Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 867: Jiangnan turmoil

Jinling City, Royal Courtyard.

Bai Yunqi is sitting in front of Empress Dowager Bai. Although the two are siblings, their identities are very different now. Empress Dowager Bai has become the empress dowager of the Tang Dynasty, so even Bai Yunqi is in private. On occasions, he did not dare to be too presumptuous, and behaved very respectfully.

At this time, he respectfully said, "The turmoil in Taiping House has been calmed down. According to the news reported by the following people, this time the turmoil is the alliance of several local gentry, and these gentry are all family members in the Ming Dynasty. Li was an official, and some of them were killed and injured in the hands of our army before, and they held great resentment towards our Tang Dynasty. rebellion."

"After the incident, the local militia immediately organized troops to intercept it. However, the number of local militiamen was too small and scattered, making it difficult to control the situation. However, the 15th Mixed Regiment quickly dispatched a battalion to suppress it. After two days of fierce fighting , successfully suppressed the local rebellion, killed hundreds of insurgents on the spot, and arrested about 300 people.”

After hearing this, Queen Mother Bai moved her fat body and stood up, "It's been killed these days, but a good life is nothing but rebellion, and must be severely punished as an example."

"Now the emperor is marching north, leading more than 100,000 troops to fight against the puppet Ming army. At such a critical juncture, they must not be allowed to mess around."

Empress Dowager Bai continued, "After the emperor's northern expedition, many people were eager to move, thinking that they had seized the opportunity, but they want to shake the foundation of my Tang Dynasty, it's just wishful thinking, you must make the people below strict Take precautions, and there must be no chaos."

Immediately after Bai Yunqi left the palace, in the name of the commander of the Zhili garrison, he sent an official letter to the troops in Jiangnan and Jiangbei, as well as the militia in various places, asking them to strictly guard against unrest in various places, and to implement martial law in strategically important places, any signs of rebellion appeared. , be sure to strangle the first time

When Bai Yunqi was attacking various places in the rear, Li Xuan also received news of the rebellion from the Taiping House. After reading it, he didn't find it strange. It was just a rebellion on the scale of hundreds of people, and it was not worthy of Li Xuan's attention.

Rebellions of this scale have been suppressed by the Tang Dynasty not 100 times but 80 times in the past few years. At the peak period, they received more than a dozen reports of rebellions in various places in a month.

After the rise of the Tang Dynasty, and fought fierce battles with the false Ming, many careerists thought that the opportunity had come, and tried every means to play rebellion. Of course, more of them were rebellions by people who were dissatisfied with the Tang Dynasty. Tax resistance is endless.

Although Li Xuan went to the north to fight for himself, he still has a large number of troops in the south of Zhili. The 10th Infantry Division and several mixed regiments are located in Jiangnan and Jiangbei. However, the rest of the provinces also have at least one mixed regiment. garrison.

These are still the regular army. Besides the regular army, there will be militia organizations everywhere.

Small and medium-scale rebellions cannot be caused by any storms.

Unless there is a second traverser who is the same as himself, otherwise, the rear is as stable as Mount Tai.

Not to mention rebellion, even if the ministers in the rear want to play a coup d'etat, it will not work. He Li Xuan personally brings an army of hundreds of thousands. If there is a change in the rear, he will kill him immediately.

And if officials want to play a coup d'etat, it is unlikely to win over the support of the army. The army has always been Li Xuan's basic business. Almost all the officers are all graduates of the martial arts school, and almost all the middle and senior officers are graduates of the royal school. It is impossible for others to woo the army to mutiny.

And as long as the army is captured, then Li Xuan doesn't have to worry about the instability of the rear.

Otherwise, Li Xuan would not worry about Beizheng.

But although there is no serious problem, in order to prevent this kind of thing from continuing to happen in the future, and it will become more and more severe, it must be severely punished, to kill the chicken and warn the monkey.

Immediately, Li Xuan replied that the Taiping House rebellion would be severely punished.

The Tang Dynasty, like the Ming Dynasty and all other dynasties, is very strict when it comes to things like rebellion. Basically, they will give the heaviest punishment. Every time it is bloodshed, the looting and annihilation of the family are the lightest treatment. , in a serious case, it will punish the Nine Clan.

Otherwise, it is difficult to effectively deter

After all, in the land of China, the king's prime minister Hou Ning's opinion is very marketable, and there has never been a lack of various careerists, so it must be suppressed and punished by thunder.

After approving the matter, Li Xuan returned his attention to the local war.

Liu Bagou and the others took care of the ordinary government affairs in the rear, but in the military, there was also Bai Yunqi's bombardment, and there was also an empress dowager Bai who was in charge. The idle people couldn't make waves at all. It was the war in the north, and now Li Xuan was a little worried. .

He has been leading his army to the north for several days, but because he is cautious, the march is not fast, and it is still about 20 kilometers away from Anping Town.

These 20 kilometers are said to be far or not far, and whether they are close or not. This distance really requires a full march, and it will be reached in one day, but if it is dawdled, it is possible to walk this distance for several days.

