Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Good birds choose wood to perch

Yu Dayou's capture, no matter why he was captured, has a huge impact!


The current Yu Dayou is no longer the ordinary general he was a few years ago. When Yu Dayou was in Guangdong, although he was already a senior general and had several thousand people at his disposal, he still had a large number of senior generals and officials. X23US. COM updates fastest


After arriving in Fujian, Yu Dayou, although he was said to be the most powerful general in Fujian, still received the restraint of the civil officials. After he fled to Anqing, he became the real minister of the frontier. Namely control the Ming army in Anqing, Luzhou, Fengyang and other places.


However, such a high-ranking general was captured, and the political impact caused is naturally great, far greater than the surrender of the original Nan'ao Island general.


The original Nan'ao Island general surrendered, at most it lost a **** in the south to contain the pseudo-Tang, but Yu Dayou's defeat was captured, Anqing fell, and the impact was second only to the fall of Yangzhou in the past six months. of.


This means that the Ming army has lost another important strategic support point that can contain the pseudo-Tang, and restrain the pseudo-Tang from going north and west!


There is no doubt that the fall of Anqing will further aggravate the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, and the unification of China by the pseudo-Tang Dynasty will be greatly accelerated. Many people can see this.


Therefore, when Datang Chaobao reported on the Anqing war in the latest issue, disclosed the capture of Anqing, and said that Yu Dayou suddenly woke up at the last moment, and finally led the remnants of the army to revolt in front of the front, after declaring their surrender to the Tang Dynasty, and also published After Yu Dayou sued the false confession of various dark contents, the whole world became a sensation!


Yu Dayou's self-incrimination letter is naturally forged. Datang Chaobao imitated the writing style of the former Ming high-level officials, forging self-incrimination documents, incriminating documents and the like are already familiar, very skilled, Yu Dayou people have not yet arrived at Jinling City Well, this self-incrimination book written by the senior editor of the Ministry of Rites and newspapers has already been published all over the world.


At this time, Yu Dayou was still on the navy ship and was being escorted to Jinling City! After being captured, he tried to commit suicide several times, but he was stopped, and he is now being escorted back to Jinling City on a naval ship.


At this time, he didn't know that he was already 'to surrender'!


However, no one cared about Yu Dayou's true thoughts at this time. What the Tang Dynasty Newspaper Division needed was influence to expand the political influence of the Tang Dynasty and create an illusion that the world would return to its heart.


To put it this way: Look, even Yu Dayou, the core general of the pseudo-intellectuality, has surrendered to me in the Tang Dynasty, and there is no reason for the pseudo-intellectual civil and military officials to continue to resist, so don't surrender quickly.


Our Tang Dynasty is the heart of the world!


Then by the way, he hinted that Zhengde and other hypocritical rulers and ministers, look at it, even Yu Dayou has surrendered to our Tang Dynasty. Are your hypocritical generals still reliable? Aren't you afraid that other generals will continue to surrender, such as Zhang Yue!


And I have to say that this kind of influence is huge, whether you believe it or not, but after this kind of propaganda spread to the whole world, everyone was shocked.


Even Yu Dayou, who is second only to Zhang Yue in terms of fame and talent, has failed. Whether he surrendered or not, this is enough to prove that hypocrisy is really about to end.


After the Tang Dynasty Daily published the news of the Anqing War and Yu Dayou's surrender, the ordinary people under the Tang Dynasty, whether they were active or passive, or even forced to join the Tang Dynasty, were all gentry who boarded the pirate ship. Start celebrating.


They who boarded the pirate ship hoped that the Tang Dynasty could unify the world even more than the Tang monarchs and ministers. Because of this, they would not usher in various reckonings after the Ming army counterattacked.


If the current Tang Dynasty lost the battle on the front line, and then the Ming army counterattacked all the way and even reached the south of the Yangtze River, Li Xuan and the main Tang courtiers would definitely return to Guangdong with a pat on the buttocks. Tang Haijun is such a powerful maritime force, no matter how bad it is, he can still be a leader of pirates.


However, those gentry who took refuge in the pseudo-Tang Dynasty are going to be in bad luck!


When the Ming army comes back, see if the Ming army will come to raid the family and destroy the family in the last round!


Furthermore, if the Tang Dynasty unified China, they would also be able to get more benefits. They can be promoted when they become officials, and they can make more money by doing business. In short, there are many benefits.


The people sitting on the side of Datang clapped their hands and celebrated!


However, those gentlemen who were still expecting the Ming army to counterattack, drive away the evil pseudo-Tang, and return to the good old days without tax increases, sighed one by one.


God, this is really blind!


How good is this world originally? There are tens of thousands of acres of land in the family without paying taxes, and doing business without paying taxes. In the court, it is also the scholar-bureaucrat and the emperor who rule the world together.


Even if the current Emperor Zhengde is a bit excessive, the Emperor Zhengde will not live for a few more years. After Emperor Zhengde dies, the benevolent prince will be able to ascend to Dabao. They will welcome a benevolent emperor in Ming Dynasty. At that time, they will You can acquire more land and make more money.


What a good time!


So let the pseudo-Tang be destroyed abruptly!


They hate it!


Knowing this earlier, when the pseudo-Tang thief army came to attack the city, they took the opportunity to make a little more money. They made more money at the beginning, and now it is easier to pay taxes!


