Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 972: The King of the Tang Dynasty entered Jingzhou

Zhang Yue was not worried about the situation in Jingzhou and Anlu Prefecture, so he soon sent someone to Mianyang Prefecture in Anlu Prefecture, and asked Fei Qinxiang to strictly guard against it. Neither Anlu Prefecture nor Jingzhou Prefecture should be lost!

But the messenger he just sent took two days. It is estimated that the messenger hadn't arrived at Fei Qinxiang's side. He just received another urgent letter from Fei Qinxiang, saying that their scout was on the edge of the Yangtze River in Jianli, Anlu Prefecture. , and found a large number of fleets of the pseudo-Tang thief army going up the river.

And when Zhang Yue saw this letter, in fact, it had been five days since their scout discovered that the fleet of the pseudo-Tang bandit army was going up the river!

This is the reality caused by the backward communication.

Even if there are many messengers galloping on fast horses, there is still a huge lag in the transmission of news!

The Anluzhou side is not far from Hanyang, but the scout found that the fleet of the pseudo-Tang thief army was heading up Yangjiang. They should report the news to their superiors first, and the superiors would report them to Fei Qinxiang, and Fei Qing would send them later People were sent to Zhang Yue's side.

In five days, it was actually not easy to get the news to Zhang Yue.

And when Zhang Yue saw this letter, his chest felt a little tight for a while!

The fleet of the pseudo-Tang thieves is advancing along Jiangxi, where are they going? Even a fool can see that they are going to Jingzhou, and the Puppet Tang Bandit Army carried by the fleet is, in all likelihood, the Second Infantry Division of the Puppet Tang Bandit Army.

The previous speculation is really going to become a reality now. The pseudo-Tang thief army made a lot of money and actually sent the 2nd Infantry Division to Jingzhou instead of Anluzhou or Hanyang.

What are they going to do?

They want to conquer Jingzhou, but what are they doing when they conquer Jingzhou?

Jingzhou, the geographical location of this city is naturally very important. It is an important town in the western part of Huguang, and it is also an important front station for entering Sichuan. Well, it is also an important bridgehead to prevent enemy troops from encroaching on the hinterland of Huguang from Sichuan.

However, what was the purpose of the thieves' capture of Jingzhou?

Entering Sichuan?

Impossible, they are all fine in Hanyang, there are at least 100,000 supervising main forces in Huguang and Guangxi. Even if the pseudo-Tang thieves really want to enter Sichuan, they have to kill their own 100,000 main forces first. Enter Sichuan.

In order to block the governor of Sichuan, did you go out to Sichuan to reinforce yourself?

It's very possible!

Zhang Yue thought of many possibilities, but he just didn't think that, in fact, this move of the Datang Army was to prevent him from leading the 100,000 main force of the Superintendent to escape into Sichuan!

Why didn't Zhang Yue think of this possibility!

Because he never thought about escaping into Sichuan with an army of 100,000 troops, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't!

To be more precise, it is impossible for these 100,000 superintendents to follow him and escape into Sichuan!

As the commander-in-chief of the superintendent, he knows very well what the superintendents under his command are like, what advantages and disadvantages they have.

The advantage is that in order to defend Hubei and defend their hometown, they will fight to the death. Well, I am mainly talking about the generals who supervise the target, because they do not want to see themselves, like the gentry in the Jiangnan area, being forced to pay a lot of taxes in the future!

As gentlemen of the Ming Dynasty, they never paid taxes, they didn't pay before, they don't pay now, and they don't want to pay taxes in the future!

As for ordinary soldiers, this is not discussed, it is just food for the soldiers!

You let the generals of the local gentry from Huguang bring their troops into Sichuan to fight for Zhang Yue and King Jing? Throwing your hometown to the pseudo-Tang is nonsense!

How is this possible? They paid for the resistance against the pseudo-Tang, not for Zhang Yue, nor for King Jing, but for themselves!

If Zhang Yue wanted to bring them into Sichuan, they might as well simply surrender to the pseudo-Tang bandit army!

Therefore, Zhang Yue never said that he planned to bring the 100,000 Huguang Governor to Sichuan!

Of course, if things are really irreversible, he may enter Sichuan himself. After all, there is another army of his in Sichuan, the army behind the superintendent, which is formed with the children of local gentry in Sichuan as the core. , and the Huguang Governor Standard are two different things.

But he won't leave until the whole army is defeated!

Zhang Yue did not intend to bring the Governor of Huguang into Sichuan, so naturally he would not think about it in this regard!

And really speaking, in fact, the fact that Li Xuan and many generals of the Datang Army were worried about Zhang Yue leading the 100,000 Lake Canton Governor into Sichuan is superfluous!

But what should I say, Li Xuan is not Zhang Yue, and the Master of the Tang Dynasty is not the superintendent.

So they chose to attack Jingzhou, planning to completely block the 100,000 superintendents in Huguang in Huguang, and then gather to annihilate them!

