Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 857: local business

The Spring Festival of the sixth year of Xuanping, for the Tang Dynasty, was a Spring Festival full of laughter and laughter, and the Tang monarchs and ministers were extremely happy.


And relying on the Datang Dynasty to support the industrial and commercial policies, the industrial and commercial classes who have made a lot of money in the past few years have also had a big fat year, although they were full of opposition and even contempt for the Datang Dynasty at the beginning, because these The industrial and commercial class in the Tang Dynasty was, strictly speaking, the gentry class who owned a lot of land.


The tax policy of the Tang Dynasty made them very dissatisfied.


But now, they are the most supportive of the Datang Dynasty's industrial and commercial policies, and even firmly support the Datang Dynasty to continue the Northern Expedition, and then completely unify China, because this will allow them to earn more money.


Money, who doesn't like it!


Not to mention those ordinary people, the main policies of the Tang Dynasty in civil affairs can basically be summed up as supporting industry and commerce and reducing the burden on farmers.


The former is aimed at the industrial and commercial industry, while the latter is aimed at farmers. In fact, many policies issued by the Tang Dynasty were specifically aimed at farmers.


From the initial unified agricultural tax, to joining the army and dividing farmland, purchasing official farmland by lease, and tax exemption for land reclamation, these are all policies introduced specifically to relieve farmers.


Countless peasants under the Tang Dynasty have benefited from many agricultural policies of the Tang Dynasty. Although many people are still unable to eat enough, their life has been much better than before, and it is no longer the same as before. A small disaster or a small disaster can make a farmer's family completely bankrupt, and there is a situation of selling children and daughters.


At the same time, the Datang Dynasty has also actively helped some natural disasters suffered by various places recently. In the early years, the typhoon and floods in western Guangdong, the drought in southern Jiangxi, and then many other scattered natural disasters, the Datang Dynasty all used ' A wide range of disaster relief activities have been implemented with the "relief-for-work" policy as the core.


At the same time, it also asked local governments to organize the construction of water conservancy facilities, dredging rivers, and repairing official roads. For infrastructure construction in these places, the central government only gave very little symbolic subsidies, and most of the funds needed to be solved locally.


If the local finances are rich, most of them are funded by the local finances, supplemented by donations from the local gentry, and then hired local farmers to build during the slack season.


If the local finances were short of money, the only way to mobilize the gentry to contribute money and the peasants to contribute was a limited amount, including the construction of roads, bridges, and water conservancy.


This not only improved the infrastructure construction in various places, but also did not spend much money. In addition, these infrastructure construction activities also increased the organizational power of the militia organizations of the Tang Dynasty.


Because whether it is through mutual benefit, or the government pays people to build the official road, it is basically the local militia organization that takes the lead and pulls the local youth to build it.


In terms of infrastructure construction in various places, Li Xuan issued an instruction: All localities should adapt measures to local conditions, overcome difficulties, and try their best to carry out infrastructure construction of water conservancy, roads and bridges that are related to people's livelihood.


The translation of this sentence is: The locality has to find a solution by itself, and it is not enough to not solve it!


As for what happened to the central finance, the central finance used to be unable to make ends meet, but since last year, the central finance has eased a little, but most of the central finance is used for some key projects, such as the factories of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Taxation. Office expenses, and then there are five commercial ports for the construction of business districts.


As for ordinary places, the current central finance is still unable to give too much support. It can only give a little symbolic subsidy, and let the locals solve the problem as much as possible.


And this self-solving is not for the local government to collect taxes. The power to collect taxes belongs only to the central taxation department.


However, the local government is not helpless. If the tax is not good, then it will be charged!


However, the fee is actually not much, because the tax department is watching. If you dare to mess up the messy things, the tax department will flatten the local yamen in minutes.


In the end, there was no other way, the local government just started to prepare to borrow money!


Recently, Songjiang Prefecture has created a precedent for the Tang Dynasty. In order to expand the wharf of the commercial port, Songjiang Prefecture Yamen directly packed the Shanghai wharf and the nearby warehouses and land through some operations, and established the Shanghai wharf directly belonging to Songjiang Prefecture. The company then uses the follow-up profit of Shanghai Port Co., Ltd. as a repayment plan, and uses part of the land and wharf of Shanghai Port Co., Ltd. as a mortgage to apply for a loan from the Royal Bank!


As a policy bank, the presidents of the local Shanghai Royal Bank branch are very politically sensitive and feel that there are political risks in Songjiang House's operation, so they refused!


But Songjiang House didn't give up, and turned to the private 'Guangfeng Bank'. This Guangfeng Bank is actually a private company jointly funded by many powerful merchants such as maritime merchants in Guangzhou. Banks, although not weak, are naturally incomparable compared to Royal Bank.


