Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 860: unexpected promotion

When Emperor Zhengde was sitting in Shandong, trying to save the situation through a last-ditch effort, in Jinling City, Li Xuan held a new round of promotion ceremony.


With the conquest of Anqing, the Jiangbei campaign can be said to have come to an end, and the Huguang side, according to the strategic concept formulated by the Privy Council, should be delayed for a while.


Zhang Yue's department in the direction of Huguang and Sichuan is too strong. The main force of more than 100,000 troops, even the confident Datang Army, has to be careful. According to the inference of the Privy Council, if you want to win the northern part of Huguang , to defeat Zhang Yue's main force in Hanyang and other places, at least 100,000 troops must be raised.


Moreover, this does not guarantee the complete annihilation of Zhang Yue's troops, because Zhang Yue's troops can retreat into Sichuan, Shaanxi and other places at any time.


It is very difficult to encircle and annihilate Zhang Yue's army of hundreds of thousands in northern Huguang.


Therefore, after considering it, the Privy Council decided to slow down the offensive in the northern part of Huguang. Anyway, as long as Anqing was won, and then Jiujiang and Wuchang cooperated, it was enough to contain and restrain the eastward advance of Zhangyue's department in Huguang. The force used is not too large.


Of course, there is another very important question: if you want to enter the northern part of Huguang, you must continue to go north to Henan and Shaanxi in the follow-up, and then you can't use the river transport. Today, the Datang Army's cavalry is lacking in strength, facing the attack of cavalry. , unable to guarantee the logistics, and the four-wheeled carriage planned by the logistics department has just begun to be implemented, and it takes a certain amount of time to prepare and improve.


At the same time, in the Yellow River, Huai River, and Canal basins, the Datang Army can use river transportation to solve the long-standing problem of logistics.


In addition to logistical issues, there are also political issues! At the same time, the news of Zhengde's personal expedition has spread all over the world. The Ming army gathered heavy troops in Shandong and Henan. In addition, the news that Altan Khan sent troops to the south has attracted the attention of the Privy Council.


Therefore, in the latest strategic plan of the Privy Council, the western front is still dominated by confrontation and strategic defense, with Wuchang, Jiujiang, and Anqing as important strategic support points, and the Huguang Zhangyue department is locked in the cage of Huguang and Sichuan, while the large The main force of the Tang Army is to free up its hands and prepare to go north to Shandong to defeat the last resistance of the Ming army in the north. It is best to capture or kill Emperor Zhengde and completely send the Ming Dynasty to the garbage dump of history.


As the saying goes, a battle will rule the world!


Under such a strategic concept, starting in late January in the sixth year of Xuanping, the Datang Army has stopped its comprehensive strategic offensive and started a new round of reorganization of troops, hoarding supplies, and preparing to wait for the severe cold weather in the north to pass. However, when the rainy season has not yet arrived, a round of onslaught is generally launched between March and April to June, targeting all parts of Shandong along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, as well as all parts of Henan in the Huaihe and Yellow River basins.


In short, continue to launch a fierce attack along the river!


When the rainy season in the north begins in July and August, it will be a period of rest and recuperation. It will wait until autumn and winter, but before the severe cold weather arrives, a round of fierce attacks will be launched, and we will try to break into the Forbidden City this year.


Of course, this is just the ideal plan made on the map by the staff of the Privy Council, but in fact, after the war, there will always be many accidents, and then the situation of the war will change and the staff of the Privy Council expected. Completely different.


Last year, the Privy Council's plan was to win Yangzhou and Huai'an first, then Anqing, and then Hanyang, but there would be an idea that Zhengde would go to the south, and Altan Khan would go south. No, now it's time to revise the plan. .


Before launching a new round of northern offensive, Li Xuan prepared a promotion ceremony to boost military morale.


And in this promotion ceremony, Li Xuan will also award medals to meritorious soldiers.


Military Merit Medal, this is a rare affair for many soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, because although the Tang Dynasty established the Dragon Sword Medal very early, and it was issued for the first time, it issued 300 medals, and later About two hundred pieces were distributed one after another.


But the total number of medals is less than 500. For the Datang Marine and Land Forces, which have a total strength of more than 200,000 people, it is already very rare. Not to mention those ordinary soldiers, even officers are difficult to get one. Dragon Sword Medal.


In order to prevent the medal system from becoming an ornamental object, Li Xuan began to formulate a more detailed medal scheme and began to grade it.


Dividing the Dragon Sword Medal, the basic pattern is still the dragon holding the sword, but it is divided into three classes, the third class is the red dragon, the second class is the blue dragon, and the third class is the black dragon.


Generally speaking, it is the Red Dragon Swordsman Medal, the Blue Dragon Swordsman Medal, and the Black Dragon Swordsman Medal.


In addition, a Royal Medal of Honor was specially set up, the pattern of which is the picture of Huanglong holding a sword.


The above-mentioned centralized sword-wielding medal, although divided into several grades, is still a high-level medal, which is almost difficult for ordinary officers and soldiers to obtain.


In order to allow ordinary officers and soldiers to get the medal and inspire their sense of honor, under the Sword Holding Medal, Li Xuan also established the Double Sword Medal with the pattern of crossed swords. The awarding standard of this double sword medal is greatly reduced , meritorious officers and personnel can be obtained relatively easily.


