Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 856: New year's salary

Because it is located in the south, the Tang Dynasty has always been very short of horses.


The lack of horses will definitely affect the combat of the troops, not only the cavalry, but also the artillery and baggage units.


In order to solve this problem, the Tang Dynasty also adopted a variety of methods.


On the one hand, it is to increase the cultivation of Southwest horses. Although Southwest horses are not suitable for use as riding horses, or even draught horses, they are more suitable as tomas. In addition, when there is no other choice, use Southwest horses. The use of horses as draw horses or even as passenger horses is also an emergency measure.


At present, the Tang Dynasty has expanded the original horse farms in Guizhou on a large scale. In addition, horse farms have been set up in Hunan, Guangdong and Guangxi, mainly for the large-scale cultivation of southwestern horses. At the same time, they also began to try to cultivate Mongolian horses.


However, this still cannot fundamentally solve the shortage of horses in the Datang Army!


This can be seen from the fact that the Datang Army has always lacked large-scale cavalry. At present, the full-time cavalry of the Datang Army, including cavalry battalions of various infantry divisions, cavalry teams of mixed regiments, and reconnaissance cavalry under the jurisdiction of each infantry regiment, etc. Inside, the total number of cavalry was just over 6,000.


Most of the horses used were Mongolian horses captured from the Ming army, and a small number were collected from the people.


Of course, this does not mean that there are only more than 6,000 horses in the Datang Army. In fact, the total number of horses owned by the Datang Army has exceeded 20,000. Pulling ammo carts, pulling supply wagons, and some Thomas.


However, this is still far from enough. In order to make up for the shortage of service horses, the current Datang Army has also requisitioned a large number of mules, donkeys and other livestock from the people for logistics transportation.


In addition, a large number of civilians were used to transport supplies. Whenever the army launched a fierce battle on the front line, there would be countless civilians in the rear pushing a wheelbarrow to transport countless supplies.


This situation became more obvious after the Second Army crossed the river. After the Second Army crossed the river, there was no way to use the river for river transportation. The logistics supplies of the Seventh Infantry Division and the Guards' temporary brigade were mostly They are all transported by land in horse-drawn carts and wheelbarrows.


But now the threat of the Ming army's cavalry is very great, which forced the Second Army to use a large number of carriages, but the horses were insufficient, which led to a seemingly contradictory design requirement for the Royal Institute of Technology. .


Since a large amount of cargo is transported, and the need to defend against the onslaught of cavalry, it also requires the use of a smaller number of horses.


In the end, the students at the Royal Institute of Technology thought about it and came up with a solution that surprised Li Xuan, that is, the direct use of railroad carriages.


The horse-drawn carriage made in this way is large enough and fast!


But when asked by the army, how long will it take to lay the rails? How big is the investment? Then the Royal Institute of Technology said that if it is 100 kilometers, it will cost at least three million taels.


Then the Army was completely speechless, three million? With that money, our army has long been preparing to build two more infantry divisions, which will go directly to Henan, and we are worried about what logistical supply lines will be harassed.


If the railway couldn't be done, the senior students at the Royal Institute of Technology just didn't have much interest, so they just asked a few juniors to design a few carriages for the Army to choose.


There are two plans, one is a two-wheeled carriage, and this plan was rejected by the army as soon as it was proposed. The two-wheeled carriage still needs to be designed by you. Now our army uses a large number of two-wheeled carriages. Although it is convenient to use, I am not picky about roads, but the transportation volume is too small. When transporting at the same time, it is difficult to transport some relatively large materials, such as artillery shells, especially grenades of 24 jin and 48 jin. This stuff is big and heavy. Wagons are difficult to load in large quantities, and the number of horses required is not low.


The latter is a four-wheeled carriage. The carriage itself has a huge cargo capacity. Of course, how much cargo is loaded depends on how many horses are hauling it. Here I have to focus on explaining that in ancient China, there were not only two-wheeled carriages, but in fact There have always been four-wheeled carriages, and they have been widely used. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, they were used as chariots. Later, the four-wheeled carriages were mostly used for freight, but they were rarely used to carry people.


Of course, since it is a carriage designed by the Royal Institute of Technology, it is not a traditional two-wheeled or four-wheeled carriage. The appearance looks similar, but the interior design is completely different.


Whether it is a two-wheeled carriage or a four-wheeled carriage, they all draw on many designs of the Royal Institute of Technology for railway carriages, including spring shock absorption structure, steering structure made of high-strength steel, and even the wheels are specially designed. Wheels with large wide sides of iron structure.


Of course, they only designed the carriage chassis. What to do with the chassis is the Army's own business. The students at the Royal Institute of Technology are very busy and don't have time to do all this mess.


During the test, this prototype car only used two horses to pull a whole car of cargo, and because of the wide wheels, it has better passability on complex roads. The soldier helped with a push, and then resumed running.


