Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 858: Yu Dayou was captured

At the beginning of the sixth year of Xuanping, the Datang Dynasty started a reform of state-owned enterprises, which naturally caused a lot of discussion. There are good ones and bad ones.


However, this did not stop the Tang Dynasty from promoting the development of state-owned enterprises!


At present, datang industry is actually still supported by state-owned enterprises, or to be more precise, those defense enterprises that were originally directly under the Ministry of Industry and are now directly under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises.


As for private capital, although a lot of them have invested in industries, more are invested in industries with small investment, quick results and large returns, and many of them are traditional industries.


To be honest, these industries are not of much use for the current industrial strength of the Tang Dynasty, except for the contribution of tax revenue, and they are also useless for the improvement of national defense strength.


In the keynote set by Li Xuan, that is, private enterprises must develop, and state-owned enterprises must also develop. The former allows them to engage in ordinary industries, make money, and provide economic firepower for Datang, while the latter is engaged in national defense and people's livelihood. Industry, both heads go hand in hand.


In addition, Li Xuan did not prohibit any private capital from entering defense-related industries, such as shipbuilding, gun building, ammunition, etc. As long as you have sufficient strength and technology, you can also get involved, and the official level will not set any obstacles.


In fact, in the shipbuilding industry, many private shipyards have already undertaken the construction of military warships, and even frigates have privately built and received orders, and inland warships, transport ships, etc. Lord.


Several state-owned shipyards are basically focused on the construction of large-tonnage battleships. Even they can build inland warships, but their output cannot keep up.


For example, even the Ping-class patrol ships, the navy has placed orders for more than 30 ships. If these orders are all completed by state-owned shipyards, it is estimated that it will take many years to build, but the private shipyards are responsible for most of the work. After the order, the navy's acquisition of Lianping-class Luo patrol ships will be greatly accelerated.


At present, the Lianping-class patrol ships have been built at a speed of one launch a month, and the total number has already served ten ships, and the Datang Navy is planning to build more than 50 of these patrol ships to be used for It is widely used for patrol and combat along the coast, main inland rivers and lakes.


Fifty ships are quite a lot, but China is so vast that if it is distributed to various places, it is actually far from enough for the navy.


Therefore, the Navy will still build a large number of Class A, Class B, and Class C inland battleships as supplements!


As for the frigates and cruisers in the ocean-going warships, the initial plan planned by the Navy is to maintain 24 frigates and 12 cruisers.


Each is assigned to the First Fleet and the Second Fleet, with the Fujian officer as the center point, the south is the combat area of ​​the Second Fleet, and the north is the combat area of ​​the First Fleet.


After years of construction, the fleet of frigates and cruisers has already begun to scale. It is estimated that the initial expansion plan will be completed in a few years, and the next step will be the construction and normal replacement of battleships.


In terms of battleships, the navy has not planned any more construction plans at present, because even the first battleship, the navy is not sure how to design it. Is the first battleship designed and built really easy to use? I don't know.


Therefore, at present, the Datang Navy is also crossing the river by feeling the stones, regardless of whether it is good or bad, we will build one first. As for the follow-up construction plan, we will first see how this experimental battleship is doing. If it is good, then start a large batch. Build, and if that doesn't work, then a redesign is needed to build a second test ship.


For such a battleship with a price of hundreds of thousands of taels, the navy did not dare to act rashly. If something went wrong, it would cause hundreds of thousands of taels to be lost. At that time, His Majesty was furious, and the navy also I don't know how many people are going to be unlucky.


After the Spring Festival, Li Xuan promoted the reform of state-owned enterprises in Jinling City. At the same time, Wang Chaohong was also preparing to launch a general attack on Anqing.


The general attack is naturally based on blasting and artillery warfare!


If there are generals who have watched the Yangzhou campaign outside the city of Yangzhou, then they will find that the way the Second Army attacked Anqing is almost the same as the Third Army attacked Yangzhou.


They were all through artillery shelling to suppress the artillery of the Ming army, cover the sappers and infantrymen to dig trenches, dig tunnels, fill in the moat, and then deploy the heavy howitzers forward to obtain better bombardment suppression effect.


When these preparations are made, the explosion will appear at the right time!


The only difference is that Wang Chaohong arranged two blasts for the insurance period, and then dispatched an assault force to attack from two gaps at the same time!


When the assault troops rushed up, a fierce offensive and defensive battle broke out between the two sides, but even if the Bandit Army stubbornly resisted, they were still unable to withstand the onslaught of the Second Army.


Seeing that resistance was hopeless, the Ming army in the city tried to break through, but at this time, Chao Hong's workshop was different from Hao Bainian. In order to reduce casualties and reduce the enemy's stubbornness, Hao Bainian's choice at that time was to take the initiative to give up. He made an opening for the Ming army to escape.


But Wang Chaohong directly blocked Anqing City.


When a Ming army of nearly 10,000 people broke out, the fifth mixed regiment directly blocked them!