However, this group of businessmen who lost money sent someone to seriously inspect the assets of the Shanghai Terminal Company, thinking that it was an extremely high-quality asset, and then they actually agreed to the loan!


However, even if they agreed to the loan, the officials at Songjiang Prefecture did not know whether their operation method was feasible. If they were charged with selling state assets to businessmen at a low price, then the local officials would be doomed. They carefully wrote a memorial, asking Li Xuan to approve their plan, but signed the contract directly without private.


When Li Xuan found out about this, he also felt very speechless. The way these local officials made money is really self-taught, regardless of whether it is Chinese or foreign, ancient or modern. .


However, Li Xuan did not directly refuse, but asked the cabinet to strictly review it, and at the same time asked the cabinet to come up with a management method for the local government to prepare state-owned enterprises.


I can't say that any local government wants to set up an enterprise, so it will be established, nor can it be said that the enterprise can do whatever it wants. What if a daring guy sells the entire state capital?


And after Xuanping's six-year Spring Festival, the first cabinet meeting was to discuss the management methods of this state-owned enterprise!


The Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Taxation, the Ministry of Commerce, and even the Ministry of Personnel participated. At the meeting, they finally decided on a brand-new management plan for state-owned enterprises.


First, a brand-new agency, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, was established in the cabinet. This agency will manage all state-owned enterprises and other state-owned assets in a unified manner, whether it is the original Ministry of Industry enterprises, or the Royal Publishing House of the Ministry of Rites, etc.


The main and minority responsible persons of the above-mentioned enterprises should be officials, recommended by the Ministry of State-owned Assets, and implemented by the Ministry of Personnel, while ordinary managers and employees, etc., follow the example of previous Ministry of Industry enterprises, recruiting for the society, and their operation methods, Follow the principles of market economy.


All enterprises, like private enterprises, pay taxes as normal. Some profitable enterprises leave some of the funds needed for expansion and operation, and the remaining part is directly turned over to the state treasury.


In order to ensure the revenue of the national treasury, the Ministry of Taxation will directly dispatch tax officials to resident enterprises in various countries to supervise the accounts.


This brand-new organization almost directly split the Ministry of Works, and in this way, the original Ministry of Works is almost in name only.


In order to compensate and adjust, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises will be established on the basis of the original main institutions of the Ministry of Industry. Most of the officials of the Ministry of Industry, such as Minister of Industry and Minister of the Right, will be directly transferred to the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises.


After the Ministry of Industry was stripped of its directly-affiliated enterprises, only the original construction of infrastructure in various places was left, and its power plummeted, but it has become a well-deserved Ministry of Industry.


At the same time, for the local preparation of state-owned enterprises, it is to allow provincial-run enterprises and government/prefecture-run enterprises, whose ownership should belong to the local state-owned assets department, and other management methods are similar to those of state-owned enterprises directly under the central government. Profits are directly turned over to local finance.


However, when preparing for these two types of state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the Ministry of State-owned Assets. In principle, only private enterprises that are unwilling to get involved, or cannot get involved, are allowed to be involved, and are related to the lifeline of the country, while ordinary enterprises will be ordinary private enterprises. The types of enterprises that form competition, although there is no clear prohibition, generally will not pass the audit.


After waiting for a long time, the officials of Songjiang Prefecture found that the Shanghai Wharf Company, which they had been preparing for a long time, finally got permission to become the first state-owned enterprise of the Tang Dynasty, and then officially signed a contract with Guangfeng Bank. The loan contract, borrowing 100,000 taels of silver to expand the port-related facilities.


On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, through the Datang Chaobao, the Datang Dynasty officially announced the establishment of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises and issued a new management award for state-owned enterprises to the whole world.


And what does this It means that all localities can also set up state-owned enterprises. Although it is said that state-owned enterprises do not necessarily make money, and sometimes they may lose money, but a large state-owned enterprise in the local area, Profits are not really important to officials. What they value more is the tax revenue brought by such large state-owned enterprises, as well as the large number of jobs and related industries that can be stimulated.


All of a sudden, people all over the place are preparing to set up state-owned enterprises. Why can Songjiang Prefecture do it, but we can't!


We are poorer here, and we need such large-scale enterprises to drive local economic development!


In less than a month, the newly established Ministry of State-owned Enterprises has received hundreds of applications for the establishment of local state-owned enterprises!


However, although there are many applications, because this policy has just been implemented, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises is also very cautious, and only select ten more typical ones for approval. How is the business situation. Ps: Book friends, I am raining when it rains. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book lovers, please pay attention!

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