Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 870: Tartar cavalry wanting to fly a kite

Although the performance of more than 400 strikers of Tang Bing before, exceeded the estimates of the Tartars, and this estimate is not how strong Tang Bing is, but the strength of Tang Bing seems to be weaker than expected.

Before they went south, they had heard that the Tang soldiers in the south were strong in combat. After going south, in the limited contact with the generals of the Ming army, they also learned about the strength of Tang soldiers in the market rumors. The most heard adjective is sharp guns. .

So at this time, they already had an advanced understanding of the sharpness of the guns and guns of the Tang soldiers, but they, like many civil servants and generals in the Ming Dynasty, believed that the strength of the Tang soldiers was purely based on the sharpness of the guns and guns. If they avoid the guns, or avoid their guns, then if they fight, the Ming army thinks that they have at least a 50-50 chance of winning.

This is not the arrogant illusion of the Ming army, but because the power of guns and guns is too great when the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty and the navy are fighting, and they are indeed very dependent on guns and guns, especially in tough battles. Hundreds of cannons are swung, and it is almost invincible. So far, no city can resist the strong attack of the Datang 6th Army.

Intensive shelling coupled with blasting, even if Changsha, Yangzhou and other cities had been operated by the Ming army for a long time and had perfect fortifications, they could not resist.

At this time, the Ming army often directly ignored another feature of the Datang 6th Army, that is, the hand-to-hand combat capability of the Datang 6th Army was actually not weak, not only not weak, but also a lot of Ming troops.

Even aside from the special case of commando siege, it is only said that in field battles, bayonet charge has always been the forte of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty!

In several large-scale frontal battles in the field, even though the Ming army suffered a lot of casualties in the confrontation phase, they were still able to maintain their formation and continue to fight. The army is often completely collapsed.

There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, the soldiers of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty are all professional soldiers. They carry out various trainings throughout the year, and they have sufficient food. The nutrients they absorb can support their high-intensity training. The physical fitness of the soldiers of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty was generally better than that of the Ming Army.

Secondly, the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty was trained based on the modern army, paying attention to military law above everything else, making soldiers fear military law more than fear of death, so that soldiers can form an instinct to obey orders and not think too much. , To put it bluntly, it is to train soldiers to be robots that only know how to obey orders.

Finally, there is the equipment of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty. A large amount of equipment of muskets, grenades and artillery can often cause a large number of casualties to the enemy before the two sides engage in hand-to-hand combat. With the large amount of equipment of plate armor, the protection ability of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty can be improved. It has been greatly improved. At present, the main force of the regular army of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty has an armored rate of more than 70%, not to mention the main spearmen in hand-to-hand combat are already wearing full-body armor and half-body armor. The musketeers also specially selected a part of the chest armor with relatively good physical fitness.

The advantages of so many aspects are summed up, that is, the melee combat capability of the Datang 6th Army is actually not as weak as the Ming Army thinks. On the contrary, the melee capability of the Datang 6th Army is very strong.

The guns are sharp, this is just what outsiders see the Datang 6th Army, but in fact the guns are sharp, it is just an appearance, the most powerful of the Datang 6th Army is actually the bayonet charge!

The influence of the Tartars on the Tang army was almost all heard from the Ming army, and some of them were heard from various rumors, whether it was the Ming army or the rumors outside, they all said The guns of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty are sharp, and other aspects are rarely mentioned.

When the previous hundreds of 'Tang soldiers' vanguards were directly crushed under the impact of their own cavalry, the confidence of the Tartars also rose, giving birth to a feeling that the Tang soldiers were nothing more than this.

Of course, even though the evaluation of Tang Bing in his heart has dropped several grades, the Tartars are still not arrogant and contemptuous.

He didn't say that he rushed up directly, and moved the cavalry to charge without saying a word, but just sent 2,000 cavalry to test it. If the result of the test proves that the combat effectiveness of the Tang soldiers is really nothing, then Briggood will Without hesitation, he led the main cavalry to rush up and completely annihilated the ten thousand Tang soldiers.

If the result of the temptation is not very good, then he will not hesitate, he will cover the temptation's two thousand cavalry to withdraw, and then directly withdraw with tens of thousands of cavalry.

Anyway, there is no need for him to fight with Tang Jun to the death. If there is a bargain, he will pick it up. If not, it doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as he is active in the south, Tang Jun will have to divide his forces to guard against them. This can be regarded as containing Tang Jun and reducing Anping The purpose of suppressing the pressure of the 100,000 Ming army.

The two thousand Tatar cavalry in front began to slowly advance in a traditional formation. What is a traditional formation, and the classical cavalry does not matter what kind of messy cavalry formation it is. A small team, the front and back will be very open, forming a wave-like offensive rhythm, and there is basically no uniform queue.