This battle lasted for about three days, and three days later, the red dragon sword-carrying flag of the Datang Army finally floated on the prefect's yamen in the city and on the gates of various places.


In addition to the routine killing and capture of many Ming troops in this battle, they also had another very interesting gain, that is, they accidentally captured Yu Dayou!


The reason why it was said to be an accident was that Yu Dayou was not caught by the soldiers of the Tang Army at all, but a group of defeated Ming army soldiers directly tied Yu Dayou and sent him over in order to surrender.


According to those who surrendered to the Ming army, that is when the city was broken, Yu Dayou once ordered a breakout, but after the breakout failed, he ordered all the troops to stand guard, and the last soldier was killed in the battle.


But not every army has the courage to fight to the last soldier, especially when there is no hope of victory, and the enemy on the opposite side is also kind to the prisoners of war, so many Ming troops did not fight to the end as Yu Dayou imagined. Instead, he chose to surrender.


Yu Dayou led the remnants of the city to resist, and the remnants in his hands were left from nearly 10,000 to several thousand, and finally to only a few hundred, but even so, he still did not give up!


When nearly 100 people were killed and wounded, and the remaining soldiers around Yu Dayou were less than 500, the remaining generals did not want to die, so they took their own soldiers and rushed into Yu Dayou's camp, and a small mutiny came. !


Then he tied Yu Dayou and surrendered in front of the Second Army formation!


Yu Dayou, who had been in the army all his life, was finally betrayed by his subordinates and then sent to the enemy. It has to be said that it is an irony.


But you can't blame those subordinates. Where the two sides fought, there were more than 40,000 defenders in the city. However, when the city was destroyed, the defenders in the city were at least 5,000 dead and injured. The garrison was less than 20,000.


After the failure to break through the siege, when Yu Dayou gave the order to stand guard, there were only nearly 10,000 people left. In the next two days, only a few hundred people remained. However, even so, Yu Dayou insisted on continuing to resist.


In fact, they were able to fight with Yu Dayou after three days of hard fighting, and they only launched a mutiny at the end. Compared with other Ming troops, they are already much better. In the past three days, a large number of Ming troops have been killed every day. Forced, or voluntarily surrendered to the Second Army.


Of the more than 40,000 Ming troops, about 10,000 people were killed or wounded, a few thousand people were scattered and they didn't know where to go, and the remaining more than 25,000 people chose to surrender, um, including the pre-battle uprising.


This is not to say that their combat effectiveness is too poor, or their will to fight is too poor. Compared with the original traditional Ming army guards, they are already much better, but they are against the Datang Army, and the siege. The method adopted by the Datang Army is almost irresistible to them.


Artillery bombardment and blasting, this method is not something that can be stopped by manpower, let alone the Datang Army who attacked Anqing City, there are as many as 30,000 people.


When the Third Army attacked Yangzhou before, the total strength was less than 60,000. However, the Ming army in the city exceeded 100,000, and the difference in strength was even greater at that time.


Therefore, the fall of Anqing City is inevitable, as are the casualties and surrender of the Ming army in the city!


Looking at Yu Dayou, who was bound and had his tongue stuck in his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide, Wang Chaohong also had a lot of thoughts.


The two of them are also old rivals. In the fourth year of Xuanping, Wang Chaohong served as the commander of the newly established Third Army. When he led his army into Fujian, he fought against Yu Dayou's bandit army. The Third Army fled all the way to the south-central Zhejiang.


Then the two sides fought in the central and southern Zhejiang for several months. In the end, Yu Dayou led nearly 10,000 remnants to flee and ran to Hui Anqing all the way.


In recent months, Wang Chaohong has been the commander of the Second Army, and he has faced Yu Dayou again.


These two main generals led their respective troops to fight. The Central Campaign started in December and ended in mid-January, which lasted for about a month.


In the end, the city of Anqing fell, the 40,000 defenders were wiped out, and Yu Dayou was captured.


Although it was said that he defeated his opponent and made him a prisoner of However, Wang Chaohong did not hold the same contempt attitude as he did with other prisoners of Ming army generals. On the contrary, he was quite sympathetic to this person.


In such a bad situation, it is not easy to be able to persist in fighting. To be honest, if he was in his environment, he would probably be finished long ago.


After all, strictly speaking, Wang Chaohong himself is different from Yu Dayou. Wang Chaohong is very clear that he is a pure professional general who only leads wars and doesn't care about the rest.


However, as for Yu Dayou, he still has to worry about military expenditure, the manufacture of ordnance, whether the military ration is enough, he has to worry about recruiting troops, and he has to worry about recruit training. Survive and fight.


But Yu Dayou was a general, and he should not have been worried about many things. Just like himself, Wang Chaohong never worried about things other than combat command.


After instructing his subordinates to take Yu Dayou away and put him under strict custody to prevent him from finding an opportunity to commit suicide, Wang Chaohong sighed!


This will fall on the side of the hypocrisy, like flowers on cow dung! ) Book friends, please pay attention!

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