Of course, the medals awarded at the promotion ceremony will be all high-level sword-wielding medals, while ordinary double-sword medals will be awarded on a large scale throughout the army, and the initial plan is a full 3,000 medals. , and it is specially aimed at ordinary soldiers and lieutenant-level officers.


The awarding of medals is just a small part of the promotion ceremony. People pay more attention to the main body of the promotion ceremony.


Because the news has already spread, this promotion ceremony will be the largest promotion ceremony since the establishment of the Tang Dynasty. At least more than 20 major generals will be promoted, and it is rumored that there will be several lieutenant generals.


In the main hall of the Royal Courtyard on this day, a large number of military generals appeared here wearing standard military uniforms, and many civil servants also appeared and watched the ceremony.


The emperor Li Xuan was also sitting on the dragon chair in military uniform. The previous award ceremony had officially ended, but now, it was the highlight of the day. On the side of the Hanlin Academy, the waiter and lecturer had begun a new round of reading. was promoted.


At the beginning, it was naturally the same as Fengtian's transportation, the emperor pardoned, and then there were various stacked words with gorgeous rhetoric, and then the key point was to announce the names of the twenty-six generals who received the rank of major general this time.


Every time a person's name is called, a general will stand out from the crowd of generals standing below. Most of these people are brigadier generals, and a few are still colonels. Those who were colonels in the past naturally got an exceptional promotion.


These newly promoted major generals are all generals who have achieved meritorious service in the past period of time. Some are the head of the main regiment, some are the head of the mixed regiment, some are deputy division commanders, chiefs of staff, and some are in Served in the Privy Council.


And after today, they will get a new starting point and will take up higher positions.


In today's Tang Dynasty, a major general is already a veritable high-ranking general. In the field troops, he is usually a division commander or an army chief of staff. In the Privy Council, it is usually the deputy ministers of the ministries.


However, the promotion of major general is still unable to attract people's attention. The focus of their attention is the lieutenant general!


Because in today's Tang Dynasty, Lieutenant General is a veritable top military rank. As for Admiral, don't count on it for the time being. Li Xuan personally said that if China is not unified, this Admiral will be left in the air.


Lieutenant General, in the Datang Army, is usually the rank of commander or minister of various ministries in the Privy Council.


And today's promotion ceremony means that there will be several new generals who will enter the top ranks of the Tang Dynasty.


With the announcement of the imperial decree, candidates for lieutenant generals also began to appear. There was only one person in the navy, that is, Luo Bingyi, the director of the naval operations department, who became the fourth lieutenant general of the navy.


However, there are four in the army, namely Fang Xitong, the new commander of the Fourth Army. Fang Xitong is also a senior general in the Tang Army. Although his reputation is not very big, he has always been a loyal minister. brag.


He was one of the three generals who were as famous as Hao Bainian and Li Chunjing in the early days. He previously served as the brigade commander of the Second Infantry Brigade, the commander of the Second Army before the military reform, and the commander of the Second Infantry Division after the reform. He has been responsible for the Guizhou area for a long time. Last year, he was transferred to the Privy Council as the Minister of Logistics, and at the end of last year, he was transferred to the newly established Fourth Army Commander.


Although the Fourth Army has not yet officially formed an army, he should be given the rank of lieutenant general, otherwise, the name would not be right.


The second lieutenant general is Chen Keqiao. If this person can be promoted to lieutenant general, he has good military exploits and qualifications. He previously served as the brigade commander of the 3rd Infantry Brigade and the 4th Army Corps before the military reform. Chang, the restructured commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, the commander of the 5th Infantry Division during the Jiangnan Campaign and the Jiangbei Campaign at the end of last year, was one of the main contributors to the Northern Expedition across the Yangtze River.


After the Jiangbei Campaign ended, he succeeded Zeng Ziwen, who had been the head of the war department for a long, and became the head of the war department of the Privy Council. He was promoted to lieutenant general of the army, and everyone was naturally convinced.


The third lieutenant general was Xie Ziwei, who was born in the artillery. This person was the earliest artillery officer in the Tang Dynasty. In the early days, he served as the battalion commander and regiment commander of the artillery unit, the artillery commander of the First Army, and the artillery director. Later In order to develop his career, he was transferred to the infantry, serving as the regiment commander of the infantry regiment and later the division commander of the 6th Infantry Division.


During the Northern Expedition across the Yangtze River, he returned to his old job and became the new artillery director of the Privy Council. The current artillery director of the Privy Council is completely different from the past, but has become the real artillery commander-in-chief. At this time, he was promoted to the post. Although the lieutenant general of the army is a bit surprising, considering the many artillery pieces in the Tang army and the importance of artillery today, it is not too much to give him a lieutenant general of the army.


But if the above three people are all justifiable, then the fourth lieutenant general is beyond the expectations of many people.


This person is Lei Wan, the former Deputy Minister of Operations of the Privy Council and the current Minister of Strategy!


The Strategy Department of the Privy Council, this is a new institution established by Li Xuan four years after Xuanping. It is mainly responsible for the strategic affairs of the Datang Army. However, this institution is mostly a research institution and is not considered a weight in the Privy Council. When the Deputy Minister was transferred to the Strategy Department, in the eyes of many people, it was actually a rise and a fall.


But I didn't expect that among the four places to be promoted to lieutenant general of the army today, he was actually there!

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