Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 862: nonstop war machine

Sitting on the dragon chair, Li Xuan, as he used to read the plan in his hand, listened to Lei Wan explaining his strategic concept.


As for Lei Wan's main general direction, Li Xuan has also learned about it many times before. After all, if he did not get Li Xuan's approval, it would be impossible for Lei Wan to develop a detailed plan for the follow-up.


As for the main strategic concept, in fact last year, a unified concept was formed, that is, to go north to Shandong and Henan to find opportunities to annihilate the main force of Emperor Zhengde.


But this is just an idea. How to implement it to achieve the goal requires the efforts of Lei Wan and many generals.


This time, the battle plan explained by Lei Wan is actually a specific implementation plan.


Li Xuan listened very carefully, and through Lei Wan's explanation, Li Xuan also felt that his replacement this time was the right one. Lei Wan's ability was obviously much higher than Zeng Ziwen's.


Not only can he talk about soldiers like Zeng Ziwen, but he has also served as chief of staff in the army many times, and he is also very good at commanding actual combat. When formulating battle plans, he will be based on the different characteristics of each army. Different arrangements will be made on a case-by-case basis.


Of course, with such a huge battle plan, it is impossible for Lei Wan to take the credit alone. In this case, you would have wiped out the efforts of many staff officers in the War Department.


After explaining the basic plan, the other generals did not show the slightest politeness, and kept raising their own questions and even objections.


And this kind of situation basically occurs in every strategic meeting. Li Xuan has already taken it easy, and it is beneficial to have more arguments. A perfect plan is perfected in the debate.


In fact, he also knows that the plan brought out by the war department was finally perfected after countless intense discussions within the war department.


Now participating in the discussion are several other units of the Privy Council, as well as the main generals of the Second Army and the Third Army.


Although most of the main generals, such as Hao Bainian, Li Chunjing, etc., were on the front line and could not leave to return to the meeting, most of them also sent their chiefs of staff back to Jinling to participate in the meeting.


This time, at the Imperial Army Strategy Meeting, many generals discussed many issues such as logistical supplies, specific operations, etc., while the secretaries of the Hanlin Academy who were in charge of recording the meeting were all soft on their hands.


After the meeting lasted for more than three hours, Li Xuan interrupted many arguments, then announced the adjournment of the meeting, and continued in the afternoon!


On this day, Li Xuan directly put all other affairs back, and held an army meeting in the conference room. After the evening, although there were still many disputes, Li Xuan believed that after discussion, it was improved. plan is enough.


Immediately, the decision was made, and the battle plan for the spring offensive was officially determined and approved!


After the battle plan was finalized, the war machine of the Tang Dynasty was running at high speed again!


To say that the Tang Dynasty is a war machine is not a problem at all, because it is rude to say that today's Tang Dynasty all serve for the sake of war, and many departments in the cabinet actually work as assistants. role, contributing to the war in the rear.


Moreover, the preparations for war in the Tang Dynasty actually never stopped. This can be seen from the fact that the major arsenals have almost never stopped to produce all kinds of ordnance.


When the war broke out on the front line, the arsenal was producing ordnance, and when the front line was resting, the arsenal was still producing ordnance!


In such a Tang Dynasty, when the front-line troops stopped their large-scale offensive, they were only preparing for the next large-scale offensive.


A sea ship with a load of hundreds of tons, full of various ordnance materials, set off from the Guangzhou Wharf, and then went north through the coast to reach the material transfer centers in Wusong, Jiangyin, Yangzhou and other ports, and then distributed, most of them will be loaded. Small and medium-sized inland water transport vessels continue to travel north through the canal, and some continue to travel west along the Yangtze River, and then transport them to cities along the Yangtze River such as Jinling, Anqing, and Jiujiang.


Numerous supplies were being transported, and soldiers were being replenished at the same time. All the departments of the Third Army and the Second Army were supplemented by soldiers. At the same time, the establishment of several mixed regiments was also deployed in several important areas in Jiangbei. Let the main forces of the Second Army and the Third Army free their hands to go north.


Among the many additions, the most important is the flintlock gun.


After the five-year-style flintlock gun was finalized and officially mass-produced last year, almost all of the flintlock guns produced in the last few months were taken away by the Guards. After all the Guards were replaced, it was the army's turn. and navy.


And through these months of production, the Army has also successfully completed the replacement of the Fifth Infantry Division!


The 5th Infantry Division has always been the core main force of the Datang Army. Its reputation is comparable to that of the 1st Infantry Division. However, the actual combat effectiveness of this unit in the past two years has actually surpassed that of the 1st Infantry Division and has become the 1st Infantry Division. A veritable ace unit in the Datang Army.


