Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 869: Tang Bing is just like that

When the Tatars wanted to hold back and contain the 5th Infantry Division, and even wanted to attract more Tang troops, Chen Keqiao of the 5th Infantry Division also thought about **** these two cavalry.

Although it is said that the safety of the canal can be guaranteed to a large extent by means of mobile defense by boat, it is still not safe enough.

Who knows what these enemy cavalry will do in the end, if they come up with some vicious method, and finally lead to the supply line being cut off, then the trouble will be big.

So the best way is to find a chance to kill them directly!

But **** them?

This is a problem. The enemy is cavalry, has the tactical initiative, and relies on its maneuvering advantages. Basically, it will come as soon as it wants, and leave as soon as it wants, and it will not be able to catch up.

The only way is to attract or force them to stay in a certain place!

Also attack their rear?

This is impossible. The enemy's cavalry has no rear at all. If there is, then it is Anping Town and Shouzhang!

So the only way is to keep them!

Immediately, the 5th Infantry Division made a decision. It was impossible to force the enemy's cavalry to stop, but to lure them.

And to lure the enemy to stop, the best way is to show the enemy's weakness!

However, before Chen Keqiao made a show of weakness, he learned from the navy that the cavalry of the Tartars had already captured Liangshanji, and they would not leave.

Whatever comes to mind, Chen Keqiao immediately made a decision. In addition to leaving an infantry regiment to maintain a mobile defense to guard against the Ming cavalry on the east bank of the canal, he directly led the main force of the 5th Infantry Division. Ten thousand people rushed to Liangshanji.

What surprised him even more was that when he rushed to Liangshanji, the Tartar cavalry still did not leave!

Well, the Tatars originally wanted to attract them to come. Besides, if they didn't go, it didn't mean that they wouldn't leave until the Tang army was in front of them. They just waited for the Tang army to come. When the Tang army came, they should leave.

However, at this time, Chen Keqiao had already seen the opportunity, and immediately sent a letter to the nearby third cavalry detachment, requesting cooperation!

The Third Cavalry Detachment, their task is very heavy, mainly used to scout and monitor the movements of the Ming Army and the Tatars, but after the Guards and the Fourth Army also went north, they brought about 800 people. The cavalry, so the strength of the third cavalry detachment has been relaxed, and it has always been walking in the rear.

After receiving the letter from Chen Keqiao of the 5th Infantry Division, Major General Lu Yuzhi, who led the 3rd Cavalry Detachment, was a little hesitant, because Chen Keqiao asked him to lead the 3rd Cavalry Detachment and hold the 10,000 cavalry of the Tatars, okay. Let the 5th Infantry Division arrive.

This task is not well done.

Although the number of cavalry under his command was 800 more than before, the total number was only about 2,500. The Tatar cavalry was more than 10,000. In a real fight, his third cavalry detachment was really no match.

After all, under the absolute advantage of military strength, even if the cavalry of the third cavalry detachment can use a strong charge and have a stronger collective combat ability, it will not help.

What's more, in terms of riding, the Tang cavalry is really not as good as the Tatars who grew up on horseback!

But after a little hesitation, he still led the rapid south!

A few hours later, in the evening.

In Liangshanji, the commander-in-chief of the Tatar cavalry heading south, Burigude looked at Liangshanji, which had been reduced to ashes, and said with a relaxed expression, "How far is Tang Bing? When can we arrive?"

Others immediately said: "A large number of Tang soldiers are landing, the distance is not far, but Shili Road, the forward distance is closer, Nuo, look, those are the forwards of the Tang soldiers!"

Looking in the direction of the directions, about five or six miles away, a team of Datang Army soldiers with a size of several hundred people is slowly approaching!

Brigold said: "These Tang soldiers are brave enough, they only sent a few hundred people here, so it's hard not to be afraid that we will swallow their strikers in one bite!"

"Tang soldiers have defeated the Ming army many times, and they are already extremely arrogant. It is said that Tang soldiers have always liked to fight more with less, and they are often able to fight to win. Presumably, these Tang soldiers treat us as the Ming army! "

Another Tatar general sneered: "These Tang soldiers are so bold, why don't they send thousands of horses to teach them a little lesson!"

The person who said this still remembers Alta Khan's teaching to some extent: Don't be stupid and face the main force of the Tang army, fight if you can, and leave if you can't!

So he didn't say that he sent thousands or even tens of thousands of people to kill them. If they rushed past, they bumped into the main force of the Tang army, and they couldn't leave even if they wanted to!

Briggood thought about it a little, and then said: "Alright, send a thousand riders over to see if these Tang soldiers can really fight as rumored!"

These tens of thousands of Mongolian cavalry are still very careful, knowing that there are tens of thousands of Tang army main force less than ten miles away, they rushed past, there may be an ambush or something, so the army watched from behind, but sent Qianqi cautiously past!

However, after a few minutes, the Tatars were all stunned!