Under the rule of the Tang Dynasty, the reactions were mixed, but under the rule of the Ming Dynasty, Shandong and even northern Zhili were already mourning!


Anqing fell and Yu Dayou surrendered. Adding these two things together, Daming monarchs and ministers lost hope of winning!


In this war, are they really going to lose the Ming Dynasty!


While mourning, many people already have other thoughts. For example, many officials in the capital have secretly made contact with the spies from the pseudo-Tang military intelligence department from the south. Of course, what is surrender now? It's too early, but you always have to figure out the conditions in advance, so you can think about it when the time comes.


Good birds choose wood to perch on, they are naturally talented phoenixes, but this Ming Dynasty is probably no longer good wood now.


And as the talented people in the world, they naturally won't accompany Daming to sink together!


Of course, these are the thoughts of the outside world, and the Zhengde Emperor in Jinan, Shandong, although he is old, but after seeing the latest issue of the Datang Chaobao, he did not show much surprise, even anger. No.


Anqing has been besieged for not a day or two. It has been besieged for a month, and some normal and rational people can actually guess that this Anqing City is definitely going to end. The only thing that is uncertain is that Anqing City is finished. specific time only.


Now that Anqing City is over, and the Bandit Army is over, it doesn't matter whether Yu Dayou himself surrenders or not.


Besides, even if Emperor Zhengde wanted to get angry, so what?


In the past few years, many generals have been defeated, and many have surrendered!


In the first battle of Yangzhou City, even the Minister of Military Affairs was defeated and died in the war, and the senior generals, such as the generals, Fujian, guerrillas, and commanders, were killed and injured.


If he was angry, he was already angry when Yangzhou City fell. Now, he is already bearish about it.


But what made him feel a little helpless was that the news of the fall of Anqing City and Yu Dayou's surrender, he had to find out from the Tang Dynasty newspaper in the pseudo-Tang Dynasty, but the official channels of the Ming Dynasty themselves did not inform him in time. Come to this news.


The fall of Fengyang, Luzhou, Xuzhou and other places in Jiangbei has cut off the direct connection between Anqing and Shandong.


The fall of Anqing was within his expectations, but Anqing also bought him a lot of time before, allowing him time to rectify the army drawn from all over the north and consolidate the defenses of Shandong and Henan.


What made him gratified was that Alta Khan had already agreed to send troops, and the 20,000 cavalry in the early stage had already gone south!


Although the border towns all over the north reported that after Altan Khan's cavalry went south, they seized a lot of cities and plundered many supplies, but Emperor Zhengde didn't care.


The Ming Dynasty is about to come to an end, and he still cares about the gains and losses of the northern border towns?


He is not afraid of Alta Khan taking the opportunity to occupy the border town, and he is not afraid of his looting. Even if Alta Khan does not want to fight the pseudo-Tang, he just wants to fish in troubled waters, but as long as Alta Khan's cavalry goes south, it will be enough to share the huge burden for him. pressure, and this is enough.


After his Zhengde army has defeated the main force of the pseudo-Tang Beishang, there are means to clean up Altan Khan!


Antakhan wants to defend those border towns with cavalry? What a joke!


As long as he is given a certain amount of time to stabilize his position, then the situation will have the possibility of recovery.


If it can't be saved, and the decisive battle is lost, he will become a king of subjugated kingdoms, and he doesn't care what the impact will be after Altan Khan goes south!


After Emperor Zhengde heard that Anqing had failed, he still sat in Jinan!


Nowadays, there are more and more Ming troops gathered in Shandong and Henan, and there are all kinds of Ming troops. There are about 30,000 frontier troops transferred from border towns, and these 30,000 frontier troops are already Ming troops. The last frontier army in hand.


Then there are the new troops from various provinces drawn from North Zhili, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places, with a total of 40,000 people.


In the end, there were about 20,000 people in the Beijing camp!


A total of nearly 100,000 main troops, including 5,000 cavalry.


In addition, there were remnants of Jiangbei soldiers gathered, including a lot of cavalry, about three or four thousand people.


In other words, so far, the cavalry in the hands of Emperor Zhengde has nearly 10,000 cavalry!


However, even so, Emperor Zhengde still lacked confidence. Back then, there were 100,000 Ming troops in Yangzhou City, and there were also numerous artillery pieces and perfect fortifications. In the end, they were not defeated the same way.


And through the two battles of Yangzhou and Anqing, and even many previous battles to defend the city, Zhengde understands that blindly defending the strong city is definitely a dead end.


So this time, UU reading www. Although he deployed a lot of his troops in Jinan, in fact, he never thought of fighting a defensive battle in Jinan, because this would not bring out the biggest advantage of the Ming army: cavalry!


He wants to take advantage of his own cavalry to fight a field battle with the pirates in the north!


If Altan Khan can help him in the battle, then there is still hope for him in this battle!


The Pseudo-Tang thieves are powerful in infantry, and their guns are incomparably sharp, but they have a fatal weakness, that is, they lack cavalry!


In the past, whether it was field battles or defending the city, Emperor Zhengde understood it. At that time, he was completely fighting against the strength of the bandit army with his own weakness. If he could win, it would be hell.


This time, he didn't count on the infantry anymore, as long as he could cooperate well, he put his hope of victory on the cavalry! Ps: Book friends, I am raining when it rains. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book lovers, please pay attention!

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