Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 973: Desperate Du Danqing

Song Tianbiao of the Army didn't care about these cans, but Zhang Chenhui of the Navy really cared about these cans!

This is not to say that Zhang Chenhui likes to eat this stuff, or that he can't eat it from other places. Even if his position in the navy is not high, he can't have the same future as the admirals who serve in the ocean-going fleet, but After all, he is also a major general of the army, and the general star hanging on his shoulder is real.

Even if he took the fleet to battle, the treatment in terms of food and other aspects was only the top.

He pays attention to the supply of these cans, that is for the benefit of his subordinates.

After all, although the food of ordinary sailors is much better than that of ordinary people in this era, it is actually quite difficult to eat fresh meat most of the time, not to mention the time to go out on a mission.

Today, although the standard of food for the Master of the Tang Dynasty is high, it is compared with ordinary people, mainly because of the fact that the food is full.

The staple food such as white rice and steamed bread is basically enough, but the meat is relatively small.

I got such a batch of canned food, although it is not fresh meat, and the taste is a little worse, but it is not bad to be able to eat it when the mission is out, and it can fully replenish the soldiers when a large amount of meat supply cannot be obtained. Nutrition.

Speaking of which, we have to talk about this can of the Tang Dynasty.

In fact, the Datang military has been taking and researching various military foods for a long time, and the focus of the research is naturally how to preserve it for a longer time, while providing sufficient influence to the soldiers. As for whether it tastes good or not, that is not their research.

The initial research direction is all kinds of dry food, such as fried noodles, rice balls, messy things, and meat products such as cured meat and bacon.

But when the 29-brand canned fish became popular in China, the military personnel also followed up in time and purchased this kind of canned fish directly, for nothing else, just because this kind of canned food can be stored for a long time, um, of course this kind of In fact, the long time is limited, because limited by the technology and the sealing level is not high enough, it will deteriorate after a long time.

In the early days, the canned fish of Erjiu Pai tried to be sealed in clay jars, and later they tried to be sealed in iron cans, and they also tried to be sealed in glass bottles.

Because iron will rust, and iron is not cheap these days, glass bottles are more expensive, or clay pots are really cheap!

Later, Datang Grain and Oil Company, a subsidiary of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, also began to use canned packaging to produce canned food. There are various types of canned food, mainly canned meat and canned fruits. In the early days, it was specially used to supply the military, but the market The response is good, and it is also starting to supply externally.

Of course, whether it is the 29 brand canned fish or the canned food of Datang Oil Company, it is not cheap. Relatively speaking, the price is relatively high, and ordinary people can't afford it.

However, this is nothing to the wealthy Tang military. Anyway, they do not regard these cans as staple food, but only when the troops need them, such as when the troops are fighting long-distance raids and cannot get supplies.

According to rumors, the Royal Institute of Technology is now researching better storage technologies and materials. For example, they envisage an alloy that can be anti-corrosion, anti-rust, easy to process, and not easy to break during transportation.

Over time, I am afraid that the canned food will appear in a large number of the military supplies list of the Datang Army.

Now, Song Tianbiao of the Army doesn't have much thought about these cans. These cans were supplemented by the logistics department above for his troops before departure, saying that they can be stored for a long time.

But after he tried it himself, he found that the taste of this ghost place was really bad.

In addition, he considered that even after he went to Jingzhou, he could still get supplies from the local area. Even if he couldn't, he could still get supplies from the south bank of the Yangtze River. It was just across the Yangtze River. There were many ships and they were transported in minutes.

So, he simply made a deal with the Navy using this batch of cans and some other fresh ingredients!

Now, I can see the benefits of this transaction. The navy is very attentive in supporting various matters, especially the shelling cover during the landing, which is simply a model operation of naval gun cover landing operations.

Without that batch of supplies, how could his 2nd Infantry Division be able to land so calmly, without one being killed or one injured?

After getting off the boat, Song Tianbiao was not in a hurry to lead the troops to attack Jingzhou City directly. It was too early and too hasty!

Song Tianbiao was very cautious, because he knew that his 2nd Infantry Division was alone on an expedition to Jingzhou. If there was any trouble under the city of Jingzhou, there would be no reinforcements to support him, because he had to be cautious.

Anyway, Jingzhou is there, can't run!

After waiting for all the troops of the 2nd Infantry Division to land, Song Tianbiao approached Zhang Chenhui cheekily again, saying that your navy has now completed most of its mission, that is, to stay by the river to support us. There are also artillerymen lent a little to our army.