The army changed to flintlock guns, and naturally preferred the 5th Infantry Division.


In the process of changing clothes, because the musketeers were to be replaced one-to-one with the spearmen, and this also made the existing large number of spearmen unemployed, it was naturally impossible to directly retire the spearmen.


For this reason, the Datang Army adopted the practice of directly training spearmen as musketeers!


At the end of last year, the 5th Infantry Division was identified as the first batch of troops to change to the flintlock guns. In addition, the 5th Infantry Division stationed in Xuzhou at that time had no large-scale war, so the 5th Infantry Division was the organizer at that time. The spearmen focus on training and operating muskets, and adopt the one-belt-one method, allowing each musketeer to bring a spearman for training.


Later, after the first batch of about 2,000 flintlock guns were equipped with the unit in January, the 5th Infantry Division used these flintlock guns for rotation training. Several soldiers shared one, mainly to train new loading skills and new types of guns. queue tactics.


With the increasing number of flintlock pistols, in March, after the 5th Infantry Division completed a complete transformation, basically the original spearmen had become qualified musketeers.


The rest of the troops were basically changed in accordance with this model, but because of the limited production, it was impossible for the Army to have a second main force equipped with flintlock guns to appear on the battlefield in a short period of time. The Fifth Infantry Division, Will be the only Army unit armed with flintlocks in the Spring Offensive.


Why isn't it the only army of the Tang Dynasty, but only the Army Corps, because the temporary brigades of the Guards that participated in the spring offensive were also equipped with flintlock guns.


Therefore, there will be two flintlock troops actually participating in the spring offensive, with a total of about 13,000 flintlockers!


And the other troops are still traditional troops equipped with arquebuses and spears!


In Xuzhou City, Chen Keqiao looked at the letter in his hand, and then began to call the officers under his command for a meeting. The letter he just read was the official order issued by the Third Army, with the big seal of the Third Army on it. , Hao Bainian's private seal, and still uses the latest password encoding.


In order to prevent messengers carrying various secret information such as military orders from being intercepted, thereby causing the leakage of secrets, the Datang Army started to use passwords to write various secrets since last year.


These full texts are letters written in various meaningless and regular Arabic numerals, which require special codebooks to be translated, and such codebooks are generally only carried by generals above the infantry regiment. A dedicated team of separate, random writing, then printed and distributed.


And it is stipulated that under normal circumstances, the codebook should be changed every one year. If there is an emergency, such as theft, loss, etc., the person should be held accountable and the backup codebook should be used urgently.


The military order sent by Hao Bainian said that his 5th Infantry Division should be ready for battle. At that time, it would be the vanguard of the entire army and take the lead in launching an attack along the canal. The specific attack time will wait until Hao Bainian arrives in Xuzhou. .


Yes, the specific attack time was not specified in the imperial battle plan. The series of detailed plans formulated by Lieutenant Colonel Lei Wan were actually detailed, but they were only responsible for the general direction, while the specific operations, In fact, it still needs to rely on the front-line troops.


The attack time of the Third Army is determined by the Third Army itself. Of course, it cannot be postponed without any reason. Generally, it will be determined during the period from late March to early April.


Moreover, the overall spring offensive takes the third army's general offensive as the time node, and then the second army and the first army will launch corresponding actions.


Hao Bainian arrived in Xuzhou on March 20. After arriving in Xuzhou, he did not order an attack in a hurry, but first inspected the situation of the 5th Infantry Division, especially the new tactical exercise of the 5th Infantry Division.


This spring offensive, the Third Army is undoubtedly the main force, and in the Third Army, the Fifth Infantry Division is the main force, so whether the situation of the Fifth Infantry Division is good will directly affect the Third Army. success or failure.


Before Hao Bainian makes a, it makes sense to see the situation of the 5th Infantry Division with his own eyes.


After watching a regimental-scale exercise conducted by the 5th Infantry Division, Hao Bainian sighed that the war in these years is changing faster and faster.


In the early years, although muskets were also important, the more important thing was cold weapon troops. At that time, heavy armored spearmen and sword and shield soldiers were the core forces that determined the outcome of the battlefield.


Later, he became both a musketeer and a spearman, and the sword and shield player was reduced to only play a certain role in siege warfare.


However, now, the spearmen have been directly abandoned and become all musketeers!


I just don't know how the 5th Infantry Division, which abandoned the spearmen and was equipped with tens of thousands of flintlock guns, performed in actual combat! Ps: Book friends, I am raining when it rains. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book lovers, please pay attention!

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