These hundreds of Tang soldiers were able to remain calm when their own thousand cavalry had just rushed in, but when their own cavalry rushed up to shoot, the Tang soldiers on the opposite side also fired back with muskets, but they counterattacked. The strength was not great, and it was quickly defeated by the Tartar cavalry and shooting offensive. When the Tartar cavalry launched the final charge, before the Tartar rushed, it was already a direct attack. He turned around and ran away, and it wasn't a normal escape, but the kind where the entire army was defeated.

Is this the brave Tang Bing?

It doesn't match the rumors!

At the same time, on the shore, Chen Keqiao, who was waiting to land, watched his troops come ashore one after another, spread out, and nodded slightly, he was still very satisfied with the performance of his troops.

"My lord, can those soldiers really hide from the eyes and ears of the Tartars?" At this time, the staff on the side seemed to be a little worried.

Chen Keqiao said: "It's okay to hide it, or it's full, we can't lose anything anyway!"

"Besides, these Ming soldiers are wearing the military uniforms of my Tang Dynasty, using the weapons of my Tang Dynasty, and even the bullets are allotted to them, as long as they are not caught and questioned carefully, they are Tatars. How can you know? What's more, even if you know that the Ming army has surrendered, can't these Ming army surrenders be my Tang army?"

Hearing Chen Keqiao say this, the others were also a little speechless!

Before the battle, Chen Keqiao specially brought more than 400 descendants of the Ming army, and then asked them to change into military uniforms, and were equipped with muskets, even swords, spears and armor. From the appearance point of view, it is definitely It is no different from the ordinary Datang Army.

Then it is to let these Ming army descended soldiers to act as forwards, and tell them that as long as they can survive, they will be able to get free agency, and they will also get five taels of silver to travel.

Then, the current scene appeared. These Ming army descendants also resisted at first, but the resistance was insufficient. When the cavalry approached, they collapsed without any accident.

The shore is only four or five kilometers away from the battle site. Because the terrain is flat, even without binoculars, you can see a large number of Tartar cavalry in the distance.

And it can be seen that the 400-odd Ming army descended about two kilometers away has already begun to flee, and the 1,000 Tatar cavalry behind them seemed a little dazed at first, but they soon chased and killed them.

At the same time, on the Tartar side, someone said: "This Tang soldier is just like this, under the iron cavalry like me, it is also self-defeating without a fight!"

"This Tang army is weak, if we kill the main force, it is possible to completely annihilate this ten thousand Tang soldiers!"

"Yeah, these Tang soldiers are nothing more than that. Those Ming soldiers said that Tang soldiers were so strong. I'm afraid they were just bragging to cover up their defeat!"

"At the beginning of this Tang army, it was still possible to keep the formation in order. It's okay. It's normal that our army can't stand up and shoot them!" Another person said: "I'll wait for the grassland Erlang to shoot unparalleled in the world. Whether it's the Ming army or the Tang army, in such field operations, there may be my opponents there!"

"Since the Tang soldiers are weak, why don't we kill them and directly destroy the ten thousand Tang soldiers, and the subsequent actions will be much smoother!"

However, there are still people who are cautious, and he immediately said: "The number of Tang troops is quite large, so we should be cautious and prevent them from ambush. The main force is not good, but we can send another thousand cavalry, together with the previous two thousand cavalry, Let's try to attack, if the Tang army is defeated, then we will launch a general attack, if the Tang army is ambushed, it is better to turn around in time!"

At this time, Briggood was also a little hesitant. In the current situation, it seems that Tang Jun is not as strong as the rumors. Are his many cautions unnecessary?

On the other hand, he was also worried that Tang Jun might be ambushed!

But in the end, it was the low performance of the more than 400 "Tang Jun" before that made him make a decision. Since the Tang Jun forward couldn't stop his iron cavalry, most of the other Tang Jun couldn't stop it.

The Tang army really strengthened before, and the Ming army was defeated, but it was all battles between infantry, and as far as he knew, it seemed that the Tang army had not really fought a battle with the cavalry, and they still lacked the need to deal with the cavalry. tactics and qualities.

This battle seems to be fought!

Immediately, he said: "Abru, you will bring a thousand cavalry to fight The previous thousand cavalry will also belong to your commander, go to test the truth of the Tang army, if the Tang army's defense line is thick, don't be wary, if the enemy army If the defense line is not solid, seize the opportunity to break it!”

The short, stout middle-aged general named Abru immediately ordered, "Follow!"

Immediately, he led the headquarter's thousand cavalry directly into the battle, and Briggood continued to lead the army to press on slowly. If Abru's action went smoothly, then he must personally lead the army to charge directly, and directly kill the Wan Tang army. !

If Abru's actions are not smooth, then he will retreat in response to Abru, and there are tens of thousands of cavalry in the formation. He believes that there should be no accident in this tentative attack!

Even if the strength of the Tang army on the opposite side is beyond expectations, or if there is something expected, then he will pat his **** and walk away. Is it possible that their Tang army's infantry still wants to catch up with him? Just kidding!


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