Zhang Yue couldn't figure out for a while the deep meaning of the pseudo-Tang bandit army's capture of Jingzhou, but this also did not mean that he would sit and watch the pseudo-Tang bandit army capture Jingzhou. In any case, Jingzhou was an important town in the western part of Hubei and Guangxi.

He immediately sent someone to send a letter to Fei Qinxiang, asking him to defend Jingzhou!

In fact, there is no need for Zhang Yue to send someone to issue this order, Fei Qinxiang, the commander of the Right Army, has already done so!

He didn't think as much as Zhang Yue, he just thought, Jingzhou is the area he wants to defend, and the bandit army seems to have at least 10,000 people, so the 7,000 people in Jingzhou may not be safe, so he immediately sent People dispatched troops from the front lines of Jingmen and Dangyang to reinforce Jingzhou. Although these two places are in the rear, there are more than 1,000 troops stationed in each, and the total strength is 3,000.

In addition, he personally led the troops who stayed behind in Qianjiang and dispatched 3,000 people to quickly reinforce Jingzhou.

He personally led 6,000 people to reinforce Jingzhou, plus the 7,000 defenders of Jingzhou, there were 13,000 people, should be able to defend it?

Fei Qinxiang thought so, and did the same thing. Only in Mianyang Prefecture, there were only 5,000 people in the third mixed regiment of the bandit army, and it was almost enough to leave 5,000 people to defend.

When Fei Qinxiang rushed to reinforce Jingzhou, the Second Infantry Division of the Datang Army, which caused all this, also arrived on the edge of the Yangtze River outside Jingzhou!

After a long journey, they arrived outside Jingzhou City, and then landed!

There is nothing to say about the landing. The Datang Navy has an absolute advantage, easily smashing the resistance of some local Ming army navy, and then covering the ships carrying many soldiers and equipment of the army to land directly on the beach!

Dozens of inland warships were lined up along the river, and after several rounds of covering fire with hundreds of naval guns on the shore, it was about a thousand people who didn't know whether to call it reckless or daring. The Ming army directly fought and fled in embarrassment!

Standing on the bow of the boat, watching the Ming army fleeing in embarrassment several hundred meters ahead, the commander of the 2nd Infantry Division, Song Tianbiao, Army Major General was a little speechless.

To be honest, it was the first time he had seen such a silly superintendent!

I didn't see the dense rows of naval battleships showing their muzzles when their own fleet landed!

Without the cover of naval guns, he wouldn't be so blatant and landed directly one kilometer away from the Jingzhou urban area!

The result is good, before they can rush over, the navy's several coverage salvos just drove them away!

To be honest, in fact, because the distance is too far, the naval guns of the navy have not achieved many effective hits. The army collapsed.

An army with a scale of 1,000 people was killed and injured by 100 people, and the casualty rate was more than 10%. Even if this casualty rate was placed in his second infantry division, it was not too small. Big reduction!

Seeing that the opposite side was already pushed more than 500 meters away, and he had no intention of stepping forward again, Song Tianbiao Army Major General turned to a navy colonel and said, "Thanks to the navy's assistance along the way!"

This rear admiral is Zhang Chenhui, commander of the Xiangjiang Squadron of the Yangtze River Fleet. Although his rank is not low, he is only an ordinary senior general even within the navy. It is the commander of the squadron in the ocean fleet, not the commander of the inland fleet.

Speaking of fame, it must be far inferior to Song Tianbiao, who is also a major general in front of him!

So he said quite politely: "There, there, covering the army's advance and landing, that's what our navy should do, and it's also a blessing for your army along the way, let us eat for half a month!"

Song Tianbiao said: "It's just a few tons of supplies, it's nothing, this is also a little care of our army!"

In order to make the navies of the Xiangjiang Squadron more attentive in the process of covering, Song Tianbiao also made a lot of money before departure, and directly drew a batch of good supplies from the supplies to these navy natives~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Otherwise, if they were careless when escorting their escort, their troop carrier sank casually and searched, that would mean dozens or even hundreds of casualties.

Quan Dang is to spend money to buy peace. No, after throwing out a few tons of food supplies, Zhang Chenhui and the others were more attentive along the way, and they were also extremely attentive when they were covering the landing of their own troops. The few rounds of naval artillery salvos just now are worth the price of those food supplies, not to mention that they will continue to support their naval artillery firepower in the future!

The price of the ammunition provided by the naval guns alone exceeds the price of those food supplies!

In this transaction, Song Tianbiao claimed that he did not lose money, but on the contrary, he made a small profit!

Although it is said that there are some good things that everyone in the army is jealous of, such as canned fish from Erjiu, and canned meat from the Military Grain Company directly under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, Song Tianbiao believes that eating Everything is the same. Eating ordinary rice is still the same as fighting wars. It does not mean that you will be more effective if you eat canned fish and canned meat.

When Jingzhou is conquered, they will directly collect grain on the spot, then kill pigs and sheep, and then make some fresh fruits and vegetables, which is much better than eating dry food and eating broken cans!

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