Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 863: Fake beings

When the various armies of the Tang Dynasty were sharpening their fists and preparing to launch a new round of large-scale offensive, the Ming Dynasty also noticed it.

The actions of the Datang Dynasty were so big. Ships of supplies were transported to Xuzhou. In addition, the Datang Army in the Huai River Basin was frequently mobilized. As long as the spies of the Ming Army were not blind, they were basically It can be judged that a new round of large-scale offensive by Tang Jun is about to begin.

For this reason, Emperor Zhengde also urgently dispatched troops to prepare for the battle!

And they sent people to contact Altan Khan's cavalry and asked them to continue south!

After going south last winter, Alta Khan was cautious at first, for fear of falling into the trap of the Ming army, the 20,000 cavalry he dispatched were only near the border town at first, and he did not dare to go further south.

But later, he became more daring, and gradually increased his troops to 50,000 cavalry, and gradually moved south to Taiyuan, Shanxi, and then sent some troops south to Shunde Prefecture.

Now that Emperor Zhengde sent someone to ask them to go south, Alta Khan, who was personally led by him, thought about it and decided to go south.

The main purpose of going south is not to help Emperor Zhengde, but he still has the mentality of catching fish in troubled waters. On the one hand, he does not want to see Emperor Zhengde's army completely defeated by the Tang army. On the other hand, he does not want the Ming army to defeat the Tang army. .

The best result is that the Ming army and the Tang army are both defeated, and then he will lead the cavalry to sweep the whole field and directly kill the remnants of the Tang army and the Ming army. In this way, the situation in the entire north will be greatly beneficial to Altan Khan.

If this happens, he doesn't even plan to return to the grasslands again, but directly occupy the north and seize Youzhou. Who would dare to say that he can't occupy the Central Plains at that time, establish a great dynasty, and repeat the glory of the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties?

And before he came, he was also fully prepared. When he went south, in addition to bringing the core tribal cavalry as the main force, he also entrained the side tribes, basically taking the elites from the tribes who did not obey him very much before. The main force was brought along, even if the south was defeated this time, it was the tribes that died first.

And he has already decided that he doesn't care what will happen when he goes south, but his main lineage must not be easily used and damaged.

In this way, he can ensure that no matter what happens after going south, he can control the power of the grassland. Even if the unfortunate south fails and finally flees back in embarrassment, he will only take his direct line back. As for those side branches, that is not the case Hope to come back alive.

This time, when we went south, Altan Khan did not plan to let the cavalry of the side tribes go back alive.

Most of Alta Khan's cavalry were one horse, two cavalry or even three cavalry, and their mobility was extremely fast. When they noticed that the situation in the south had changed, Alta Khan quickly led the troops to the south, marching for hundreds of kilometers in a short period of time, and then the main force arrived in Shunde. House, and the five thousand cavalry pioneers have already arrived at the Daming House.

On this road going south, of course, there will be looting along the way!

Of course, Aldan Khan will not attack those big cities. After all, he is still invited by Zhengde on the surface, and he can't be too ugly, but in some small states, he will not be polite and pass by. Grab a piece of land, or at least loot the rations.

You have to know that this time the Altan Khan went south, just like the previous Mongolians going south, but they did not carry food and grass, and the food was looted along the way. For a time, the people along the way were miserable.

It's just that in this troubled world, no one cares about the lives of ordinary people all over the north!

Zhengde himself doesn't care anymore, and Altan Khan doesn't care even more. Some local officials care, but there is no way to do so. They can only stick to the city and prevent Altan Khan from entering the city. Ping An, volunteered food and goods to prevent Altan Khan's cavalry from attacking their city.

And more officials just pretended not to see it.

In fact, many officials of the Ming Dynasty in the north are now a little confused and even shaken.

If it is said that when the pseudo-Tang Dynasty first rose a few years ago, they still supported the suppression of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty, then in Yangzhou, Huaian, Xuzhou, Anqing and other important cities in Jiangbei fell one after another, the entire Ming Dynasty fell into a huge crisis. When they were about to fall, they were already shaken.

Many people are already thinking, if, in case, if the emperor's army is defeated, when the pseudo-Tang bandit army comes over, maybe they should abandon Ming Dynasty and go to Tang Dynasty.

As a rational and intelligent person, standing on the side of the winner is the most correct choice.

Besides, when you get to the Tang Dynasty, you can continue to be an official.

Although it is said that there are many things in the Tang Dynasty that they are disgusted with, especially the tax policy that kills thousands of knives, but even if it is disgusting, but for the sake of life and official position, it should be endured!