Especially when there were a large number of enemy cavalry threats nearby, Li Xuan repeatedly ordered the troops to be cautious and restrained, and must not fight in the face of enemy cavalry.

At the same time, in order to avoid being cut off by the enemy's cavalry, which would result in a shortage of food and ammunition, the army that Li Xuan brought along had enough food for half a month and enough ammunition to fight a large-scale decisive battle.

And the more materials you carry, the more troublesome it is to walk.

But Li Xuan is not in a hurry, because the Ming army is in Anping Town, and Emperor Zhengde is there

So when to attack, the initiative is still up to him. Under such circumstances, Li Xuan is naturally unwilling to rush over and fail due to insufficient preparation.

"It has now been ascertained that on the Tatar side, Alta Khan personally commanded a total of more than 50,000 cavalry. At present, its main force is stationed in the area from Anping Town to Shouzhang, and there are about 10,000 cavalry heading south, although I don't know their specific goals, but they should want to attack our army's rear and cut off our army's supply line."

Lieutenant General Lei Wan pointed at a topographic map of the nearby area and said, "The Ming army in the direction of Anping Town is garrisoned around Anping Town, and a total of three camps have been established, but their cavalry is not in the camp. inside, but on the west side of the camp"

Li Xuan stared at the map, and then said, "It seems that Zhengde and the others want to use Anping Town as bait to attract our army to attack, and then use cavalry to attack the rear of our army."

Lieutenant General Lei Wan said, "Although it is still uncertain, judging from the current movements of the Ming army and the Tatars, it is very likely."

At this time, Li Xuan looked at Bao Yifen, who was on the side. "If the enemy forces attack the rear of our army, can the navy ensure that the supply line of the canal will continue?"

Bao Yifen said with confidence at this time, "The Navy Canal Fleet has prepared more than 50 inland warships, divided into three squadrons on standby at any time. From Anping Town to Jining Prefecture, the fleet can arrive on the same day and launch shelling as long as the enemy. If the army is not heavily occupying a certain coastal point, then there is no possibility for them to cut off our river supply line.”

At this time, Lieutenant General Lei Wan also added, "Even if the enemy uses cavalry to occupy a certain key node, the 6th Army has already arranged the core main fifth infantry division at the rear, and can go to various places along the coast at any time by river transportation. The combat strength of the 5th Infantry Division, in a positional battle, the enemy cavalry will never be able to resist the blow of the 5th Infantry Division"

This time, in order to ensure the safety of logistics, the 6th Army and the Navy have made a lot of money, and the routes and methods of advance are carefully designed. The inland warships in the Yangtze River basin were all dispatched. In addition to the Yellow River and Huaihe River basins, there were more than 80 inland warships concentrated in the canal basin of the Shandong section alone.

And these 80 inland warships are not armed merchant ships converted from civilian ships in the early days, but they are all specially built inland warships of A, B, and C, and they are also equipped with a large number of howitzers in advance, just to be able to support the operations of the 6th Army.

The 48-pound howitzer is very troublesome for the 6th Army to use. It can only be used during siege or positional warfare, but in the Navy, the battleship can be mobile at any time. As long as the battleship can go, the 48-pound grenade can be used. can hit.

In addition to the navy, the 6th Army's northbound army directly recruited the most powerful fifth infantry division in the whole army, and then used it to defend the transportation supply line in the rear.

In addition, in Jining Prefecture, the logistics supply station closest to the front line, there are also sufficient troops for defense. The 5th Mixed Regiment, the 8th Baggage Regiment belonging to the 8th Infantry Division, and an artillery battalion of the 8th Artillery Regiment can be They are all stationed in Jining.

Needless to say, the fifth mixed regiment was one of the few mixed regiments of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty whose combat effectiveness was comparable to that of the main force, and its strength was considerable.

As for the Eighth Transportation Regiment, don't look at the word "Carriage Regiment" in it, but the Transportation Regiment in the Datang 6th Army is not the transportation regiment in the Logistics Department. They are all combat troops, and at critical moments, they can be directly pulled up to the front to serve as combat infantry.

Because in the system of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty, except for the transportation tasks close to the front line, the rest are basically undertaken by the transportation regiment of the logistics department, and the baggage regiment is only responsible for the supply of the distance of about 20 to 30 kilometers near the front line. transportation.

And the superior will not send another main force to cover the baggage unit, but the baggage unit will protect itself. Therefore, all the soldiers in the baggage unit are actually combat soldiers. Although the combat effectiveness is slightly inferior to that of the regular infantry regiment, it is not would be too bad.

The 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty invested a lot of money to protect the logistics supply, but can this dispel the intention of Emperor Zhengde and Altan Khan to attack their logistics supply line?


It is well known that the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty has a strong frontal combat capability. The 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty knows it well, and the Ming Army on the opposite side also knows it. Even the Tatars who have never fought against the Tang Army have heard of it.

In war, you have to make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses

What is the advantage of the Ming army and the Tatars what is the cavalry

As long as they are not stupid, they will use the mobility of the cavalry to attack the supply line of the Tang army and attack the rear of the Tang army.


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