After the first to conquer Jingzhou City, you can also write in the battle report that your naval artillery has contributed a lot!

Zhang Chenhui thought about it, and now his mission is basically completed. After sending the 2nd Infantry Division to Jingzhou City and covering them to land successfully, according to the mission, his follow-up tasks will maintain the smooth flow of the 2nd Infantry Division's logistics supply line. At the same time, it is ready to accept the retreat of the 2nd Infantry Division at any time.

Both of these follow-up tasks are very simple and have no difficulty.

If you are idle, you are also idle. You can also help the army. In the follow-up battle report of the Jingzhou campaign, you can also give the navy and yourself more points!

Therefore, the navy removed more than 30 artillery pieces from the warships, dispatched more than 300 gunners, and formed a temporary naval artillery regiment to fight ashore. However, the navy can provide artillery and gunners. However, the other logistics personnel and horses have been unavailable for a long time. In addition, Song Tianbiao was privately asked to ensure the safety of these naval gunners, and they could not be arranged to the front line during the battle.

It's okay to fire in the back to provide fire support to your army, but don't expect them to rush up and fight the enemy hand-to-hand.

But Song Tianbiao was overjoyed when he saw Zhang Chenhui agree so readily. Brother Zhang shouted happily, and patted his chest and said, when the battle begins, the brothers in the navy must be well protected.

There is no need to worry about logistics personnel and horses. His 2nd Infantry Division has more than 15,000 people, and he is afraid that he will not be able to draw a few hundred people for this naval artillery battalion. Just kidding, as for the horses , This place is not far from Jingzhou City, and it is enough to just use people to push and pull it away.

Marines and artillerymen of the navy go ashore to fight. In fact, this is a very common thing. The Datang Navy actually did this, but after all, there is a difference between land and sea. There was no plan for the navy to go ashore to fight. Now it is more troublesome to make temporary arrangements.

But it's just a little troublesome in the program, and it's really fast to act.

In fact, many of the Navy's artillery are of the same specifications as the Army's field guns, such as two-jin shotguns, three-jin shotguns, five-jin artillery, nine-jin artillery, 24-jin howitzers, and 48-jin howitzers. They are all the same type of artillery. The above-mentioned artillery, regardless of whether it is equipped by the army or the navy, the barrels of these artillery are all produced in the same production line.

But the gun mounts of the two are quite different.

The Army's field artillery mount, which was designed by Li Xuan himself, has two large iron wheels and a shelf, which is directly attached to the carriage, and the horses in front can be pulled away by dragging it.

The naval guns of the navy do not have such big wheels, only heavy gun mounts.

However, this is not difficult for the navy, because the navy often needs to go ashore, especially to provide fire support for the army, and basically carry spare land gun mounts on board.

The gun barrel is moved up, the gun mount is changed, and then the army is arranging people or horses, and it can be pulled directly to the front line.

After the Second Infantry Division landed, it was a busy day. This was the end of the landing, and then it was ready to attack.

At this time, Song Tianbiao did not delay, but started to advance directly towards Jingzhou City, ready to attack the city!

When Song Tianbiao was about to attack Jingzhou City, the main force of the First Army on the west side of Hanyang was still building a fortress. They did not attack Hanyang, but stayed outside Hanyang City.

But in Huangzhou Fucheng, Du Danqing ushered in waves of onslaughts from the Tang Army!

Since the Fifth Army captured Tuanfeng, it began to cooperate with the Second Army and launched a fierce attack on the Zuo Army of the Huangzhou Defense Line!

Although the Inspector Left Army had a well-established line of defense and even though their ammunition was relatively sufficient, it was still difficult to support in the face of the onslaught of more than 80,000 people.

Especially now that the Datang Army has changed its previous They did not attack fiercely, but adopted a gradual advance, and the shells were fired almost without money.

This combat method, although the advance speed is very slow, it is very uncomfortable for Du Danqing to fight, because he finds that in the face of such a rolling advance that relies on absolute firepower and military strength, he simply cannot find effective resistance. Method!

The current situation made him feel hopeless for the first time!

Now, to put it better, it means resisting and fighting for every inch of land, but in fact, the Zuobiao Army is retreating step by step.

The pace of retreat was very slow, but it was indeed retreating. Du Danqing tried to organize troops to counterattack and seize several important areas, but they all failed without exception.

Then, they completely lost all defensive positions outside the city and were forced to completely retreat to the city wall!

The day when the Zuobiao Army was forced to retreat to the city wall, it happened to be New Year's Eve!

Xuanping six years, ended on this day!

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