And this kind of carriage has a very good stopping ability. When it is attacked by cavalry, it stops directly, and then the carriages approach each other. The groom doesn't even need to get out of the carriage, and can directly rely on the carriage to shoot back.


After seeing it, the people from the Army Logistics Department immediately decided that they need this kind of four-wheeled freight carriage, not too many, five hundred first!


Of course, the two-wheeled carriage will continue to be used.


After all, four-wheeled carriages have relatively high requirements on roads, and some roads that cannot be passed can only be used by two-wheeled carriages.


However, even with the four-wheeled carriage and the two-wheeled carriage, the main means of transport of the Datang Army is still the unicycle!


Today, the unicycle used by the logistics department of the Datang Army is also a high-tech product. It was designed and developed by the Royal Institute of Technology. Carefully calculated so that the cart is more energy efficient.


At the same time, there are unicycles specially designed to transport artillery shells, such as 48-pound grenades, which are very heavy. The unicycles for transporting such artillery shells need to be specially designed.


To put it bluntly, in places where there is no river transport, the logistics department of the Datang Army used countless unicycles to transport a lot of supplies for the front-line army!


Although the four-wheeled carriage has been designed and the military has purchased it, it will not be used for a while, so the 7th Infantry Division and the Guards Temporary Brigade can only move forward slowly in a group, but even if it is Despite the harassment of Ming cavalry, they still successfully arrived in Hefei.


The next offensive operation was not a big surprise. The 7th Infantry Division captured Hefei, where more than 20,000 Ming troops were garrisoned, with an absolute advantage, annihilated more than 1,000 enemy troops on the spot, and captured more than 3,000 people.


As for the remaining 10,000-odd Ming army, they ran away at the beginning of the battle!


After taking Hefei, the 7th Infantry Division did not continue to launch a large-scale offensive. Instead, it got in touch with the troops of the 3rd Army in Fengyang Prefecture in the north, and began to recover some prefectures and counties, consolidate the results, and establish a defense line.


Because at this time, the logistical supplies of the Second Army were already fully inclined to be provided to the troops of Anqing, and the Seventh Infantry Division had to save ammunition just like the Third Army.


Outside the city of Anqing, the Second Army gathered the 3rd Infantry Division, the 4th Mixed Regiment, the Fifth Mixed Regiment, two heavy artillery battalions, the Third Assault Battalion, and the Fourth Assault Battalion, a total of nearly 30,000 troops.


In addition, there is the main fleet of the Navy's Yangtze River Fleet to assist in the battle!


The strength of Yu Dayou's subordinates in the city is not bad. There are more than 40,000 people. They are all nominally part of the Bandit Army. Of course, there are not so many core main forces. The main force is at most about 20,000. The 20,000 people below are all under the name of the Bandit Army, but in fact they are still ordinary new soldiers.


However, no matter what, the 40,000-strong army is genuine!


In addition, the Ming army still had about fifty field artillery pieces in Anqing City, some of which were artillery pieces in the Anqing Fortress, but after the Yangtze River Fleet was killed and the Second Army successfully crossed the river, Yu Dayou simply put the The fort outside the city was abandoned, and the artillery and artillery were withdrawn into the city.


This is almost a replica of Yangzhou City. Although it is smaller in scale and has fewer artillery pieces, the Second Army's strength in attacking Anqing is not as strong as when the Third Army attacked Yangzhou!


However, Wang Chaohong is not worried about this. When his second army successfully crossed the river, Anqing has already fallen into his palm. Next, he only needs to fight step by step, and Anqing can be taken down. .


Wang Chaohong's tactical style is similar to that of Hao Bainian. He is a steady and steady type, and he will not be too aggressive. So when the main force of the Second Army arrived at the city of Anqing, it was the beginning of a long preparation time!


Dig trenches, prepare artillery positions, dig tunnels to prepare for blasting, and then respond to the navy and ask the navy to bring naval guns up to assist in the battle.


Then hoard a large number of shells and carry out intensive shelling.


These all take time, and Wang Chaohong is not in a hurry. Anyway, Li Xuan did not push him too much, giving Wang Chaohong three full months.


To win Anqing in three months, Wang Chaohong thinks this is enough!


In fact, in Wang Chaohong's own plan, at most one month, if it goes well, maybe half a month is enough!


The main force of the Second Army was stationed outside Anqing City, and Jinling City in the distance also ushered in the Spring Festival of the sixth year of Xuanping!


On the New Year's Eve this year, Li Xuan held a state banquet according to the usual practice of previous years, entertaining important ministers and honorable people. During this state banquet, the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty ate very comfortably.


Not only because the situation in the world is quite good for the Tang Dynasty, it will take a few years to completely unify China, but also because Li Xuan paid another round of wages to his courtiers a few years ago, although not much, It was only reissued for two months, but this time, no treasury bonds were issued, and gold was found.


When they got their salary, those courtiers were so moved that they almost cried!


After so many years, I finally got paid to have a fat year! Ps: Book friends, I am raining when it rains. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book lovers, please pay attention!

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