead of an arquebus, and the firing mechanism of a flintlock gun is much more complicated than an arquebus. , which also represents an increase in increase.

At present, the purchase price of a first year-style matchlock gun is only about forty taels of silver, but after evaluating the new flintlock gun, Jiangnan Arsenal gave a price of fifty taels.

And this price is still based on large-scale production. If it is early production and the production volume is not large, the price will reach six taels of silver.

Don’t look at it, it’s just one tael of silver, an increase of two taels, but muskets are used on a large scale, and they are consumables. The scale of equipment is hundreds of thousands, and a lot of muskets will be lost due to training and combat. Here again is the need to replenish a large number of muskets.

Therefore, the small difference between these two silver coins is a total cost of hundreds of thousands of silver coins.

However, the reason why the cost has increased is to replace the arquebus with a flintlock gun. In short, there are the following factors.

The first is the following shortcomings of the matchlock gun: the matchlock must be ignited in advance, but after the matchlock is lit, if it is not fired for a long time, the matchlock will burn out, but the key point is that when fighting, it does not mean that you can light the matchlock. When firing, sometimes it takes a long time to get the chance to fire, and the match may burn out in the process.

Then another point is that it is very inconvenient to fight with the matchlock in rainy days, and the matchlock is easily doused by the rain.

In addition, after the matchlock of the matchlock gun is ignited, the soldiers need to keep a relatively large distance, so as to prevent the soldiers' matchlock from igniting the guns of the soldiers next door and causing fire.

Compared with the matchlock gun, the flintlock gun almost avoids these defects. The flintlock gun without matchlock almost does not have the above problems. The problem of rain protection, as long as it is not in heavy rain, it hardly affects the firing.

And it is also very important that the troops using flintlock guns hardly have to worry about the soldiers' guns misfire, which means that the musketeers can be more densely arranged.

With the same width, in the past, only ten musketeers could be lined up, so after equipping the flintlock gun, twenty musketeers could be lined up.

What does this represent?

This represents an increase in fire density!

For battles in the Musket Age, the increase in firepower density can reduce the number of spearmen.

The ratio of musketeers to spearmen in the regular army of the Tang Army is almost one to one, and if the flintlock guns are equipped on a large scale, the ratio of musketeers to spearmen can be two to one, three to three. Biyi, even cancelling the spearman entirely at the end.

With the appearance of the flintlock gun, it is possible to completely eliminate the cold weapon infantry!

That is to say, if the Datang Army can equip the flintlock guns on a large scale, it will not only gain the advantages of the firearms, such as the rate of fire and not fear of rain, but more importantly, they will be able to obtain completely different combat methods.

At that time, the pure musket infantry phalanx will appear!

Just when Li Xuan was thinking about how to use the flintlock gun to form an infantry unit with pure firearms, and completely bring the Tang Army into the ranks of the modern army, the flintlock gun test below was also continuing.

As the soldiers in the front test pulled the trigger, and after the sound of gunfire, the soldiers started the second round of loading, and then fired again, and the third round of loading, shooting!

The soldiers in these tests fired ten rounds of salvos in a row, and Li Xuan nodded slightly after watching it. Although he said that duds were inevitable in the process, the rate of fire was still higher than that of the first year-style arquebus. Much faster.

Moreover, in order to reflect the new tactical application of the flintlock gun, the test soldiers listed a very close three-row queue, which is very different from the six-row queue commonly used by the Datang Army.

And this tactic brings more intensive firepower!

After the test, Li Xuan immediately said: "Okay, this thing should be my Tang Dynasty weapon!"

And those army generals who also finished the test, their eyes lit up. Although they are natives of this era, they do not have prophets like Li Xuan, but as army generals, they have a deep understanding of the war of this era. I felt even more deeply when I saw the performance of the flintlock gun test and the application of its new tactics.

All of them couldn't bear it any longer.

Zeng Ziwen asked the officials of the Ministry of Industry on the spot: "Our army wants this flintlock gun, when will you be able to mass-produce it?!"

The officials of the Ordnance Department of the Privy Council also said: "The orders for the first-year muskets that we placed earlier, we are going to cancel the orders and change them all to orders for flintlock guns!"

Hearing this, the officials of the Ministry of Industry naturally did not show much thought that they had already conducted internal tests in advance. The performance of this flintlock gun can definitely beat the existing ones. Although the price is a little expensive, it is not much more expensive. The cost increases a little, but it can be exchanged for a flintlock gun, which is definitely worth it.

Li Xuan ignored the words of the army officials and the Ministry of Industry officials. The mass production and equipment of the flintlock gun has become a foregone conclusion, and the army can handle the next thing without worrying about it.

There are flintlock guns in the lineup, and the tests of several new weapons at the back just don't seem to have much flavor. The Ministry of Industry tested an 18-pound howitzer, but the army said that the power was too small and the weight was too much.

In addition, there is a test of a new type of grenade, but it is said to be a new type of grenade, but in fact it is still the original basic structure, only minor adjustments have been made, and the performance has been improved, but the improvement is limited.

Therefore, this inspection, the next time became a little boring, and in the short period of time that followed, the Ordnance Department of the Army had already issued a total of more than 30,000 brand-new arsenals to several arsenals of the Ministry of Industry on the spot. An order for flintlock guns, and an order for 20,000 arquebuses to be converted into flintlock guns!

And this is just the first order!

Afterwards, the Guards and the Army also placed orders on the spot!

However, Li Xuan went out to inspect the city today. Although the flintlock gun is the key point, there are other things that should be seen. After reading the Jiangnan Arsenal, he took his ministers to Jinling Shipyard again.

Jinling Shipyard is a typical inland shipyard. Its positioning is similar to that of the original Zhaoqing Shipyard. Patrol ships and inland transport ships are the main ones.

At present, the shipyard has just been completed, and many ships have just started construction, so it is naturally impossible to see any magnificent large-tonnage warships here, but the focus of this shipbuilding is not to look at any large-scale warships, but It's just to see the factory itself, just to see a few inland warships.

One of the new B-class inland battleships made Li Xuan quite satisfied. This B-class inland battleship was recently improved by the Navy based on the original B-class inland battleship.

The tonnage is not large, only 60 tons. The firepower has basically maintained the original scale, and it is not powerful. However, the draft has become shallower, and the use of sails is also higher. It can be used in more complicated inland rivers. To meet the operational needs of the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River and a large number of medium and small rivers.

Of course, more importantly, the hull cost of the new B-class inland warship is 30% cheaper than the original B-class inland battleship, and the crew is reduced by 20%.

And this means that the navy can equip more such B-class inland warships with limited funds, which is very important for the King of the Tang Dynasty who is fighting against the Ming army.

Now in the sea, the Datang Navy already has an absolute advantage over the Ming Navy navy, but in the field of inland rivers, it is more general. The most important reason is that there are not enough inland warships!


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