Therefore, many officials of the Ming Dynasty in various parts of the north have already begun to wait and see!

If Zhengde wins, then there is nothing to say, everyone will continue to be officials to make money.

If Zhengde loses, then they must seriously consider throwing in the thief, no, it should be said that it is about the Tang.

After all, both sides are Han Chinese orthodox dynasties, and they are all in need of righteousness. If they go to the Tang Dynasty, they don't need to take refuge in the infamy of foreigners. They don't have much psychological burden.

Otherwise, as the Tang Dynasty became more and more powerful, there would not be more and more former Ming officials surrendering in Jiangnan, Jiangbei, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other places.

Because they don't have too much psychological burden on it!

Emperor Zhengde may have also noticed the strange thoughts of many officials. In the near future, he has almost stopped using civilian officers to command the army, but all traditional military generals and honorable people.

In this short half year, the nobles and generals who had been left out in the cold for a hundred years finally regained their dignity and power.

However, can these nobles command the army to win?

This is going to be a huge question mark!

Since the change of Tumubao, the noble class of the Ming Dynasty has almost completely decayed. Except for a very small number of people, most of them are eating and waiting to die. While eating and waiting to die, they did not forget to destroy the imperial court. foundation.

They have long since fallen!

In fact, in the previous battle with the Tang army, with the exception of Yu Dayou, almost all of them were generals from the civil service. Although most of them failed, to be honest, they have done a good job.

If it was replaced by these honorable ones, would they be able to win?

Those nobles and nobles do not know the questions of outsiders to them. A group of nobles and nobles who only knew how to bully ordinary people in the past and were constantly pressed and rubbed on the ground by the civil servants are now all dressed in fresh clothes, angry horses, and high-spirited. On the commander-in-chief.

Except for the eunuchs of the military, there is absolutely nothing good about the civilian officials.

The many changes in the Ming Dynasty naturally could not affect the Tang Dynasty's established battle plan. After the Third Army was properly prepared, Hao Bainian officially issued the order to fight. On March 29, the Third Army The 5th Infantry Division took the lead in attacking north along the canal.

Of course, it is not correct to say that it was an attack, because when we set off on the first day, there was no Ming army on the opposite side.

The main force of the Ming army is now all around Shandong and Henan, and there are only a few small-scale troops around Xuzhou for surveillance.

Therefore, it is more accurate to say that the Third Army is an attack, rather than a march.

However, the Third Army moved, and Emperor Zhengde quickly got the news!

Emperor Zhengde didn't think about it for too long, but soon decided to take the initiative to attack, and immediately took the 60,000-strong army stationed in Jinan to the west, and then entered 'Anping Town', a small town in the northern part of Yanzhou Prefecture.

Anping Town, this small place is located at the junction of the Canal and the Daqing River. It is a very important strategic stronghold in contemporary times. If you go east, you can go to Jinan, go north to Dongchang, go west to Damingfu, and go south to Yanzhou. Fu and Xuzhou.

Emperor Zhengde chose to garrison here, but did not choose to be in the Fucheng of Yanzhou or Jeju further south, because he needed time to mobilize other troops, and also to let the cavalry of Altan Khan to help him share the pressure.

It can be said that Emperor Zhengde has already selected the decisive battle place in advance, waiting for the Tang army to go north.

At this time, the Tang army who had made a lot of plans and preparations before, did not expect that Emperor Zhengde did not choose to stick to Jinan, but was going to come directly to fight them.

After the news came out, the third army was very happy. Since you, Emperor Zhengde, ran out to fight on your own, then they would not be polite.

But then Chen Keqiao got the news that when a large number of Tatar cavalry were found in the Daming Prefecture, he immediately frowned!

Alta Khan went south, he already knew about it, but as far as he knew, although Alta Khan went south, he had been wandering around the border town all the time. He didn't go south in a big way at all. Daming House.

And in this way, all kinds of pre-war plans will be useless!

It's one thing to beat the tens of thousands of troops led by Emperor Zhengde himself, and another thing to beat the tens of thousands of cavalry soldiers of Alta Khan.

Immediately, Chen Keqiao sent someone to send a letter to Hao Bainian in the rear, telling Hao Bainian that he had discovered the main force of the Tatar cavalry!

After hearing the news, Hao Bainian, who was still in Xuzhou at this time, took out the map and looked at it, and then said to the adjutant: "Order the 5th Infantry Division to act according to the original plan to capture Jeju and Yanzhou, and then continue north along the canal."

"I then ordered the third cavalry detachment to enter the Juye area to monitor and guard against the enemy cavalry!"


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