Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 868: 3 parties are pregnant with ghosts

In Anping Town, Emperor Zhengde quietly looked at a group of civil servants and generals below. Just now, the spies below reported that the pseudo-Tang bandit army had arrived less than thirty kilometers away from Anping Town, and was still advancing. According to this degree, I am afraid that tomorrow the pseudo-Tang bandit army will be able to arrive outside Anping Town.

That is to say, starting tomorrow, the war may explode completely at any time!

As the war was approaching, a group of courtiers were also discussing various strategies to retreat from the enemy, but from their discussions, Emperor Zhengde felt their fear.

Although no one dared to directly say that the bandit army was invincible, and that they had to retreat and turn in, there was no lack of fear of war in their words. Thinking twice and being cautious were all said.

Of course, there are serious discussions on strategies, but they basically focus on how to get the Tatars to attack south.

As for the head-to-head battle, it was basically determined long ago. The three camps were connected to each other. Once the battle was fought, the 100,000-strong army would attract the main force of the thieves in the face as firmly as a magnet.

But to be honest, including Emperor Zhengde, no Ming minister believed that 100,000 infantrymen would be able to stop the frontal attack of the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

The fiasco of Yangzhou is still vivid in my mind. At the beginning, Yangzhou also had an army of 100,000, and the army of 100,000 in Yangzhou was even more elite, and there were perfect city defenses to rely on, but even so, it was not by the fake Tang Dynasty. The thieves broke through cleanly.

So their hopes are placed on the cavalry!

There were not many cavalry in the Ming army, only the scale of 10,000 cavalry, but although there were not many cavalry, they were all professional cavalry from the northern border towns and the Beijing camp, skilled in bowing and horses, and not weak in combat.

If there is a suitable opportunity, these 10,000 cavalry can also turn the tide of the battle!

But Emperor Zhengde did not think that the pseudo-Tang bandit army would be so stupid and would not leave behind to deal with his 10,000 cavalry!

So the key is to make Altan Khan send troops!

In the past two days, Emperor Zhengde has already sent a number of people to persuade Altan Khan to send out the main force to go south. Why go south?

Attack Jining!

Jining is the rear of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty. According to the knowledge of the detective, the pseudo-Tang thief army has hoarded a large amount of food and ammunition in the local area. Once the area is conquered, it can not only destroy the supply base of the pseudo-Tang thief army, but also can Cut off the supply line of the thieves.

But the intelligence is also true. The thief army left heavy troops in Jining. I don’t know what kind of troops it is, but the total force will not be less than 10,000 people. Therefore, if the cavalry of the Ming army is only going south to attack, it is estimated that they will not be able to defeat them. too likely.

But if it was the Tatars, it would be different. If they had over 50,000 cavalry, they would have great hope to conquer Jining.

However, Emperor Zhengde hoped that Alta Khan would send troops to attack Jining, but Alta Khan was not stupid!

"What he thinks is quite beautiful. Let me wait and go to attack Jining. It's easy to do, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to come back. Jining is guarded by tens of thousands of Tang troops. Although our cavalry is invincible in the field, we can come and go freely, but we must conquer it. There are ten thousand Tang soldiers guarding the city, even if it can be done, it will definitely suffer heavy casualties!"

Altan Khan had already received Emperor Zhengde's request, but he ignored it, joking, and asked him to take the main force to bite Jining's tough bones, why didn't Emperor Zhengde send his own cavalry!

Jining, can't fight!

But that doesn't mean it can't be played anywhere else!

Before Altan Khan went south, he didn't know that the Tang army in the south was so terrifying!

Where he went south, he also thought that the Tang army and the Ming army might be able to defeat both sides, but after hearing about Yangzhou and many other battles, he lost confidence in the Ming army. Bo's words, I am afraid that the Ming army will be finished directly, and the Tang army will not lose too much, and this is not in the interests of the Tartars.

What Altan Khan wanted was that the Ming army and the Tang army were both defeated, but the Tang army killed the Ming army neatly!

Therefore, Altan Khan believes that although Jining cannot fight, it is necessary to dispatch troops to relieve the pressure of the Ming army, and appropriately contain part of the Tang army, so that when the Ming army and the Tang army fight, they can be evenly matched, and in the end, one will lose both!

That's why he sent ten thousand cavalry to the south!

And he also told the generals who led the army to go south. This time, don't be foolish to attack Jining, and don't be foolish to confront the main force of the Tang army. You should conduct an appropriate attack. , it is best to be able to take tens of thousands of Tang Jun around in circles.

In this case, it will contain a part of the Tang army, relieve the pressure of the Ming army, and you don't have to pay any price!

When the Tang army and the Ming army were defeated, it was time for his main cavalry to attack!

An Dahan has this kind of thinking, Li Xuan doesn't know, but Emperor Zhengde himself can guess a little bit, but still that sentence, he doesn't care!

When he invited the Tatars to go south, he had guessed that all kinds of bad consequences might come, but he had no other choice. With the Tatars sharing the pressure, he still had a chance.