Because there is no centralized training, and the speed of the horses and the riding skills of the cavalry are surprising, it is difficult to maintain a unified formation when charging.

Of course, this is still referring to the situation where the heavily armored cavalry directly attacked the enemy formation!

And the Tatars don't have any heavy cavalry, most of them are light cavalry who play horse and shoot!

The standard cavalry and light cavalry against infantry phalanx, or against the enemy heavy cavalry is like this:

At first, he wandered far away from the enemy army, or simply stayed in place, letting the enemy infantry line up stupidly, sending small groups of cavalry to harass and shoot arrows from time to time.

Then wait until the opposite infantry is impatient or unable to hold back and wants to move forward, they continue to widen the distance, but if the enemy infantry wants to retreat, when the enemy retreats, the formation is messed up and they rush up to shoot arrows!

Then... and then there is no more, because at this time, the enemy infantry phalanx is often finished!

The follow-up charge is just to expand the results!

If you don't want to waste time, or for other reasons, the cavalry will also attack directly, and the attack method is also very interesting, that is, they will conduct small-scale maneuvers and go directly to the flanks of the enemy's array, or more accurately say no. The direction of the large number of archers of the enemy army.

Then these light cavalry will attack, and the way of attacking is also very interesting: they do not mean to rush directly to melee, but to divide into many waves of attack, forming a long column, and the leading cavalry will be in the enemy formation about At a distance of tens of meters, they began to turn sharply and passed in front of the enemy's formation. During this period, the cavalry began to shoot arrows directly on horseback.

If the enemy has no archers at all, or is too late to support them, they will even dismount and shoot arrows directly with foot bows at a distance of tens of meters. This is why cavalry cavalry usually carry two bows and arrows, one is a small cavalry bow , while the other is usually a powerful bow.

Well, yes, they will not be foolish to directly attack the enemy's infantry phalanx. The basic principle is to rush up and shoot arrows!

When the traditional infantry's archers turn and run to the flank to counterattack, they will mount their horses and flee without hesitation!

Then, they switch directions, do it again, and repeat it again and again!

Then, the enemy's infantry phalanx and even the heavily armored cavalry basically collapsed, and in the end, they beat the drowning dog and caught up with the saber to expand the victory.

This tactic, described in one simple term: fly a kite!

Back then, the Mongolians used this trick to beat the invincible players all over the world!

The Song army was forced to equip a large number of heavy-armoured infantry, and equipped with powerful bows and arrows and crossbow arrows, and then this could only be passive defense, and there was basically no ability to actively attack in the face of cavalry and light cavalry.

The Europeans were even worse. At that time, the Europeans in the Middle Ages were still playing heavy armored cavalry, but the Mongols flew kites all the way to the Danube!

Later, the Mongolian cavalry fell, and Zhu Yuanzhang's cavalry inherited the tactics of cavalry and archery, and the Ming army also had a large number of firearms to cooperate, and as a result, the Mongolian cavalry was killed with the advanced version of cavalry and archery.

The current Tatars are naturally playing the same way as their ancestors, and they used this tactic just now to kill more than 400 'Tang Bing' strikers.

So this time, they were going to repeat their old tricks, and when the two thousand cavalry slowly approached, they realized that the array listed by Tang Jun on the opposite side was a bit strange, and there was no distinction between front and rear.

The Tang army of tens of thousands of people was divided into three large squares, and the three large squares each had several small squares, and these small squares looked very thin, and they were all composed of musketeers. , Such a thin hollow square, giving people the illusion that they can break through as long as they rush up!

Could these Tang Jun want to find their own way, and such a thin phalanx still wants to block their own attack?

Those Tartar cavalrymen who were slowly ascending were a little puzzled, but since the Tang army had formed such a thin formation, don't blame them for taking the opportunity to kill a wave!

At this time, they also did not look for flanks, because Tang Jun on the opposite side was backed by the river, and the front and left and right were the same, so there was no such thing as a flank.

And when they approached more than 400 they have already started to lift slowly. At this time, the artillery of Datang on the opposite side also opened fire, and the division of the 5th Infantry Division belongs to the artillery regiment. Many artillery pieces were too late to be transported and disembarked. There were only a few, and most of them were naval artillery fire support provided by the Navy's Inland Fleet. Not many, but there were also thirty or forty artillery pieces.

The cannonball slid across the sky, then bounced on the ground, and rushed into the Tartar cavalry. Whenever a cannonball hit the Tartar cavalry, it caused a **** storm, but!

The Tatar cavalry did not stop, they continued to charge forward!

Although the Tang army's artillery was not small, the cavalry of the Tartars was originally very loose. This solid cannonball killed a few Tartar cavalry, as long as they were not particularly lucky, and after being attacked by artillery shells, These Tatar cavalry is scattered more open.

But seeing the Tatar cavalry scattered, Chen Keqiao showed a smile!


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