At this time around Anping Town, the three parties have their own plans!

Emperor Zhengde wanted to use 100,000 infantry to contain the main force of the Tang army, and then used his own 10,000 cavalry and 50,000 Tartar cavalry to attack the rear of the Tang army, and finally caused the complete collapse of the Tang army. Also dead.

Altan Khan, on the other hand, hopes that the Tang army and the Ming army will suffer both losses, and then lead the main force of the cavalry to sweep the whole field, directly kill the Zhengde Emperor and Li Xuan, and finally occupy the prosperous place in the Central Plains, repeating the old story of Mengyuan's southward movement. , He must have to follow the example of Kublai Khan in the past to call himself emperor and have a taste of the emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty.

As for Li Xuan, he was not as complicated as Emperor Zhengde and Altan Khan thought. What he thought was simpler and purer, that is, to directly defeat the last 100,000 main force of the Ming army through a large-scale decisive battle. , and then hit the 50,000 cavalrymen who killed or even annihilated the Tartars.

For this, he was already prepared to pay a heavy price.

As long as this battle is won, even if it pays a higher price, it will be worth it. After this battle, in the whole world, except for Zhang Yue's department, there is no one who can stop the pace of the Great Tang King.

Even Zhang Yue, when the Tang Dynasty frees up his hands and gathers the main force to attack, he will not be able to stop the attack of the Tang Wangshi!

As long as this battle is won, the reunification of China is just around the corner!

The three parties in Anping Town have their own plans, but no matter what the parties plan, a large-scale decisive battle is gradually approaching.

On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the army led by Li Xuan arrived outside Anping Town, but did not launch an attack immediately, but began to build a large camp.

The two sides participated in a decisive battle with a scale of 200,000 people, which does not mean that a fight can be fought.

The Tang army did not take the initiative to attack, and the Ming army did not take the initiative to fight!

However, although the main forces of the two sides did not move, the battles between the partial divisions were quite frequent, especially the reconnaissance troops. In order to investigate more detailed information, the reconnaissance cavalry and forward troops were frequently active on the battlefield, and then engaged in battles. This kind of small-scale battle may only have a scale of dozens or hundreds of people, but it is quite frequent.

In this kind of small-scale reconnaissance operation, both sides sent elite troops, and they basically focused on melee and chasing. The elites Bian dispatched were not bad, so the two sides fought a lot in this small-scale battle.

However, in the case of the east of the canal, the cavalry of the Ming army with tens of thousands of people is going south!

As for the west case of the canal, tens of thousands of Tatar cavalry are also heading south. The two cavalry are almost going hand in hand, and they are just separated by a canal. This is also part of a coordinated battle plan reached by Emperor Zhengde and Altan Khan. One, dispatched cavalry to attack the Tang army supply line.

Although the cavalry's maneuverability is relatively good, the maneuverability of these two groups of cavalry with a total of more than 20,000 people can't be expected to be able to hide from the investigation of the 6th Tang Army's reconnaissance cavalry. Watching these two groups of enemy cavalry.

After learning that the enemy's cavalry was gradually moving south, Li Xuan was unmoved, and still followed the steps to let the troops prepare for the battle!

In the rear, the 5th Infantry Division is waiting!

In order to ensure that the 5th Infantry Division can move quickly, the Navy has organized a large number of transport ships. Even if the enemy's cavalry directly attacks dozens of kilometers south, the Navy can transport the 5th Infantry Division to fight in time.

Anyway, the bottom line of the Datang 6th Army is to defend the canal, ensure the safety of the supply line that has reached Anping Town, and prevent the enemy from occupying a certain stronghold.

The 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty directly dispatched the most elite fifth infantry division to rely on the canal for mobile defense. It was naturally impossible for the cavalry of the Ming army and the cavalry of the Tartars. It would not have been thought that the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty would also send out the most elite 5th Infantry Division.

Moreover, the changes of the Datang 6th Army are relatively large, and the troops all look the same. If you don't know the details, it is not easy to judge which troops are elites.

Two days after Li Xuan's army arrived outside Anping City, the cavalry of the Ming army and the Tatars continued to move south. The cavalry of the Ming army also attacked a small town along the canal. Of course, the attack did not What effect was there, because there was no material in the local area or the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty was stationed, and later they tried to use this town to directly guard the canal.

However, several inland warships under a squadron of the Canal Fleet arrived quickly, and then started shelling. It didn't take long for other nearby warships to arrive, and finally more than a dozen gunboats concentrated on the fierce shelling.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Ming cavalry immediately withdrew from the town and kept away from the shelling range, without causing any actual losses.

But the Tatars who have not fought against the Tang army must be very confident. Do they want to cut off the canal? If the canal is cut off, it will lead to a disastrous defeat for the Tang army, which is not in the interests of the Tartars!

They want to attract the pseudo-Tang thieves and hold them back. Of course, if they can annihilate thousands of Tang troops in the process, then they don't mind!


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